Now you see me, now you don't.


The moon was full this night, shining like a white ballon floating around the dark sky and the beasts knew all too well the plan for tonight. However, what they didn't know was that the humans, or what they called meals, also had a little plan of their own.


In this little village on the edge of Jeju island there have been many reportings of villagers going missing. And although the mutants hide themselves very well, there have been a few farmers reporting of seeing dark a voluminous creature creeping around the area.


What these vulnerable humans don't understand is that warewolves can feel you staring at them, it's as if your eyes are like lazer beams shooting straight through them. So the warewolf reacts by attacking these helpless people. And although werewolves are like a bullet for a human to see, the inhabitants of Jeju celebrate their existance on the 21st of each month, thinking that the wolf will be honored and in turn leave you alone.

There is a myth that if you see a warewolf 3 times and it never attacks you then you must have both had a connection in the past, be it you were lovers, family or just mere helpless people whom saw each other at their deathbeds.


A werewolf is mostly thought of as a mythical creature who only comes out at night which is why you will rarely see humans out at dark in the rural areas, but even if you do take this precaution, it won't help you. Not one bit. This is because these beasts, also known as the ancestors of wolves, are human. They will only come out during a full moon but during the day, or even most nights they are the normal human being whom you may have seen at your school, the shopping centre or park.


However, you shouldn't feel that safe during the day as if you have ever looked deeply into the eyes of a werewolf whilst they are red- then you're in a position where you become the number one prey to them. And nothing can stop them from pursuing for your blood. Nothing. Well, there is of course there is the so called myth of "wolf love" but the last wolf to experience such thing was slaughtered over a thousand years ago by his own family which warned wolves only stay within their own packs.

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maasha_kpoplover #1
like it
eine08 #2
Chapter 5: Kyungsoo? But It was Luhan right? Maybe he got the names wrong?
Please update soon >_<
Maybe you could put Kaihan and kailu instead of exom and exok for the tags ? People might find this story more easily ? This fic needs more comments and subscribers (even if we don't see how many it has).
Chapter 5: It wasn't Kyungsoo, it was Luhan right ? They just didn't remember his name right ? Anyway, the drawing is good !
Chapter 4: thump thump is it your heart Jongin or is it Luhan's ? Mine is doing loud thump thump right now because I don't want anything bad to happen to Yeollie and Luhannie !
Chapter 3: Oh you're such a nice pig Chanyeolie uh ? Thanks for saving Luhannie but don't steal too much of his food okay ? lol Leave some for Jongin too keke :P
Chapter 2: haha Luhannie don't be afraid of Jonginnie he seems to already like you ! <3 Cutie pie ! :D
Chapter 1: *creepy smile* It's me again ! I came back and read the beginning again ! I love it, it gives me crazy chills ! :D
Chapter 5: i got a question, is kyungsoo the leader? i didn't understand this part.
Chapter 5: This is so nice! <3
I love it~ Anticipating the next chapter!~~