

Luhan was staring in awe at the school gate, amazed at the large building as he fell into a trance which was soon interrupted by the loud ringing of the bell. He started walking towards the entrance and went to his morning registration class which was to occur everyday. This was his first year in highschool and he was more than nervous and filled with worries such as if he'll make any friends, how well he'll do in subjects and other worries which would occur in every teenage boy's heads.


There were many people walking through the hallway which made him feel uncomfortable and vulnurable as many of the seniors were staring at him. Luhan knew he looked very young and slightly feminine so he felt out of place, especially when he saw a few groups of really tough guys walking around the campus. He observed how they only talked to each other and ignored everyone else so he decided to stay as far away from them as possible.


Soon he became lost after wandering around the school until the corridors became empty. He finally reached the right room and opened it after taking a deep breath.

"Ah, here he is. Everybody meet your new classmate Luhan" the teacher ushered him in and Luhan shyly bowed to the class with an enthusiastic expression. Girls started whispering to each other and a few guys stared at him with jealousy. Luhan noticed this and became more aware of the way he looked and behaved, thinking that everyone was whispering negatively of him.


"Luhan, why don't you sit over there in that empty seat" Luhan obliged the teacher and walked to the back of the classroom towards the only empty seat. To the left of him was a wall and on his right side was a dark, mysterious boy. Even sat down he looked tall and muscular which slightly frightened Luhan, but Luhan decided not to judge him because of the way he looked but because of his behaviour.


Luhan was itching to talk to this mystrious boy and glimpsed at him one more time before turning forward. He decided to wait until an opportunity came and didn't chose to blame his nerves on being shy.


Kai felt Luhan's presence next to him and couldn't help but think of how innocent the boy's face looked and how purely he behaved. Kai could feel a thumping sound which he didn't know where it was coming from but he became distracted as the teacher told everyone to leave for their classes.

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maasha_kpoplover #1
like it
eine08 #2
Chapter 5: Kyungsoo? But It was Luhan right? Maybe he got the names wrong?
Please update soon >_<
Maybe you could put Kaihan and kailu instead of exom and exok for the tags ? People might find this story more easily ? This fic needs more comments and subscribers (even if we don't see how many it has).
Chapter 5: It wasn't Kyungsoo, it was Luhan right ? They just didn't remember his name right ? Anyway, the drawing is good !
Chapter 4: thump thump is it your heart Jongin or is it Luhan's ? Mine is doing loud thump thump right now because I don't want anything bad to happen to Yeollie and Luhannie !
Chapter 3: Oh you're such a nice pig Chanyeolie uh ? Thanks for saving Luhannie but don't steal too much of his food okay ? lol Leave some for Jongin too keke :P
Chapter 2: haha Luhannie don't be afraid of Jonginnie he seems to already like you ! <3 Cutie pie ! :D
Chapter 1: *creepy smile* It's me again ! I came back and read the beginning again ! I love it, it gives me crazy chills ! :D
Chapter 5: i got a question, is kyungsoo the leader? i didn't understand this part.
Chapter 5: This is so nice! <3
I love it~ Anticipating the next chapter!~~