♦Day Two: My Current Bias and Why

☆ 30 Day BtoB Challenge ☆

My current bias in BtoB is Changsub and Peniel.

Changsub is my bias because he's weird, funny and cute. This dude is so freaking adorable! OMGAWSHH! Not only that, but Changsub is very talented and has an amazing singing voice. He never fails to make me laugh whenever I watch him on any shows. I also like how he's weird, yet he doesn't seem to see it as a bad thing and he aknowledges it. I like weird guys. Plus, I find it funny when the members pranks him while he's sleeping and he just goes back to sleep.

 I told you he was weird.

 He even feels it.


Okay brace yourselfs, this is gonna be a long one.that's what she said. Peniel is also my bias because he's perfect the way he is. I mean he's cute yet handsome, slight awkward yet funny and he seems sweet.What else is there to NOT love about him..he's just so ASDFJKL;. I love everything about Peniel! His voice, his face, and his personality. I like how he's shy and awkward. His vlogs are funny too~ I enjoy watching them when I'm either sad or bored or both. He also has a really cute lisp :3 I also like how he's playful with the other members..heh I think guys who are playful are cuteee. Even though he's insanely adorable he's also very handsome. and y The only thing I dislike is that Peniel gets very little lines in BtoB songs. It's sad because we never get to hear his voice much in their songs. Maybe later in the future he'll get more lines. c: Let's just hope so. I could go on and on on why Peniel is my bias, but I think you guys get the idea.  

Anyways this is how I feels about Peniel:  or maybe this is more accurate 


 He's so adorable omfg. ; u ;

 lol. XD



 One does not simply be adorable yet freaking hot at the same time.

Okay I think that's enough Peniel for me today.. 


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Chapter 2: Hey just asking when was it when peniel went "ohmygosh so yesterday i went to this shopping spree'? ((:
Chapter 28: This one is cute~~~~
Chapter 25: I want to kiss sungjae too~><
Chapter 7: Me too... I don't want Peniel as my older brother It just won't do
Chapter 4: i love this and the your extremely cute bunnies
Chapter 10: Cute~~Sweet~~!!
penelope32212 #7
Chapter 3: Where are the gifs from ?
im doing this too