♦Day Eleven: A Member I wish was my bestie

☆ 30 Day BtoB Challenge ☆

That's actually a good question...

I would have to say Changsub and Sungjae because they seem like they would make a good best friend, but I wanna choose all of the members! except for Peniel.  Well maybe Changsub since he's older and I tend to get along more with people who are older for some weird reason but Sungjae then again...they're both older then me. XD  I'll just choose both since I'm so indecisive, but in my opinion those two seem really friendly out of the group besides Minhyuk and Peniel.

Aww isn't dis cute? 


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Chapter 2: Hey just asking when was it when peniel went "ohmygosh so yesterday i went to this shopping spree'? ((:
Chapter 28: This one is cute~~~~
Chapter 25: I want to kiss sungjae too~><
Chapter 7: Me too... I don't want Peniel as my older brother It just won't do
Chapter 4: i love this and the your extremely cute bunnies
Chapter 10: Cute~~Sweet~~!!
penelope32212 #7
Chapter 3: Where are the gifs from ?
im doing this too