♦Day Five: My Favorite WOW Performance

☆ 30 Day BtoB Challenge ☆

My favorite WOW performance would have to be the one on September 16th, 2012. Which is this one.

Now this was my favorite performance because their swag was literally of the charts! Their outfits were cool; it was simple yet they still managed to look as handsome as usual. And Peniel is looking hawwwwt as always. lol. I liked the very ending where Changsub pushes Sungjae  Oh and I also like the performance where there wasn't any fans but it was live. No matter where they're performing all their performances will always be awesome.


That's all for now bye~

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Chapter 2: Hey just asking when was it when peniel went "ohmygosh so yesterday i went to this shopping spree'? ((:
Chapter 28: This one is cute~~~~
Chapter 25: I want to kiss sungjae too~><
Chapter 7: Me too... I don't want Peniel as my older brother It just won't do
Chapter 4: i love this and the your extremely cute bunnies
Chapter 10: Cute~~Sweet~~!!
penelope32212 #7
Chapter 3: Where are the gifs from ?
im doing this too