♦Day One: My First Bias and Why

☆ 30 Day BtoB Challenge ☆

My first ever BtoB bias was no one other than... Hyunsik! Hyunsik was my first bias because I thought he was really cool and yeah.. I'm not good at describing things. 

Other than that his personality was pretty bomb. I mean he's so laid back and his voice.... <3 Oh yeah! Remember that first episode of MTV Btob Diary when they went to Singapore? I'm pretty sure you Melodies know what I'm talking about(; 

Try not to get a nosebleed, guise. And that's how Hyunsik became my bias..well err kind of. To me, he looked the best out of all the members. I mean come on, who doesn't find this attractive:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. XD Oh yah so attractive (;



He also has a really nice...tan. I like his tanned skin. His body doe... ASDFJKL;

Anyways that's the end of Day One for today. Now if you'll excuse me I have nosebleed to clean up.




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Chapter 2: Hey just asking when was it when peniel went "ohmygosh so yesterday i went to this shopping spree'? ((:
Chapter 28: This one is cute~~~~
Chapter 25: I want to kiss sungjae too~><
Chapter 7: Me too... I don't want Peniel as my older brother It just won't do
Chapter 4: i love this and the your extremely cute bunnies
Chapter 10: Cute~~Sweet~~!!
penelope32212 #7
Chapter 3: Where are the gifs from ?
im doing this too