-ending 1-

A special guest.

Afterall, no matter how much Gina love Yoochun -that's what she said- he was still not a human and this is a fact that love could never overcome. Just like a bird could never be with a fish; a star could never be with a dust. Sure Gina know it all, but she chose to be oblivious, she pretend that every story would have a happy ending. 

I wonder if you are interested in the true ending of the famous Disney fairy tales, people said Snow White did not wake up from her crystal coffin because her prince did not go back to find her; Cinderella was still stucked in her dirty laundry room after 12 o'clock because magic, fairies and helpful animals were just her imagination; Pinocchio was still a wooden doll because doll could never talk, think, and even move by its own.

"Gina, thank you, and sorry." After the meal, Yoochun put down his utensils and look straight into Gina's round eyes. Her eyes were pretty, round and bright.

"What was that for!" Gina chuckled at her boyfriend and put down her chopstick too.

"I was, indeed, a lost soul. I wandered around until I found you, who gave me a clear direction. Thank you. Now you had done your mission in this world, it is time for you to wake up and face to reality. Please open your eyes and go back to where you really belong."

She was confused, very much. What's wrong with Yoochun? After the long period of waiting, the first proper sentence he wanted to let her know is 'wake up and go home'? What was her mission? Why does she need to wake up and open her eyes when she already did? She thought that she belongs to Earth because she is a human and human lives on Earth, where the hell does she need to go to?

"Chun, are you okay?"

"It's time for you to leave and for me to go."

"N-no wait! Yoochun you got to explain to me! WHat's wrong again!? Dara and her boyfriend still alive?"

"Gina, this place, and all this experiences you had gone through in the past 'one and a half year' were actually your imagination. Dara do not exist, that fight did not happen, our love do not exist, neither am I."

"Yoochun! First of all I don't get a single , second, I do love you, a lot! How could you not understand my feeling!!" Gina was mad, really mad. It's fine if nobody understands, but he should be able to see through her just like how he always did!

"This is not love, this is just dependent. Now go." with a loud snap, he was gone. She was left alone in the small shop. Gradually, everything in her surrounding faded away, along with the noice, and the colours, then the light was shut off.




Infinity of darkness.


A silent space.




"Doctor!" a female voice squealed while pressing the help button repeatedly beside the bed.

"Please excuse yourself." a man in his big white robe dashed in, along with two other woman also dressed in white.

"Her electroencephalogram fluctuates again. This time is even greater than previously." One of them stated calmly while getting the necessary instrument ready. "Family members please proceed to the waiting area for further notification."


She heard some voices, but they were not clear, she could not figure it out each voice belongs to who. Suddenly, she felt a strong electricity flows throught her body, from her chest to her heart, and spread out all the way to her finger tips. That did not feel good, numbness is one of the feeling that Gina hated the most. Here it goes again. Then by the third shock, she growled in her dismay, finally no more forth shock. Who is that bastard trying to play such a stupid prank on me!?

She started to run, wanting to escape from this extreme pitch black, this was too suffocating to her, her sanity is going to drain.

What people usually do when they spot a light dot at the end of the tunnel is they will run even faster even if they are exhausted, the strong will of wanting to live is the fuel that supports the machine.


So she ran.


And ran.


Until the little dot exploded.


She was blind, she thought.


"She opened her eys already!"

Pain. Gina's eyes sting. She never know light could make her feel like dying. Some stupid hands were touching her here and there, that added on to her annoyance. The blurry camera effect that was installed on her eyes not long ago finally was going away. Images started to form clearly in front of her. She could saw figures, and colours, and clothes, and nose, and then a thick ugly eyebrow.

"eew," her first word after the coma.

"Ms Gina, do you know who am I?"

"No." She wanted to roll her eyes at this weird man, of course she wouldn't know him!

"Do you know where are you?"

"pfft, NO." She raised her voice.

"Do you know what is your name?"

"You just said, I am Gina."

"Great. She had recovered, she may be discharged by next week." said the weird man before he left the room with the others. Once he left, two person walked into her room slowly, and suddenly one of them pressed her body on her and started to cry.

"Gina..." She sounds familiar.


"I am Vanessa!!"

"..." Cut, cut, I need explaination.

"Do you know that you had been in the coma state for about one and a half year!? According to our teacher, our schoolmate found you on the street unconciously. What happened!?" Vanessa worried about Gina a lot.


"Yea! I remembered that you left the room before I woke up. You and your red hoodie was not in the room when I woke up."

"Where is Yoochun?"

"Who is Yoochun?"

"You-" she felt a pang hitting her head, many sentences roamed over her mind in merely a few seconds. 

                 "a lost soul."

          "I am Yoochun-"

                                      "Wake up and go back to where you belong-"

   "go back-" "go back-" "go back-"

                                                                               "go back--"


"Gina I think you were too stressful about our classmate's death," Vanessa sighed, "I never know that just by witness an accident would lead to such trauma."


"Yoohwan was dead. He commited suicide. He jumped down from the main bulding when you walked past. He landed in front of you. He was wearing all black that day." 


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Thank you!
the other endings will be up once inspiration had found me. Peace.


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Chapter 16: oh that is sad, i hope there is a real YooChun.
Chapter 14: thanks for putting sense in his head ;)
Chapter 16: whatt what happened?!that was too saaaad>.<
Chapter 14: wawawawawa he's back!!!kyaaa love this
update soon^^
Chapter 13: really Chun, i think i love but good bye for ever!!! what is with that O.o
Chapter 12: wow i never saw that coming :D
woooooow seems interesting^^
Chapter 3: ice cream thieve, LOL lost soul or hell messenger i don't care , if you steal my ice cream you're dead O.o
Chapter 2: a lost soul??? don't call me crazy but laying on Chun's lap be him a lost soul or not is a very nice thing ;)