
I’ll Back Off So You Can Live Better

I woke up the following morning tired and groggy. With the way I slept for longer hours, my body clock tells me that it’s a Sunday, which means, the store is closed which also means no work for me.

My lips formed into a radiant smile as I imagine the things that I can do on my rest day. Walk in the park, window shopping at Hongdae, biking by the Han River, the list could go on.

I stretched my stiffened arms out of the blanket and suddenly noticed a huge difference in my usual atmosphere. The silky sheets particularly smelled like lavender and the bed I’m lying at was so soft and plush, obviously expensive.

My eyes flashed wide open and I immediately rose.

I was in a guy’s bedroom. A wealthy, neat, and high maintenance guy at that. The spacious room was in black and white, modern and sleek. It was so spacious that my entire apartment could already fit in it.

“Holy …” I gawked.

As I fought with my frightened self, I scanned the area and felt relieved at a picture frame with Jaejoong’s glorious face. I slapped my forehead and chuckled. “Baboya~ I forgot to give him my address…”

“Good morning!” the owner came in.

Jaejoong was in a checkered pajama and plain white shirt, and sat on the bed facing me. “Sorry… I forgot to ask where you live so I brought you here in my pad.”

“I thought you knew everything about me?” he shrugged. “Well the people you hired, !”

“Right… How’s your sleep?” he asked.

“Great!” I yawned. “By the way…” I glowered at him. “Did we…by any chance sleep together?”

“Ugh!” his jaw dropped and then he placed a hand on his chest. “Excuse me, Ms. Ahn! I am a pure and conservative man! I have an image to keep!”

I snorted. “You don’t look like one though.”

“Mworago???” he protested.

“Mehrong~” I retaliated.

“Aish!” he then hurled a Jeremy Scott trackpants on my face. “That’s my favorite pair so take care of it araseo! Go take a shower and change! You smell already!”

“I do not!” I scowled.

A paper bag followed and landed on my lap. “What’s this?” I peeked and my eyes grew big. “What the ? How do you even know if it’ll fit me?”

“FYI, being the first son doesn’t necessarily mean I know nothing about women’s lingerie. Besides, my secretary bought that even if the store was still closed so you don’t have to worry about me getting a scandal.” he smirked. “Now stop asking questions and get out once you’re done so we can have breakfast!”

“How dare you order me around?”

“Because this is my house so you go by my rules! Now go!” he shot me a warning glare and left.

Jaejoong slammed the door while I stomped out of bed.

As expected, Jaejoong’s bathroom was huge and luxurious. The toiletries were from high end brands and the fixtures were in gold.

I stripped and took a refreshing bath.


I never imagined how a single shower and wearing someone else’s clothes feels so good. It was like a dream that no one wouldn’t want to wake up. I had to convince myself that everything was real and just temporary.

I came out looking for the dining room and if Jaejoong hadn’t yelled, I would’ve gotten lost along the way.

I found him sitting on a square table with a variety of food and side dishes. “Did you make all of these?”

“Of course!” he smirked. “Come here! Have a seat!”

He pulled out a chair beside him then I sat.

A maid came and lowered a plate in front of me. She was staring and scrutinizing me at first but later bowed to leave.

“Yah…” I poked Jaejoong. “How many girls did you brought home? She literally wanted to eat me alive!” I hissed.

“Idiot!” he knocked my head. “You’re the first!”

“Mwoh? It can’t be!” I leaned away looking appalled.

Jaejoong called back the maid who ended up standing beside him. “Was there a time that I brought someone home?”

“Animida!” she said.

He turned to me with a triumphant grin. “See?”

“For all I know, you could’ve bribed her or something…” I scrunched my face.

The maid raised her head and genuinely smiled this time. “It’s true agashi! Jaejoong-shi is an honest and kind person. I’ve been asking myself why he doesn’t have a girlfriend but now I’m relieved coz he deserves someone who can take care of him!”

“MWOH?!?” I was shocked. “I AM NOT…”

Jaejoong suddenly reached out his hand and covered my mouth. “Aigoooo~ Her name is Ahn Jihyun! Isn’t she pretty?”

“Neh! Congrats Jaejoong-shi! You got a keeper!” she raised a thumb.

 “Jinjja?” he beamed and the maid nodded. “You may leave us! I’ll just call you if we need something.”

“Neeehhhh…” she bowed once again and left.

“M!$*#%....S#*@!” I screamed but my voice was muffled so I kicked Jaejoong’s foot.

“OW!!!” he released me.

“What the hell was that?” I raged.

Jaejoong started eating. “We’re heading that way so what’s the difference?”

“Excuse me? Are you on drugs?” I snarled.

“Yah! Don’t shout!” he pointed a finger to my face. “And eat!”

“SHIREO!” I crossed my arms.

Jaejoong turned into a kid throwing a tantrum. “WAE???”



I turned my back to him. “Coz you’re always making fun of me!”

“I do not!” he said.


“I’M NOT JOKING JIHYUN!” he easily pulled my chair and made me face him. “WILL YOU STOP ACTING LIKE A 10 YEAR OLD FOR ONCE?”

“LOOK WHO’S TALKING?” I rolled my eyes.

“I SAID STOP OR I WILL KISS YOU!” I gulped and everything turned eerie. “I LOVE YOU A’RIGHT??? AND I WANT YOU TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND!!!”

I let out an amused chuckle and looked away. “See what I’m talking about? Tch!”

He swiftly turned my chin and crushed his lips on mine.

I could literally see stars shining above us and could hear chimes ringing in my ears. For whatever reason, our eyelids slowly dropped while his other hand rose to tenderly cup my face.

I forgot to take a breath but feeling Jaejoong’s soft lips distracted me to even get one. He was very careful and the kiss alone shuddered my entire body.

After what seemed like forever, Jaejoong pulled away and stared into my eyes. “I warned you didn’t I?”

“Mhmmm!” I chuckled.

“So? Can I call you baby now?” he bit his lips.

I leaned against the back rest with a raised eyebrow. “Don’t you think this is fast? What happened to courtship? Get-to-know stage?”

“Sorry sweetie… Those things doesn’t exist in my vocabulary.” he then sat on the edge of his seat and held my hand. “Jihyunnie… If you can honestly say that you don’t feel anything for me… I will let you go.”

It struck me. I know deep in my heart the answer to that. Jaejoong changed my life in just a short of period of time and he made me feel special more than anyone in the world.

But the fact that we are the total opposites held me back.

I closed my eyes, squeezed his hand, and hoped for the best. “I… I don’t…” I took a deep breath and opened my eyes at a man with nothing but sincerity. “I don’t… want you to let me go…”

Jaejoong hugged me right then and there and pressed my head over his shoulder. “I’m so happy Jihyunnie… Jinjja komawo…”

“No… Thank you, Jae.” I embraced him tighter.

The man in my arms was the one who showed me what life means. That it’s not all sufferings. That you can actually enjoy it despite how poor or weak a person is. For that, I chose to enter this battle without knowing if I’ll win it as long as I have Kim Jaejoong.

He pulled away and planted a warm kiss on my forehead. “I love you, Ahn Jihyun.”

“I love you too, first son!”

Jaejoong playfully pushed me and pointed a finger. “Don’t call me that ever again! It’s either baby or JJ for you! Araseo?”

I don’t know what he does but when his commanding side kicks in, I’m left surrendering and giving into his demands. He has that effect on me and it’s driving me crazy.

I held the back of my neck as I look into ceiling when my blood boiled and my temperature started rising.

“Yah…” he warned. “Do you understand?”


“Now eat!” he added.

I grabbed the chopstick and aimed it at him for a stab. “Aish! I hate you!” then I started eating.

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Chapter 7: My tears won't stop falling... This is so sad!
This sounds so sad! And the title reminds me of a song with G.Na with the same title...
mehmehme #3
Meh Likey!!
tehsweety #4
Chapter 9: poor jaejoong.
life is really cruel.

im looking forward for the sequel.
Chapter 9: This is soooo sad...and Jae is my bias.....I will read the sequel imediately...:D I need nice ending...
Chapter 9: I love this story miss author !
elfminoz #7
Chapter 8: Please make a sequel...nae?
Chapter 8: what???the end????
oh my...sequel please..its not fair for the noth side dear..:"(
Chapter 8: authornim, sequel please :'(
Chapter 8: MOMMYYYYYYYY wae the F this story soooooooo angst u______u

Good job authornim!
I love the ending (ㅠ_ㅠ)
Please make another hm?
Thank you