Chapter 8

Almost Heaven

Hello everybody ^^ It's your co-author WhenFangirlsAttack00 here =D I'm normally not the one who posts the chapters, but asianfanfics was being weird and acting up, so I'm here to fix the problem ^^ This was supposed to be part of chapter 7, but techinical difficulites arose and now it's just chapter 8, so you sort of get a double update ^^ Please enjoy this chapter and thank you for your patience! You're co-authors love you all so much!!!!


Hana's POV


Sunday flew by being that I spent the day visiting my grandparents, and Monday morning came far too quickly for my liking.

I arrived at the parking lot and was greeted by Seungri’s loud echoing voice. He bounded up to me and engulfed me in a hug as though we hadn’t seen each other in ages instead of just a weekend. I smiled and hugged him back, and once he released me I greeted the others. As usual we were early so we talked and laughed together sharing the events of our weekends which reminded me.

I turned to face Seunghyun and handed him his black cap bowing. “Thank you so much. The other day I forgot to return this back to you.” I didn’t even notice as everybody turned their attention towards us with their mouths gapped open.

Seunghyun took the hat from my hands and smiled putting it back on my head. “No, you can have it. It suits you.”

I stood speechless until Jiyong agreed, “Yeah, hyung is right. It does look good on you.” The others all slowly nodded. Incredulously Seungri pointed in Seunghyun’s direction.

“Yah, hyung!  You never lent me that cap even when I was dying from the heat! You said you’d rather let me die!” He crossed his arms childishly and everybody laughed at his reaction.

Soon the first bell sounded and we all waved goodbye as we headed off towards our respective classes. As we walked together Seungri looked over at me. “I can’t believe hyung gave you his favorite cap. It’s his lucky charm. As long as I’ve known him, he’s never let anyone even touch it let alone wear and keep it.” I continued walking with Seungri speechless and extremely confused.

The first few classes flew by surprisingly fast and it was soon time to go to lunch. At our usual lunch table out in the courtyard I glanced up from my seat to talk to Eun Hee across the table. “Eun Hee, since my parents aren’t home for the next few days, would you mind staying with me if Taeyang oppa doesn’t mind. I hate being home alone, it’s creepy.”

Eun Hee looked over at Taeyang sitting next to her for a response who smiled and answered, “I have no problem with it, even though I will miss her.” He took her hand in his and bent down to kiss her forehead causing Seungri to gag and everyone else to laugh.

I smiled at the couple as I took another bite of my food, but not without noticing Seunghyun who was sitting beside me, ignoring his food and instead using one hand to talk on the phone while the other quickly jotted down notes. I was about to take another bite when Jiyong’s chopsticks came out of nowhere stealing a bite of the lunch that I had packed.

“Mmm, Hana, that’s delicious! Did you make it yourself?” He asked while chewing happily.

“Umm, yeah. It’s leftover from when I went to my grandparents yesterday. They always like when I cook for them.” I blushed looking down at my grandparents’ favorite fried rice and kimchi that I had made yesterday for them.

“Well I can see why,” Jiyong stole another bite causing me to chuckle. “It’s amazing!”

“Thanks,” I replied, smiling at the compliment.

When I looked up I saw Seunghyun silently asking if he could try some of the food as well. Seeing that both of his hands were still occupied with whatever he was working on, I stole his chopsticks from his untouched food and took some of my fried rice with them, carefully feeding him. I was pleased that as he ate the food he smiled.


After I finished eating my lunch I excused myself from our table and walked off towards the restroom. As I was washing my hands, Yoona and Jessica came in and pushed me against the nearest wall. Yoona’s fingers clenched around my shirt as she snarled inches away from my face.

“Yah, what’s your relationship with Choi Seunghyun?” Her eyes were wide and wild boring into mine causing me to shake.

“We’re just friends,” I tired to answer with as much conviction as possible.

“Since when are friends that close?” Jessica retorted from behind Yoona.

I will never understand these girls. I thought as I started Yoona back in the eyes. “Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Stop acting so innocent. We saw him giving you his hat!” Yoona snapped.

“Yeah,” Jessica added on. “And you were feeding him!”

I could sense the anger and frustration radiating off of Yoona, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit scared. When it came to Seunghyun, I wasn’t sure what she was capable of. Still, I wasn’t going to let them win, and I answered back irritated, “Since when did you two begin to stalk people?”

“You little !” Yoona shrieked tightening her hold on my shirt. “Don’ play with us or you’ll regret it, that much I promise you. Now answer me. Are you Seunghyun’s girlfriend?”

I was getting really tired of both Yoona and Jessica, but Yoona in particular. “If you’re really so interested in his relationship status, then go ask him yourself.” She was obviously furious and her tight grip moved from my shirt to my face. She began to press down on my face and as I felt her long nails digging into my skin I winced in pain. She drew her hand back and was preparing to slap me when Jessica stopped her.

“Yoona, you know that you can get expelled for using violence on school grounds.”

I laughed to myself. A bit too late for that; but thankfully Yoona backed off and took her books back from Jessica agitated. Just when I thought she was about to leave, Yoona spun around and threw her books in my direction, one of which brushed the side of my face and the corner cut my bottom lip and it began to bleed.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror as Jessica hastily gathered the thrown books and Yoona stalked out of the restroom. Jessica followed her out moments later and I began to wash the cut in the sink. I sighed staring at the gash that it had made on my lip. It was no longer bleeding but definitely obvious. I tried to compensate by using my hair to shield the cut so no one would see, but it just looked awkward so I gave up and continued to dab the cut with water. I quickly gave up though and dashed off to class late, being cautious to not let Seungri see my face as I took my seat.

Right before the bell rang for the end of class, I sent a text to Seungri saying that I was in a hurry and that I couldn’t wait for him. As the bell rang I grabbed my books and dashed out of the room. I heard Seungri calling me as I ran but I didn’t stop. I passed near the parking lot but I didn’t bother looking at the guys and just called out, “Eun Hee, I’m going now. Call me when you’re ready to come over, I’ll have Mr. Go come and get you.”

I tried to escape after informing Eun Hee, but was abruptly stopped by a strong hand clasping onto my shoulder spinning me around. Daesung placed his hands on my shoulder holding me in place as he bent to look at my face. “Hey, Hana,” His thumb gently traced the cut causing me to flinch and he retracted his hand but still kept his hold on me. “What happed to you?”

"N-nothing,” I tried to shy away from his grasp but Daesung was too strong, and to my dismay Jiyong walked over and joined in.

“Hana, that’s not nothing. You’re face is bruised and you have a really bad cut right there,” He scrupulously examined the cut frowning. “It looks painful.”

“Ahh…I…I slipped in the restroom,” I awkwardly laughed trying to sell my lie, but it was obvious they weren’t buying any of it.

Seungri had ran up to us panting, I suppose he had chased me down here, and now he, Seunghyun, Eun Hee, and Taeyang were eyeing me suspiciously while Daesung and Jiyong continued to fuss over the cut. I could see in all of their expressions that they pretty much knew what had happened and I sighed shrugging away from Daesung and Jiyong.

“Thanks for worrying about me guys, but I’m going home.” I faintly smiled ignoring the tug of pain from the cut and walked away.




After Hana ran off leaving them in the parking lot, they saw Yoona and Jessica walking off towards their own cars laughing with each other. Jiyong and Seungri both made moves to go off and confront them, but Seunghyun held them both back shaking his head. The two nodded in understanding as Seunghyun strode over to the two girls.

“Yah, Yoona!” he barked snatching Yoon’s wrist causing her to turn in surprise but quickly switched the expression out for a seductive smirk.

“Oh, hey there oppa,” She drawled causing Seunghyun’s free hand to clench into a fist.

“Stop it with the games Yoona. Tell me, what did you do?” he shouted as Eun Hee and Seungri jogged up to stand by his side.

She smirked at his agitation. “Come on oppa, it’s been so long. You could show some manners and address a lady properly.”

Seunghyun was furious as he shot daggers at her with his eyes. “Cut the crap and answer my question now!”

“We don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jessica butted in.

“He’s talking about what happened to Hana,” Eun Hee glared in their direction. “You know what we’re talking about.”

“Oh,” Yoona’s smirk widened. “Her. We just got things perfectly straight and clear. Nothing to worry about.”

“Why you little,” Seungri was ready to hit her but Seunghyun put his hand up to stop him. “Seungri, I know you’re frustrated, but you can’t hit a girl,” he glared at Yoona. “No matter how much she deserves it.”

Seungri exhaled agitated scratched his head in annoyance before redirecting his attention to Yoona. “You will regret this later. You’re father may have a well paid job now, and I don’t think he’ll appreciate it if he loses it because of you.”

“What?” Yoona stood rooted to the ground dumbfounded.

“Well,” Seungri smirked seeing her weakness. “It would be only too easy for him to lose his job if his boss discovers that you’re bullying his daughter.”

With those final words and the satisfaction of the look of horror apparent on Yoona’s face, the three turned and left the two girls speechless.


Later that night Eun Hee arrived at Hana’s family’s mansion. The two had just put a movie into the dvd player when Eun Hee made Hana explain what had happened in the restroom.

Sighing, Hana relayed all of the events and the truth about her cut, and Eun Hee told her of Seungri’s threat to Yoona making Hana uncomfortable.

“I’m grateful that you guys care so much about me, but I’m against threatening Mr. Im’s job. I know him from the local hotel, and I didn’t know he was Yoona’s father. He’s one of the best mangers in the hotel, and I don’t want him to be fired.”

Eun Hee nodded. “Then we’ll just have to find another way to get back at Yoona.”


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744 streak #1
Chapter 14: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I really like how this story goes! Thank you!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #2
Chapter 13: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things were going smoothly until that call. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #3
Chapter 12: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, we do crazy things when we are drunk! But in the ending, I believe everyone would feel like they are in heaven! 🥰😉

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #4
Chapter 11: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, I am sure she will forgive him soon. 😉👌

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #5
Chapter 10: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Hmm, the ending was quite interesting. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #6
Chapter 9: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, it's never easy to talk about bullying is never easy *sighs*

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #7
Chapter 8: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things are getting quite interesting! 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #8
Chapter 7: 😏👌 😏👌😏

It's always good when the friendship gets stronger ^^ Loved it!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #9
Chapter 6: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Aw! Who wouldn't blush with these guys around? Cute!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #10
Chapter 5: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I loved the chapter! Things are getting interesting!

😏👌 😏👌😏