Chapter 13

Almost Heaven



They didn’t stay at the river much longer, and as Seunghyun drove Hana home, she couldn’t be any happier. She sat in the passenger seat smiling to herself while not being blind to the smile that Seunghyun wore as well. The car ride, which had seemed so long before, suddenly seemed terribly short as he drove into her driveway and got out to open the car door for her. 


“I will see you tomorrow then.” It wasn’t a question. 


“I believe you will.” She smiled and leaned against his warm chest once more for a hug and kiss on the forehead before waltzing up to the house. Before closing the door she turned to watch the sleek car drive away with a smile both sad and loving on her face. She would see him soon, but tomorrow seemed so far away.


The moment she stepped foot in her house, she smiled and danced about, twirling and giggling the way  crazy love struck fools do in the movies. And right then it seemed to her as though that’s exactly what she was. Fortunately her parents weren’t home, so only Mrs. Jung saw her giddy display, and in doing so she simply smiled and said to herself laughing, “Well it’s happened. She’s finally found that special someone.”


While Hana continued to spin around in joyful twirls, another person was driving to his apartment with a very similar smile displayed wonderfully on his face. When he arrived home he walked straight to Daesung’s house, knowing that all of his friends were surely gathered there talking about him and Hana and what may or may not have occurred in the time laps with which they were gone. When he entered he was welcomed by anxious faces and many questions, and for the first time he answered them all. 


“Where did you take her?”

“The river.”

“What did you do?”

“I smoked a cigarette.”

“And then…”

“I confessed.” A chorus of oh’s and fit of giggles from Eun Hee preceded. Once they quieted down he was able to continue. “And then we kissed, and it was amazing.”


His comment was followed quickly with snarky replies and playful teasing from his friends. They laughed and congratulated him, but couldn’t stop the jokes as it was just too perfect. Cool and suave Seunghyun finally confessing to the girl of his dreams. It was too precious. 


“Guys, please. You can tease me all want, but don’t do the same with Hana. I don’t want you to scare her off.”


This request only brought another round of teasing upon him , and to stop them he rose from his seat and walked to the door. “By the way,” He smirked. “Jiyong, tomorrow can you please use your car and ride Daesung to school? I’ll be a bit busy tomorrow morning.”


Jiyong smiled with a nod. “Of course hyung. You’re going to pick up Hana I’m guessing?” 


Seunghyun smiled and left without an answer to go back to his own apartment, yet his silence alone was an answer enough. After he left and the initial novelty of the situation simmered low, everyone began to bid each other goodbye as they decided to return back to their own places for the night. Eun Hee and Taeyang were the last to get home and even though it was fairly late, before going to bed Eun Hee called Hana to ask for more details as best friends always do.




I woke up very early, much earlier than usual, but like always I prepared myself to go to school, paying extra attention to my hair and being sure that my makeup was natural and my clothes matched perfectly. When I walked downstairs I was welcomed by a table full of delicious food set for three although all of the chairs were empty. I was confused and a bit disappointed that my parents were not there to wish me good morning, but the warm smile of Mrs. Jung never failed to make me smile. 


While I was eating Mrs. Jung stood to the side but smiled as she commented, “You seem very happy this morning my dear. You’re practically glowing.”  Her observation confused me and I wasn’t quite sure how to reply, so I simply raised an eyebrow in question. “You were smiling to yourself.” She added for my benefit. 


At this I grinned even wider as I hadn’t even been aware that my lips involuntarily decided to display my happiness to the world. A shy laugh escaped and I shook my head bashfully. “No, it’s nothing really. I’m just happy you prepared my favorite dishes. It’s all so delicious.”


Mrs. Jung smiled happily as she walked over to pat my hand in a knowing gesture. “I know why you are happy; I saw that nice car drive away last night. But you know, you should tell me like you always do. Your happiness is my own.” 


I nodded in reply and gave another smile, this one much less wide and far shyer then the one before. “I will Mrs. Jung, it’s just that old habits die hard I suppose. I’m trying to stay level headed at the moment.” She smiled as she picked up an empty plate to return to the kitchen. 


“Speaking of which, Mr. Go won’t be driving you to school today. There is someone waiting for you outside. I offered him to come in for breakfast, but he insisted on waiting outside. Nice car if I do say so myself.”


Without even asking who, I jumped up from the table and sprinted to the door. To my surprise and utter delight, I found Seunghyun leaning up against his car playing with his phone. He was dressed in his normal polished manner and looked striking even so early in the morning. The moment he noticed me standing at the door he slipped his phone away into his pocket and flashed a charming smile that caused me giggle and revert back to the silly romantic that I was upon arriving home last night. I was happy to see him, and even though it had only been a few hours, I knew then and there that missing him was and would forever be one of my habits.


I ran back into the house to grab my bag and was soon outside again beside him smiling from ear to ear trying to keep as calm as possible. I wasn’t quite sure on how to greet him as we were far away from anywhere near used to being a couple. He seemed to understand my confusion and hesitation and took my small hand into his own large one and ran his thumb along the backs. It was soothing and calming and so far a great way to start the morning. “Good morning,” his swoon worthy smile still in place. “Did you sleep well?” 


I smiled widely in reply and nodded. “Yes I did, even though Eun Hee called and we talked for a while so I was up pretty late. But yes, I slept well.” He laughed and opened the door for me to enter his car. The gesture was sweet, but to be honest I really was not that type of girl to find a boy opening and closing the door for a girl to be all that romantic. But I thanked him nonetheless and appreciated the care he put into making sure I was taken care of. I was buckling my seat belt as Seunghyun joined me, taking his place in the driver’s seat. 


“I talked to them all yesterday.” He smiled as he bucked his own seatbelt. “After our little meeting, I suppose you could call it, Daesung joined me over at my apartment and we talked for a while as well. That’s why I didn’t text you goodnight, I fell asleep.” He glanced down bashfully – the first time I had ever seen such an expression cross his face. “But I can promise you that it won’t happen again.” He started the engine and drove out of the driveway.


“I wasn’t expecting to find you in front of my house this morning.” He smirked playfully as he made the turn to head towards the school. 


“I wanted to surprise you, and I guess I succeeded.” He paused for a moment as though considering whether or not to continue, and decided to tack on at the end, “And I really wanted to see you. I missed you.” 


I instantly blushed, speechless I started out the window smiling to myself, nervous yet relived that I was not the only one who felt the lingering emptiness after only a few hours of being apart. 


He glanced over at me and realized that my cheeks were turning red, and in turn started laughing and changed the topic to something a tad less intimate.  “So, Hana, what will you call me now?” His smile was still in place, but his tone had become a tad more serious. 


“Hmmm, well…I suppose I’ll call you -” I started tapping my fingers in my lap as a light pout crossed my lips. 


I heard Seunghyun laugh and looked over confused as he chuckled. “It’s nothing. You just have that adorable quirk whenever you are thinking, and I like it. You’re cute.” 


I smiled at his comment as it made me happy to know that he was paying attention to me enough to notice such things. In a way I found it endearing and sweet. I looked at him with the same smile as I answered his question. “I think I’ll call you oppa, or Seunghyun. I don’t really know. And you? What will you be calling me now”


There was no hesitation. “Mini, it’s as simple as that. You are and always will be my Mini.”


 “Oppa!” I whined and rolled my eyes. I had been hopeful, but it seemed as though it was for nothing at all. 


“What? You are. You are adorable and cute and my perfect little Mini. Of course, if you want, I could always call you jagia or honey bear, or sweetie, or cupcake, or bab-” I interrupted him there.


“No, no. I’m fine with the childish nickname. No need to go overboard.” He laughed loud enough that it reverberated through the car and I felt his happiness all around. With his free hand he ruffled my hair, and afterwards there was a peaceful content silence that seemed just right for us.


At the university Seunghyun parked in the normal lot, and the second our feet hit the pavement everyone surrounded us and began to congratulate us on our relationship. However the bubbling happiness and relief of us “finally being together: as Seungri worded it, was gone the moment we headed out to be around the other students. 


I wasn’t ready to let everyone know that we were together, and that wasn’t missed by any of our friends. I was still shy around Seunghyun, still unsure of how to act around him, much less everyone else, and I wanted to make sure we were public only when we both were comfortable being a couple. For now it was enough for just us and our friends knowing such a secret. And a few weeks later, by insistence of Seunghyun, our parents.


At first, much like the others, I didn’t think that Seunghyun would want to tell his parents about us, nor my parents for that matter. But as each day rolled by as seamlessly as the ones before, he was proving to me that he was taking this relationship seriously and in turn made me very happy. He treated me kindly, respected my thoughts and opinions of every matter involving our relationship, and I couldn’t ask for more. 


A couple of weeks had passed I was standing in the lobby by my dad’s office waiting for my parents to come out so we could go and have dinner together. While waiting alone, leaning against a table, I was sending texts to Seunghyun which he was replying to instantaneously. I was smiling at his sweet replies and didn’t realize that my parents had come out of the office and were looking at me quizzically as I grinned happily down at my phone.


I stored my phone away in my purse and greeted them both with a hug and kiss. My dad led me back into his office with my mother as he still had a bit more paperwork to finish up. I didn’t mind and followed along and was slightly caught off guard when he asked me with a laugh, “Whatever could be so amusing to make my princess smile like that? I haven’t seen you so happy in such a long while.” 


I was obviously caught and instantly became extremely uncomfortable with the question. “Oh, isn’t nothing really, just a friend.” I smiled and pulled out my phone once more to send a quick text that I had to go. Putting my phone back I looked back up to see my parents still staring at me. “I was just a bit bored earlier while waiting so I decided to text some friends. Some of the replies where just very amusing.” 


They both nodded, content with my answer, and my father sat back down in his large leather chair behind his desk while my mother and I took seats on the blue plush sofa. “Appa, are you still working? I’m starving and I know that you have to be as well.” 


He chuckled form his seat as he signed a small stack of documents. After filing them back away he stood and walked over to pull me up into a hug. “Well then, let’s go. I don’t want my daughter to die from hunger.” 


While we were eating, we talked about different issues mainly regarding the hotel business. I didn’t bring it up as to avoid making them feel bad, but I was becoming especially concerned about the overtime they were both putting in and the lack of time they were spending with me. It sounded selfish in my head and I knew it would sound twice as bad if I spoke the words out loud, so I kept quiet and to myself and the topic gradually and naturally shifted over to college.


The conversation started light and revolved around classes and friends until my mother abruptly asked in the nonchalant matter that only mothers can muster. “Who is he?”


Her question confused me and it was clearly obvious that it had done just that by my lack of response and questioning expression. 


She smiled knowingly the way I thought only Mrs. Jung could, and gently replied. “Hana, we’re your parents, and we want to know what boy is making our daughter this happy lately. I know we’ve been working a lot recently, and I think we owe quite a bit to this kid.”


I blushed so deeply that I could feel my face shading in colors darker and deeper by the second. I couldn’t think of a response fast enough as my father began to speak. 


“We would be delighted to meet him. I need to decide whether or not he deserves my princess. He’d better be treating you well or he will have me to answer to.” He smiled as he talked but it gave me little courage as I only worried what my parents would think. My parents loved me dearly, that much I knew. And I wasn’t sure how they were going to react to this relationship. My mother began to babble on about how she was sure this boy was sweet and nice, but I was far too busy concocting questions in my head and weaving the worst possible scenarios. 


What if my parents ended up not liking Seunghyun? I know that they both trust him as a student and love him as a person, but they were not ignorant to his playboy image, and would our relationship throw red flags in the air for them in regards to me being with someone with such a reputation?


 “Appa, umma,” I whispered looking at my hands. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. We were waiting for us to get to know each other a bit better before we told our parents. We weren’t planning out hiding it. We were just waiting.”


My mother smiled softly. “Aw my little girl, look at you. Blushing and nervous, we’re not concerned sweetie. We just want to know when we’ll be able to meet him. After all, we have to make sure you’re safe and well taken care of. That’s our job as parents after all.”


Earlier, when I had been texting Seunghyun in the lobby, he had mentioned that he was willing to meet my parents at any time. He had even suggested as early as tomorrow. I was unsure and wanted to withhold the invitation for a later date, but right about now tomorrow seemed like a good opportunity since I felt so guilty about keeping the relationship from my parents for so long.


“Um, well, tomorrow if you are available. You can meet him tomorrow.” 


My mother nodded eagerly while my father shook his head.  “Tomorrow we’re invited to the Choi’s house for dinner. We might have to meet this boy on a different day. Is that okay with you?” 


My eyes became wide and I nodded realizing why Seunghyun was so adamant about the date being tomorrow in the first place. “That’s even better…actually.” I drew out. “I’ll let you know.” My parents nodded happily and continued to eat while I started down at my plate, my appetite suddenly gone.



Before I tucked myself into bed my phone lit up on my nightstand illuminating Seunghyun’s name. My heart skipped a beat as I pressed the call button and greeted him across the phone. In return he greeted me with his sweet and heartwarming laugh.


“Were you waiting for my call, Mini?”


I wanted to hide my excitement and quickly answered no. “I was going to sleep. It’s late and I figured you were already asleep. Why?” 


I laughed as he answered, “One, you answered after one ring. Two, you know that I would never go to sleep without wishing you sweet dreams. And three, I know that you missed me…and guess what?


“What?” I played along.


“I missed you too.”


We laughed and talked about how we spent our day apart before he brought up the most important topic which was dinner tomorrow night. I was a bit upset that he had left out that we were invited to his house regardless of us revealing our relationship or not, but he explained that he didn’t want me to feel pressured into saying yes for the simple sake of convenience. 


I was very nervous about tomorrow night and I knew that it showed clearly in my voice. Seunghyun tried to comfort me with kind words and soft whispers. “Hana, don’t worry. You already met my parents, and they adore you, sometimes I think maybe even more than me.” I laughed at his comment but it was only half-hearted, and Seunghyun knew that it had done little to quell my fears. 


“My father has mentioned many times, even in front of you I believe, that he would love to have you a a daughter, so don’t you think for a second anything along the lines of ‘will they accept me?’” His words assured me a little, but I was worried when I heard him exhale shakily over the line. 


“Is everything okay?”


“Yeah, it’s just… to be honest, I’m worried too. This is the first time I’ve ever introduced a girl to my parents. To them they’ll know I’m serious, I’ve never involved them in any of my relationships before. But Aunt and Uncle Kim…they might think I’m just playing around. I don’t really blame them, but still, I want them to take me seriously.”


We talked for a bit longer than an hour, discussed the details about tomorrow, and tried again to convince each other that everything would turn out fine. We wished each other goodnight and went to sleep, hoping that we were right. 



The next evening I began to dress for the dinner a bit later then my parents expected. I told them that I was meeting up with someone quickly and that I would join them at the Choi’s house for dinner a few minutes late. They didn’t seem to mind as they got in their car and left me at home to finish getting dressed.


I slipped into a casual knee length white dress and tied my hair back in a red bow. I didn’t even bother with makeup and instead called Seunghyun to tell him I was ready. He was already waiting in his car out front .When I joined him in his car he was dressed well in a nice jacket and pants looking his usual perfect self. I smiled, and he pecked my lips, while squeezing my hand for support before piling into the car to drive off to his parents’ home.





The Kim’s arrived at the Choi home and were welcomed by Mrs. Choi with a hospitable smile. She greeted her friends and led them into the sitting room where the other guests were all gathered conversing amongst themselves. The adults were discussing work and politics while Jiyong, Daesung, Seungri, Taeyang, and Eun Hee were talking about school and plans for the next coming break. 


“We were waiting for you,” Mrs. Kang stood up and clasped hands with Mr. Kim. “Hm, where’s Hana?” 


“She will over soon. Sorry about the delay but she said it was an urgent matter and that she’d be over as soon as possible.”


Seunghyun’s father walked in the room and smiled with a wave of his hand. “Oh it’s no matter, gives the adults some time to talk business. Seunghyun will be a bit late himself. School matters I suppose.”


The boys and Eun Hee smiled to themselves, secretly waiting for the elders’ reactions after knowing the truth. Fifteen minutes passed when the door could be heard opening. “That must be Seunghyun,” Mrs. Choi announced about to get up and greet her son. However instead of seeing her son enter the room, her eyes landed upon Seunghyun and Hana, hand in hand with one another. 


The two entered and greeted all of the adults in the spacious living room “Good evening everyone.” Everyone stared speechless aside from the boys and Eun Hee who continued to smile. 


“Son, what is going on?” Mr. Choi questioned from the corner of the room.


“Hana?” Mrs. Kim asked.


She was about to answer when she felt Seunghyun’s hand squeeze hers before letting go to to walk across the room to her parents. He bowed deeply before them. “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Kim. I am Choi Seunghyun, and I am Hana’s boyfriend.”


Everyone was speechless; the tension in the room was evident as nobody dared talk. Hana was nervous and shaking in the entranceway, but Seunghyun continued, “I care for your daughter very much. Please, I hope you will give us your blessing.”  


There was a moment of still silence where only their friends were smiling, and after what felt like an eternity to Hana, her mom walked up to Seunghyun and embraced him in a hug. Within the next few seconds Mrs. Choi had walked over and pulled her into a hug of their own.


The mothers laughed and smiled and voiced their relief in how their children were dating each other instead of someone they didn’t know. The couple was congratulated by everybody except Mr. Choi.   


Seunghyun had been looking at his father from afar, hoping he would give them his blessing, or at the least a sign that he had heard what he had said. Instead he stood stock still in the corner, his lips forming a hard this line, his jaw unwavering. Mrs. Choi walked over to her husband and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Jagi, you haven’t said anything. Aren’t you happy for our Seunghyun?”


 He didn’t move, let alone speak, and Seungri decided to ask, “Uncle Choi, weren’t you saying just a short while ago how wonderful it would be to have Hana as a daughter?” 


Mr. Choi walked up to his son and raised his hand as though to strike him, but instead clenched his hand into a fist and slowly brought it down to his side thinking better of his surroundings and company. “Seunghyun,” he growled. “As your father I know you very well, and I know that you have never been in what our society would deem a serious relationship. You have been with many girls, Seunghyun. Too many to properly count. And never once have you bothered to bring one home. You have never treated one with any form of genuine respect and worth. I will not, do you understand, I refuse to lose my close friends because of your foolish, childish, love affairs. And furthermore –”


“SeungHoon,” Mr. Kim’s hand rested on Mr. Choi’s shoulder interrupting his scolding and reliving Seunghyun of any further embarrassment. “I think our children are old enough now to know what is best for them. They are smart, we’ve taught them well. I think it is best for us all to not fight because of their situation, no matter how it may turn out. Now I know Seunghyun’s reputation. And I’m happy my daughter chose someone I know. I know your son, and I know my daughter. I trust that he won’t harm her, and that she is smart enough to choose a boy worthy of such trust.”


 Seunghyun’s hands had begun to shake with his father’s words, and after hearing Mr. Kim speak in such a way on his behalf had him overcome with emotion. He was so happy he bowed to Mr.Kim and rose only to give him a hug. Hana did the same.  


Mr. Choi looked at his son as though seeing him for the first time. He watched as he brought Hana in for a hug of their own, and saw how gentle he was with her in his arms, and in his eyes was a light, a fire perhaps, that he had never seen before.  A glint of happiness. 


“I suppose you’re right.” He answered. “I give you my blessing Seunghyun. Don’t let me regret it.”



Two day after the dinner, Seunghyun and Hana decided to date publicly, and it wasn’t long till their relationship became the hottest topic floating about the university campus. There wasn’t a student around who didn’t know that the infamous player Choi Seunghyun was dating Kim Hana, and that it was serious. 


Three days later when they arrived at the university, Seungri and Hana bade their goodbyes, but Seunghyun took Hana’s hand and made his way along with them. 


“Seunghyun, what are you doing? This is the exact opposite direction of your department.” 


“I know,” he smiled. “I just want to walk with you. It’s worth being a bit late.”


Seunghyun what normally very adamant in regards to the importance of punctuality and she didn’t believe a word he said. Her expression made that very obvious. 


Seungri laughed. “Hana, he just wants to let everybody know that you are his girl.”


Seunghyun nodded and continued. “Since we are technically a new couple to the campus, I just want to make it perfectly clear that you are mine. A little bird told me that a lot of guys have their eyes on you.” Hana smiled at what he said as she found it extremely cute. She hugged him around the waist and leaned her head against his chest.


When they were in front of the classroom, Seungri entered first to give the two some privacy. They chatted for a minute or two before Hana pushed him playfully in the other direction. “Oppa, you should go.  You will be late for your class.” 


He nodded and hugged her resting his head between her neck in shoulder to whisper in her ear, “See you at lunch, Mini. I’ll miss you.” He gave her a quick peck on the lips which she responded to with a light blush. 


“You know, PDA is prohibited in the facilities.” He laughed and ruffled her hair, 


“Aunt Lee won’t mind it, trust me.”




As I walked to my seat I could feel my classmates’ eyes trailing me along the way. I knew they were looking at me and I was also pretty sure that they we talking about me. The professor was late today, so I was spending my time talking to Seungri when a girl with wavy hair and a designer purse approached me and smirked. “Do you want to make a bet?” 


I looked at her and shook my head. “About what?” 


She laughed which resounded much more like a cackle and tossed her hair about in an unnecessary show of chocolate waves which had Seungri rolling his eyes. “Your relationship with Seunghyun.”


I shook my head again. “I don’t want to, thank you.” 


The girl huffed and spun on her heel to turn away, but not before Seungri jumped up and hollered, “I’m up for a game and bet. What do I get if I win?” I waved my hands for him to stop, but this was Seungri, and he was too far gone for me to even think of reeling his big mouth back in. 


The girl smirked again, this time with a trace of poignant vehemence that scared me just a bit. “You can have whatever you want. But if I win, I want $1,000. I know that they’ll be history in 5 months or less.” 


Seungri laughed. “Okay, even though they only have to make it five months, I think that they will last forever.” 


The girl stared at him unbelievingly making no point to hide her disbelief or laugher.


“Five months is all it will take, just you wait.” She flipped her hair again and slowly swayed her hips as she walked back to her seat.


 “By the way,” Seungri smirked. “When I win, I want you to mind your own business and apologize.” 



When I got back home I called Eun Hee and we talked for a bit. I told her about the bet and she said not to worry and that Seunghyun and I were going to be fine and that Seungri could take care of himself. I hung up feeling a bit better and was about to head downstairs for dinner when my phone rang with an unknown number. I answered.


“Listen; don’t get too comfortable over there in the fantasy world. He will break up with you. Once he gets you in his bed, you’ll just be another tally on a long and endless list of nameless girls. That’s all he ever does, and that’s all you’ll ever be.” 


The receiver clicked before I could say anything back, but I was sure that the voiced belonged to Yoona.

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744 streak #1
Chapter 14: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I really like how this story goes! Thank you!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #2
Chapter 13: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things were going smoothly until that call. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #3
Chapter 12: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, we do crazy things when we are drunk! But in the ending, I believe everyone would feel like they are in heaven! 🥰😉

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #4
Chapter 11: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, I am sure she will forgive him soon. 😉👌

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #5
Chapter 10: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Hmm, the ending was quite interesting. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #6
Chapter 9: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, it's never easy to talk about bullying is never easy *sighs*

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #7
Chapter 8: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things are getting quite interesting! 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #8
Chapter 7: 😏👌 😏👌😏

It's always good when the friendship gets stronger ^^ Loved it!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #9
Chapter 6: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Aw! Who wouldn't blush with these guys around? Cute!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #10
Chapter 5: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I loved the chapter! Things are getting interesting!

😏👌 😏👌😏