Chapter 6

Almost Heaven





Saturday quickly rolled around, and everybody who had been invited to the wedding was waiting outside of the church. Everyone was happily chatting away and greeting old friends, seemingly enjoying themselves, save for a band of younger attendees standing off to the side away from the annoyingly shallow conversations of their elders.


“I can’t stand being here,” Seungri groaned, leaning against the stone building. “I don’t even know this couple, only my mom does. I don’t understand why I have to be here. Besides, weddings are a waste of time anyway.” 


“Don’t over exaggerate,” Taeyang gave Seungri a disapproving glare before turning his attention back to his girlfriend who was in his embrace; arm s around her waist holding her close. “It’s nice seeing people who love each other getting married, vowing their eternal love to one another. Isn’t that right jagi?” He smiled at Eun Hee who blushed in response. 


“Well at least someone is having a good time,” Jiyong sighed. “This is just becoming painful, and the ceremony hasn’t even started yet. Why did we have to arrive so early?”


Seungri was just about to groan about how tiring it was to waste his day off, when not only his own family, but also Jiyong, Daesung, Taeyang, and Seunghyun’s families walked over to where they stood, having finally arrived. Another couple that they recognized as Mr. and Mrs. Kim, the founders and owners of “Kim Palace” and their parents’ very close friends, accompanied them as well, however the boys ignored this and just smiled, masking their annoyance. Their parents had told them all to be there early and meet them at the church, yet they arrived half an hour late. 


“Oh Eun Hee, I’m so happy to see you here. It’s been too long,” Taeyang’s mother bent in and enveloped her son’s girlfriend in a warm embrace, essentially stealing her from his arms. When she pulled away she jokingly scolded, “You really should visit us more often. Both of you.” She playfully swatted her son’s arm.


“Yes mom, we will.” Taeyang laughed at his mother’s action, pulling her into a hug as well. “We’ve just been busy with school.”


“Yes, school’s been hectic, but we’ll visit you more often once midterms are over.” Eun Hee smiled at her boyfriend’s actions. He was the sweetest son ever. She swiftly moved back into his arms once he released his mother and he smiled, pressing her closer to his chest.


Mr. Kim chuckled and grasped Mr. Dong’s shoulder. “I think that we’ll be attending another wedding very soon, won’t we?” Everybody laughed along except Taeyang and Eun Hee who stood off to the side, still together yet red with embarrassment.


Seungri’s father turned his attention to Mr. Kim’s wife. “Mrs. Kim, my wife informed us that your daughter has grown to not only be very intelligent, but that she is also quite beautiful. When will she be arriving?”


“Yah, I told you not to pester the subject,” Mrs. Lee lightly smacked her husband’s shoulder while Seungri snapped his attention from the stone tiled ground to his mother. 


“A pretty girl? Mom, how do you know her? I didn’t even know Uncle and Aunt Kim had a daughter. How old is she?”


Mrs. Kim chuckled at her best friend’s son’s earnest expression which earned him a glare from his mother. “I see. So we talk about a wedding and you seem to have an interest in stepping stones, but the conversation changes to girls and you are suddenly attentive.”


“Mother,” Seungri whined, holding his hands together, begging for information. 


“If you must know, I met her previously. She is your age, and before you ask; yes, she is very pretty.” 


Mrs. Kim smiled. “I’m sure she’s looking forward to meeting all of you. She should be here soon. She said something about working on a project of some sorts. She’ll be arriving after the ceremony.”


“I thought she was still in America?” Minzy, Daesung’s sister who had taken it upon herself to occupy the empty space next to her brother questioned. “At least that’s what mother said.” She looked over at Mrs. Kang.


Mrs. Kang just shook her head. “No, no, no, I said that she was returning from America to pursue her studies here. Isn’t that right?” 


“Yes,” Mr. Kim spoke. “Our daughter is back in Korea to study, and she’s been working very diligently. It’s more beneficial for her to be here anyway. She’ll have to inherit the family business, so it’s good for her to be back.”


Everybody nodded in understanding as Mrs. Choi linked arms with her husband who had been standing still, observing the scene quietly much like his son and his friends other than Seungri. “The ceremony is about to begin, I think we should all head in now.” 


“I agree,” Mrs. Kwon took her left arm and s it around her son’s while she took her husband’s offered one into in right. “Let’s all go in together.”


The small assembly made their way into the church to attend the ceremony. 


Throughout the ceremony all of the couples, including Taeyang and Eun Hee, held hands smiling brightly at the newly married couple’s happiness. Daesung sat next to his sister smiling along with their parents, while Seunghyun sat behind his mother and father expressionless. Jiyong and Seungri also sat behind their parents, however both made gagging expressions as the ceremony proceeded, being sure to hide their mocking from the rest of the guests. 


After the ceremony, and the couple was announced husband and wife, the assembly rose from their seats and followed the couple outside of the church to their cars so they could drive to the location where the reception would take place.


It was decided that Taeyang and Eun Hee would drive Seungri, after he refused his mother’s invitation to drive with her and his father. Daesung had agreed to go with Minzy and their parents, and Jiyong used the excuse of not wanting to leave Seunghyun alone in his car to get out of the car ride with his family. 


Jiyong plopped down in the passenger seat scratching his hair in annoyance. “Aish, this is so irritating. First the boring ceremony and now we have to spend hours at this stupid reception.”


“It’s a party Jiyong,” Seunghyun started up the car. “You like parties. And the ceremony wasn’t that bad. But then again, how would you know being that you and Seungri were acting like children throughout the entirety of it.”


“I’m not a child!” Jiyong snapped. Normally he had a lot of patience, even considering himself to be the most laid back in the group. However if anything were to get on his nerves and make him snap back, it would be comparing him to a child. 


“We moved out of our houses for reasons. We could’ve stayed with our parents, but we all decided to leave. Even you; tell me it doesn’t annoy you that your parents want to keep you on a leash? If it were up to them you’d be right back home studying your eyeballs out like the Kim’s daughter.”


“My parents trust me,” Seunghyun coolly replied. “As long as I study medicine, they agreed to let me live on my own. And as long as they keep their distance, then everything works out. You have to think about it from their perspective Jiyong. We are all that our parents have. Daesung’s the lucky one, having a sister. She distracts his parents from breathing down his neck. But we are all heirs to their companies. They just don’t want us screwing things up.”


“Well I don’t care,” Jiyong crossed his arms. “I was going to study fashion anyway, but if my mom keeps nagging me, I swear I’ll drop out.”


Seunghyun lightly smiled. “You’re not dropping out of anything. Come on; just play along a bit longer. We don’t see our parents that often. Just deal with them for a few more hours.”


Jiyong sighed, exasperated. “Whatever. I just want today to be over. Nothing exciting ever happens at these parties anyway.”



Seunghyun and Jiyong arrived at the reception hall within twenty minutes. They got out of the car and noticed everyone else’s cars parked beside each other. Since they had left last, it only made sense that they would arrive last as well. 


They followed the procession of people who were filing into the reception hall, all of whom seemed much older then them. 


“Why is everyone so old? The couple’s young right? Why don’t they have any friends?”


“Jiyong, shhh,” Seunghyun hushed his friend sending him a disapproving glare. However after glancing around the large hall he realized that Jiyong wasn’t necessarily wrong. The majority of the guests were around their parents’ ages. 


“They were probably all invited and decided not to show up. Lucky jerks.” 


Seunghyun laughed. Normally he would scold his friend for saying something so rude and out of line, however in this case, he knew that Jiyong must be right. Those lucky jerks had their entire Saturday to themselves. If only his own parents were as easily swayed as the others.


The boys continued searching the room until they found their parents and friends occupying two tables towards the center dining area. They weaved through the sea of guests and took their seats. Seunghyun, Jiyong, Daesung, Minzy, Taeyang, Eun Hee, and Seungri occupied one table, while their parents claimed the other. 


As their parents were already absorbed in their own conversation about business and the newest stock exchange, they happily talked amongst themselves.


If you were to stand at the front of the hall, you could filter in and out of the varying conversations occurring at each table. Some spoke about their children and how their studies were coming along. Others discussed their own businesses and the economic market. Overall it was one big jumble of mindless chatter mixed in with a hint of small talk. 


Suddenly the sound of silver against crystal rang across the room, and the best man stood up to toast the bride and groom. The table of university students loosely paid attention, clapping when they were supposed to and smiling at the rights times; however all of them, even Taeyang and Eun Hee, were finding this party to be pointless. It was obvious that it was more of a gathering of the newly wedded couple’s parents’ friends, then their own. 


And surly enough, off to the side, the father of the bride and groom were shaking hands and grinning from ear to ear, one of them sliding a checkbook back into his tuxedo’s chest pocket. 


“Parents,” Jiyong sighed. “They’re all the same once you add in dollar signs.”



“I am so late!” Hana was yanking on her left high heel as the limousine pulled up in front of the reception hall. “Thank you Mr. Go. I will ride home with umma and appa. Please have a good night.” she bowed after he opened the door for her to step out of the car.


Hana carefully straightened her dress so that the black layered ruffled skirt fell properly around her hips. She double checked her dress in the limousine’s tinted windows. The dress was relatively simple enough. It comprised of a plain black layered skirt that started at the waist and fell down to right above her knees, while the torso was sequined silver, strapless, and accented all of her curves both perfectly yet modestly. 



Satisfied with her appearance after replacing a strand of hair that had gone astray, she smiled and turned around to face Mr. Go and thanked him once again for the ride.


He smiled warmly in return. “It is always my pleasure. Have a good night Miss Hana,” He waved goodbye as he got back into the driver’s seat and steered the limousine away.



“Okay,” Hana sighed exasperated. “Just go in, smile, and it will all be over soon.” She put in place her most convincing smile and walked into the reception hall ready for the worst.  


Once inside she looked around the room, and instantaneously she noticed the lack of youth present at the party. In fact the youngest guests seemed to actually be the bride and groom who were laughing with each other from their white cloth table. The rest of the guests Hana figured were around her parent’s age, many of whom she recognized from magazines and internet articles as owners of large business corporations. It was of course to be expected, the wealthy know the wealthy. However it was definitely not Hana’s ideal scene.


Hana walked farther into the large and elegantly decorated hall. She had already glanced around at the tables and hadn’t seen her parents, and they didn’t seem to be on the amorously lit dance floor either. She was just about to walk over to the dining tables and double check if she had missed them, when she noticed her mother holding onto her father’s arm, talking to a woman over by the bar with a drink in hand. Hana snapped her smile back in place and casually walked over to greet her parents.


“Hello umma, appa,” she greeted her parents, kissing her mother on the check. 


“Hello sweetie,” her mother beamed. “I’m so glad you’re here. I thought you would never show up.”


“Of course I would,” Hana smiled. “I promised that I would after I finished working on my school project. I can’t break a promise. I’m sorry though, it seems like I’m interrupting.”


“Oh not at all,” Mrs. Kim turned back to the woman who she was previously conversing with. “Let me reintroduce you to everyone, it has been such a long time. Everyone, this is my daughter, Kim Hana,” 


Hana now realized that she was not being introduced to just one woman, but five different couples. One of the women who had also seemed to have been involved in the previous conversation, Hana recognized as Mrs. Lee, the principle of her university. However she had no recollection of the others, but still, she politely bowed and introduced herself. 


“Hello, I am Kim Hana, it is wonderful to meet all of you.”


“Aww, you are the most precious thing.” Mrs. Lee beamed and placed her arms on who Hana assumed was her husband’s shoulder. “Isn’t she just adorable? I told you, didn’t I?”


The ten adults, particularly the women, suddenly began praising Hana about all of the wonderful things they had heard about her, and of her notorious outstanding intelligence. They predominantly emphasized on how beautifully she had grown up. Apparently she had met them before when she was very young, because they all knew and brought up stories about when she was little, and how she was adorable even then. However she had no memory of such events, so she simply smiled and nodded, only adding in light input when need. 


Even though she was slightly uncomfortable, Hana was taking the attention well until they began enthusing about how desperately they wished that she could be paired with one of their sons which caused her to blush bright scarlet.


After a while of conversing, Hana learned not to her surprise, that all of these couples were owners of large firms and organizations. However she was delighted when she discovered that one of the couples, the Kwon’s, was the owners of one of her favorite fashion lines, “Thom Browne.” They asked her if she had any interest in fashion design. She admitted to loving the idea of being a designer and that she had at one point considered studying fashion in America, but she had found that it was more of a hobby then a career interest. 


“Ah, your daughter is so well educated and mature,” Mrs. Kwon exclaimed, beaming at Mrs. Kim. “You’d be so perfect for my son.” 


“Umm, thank you,” Hana bowed her head embarrassed, uncomfortable with the revalidation of her relationship status. 


“Oh that’s right,” Mrs. Kim turned to look back at the tables that were placed on the opposite side of the hall. “You really should have met them by now. I know they are around here somewhere. You must be tired of talking to people like your parents?” 


Hana chuckled at her mother’s expression when she spoke the last sentence. “I could never get tired of talking to you umma.”


“Either way, let’s introduce you to them.” Mrs. Lee led her with a gentle hand on the back of her shoulder in the direction of the tables.




Mrs. Lee led me over to where the dining tables were situated. As we were heading over she stressed how she hoped that I would get along with all of the boys because they were really good boys even if they could be a bit eccentric at times.


I laughed at her description of these boys because it reminded me of how my own parents talked about me to others. It really seemed as though all parents are essentially the same when it comes to their children.


“There they are. Here, I will introduce you.” 


We were a few steps away from one of the circular tables where two girls and a handful of boys were sitting talking to each other. As we got closer and I could see them better detail, I almost stopped dead in my tracks. No…way. I quickly ducked my head, trying to shield myself, but it was already too late.


“HANA?” They chorused, sounding about as shocked as I felt at the moment.


“Hana?” Seungri rose from the table and walked as fast as you can walk without calling it running to my side. “What are you doing here?” I opened my mouth and was about to reply when he continued, “Wait…are you the daughter of Aunt and Uncle Kim? You’re the mysterious daughter of “Kim Palace?”


At that moment my mom come up on my other side. “Well I was going to help introduce you to all of them; however I see that may not be necessary.”


“Ummm…yeah…” I began, but quickly trailed off. Seungri took it upon himself to save me from the awkwardness of my momentary lack of conversation skills.


“Yes, we all know Hana. Well I don’t think Minzy has met her yet, but the rest of us are all friends with her. Right?” He motioned towards the guys and Eun Hee who all nodded in agreement. “Yeah, Hana is actually in the same classes as me.”


“Oh that’s wonderful,” umma beamed and turned her attention back to me. “Hana, why didn’t you tell me you had made such wonderful friends?”


“I guess I just forgot to mention it,” I mumbled still staring at the floor, watching the small silver rhinestones on my high heels glisten in the lighting. 


Umma laughed and patted Seungri’s shoulder. “Well I’m now assured that Hana is in good hands at school now. I was worried about her transition from an American school to a Korean one, but now I know that she’ll be perfectly fine. Thank you boys so much. And you as well Eun Hee.” 


“Oh it’s our pleasure,” I hadn’t noticed that Jiyong had stood up from the table. He was now bent down so that his eyes were looking up directly into mine which startled me causing me to jump. “The question is,” he chuckled at my response to his action. “Is why did you hide your identity from us? You never told us that you were rich, let alone the only daughter of the family that owns “Kim Palace.” 


I took a timid step backwards from Jiyong’s suddenly uncomfortable closeness. “You never asked,” I tired to answer as nonchalantly as possible. “Actually I could ask you the same thing. You didn’t tell me that your family owned “Thom Browne.” I knew you were rich, but not famous.”


“That’s not important,” Jiyong’s cheeks went red. “I’m not my parents.” 


“And I’m not mine,” I replied. I didn’t want to sound mean or defensive. I was just trying to make a point.


“Yeah, but we did ask about your parents’ jobs,” Eun Hee spoke from the table next to Taeyang. She seemed to be the most shocked about the situation. She didn’t look angry, just extremely confused. 


“I didn’t lie,” I answered. “I said that my parents work in the hotel business and that they own a few hotels.” 


“It’s not really a few,” Daesung was sitting next to the second girl who I had never met, but I could easily see the family resemblence and knew that it must be his sister. “A large conglomerate hotel chain isn’t a few.”


“Well…I…I…” I began stammering not sure what to say. Seungri was still right by my side thankfully sporting a supportive expression; however Jiyong’s discomfort at my previous statement and Eun Hee’s shocked expression made it hard for me to focus on anything other then the heat rising to my face. “I…umm…”


“Well it’s not a few,” Seunghyun who sat at the far edge of the tabled smiled to himself as he intervened. “However guys, she didn’t completely lie. Now that is more then enough questioning for now. We’re supposed to be at a party. Besides, whether she’s rich or not, it doesn’t affect our friendship anyway, so let’s just enjoy ourselves with our friend.”


My lips suddenly curved into a smile, and this time it wasn’t a fake smile like the one I had entered with, but a true genuine smile; because those kind words had come from Seunghyun. All of my fears of my new friends not accepting me had been dismissed by Seunghyun, and I couldn’t be happier


Everyone remained silent for a few moments until, “Sorry,” Jiyong half spoke half coughed. “I’m just…sensitive about my parents sometimes.” He whispered the last part so only I could hear. 


“It’s completely fine,” I chuckled. “I’m normally the same way.” This caused Jiyong to smile and pull me into a hug which made be feel relived. I felt as though a large weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I had been so afraid that Jiyong was angry at me after my unnecessary comment.


“Hana, come over here. You can sit next to me.” Eun Hee called over from her seat and I nodded excitedly.


“Sure,” I laughed and was about to walk over and take the seat next to Eun Hee, when an arm hooked around my wait, turning me to face Seungri.


He had a mischievous smirk that I knew too well painted on his face and he leaned in close, intimately wrapping his arms around me. Before he released me, he exclaimed loud enough for the rest of the guys to hear, “You’re one of our best friends no matter what Hana. And by the way, you look very y tonight. I just wanted to be the one to tell you that.” 


I noticed that ever since I met these guys, blushing had become second nature, and once again I could feel my face going red. Why was this guy so blunt about things like this? However as if that wasn’t bad enough; the audible sound of someone clearing their throat sounded off to the right followed by my father’s voice.


“I think you forgot that we are still here.”




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744 streak #1
Chapter 14: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I really like how this story goes! Thank you!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #2
Chapter 13: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things were going smoothly until that call. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #3
Chapter 12: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, we do crazy things when we are drunk! But in the ending, I believe everyone would feel like they are in heaven! 🥰😉

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #4
Chapter 11: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, I am sure she will forgive him soon. 😉👌

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #5
Chapter 10: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Hmm, the ending was quite interesting. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #6
Chapter 9: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, it's never easy to talk about bullying is never easy *sighs*

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #7
Chapter 8: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things are getting quite interesting! 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #8
Chapter 7: 😏👌 😏👌😏

It's always good when the friendship gets stronger ^^ Loved it!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #9
Chapter 6: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Aw! Who wouldn't blush with these guys around? Cute!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #10
Chapter 5: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I loved the chapter! Things are getting interesting!

😏👌 😏👌😏