Chapter 10

Almost Heaven

Warning : Very long chapter 



We spent the rest of the days before the exam studying in our assigned apartments, working hard and preparing. Of course, we always ate breakfast and dinner together, but there were many days that some of us would accidentally skip lunch, and several nights we just didn’t sleep. We studied together until the first day of midterms and then we separated, and headed back to our own homes, but not before wishing each other good luck. 


During midterm week, everything seemed to go well. I would go to school, spend my breaks reviewing notes, took the midterm tests during classes – which I hoped I was doing well on – went home, and repeated the routine the next day. I was grateful for the time I spent studying with the guys, because if I hadn’t participated in their studying ritual, I was positive that the week would’ve been a hundred times more stressful than it had been.


The midterms themselves weren’t too awful; it was the waiting period after that really racked on my nerves. A week passed by at the speed of a snail, and finally it was the day of the midterm results. It was a Saturday, and classes for the day had been canceled. Seungri and I had planned to arrive at the school early to see them as soon as possible. Me because I was extremely curious, and Seungri because he just wanted to get it over with.


I was a bit stressed, even though I was pretty confident that I had done well, but Seungri was a different story entirely. He was visibly scared, as he grasped onto my arm while shaking the entire walk to the board where our results were posted.


We saw our grades, after much coaxing from me to get Seungri to open his eyes when we arrived at the board, and afterwards we both headed back to the parking lot to inform the others.


“Well?” Taeyang rose an eyebrow smirking. “How’d it go?” It was obviously directed more at Seungri than me. All eyes were turned towards him, and after making a big show of trembling and sighing with a look of pure defeat present in his eyes,


“I passed!” Seungri shouted, ing his fist in the air in triumph. I rolled my eyes at his antics, having seen his grades before him. But still, I smiled at his happiness.


Everybody else laughed at his act. As stupid as it had been, they as well were happy for their friend.


“Since we are all laughing, I presume that everyone else passed?”Jiyong asked while smiling. Even through his smile though, I could see that the relief in his eyes was just a prominent as Seungri. He must not have been the only one dreading seeing their results.


Daesung chuckled. “Of course we did, we always do. And Seunghyun hyung here even topped his class, shocker there.” We all congratulated him, but his glory was short lived when Seungri stepped forward patting Seunghyun’s shoulder sympathetically. 


 “Hyung, we are all very proud of you, but it’s not something new. Everyone knows you barely study because you’re a genius. But here,” He flamboyantly waved his arms in my direction, “I present to you the top of not only our class, but our entire major.”  


Eun Hee squealed in delight as she bounded over to hug me while I was blushing at Seungri’s ostentatious way of reveling what I was hoping to keep a secret from everyone else. While the others were congratulating me, Seungri stood beside me with his hand placed on my shoulder, his head held high, looking proud to be so close with someone who had surpassed so many others on a test which in my opinion, wasn’t the greatest measurement of intelligence. 


Daesung took the opportunity to remark. “You know, instead of acting like a proud father, you should learn from her. It wouldn’t hurt you to study a bit harder.” 


“Don’t worry Dae oppa,” I defended. “He received very good grades as well.” Instead of thanking me, Seungri just stood there, nodding boastfully which only made me shake my head at his childishness.


The others were all taking jabs at Seungri, comparing him to me and how he really should work harder, while simultaneously telling me not to defend him, as it only encouraged his laziness, when Eun Hee tactfully interrupted. “So everyone, where will we have dinner tonight to celebrate?”  


There were plenty of suggestions being tossed around and discussed until Seungri proposed the restaurant located in Kim Palace. Glancing around, everyone was nodding and seemed to like the idea.


“Well if everyone agrees, then I can call them right now to make the reservation.” I offered, whipping out my cell phone. 


Everyone nodded, and after Taeyang added a comment about wanting to try a new dish, I smiled and deftly dialed the number. Within a minute I had the reservation set, and after I finished the call Seunghyun spoke, finalizing the plans.


“Okay, now that everything is settled, we will meet there at eight tonight. Oh, and I have a surprise for all of you.”


At the mention of a surprise, everyone’s eyes widened, as Seunghyun wasn’t one to participate in surprises, much less supply a surprise of his own.


As I drove home from the university parking lot, all I could think about was what the surprise could possibly be.



When I arrived home, I was glad to see that my parents were there as well. They were in the kitchen waiting for Mrs. Jung to finish cooking lunch. My father was flipping through a newspaper carelessly, and umma was chatting with Mrs. Jung as she placed a tray of sandwiches in the oven to toast.


“I won’t be home for dinner tonight,” I sat down at the table across from my father. “I’m going out with Eun Hee and the guys to celebrate us all passing midterms. We’re planning on eating at the hotel’s restaurant.”



My father smiled. “Enjoy your night and tell the boys we say hello. We were invited to the Kwon’s home, so it all works out quite well.”


“Yes, go out and have a good time,” Umma had sat beside me and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. “You need to relax after all of your studying.”



 After a delicious lunch of toasted turkey sandwiches and salad, my parents had to go out and file a stack of employee documents at the hotel before they could unwind for the rest of the night. I on the other hand had more than five hours ahead of me with absolutely nothing planned. With nothing to do, and my sleep schedule still very off kilter, I decided that it would be in my best interests to invest an hour or two in a nap.


I went to my bedroom and spread out on the bed closing my eyes. It took me awhile to relax enough to drift off considering all I could think about was what Seunghyun’s surprise could be. 


I couldn’t remember when I finally fell asleep, but when I woke up and checked my clock, I was disappointed to find that I had only been asleep for half an hour. I still had quite a stretch of time left, so to pass time I switched on a rerun of an old drama and watched two episodes before I lost interest. It was still only four, but I decided to take a shower and afterwards began choosing my outfit for dinner. 


I didn’t want to wear something outlandishly fancy, but I didn’t want to go too casual either. It took me about thirty minutes to finally decide on my outfit. I went with a dress that I hadn’t worn since I left America. It was one of my favorites. A strapless above the knee length dress with a form fitting cream bodice and a skirt made out of chocolate brown toll lace. The underskirt was a deep scarlet satin, edged with matching toll. The dress was topped off with a harmonizing thick scarlet belt made out of satin decorated with a gorgeous satin rose positioned on the side that secured around my waist. 


For shoes I selected a pair of ankle strapped, silver sequin heels, and a simple diamond necklace and silver charm bracelet for accessories. I was never one for makeup, so I settled with light eyeliner and mascara, and a light touch of makeup to blend in with a pale pink blush on my face. I carefully adorned my hair with loose curls that hung delicately, framing my face, and with a final check in the mirror, I smiled satisfied at my work.


By the time I finished preparing myself it was already seven thirty, so I grabbed a plain black purse with my wallet and cell phone and dashed downstairs to find Mr. Go already waiting for me with the limo.



The limo pulled into the hotel at seven fifty-five, and I found everyone there with the exception of Seunghyun.


“Hello everyone. How was the rest of you day off?” 


Eun Hee who was sitting next to Taeyang with her hands intertwined with his answered my question.  “Pretty fine. We didn’t do much. Now that you’re here, we are only waiting for Seunghyun oppa to show up.” 


I sat in the open seat next to Eun Hee who was in the same row as Taeyang and Jiyong. Sitting right in front of me was Seungri, and beside him was Daesung. The last seat beside him was empty and saved for Seunghyun. 



While waiting for him to arrive, we ordered drinks, and we had just started talking about the upcoming semester when we heard the audible sound of somebody clearing their throats. I turned my head to see Seunghyun standing behind me and Eun Hee, looking extremely handsome in his crisp button down and black blazer. However I couldn’t linger on his appearance for long, as I was too distracted by the gorgeous girl he had draped over his arm. Who in the world was she?


“Yah, hyung, you are late! It’s already eight thirty. You’re known for being punctual, what happened?” Jiyong asked, and then registered his guest and began to blush. “And umm…who is she? “ 


“Sorry guys,” Seunghyun scratched the back of his head with the hand that was not being clung to for dear life by the girl at his side. “This is the surprise. Everyone, this is Kim Hee Sun, and Hee Sun, these are my friends that I have been talking about. You already met Daesung.”  


“I am so sorry,” She released Seunghyun and bowed, almost losing her footing in her shoes that were at least six inches high, with a heel so sleek and thin I was surprised it was able to support anything weighing over ten pounds. Right after she rose from her bow, she quickly reclaimed his arm for herself. “He is late because of me. Since it’s the first time meeting all of you I didn’t know what to wear.” She said while beaming. We all smiled, reassuring her that’s it wasn’t a big deal; but as I did I scanned her skin tight outfit, or lack thereof, consisting of a mini black tube dress that clung taut to her curves. Tighter in fact then she did to Seunghyun’s arm, which distracted me for only a moment until my attention was recaptured by her thick overdone eyeliner, smoky eye shadow, and deep red lipstick. 


 “It is nice to meet you,” Taeyang graciously offered the first greeting.  “I’m Taeyang and this is my girlfriend Eun Hee. Over there is Seungri and Jiyong. Apparently you already met Daesung, and this is Hana. 


Hee Sun smiled, this time revealing flawlessly straight and white teeth that super models would kill for. “It is wonderful meeting all of you. I’m Kim Hee Sun, Seunghyun’s girlfriend.”  


I found myself forcing a smile to the point where it was becoming painful, but I still tried my absolute hardest to act normal. Seunghyun had offered Hee Sun his seat and had just returned from procuring another one from a waiter when Seungri decided to ask the question we all wanted the answer to. 


“Hyung! Why didn’t you tell us that you’re dating someone? And Dae hyung, why didn’t to tell us if you obviously knew?” 


“Here, I’m telling you now.” Seunghyun took his seat beside Hee Sun, signaling that he didn’t want to talk about it, but Jiyong joined and asked questions too.


“How long have you been dating? It can’t have been that long.” 


This time it was Hee Sun who answered. “One month,” She exclaimed proudly.  


One month…that meant that they were together before we even started to prepare for midterms. How did he and Daesung keep it a secret from all of us for such a long time? I thought back to the week we prepared together, and come to think of it, Daesung and Seunghyun did leave the apartment building a lot. They must have been going out to meet her. 


There was a moment of silence that Hee Sun used as an opportunity to excuse herself to the restroom. Once she had disappeared from view, and her overly high heels could no longer be heard clicking, the table became uncomfortably awkward. I realized that I was the only one who hadn’t talked yet; so I decided to say something to not make my disapproval obvious. 


“Congratulations, oppa. I’m happy for you. She is pretty and she seems…nice.” The last word trailed out slowly, as though misplaced amongst the others. Thankfully he didn’t seem to notice my hesitation as he put both of his hands on the table and turned his gaze towards me smiling.


“Thank you, and yes. She is very nice, and that’s why I’m confident in taking this relationship seriously.” 


I felt as though he had just stabbed my heart with a knife, and in all honesty, the knife might have hurt less. It didn’t help when Taeyang added, “I hope what you said is true, because I know for a fact that you can’t stay in a relationship for more than two months. But this one is very pretty, so I can see why -” He was cut off by Eun Hee who elbowed him hard in the arm. She had tried to be discrete, but Seunghyun had seen it.


 “Eun Hee, you don’t like her, right? You haven’t said anything.” I hadn’t even realized that Eun Hee hadn’t talked. I just assumed that she had and that I had been too spaced out to notice. 


“No, it’s not like that. I like her, she seems nice.” I knew that Eun Hee was lying the way she wouldn’t look Seunghyun in the eyes. That was the sure fire way to tell when she was lying and everybody knew it. But just when Seunghyun was about to call her out on it, Hee Sun returned with her clicking heels, and the topic wasn’t brought up again.


We were silently looking at the menu; nobody seemed comfortable talking freely with Hee Sun at the table, when she made the comment.


“It’s my first time here and so far I like it a lot. I’ve always wanted to eat and stay at a Kim Palace hotel, but I hear that the owner’s daughter is so arrogant and full of herself. It is such a shame that people can be born with everything and appreciate none of it.” 


I wasn’t sure where that comment had come from, but it didn’t surprise me. I hear a lot of rude things said about me from time to time; I discovered at a young age that it is unavoidable. It is because of that, that I tend to not care about what others think of me. It never really affected me either way when others made assumptions about me, so I had no plans on answering to her remark, but Jiyong did. 


“Please don’t say pointless things you do not understand. You shouldn’t go around judging people you haven’t met.” I lightly smiled at his kind gesture, and I appreciated him defending me. However while I didn’t find his words worthless, they were useless. People were going to think what they wanted to. Neither I, nor Jiyong could change that.


 “Oh,” Hee Sun casted her gaze to her water glass. “I’m sorry.” However I wasn’t sure how sorry she was, being that within seconds she was back to her peppy self, grasping onto Seunghyun’s arm yet again. “Oppa it’s very expensive here, are you sure I can order whatever I want?” She had a slight pout positioned skillfully on her lips that I saw though instantly, but Seunghyun only smiled at. “Yes, feel free. However I’m not sure that I’m the one you should be asking.”  He turned his head and looked at me with a smile different from the one he had given to Hee Sun. It was the smile that could make me forget where I was and who we were around, and make me forget that he is not single anymore.


Hee Sun seemed extremely confused until one of the waiters came to our table and bowed in my direction. 


“Good evening Miss Kim. May I have the honor of taking your order as well as your guests’?” Everyone took their respective turn reciting their orders, and afterwards the waiter bowed again and with a flourish waved his arm in a welcoming salute. “Welcome to Kim Palace. As by request from our owner, everything is on the house.”


We all thanked the waiter except for Hee Sun who had been rendered speechless. I could visibly see the dots connecting in her mind as she rationalized out loud. 


“Miss Kim…on the house…don’t tell me.” And there it was. “Oh my goodness I am so sorry! I didn’t know who you were! I didn’t mean what I said, I’m sure they are just rumors,” she was worried and evidently sorry as she waved her hands in explanation. 


I simply held up my hand and genuinely smiled. “It is all good; please do not feel bad about it.” She thanked me and while waiting for our dinner, she started making an excessive and grandiose display of affection towards Seunghyun. It went beyond just her inability to release his arm. She would lay her head on his shoulder, intertwine her fingers with his, and she even went as far as to kiss him in front of us. It wasn’t a long drawn out kiss, but I was still disgusted. I felt like my heart was breaking into pieces, and just when I thought it couldn’t get worse then the kiss, while we were eating, she was feeding him! 


I tried to just avoid looking in their direction, and I attempted to happily laugh and talk with the others, but I couldn’t. From time to time I couldn’t help but glance up and see what they were doing next. I was not the only one who was uncomfortable though. The others had become noticeably quiet as the two intimately interacted with one another to the point when it felt as though we were invading their privacy just by sitting there. 


 Soon, but not soon enough in my option, everybody had finished with their dinners, and they were all ordering desserts, when out of all people, Hee Sun noticed. “The food is very delicious, but why didn’t you eat anything Hana?”


 “Oh um, I had a snack earlier and I guess I just wasn’t hungry.” Hee Sun nodded, but I could tell that many of my friend’s weren’t convinced. Especially Seungri who had been eyeing me all night long, and at the realization that I hadn’t eaten anything – which anyone would know was odd for me – his eyes darkened.


 Everybody had resumed with their mindless chatter and laughing, acting as though nothing was out of the ordinary. Jiyong and Taeyang had lightened up, and Eun Hee was well distracted enough with Taeyang. Seungri was having a great time making fun of Seunghyun’s ostentatious displays of affection; however I just sat there quietly, wishing I could blend in fully with the scenery. For all I know, I already had.


 I knew inside that I wouldn’t be as upset as I was now if he hadn’t come. Not seeing would have been much less painful than having to experience firsthand, him being with her…and all over her. They love each other, and there was nothing I could do about it. I was suppressing my tears when I heard my phone vibrating, signaling a text from Seungri. Frowning, I flipped open my phone. Why did he send a text when I was literally right in front of him?

From: Seungri oppa

Excuse yourself and wait for me next to the restaurant’s door.’


When I finished reading the message, Daesung oppa asked if everything was alright. I came up with a lie saying that my father had just asked me to bring some files to his office from the front desk. I abruptly stood with the promise that I would return, but on the inside I was thankful for the excuse to leave the table. 


I walked out to the restaurant’s door wondering what Seungri could possibly want from me. I had waited for about five minutes when I saw him coming. He stood next to me for a moment, not saying anything, and then suddenly took me by my wrist and pulled me towards the elevator. He was walking pretty fast and was practically dragging me behind him. Even as we stood in the elevator he didn’t say a word, which was a first for Seungri. 


“Seungri,” I sighed, not in the mood for this. “What’s going on?” Still, no words came, and I was getting worried. We took the elevator to the highest floor, and then we took three flights of stairs up to the rooftop. When we arrived on the roof he let go of my hand which had become red from his violent grip, and growled, “Let it out, “ 


I was confused. I didn’t know what he meant, and why he sounded so angry. Noticing my confusion he added just as malevolently, “Now you can cry. You can let everything that you feel about that out.”


What? How did he know? “I’m not blind you know. It was obvious…your feelings I mean. Don’t pay any attention to me. Just act like you are here alone.”  He went to on a bench facing the opposite direction, while I went over to the railing to see the city. As I did so, tears started to flow involuntarily down my cheeks. I couldn’t control it anymore, and within minutes I was sobbing hard and loud, shaking and wrapping my arms around myself, trying to keep pull myself together. My eyes began to sting, and I moved my hands so they covered my face. My heart was heavy and painful in my chest, and I wished that I could just rip it out and let it fall down the thirty floor drop to the concrete below.  


Never before had cried like this. Never had my emotions taken over such a large portion of my control to the point where it became physically painful. Seungri gave me some time to cry alone, and then he came back and wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly, protectively. He began patting and massaging soothing circles around my back to calm me down, and when I had my sobbing under control, he held my face and wiped my tears. 


He led me over to the bench to sit, and once we were comfortable I laid my head on his shoulder and continued crying. The loud sobs had trailed off into silent hiccups, and my tears were now just thin streaks that stained my face and made my eyeliner smear. After a few moments of this melancholy serenity, Seungri confessed. “I don’t know what to say at moments like this, but I just don’t understand why you didn’t you tell me.”


I couldn’t answer him, so he continued. “I thought you were finally considering me as the brother you never had…but I guess was wrong.” 


I looked up and shook my head. “No, Seungri, I definitely consider you my brother. I couldn’t ask for a better one.”


“You say that…yet you still couldn’t tell me? Is it because you don’t trust me?” 


I felt bad because my actions had made my friend think in such a way. I didn’t mean to offend him in anyway. “I do trust you Seungri; it’s just that…I was afraid. I didn’t tell Eun Hee either; she discovered it all on her own.”


“Wait,” his jaw dropped. “She knew it too? I can’t believe she didn’t say anything to stop it.”  He handed me a handkerchief out of his blazer pocket to wipe my eyes. I gratefully accepted it and asked without looking into his eyes, “Was I that obvious? I mean…did the others figure it out too?”  


A soft smile graced his lips that was so full of emotion; it could make your heart break. “Yes, it was very obvious. But it was probably only me that knew. I see you every day. We are pretty close by now, and I knew something was wrong the second you saw her beside him.  Besides, I’m sure if they knew then they wouldn’t have all stayed silent. I mean, you saw Jiyong defend you earlier.” 


I was much calmer now, but my tears were still spilling at a slow pace. I knew that I should probably just thank Seungri and get up after being such a burden, but I was enjoying his presence too much. “Seungri, when did you figure it out?” 


Sighing, he answered, “I confirmed it tonight, but I think I figured it out a long time ago. The way you look at him and smile in his direction. And how you laugh with him and how you blushed every time he talks to you. You always ask about what he does after classes, and when you are with him I see a different Hana. It’s not the same Hana that I know in class. It is a happier, and much more naïve Hana.” He was talking while mindlessly playing with my hair, and I couldn’t help but feel like I was talking with my real brother, and not just Seungri, my brother-like friend, who was also one of the best things that happened to me since I moved to Korea.


 “Well…what should I do? I can’t tell him; especially not now that he is in a relationship.”


“I understand where you are coming from, but hyung has never loved someone before, furthermore, I am very surprised to hear that he is serious now of all times. I don’t want to see you hurt, and even though I think you should tell him…now might not be the best time.”


I knew it was impossible for me to be with him even without Seungri’s response, and I knew that should get rid of these feelings. But I also knew that I couldn’t, and that’s why I started to sob again, and in an understanding response, Seungri hugged me close. That’s when we heard someone opening the door of the rooftop. At that moment I didn’t care who it was until I heard the gruff baritone voice asking, “What are you doing here? I thought you were in Uncle Kim’s office? And Seungri, you said you’d be back in few minutes.” 


When he got closer and saw that I was crying, he stopped, and within seconds was bent on one knee so he could properly see my face beings as I was still on the bench. “Why are you crying? What happened? Did someone hurt you?” He sounded concerned, and that just made me feel worse. My body began to shake, and I knew that I was screwed. I had to think of something, but what? “Is it something so serious that you can’t say? Hana, you can trust me, what happened?” I didn’t miss the glare he shot in Seungri’s direction who still had his arms around me.


I needed to say something before he got the wrong idea.  “No, it’s just -” 


“She has her period, and she’s in pain.” Seungri quickly covered. I turned to face him, my eyes wide. I could not believe he had just said that. But Seunghyun seemed to buy it as he smiled and sat next to us and began to rub my back.


 “You took your medicine, right?”


“Ah, yes…I did. I’ll be okay,” I was turning red and I could feel it. I could not believe that both he and Seungri could be so nonchalant about this! And a better question was how did Seunghyun know that I took medication during my period? 


“That’s good then,” His hands went from rubbing my back, to encompassing my hands. “Do you need me to drop you off at home? We can leave as soon as you need to.” 


“No,” I shook my head vigorously.  “The others are still here, and besides…you have to take Hee Sun home.” I tried to let out a small laugh to lighten the connotation behind my words, but it came out weak and strangled. Thankfully I still had Seungri to cover for me. 


“Hyung, come to think of it, what are you doing here? You know customers are not allowed to be here. And what about Hee Sun.”


“I wanted to smoke and have some fresh air so I came up here. They know me well and they always let me. And as far as Hee Sun is concerned,” His eyes drifted away, out to the city skyline, “That is my concern only.” 


Out of the corner of my eye I saw Seungri was pulling on his blazer jacket, preparing himself to return to the restaurant. “Wait for me, I’ll go with you,” I stood up, but he insisted that I stay up on the roof a bit longer and ‘calm down’ a bit more. He headed back for the stairs, and then I was alone. Well not quite alone.

I was standing behind Seunghyun, who was smoking his cigarette, and I don’t know why, but he seemed frustrated. We didn’t talk until he finished off his second cigarette and by that time I had reclaimed my seat on the bench. 


He joined me, and we awkwardly asked at the same time, me, “Is there something wrong?” and him, “Are you feeling well?”  We both laughed at the mishap and he took it to his advantage.


“You’re smiling, you first.” 


I shook my head and decided that just asking was best. “I was just wondering, is there something wrong? You seemed out of it, and I was wondering if you were thinking about something.”


He flashed that smile that make my heartbeat fast, and replied, “No, nothing is wrong. You don’t have to worry about me. But what about you? Are you okay now? You aren’t in pain, are you?” 


For a second I froze, thinking that he had figured it out, but then I remembered Seungri’s lie. “Oh, um, no don’t worry about it. I feel so much better now.” Nothing I could’ve done would have made the next few wordless moments any less awkward, so I simply closed my eyes and enjoyed the refreshing wind that was playing with my hair. After a few more moments passed by silently, and I knew that I had removed myself from reality for long enough. “Oppa, we should go back in now.”  He just nodded.  I got up and fixed my dress and then whispering to myself I complained, “Ugh, I’m mess. I’ll just go to the restroom to fix my hair and refresh my face.” I turned to tell Seunghyun to go back first, but he was already within touching distance. I slightly flinched when I saw his hands making their way to my hair, and he hesitated, but ended up carefully replacing the stray strands of hair behind my ears anyway.


 “No, you look beautiful.”


Why did he say that…and why did he do that? Why is he so sweet when he has a girlfriend? But then the answer came, and it crushed me harder then all of the affection he and Hee Sun had displayed during dinner. Everything he said to me out of concern and love… was all in a brotherly way.


When we arrived back at our table Hee Sun rose up and ran next to him. “Oppa, where have you been? I was getting worried. Hmm, wait…were you two, together?” 


Seunghyun just smiled at her, but not in the way that he smiles at me, and made a gesture with his hand for her to sit and gave her a look that he would explain later. Meanwhile, still sitting down, Eun Hee turned to face me in her chair. 


“Is everything ok? I knew what you were feeling but I was afraid that they would find out if I joined you too. It just got weird after Seunghyun left.”  I whispered back that I was completely fine and that we would talk later which she knew we inevitably would, and she turned back to the strawberry shortcake she was sharing with Taeyang.  


I turned my gaze over to Seungri. His hands were on the table, and without even thinking, to show him my gratitude, I extended out my hands and placed them on his. He grinned from ear to ear, and of course Hee Sun made a comment about it. She may be nice and she sure was beautiful, but much like a certain “brother” I knew, she talked a lot. 


“Oh, are you two dating?”  We turned our heads toward her instinctively, but before either of us could speak, Seunghyun answered. “No, they aren’t.” Maybe I imagined the curt tone he used, but I could have sworn his eyes darkened when she mentioned the possibly of Seungri and I being together.


“Hana, do you happen to have a boyfriend?” This girl just didn’t know when to quit.


 “No, I don’t at the moment.” For some reason she smiled at this.


 “Well in that case, we should set you up on a blind date!” She sounded a bit too excited at the prospect of this. “I have a really good looking brother who would definitely be interested.  Or if you don’t want him, I have a lot of friends that I know would be happy to have you as a girlfriend. It’s a good idea, don’t you think? A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be single for too long. It makes pretty girls look boring, no offense of course.”


I was staring dumbfounded as each word that escaped her lips seemed more and more ridiculous by the second, and I didn’t seem to be alone on this. Everybody stayed still except Daesung who quickly snapped.


 “No, she can’t.” Unlike Seunghyun – where I might have imagined his hostile tone – Daesung seemed angry. We all looked at him incredulously. Daesung wasn’t one to get angry about anything unless he was really offended, and even then he was pretty mellow. He only ever really showed anger when one of his friends was being hurt. 


“Wait,” Hee Sun chuckled. “Do you like her?”


“No, I love Hana,” Everyone’s eyes were wide and Jiyong began to cough out his water, however nobody seemed to notice as Daesung’s face was so serious. But a grin split the façade within seconds and his joke became evident. “I love Hana, but only as a sister, and you know that.” He winked at me and I couldn’t help but laugh.


“Yes, I know oppa,” You could literally see everyone’s expressions relax as Daesung redirected his focus back on Hee Sun.


 “We all love Hana, but she is young. That’s all. We can’t let our Hana get hurt by any guys we don’t’ know.” 


I was touched by the concern that Daesung showed, but then, if he was so concerned, why did he look over and smile at Seunghyun as he said those final words? All these things were confusing me and I settled on the idea that I was just emotional and tired, and that my imagination was running rampant with the fantasy that I knew could never come true.




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744 streak #1
Chapter 14: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I really like how this story goes! Thank you!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #2
Chapter 13: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things were going smoothly until that call. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #3
Chapter 12: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, we do crazy things when we are drunk! But in the ending, I believe everyone would feel like they are in heaven! 🥰😉

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #4
Chapter 11: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, I am sure she will forgive him soon. 😉👌

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #5
Chapter 10: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Hmm, the ending was quite interesting. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #6
Chapter 9: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, it's never easy to talk about bullying is never easy *sighs*

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #7
Chapter 8: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things are getting quite interesting! 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #8
Chapter 7: 😏👌 😏👌😏

It's always good when the friendship gets stronger ^^ Loved it!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #9
Chapter 6: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Aw! Who wouldn't blush with these guys around? Cute!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #10
Chapter 5: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I loved the chapter! Things are getting interesting!

😏👌 😏👌😏