Chapter 1

Almost Heaven


Hana’s POV:


Two months ago I returned from the United States and took the college entrance exams for Seoul National University, and I passed it with extremely high marks. Today is my first day at the university, so I woke up early and took my bath, and went to my spacious dressing room in order to pick what I should wear. After a few minutes of meticulous scanning through my wardrobe, I decided on something simple, yet cute. Light blue jeans with a thin brown belt, and a black tank top with a think white button shirt. I added some rings and a silver necklace for flair.


I let my hair down fall down straight, only brushing it down so that it was laying flat. After I was fully dressed, I selected my green bag and unplugged my phone from its charger, slipping it into the bag along with my wallet. After double checking that I had everything I needed from my room, I went downstairs to eat breakfast before heading out. I had just started to eat my breakfast of yogurt and fruit when Mrs. Jung walked in. Mrs. Jung is the elderly maid that has taken care of me since I was a child and I can’t remember not having her in my life.


Mrs. Jung gave a warm smile. “Good morning, dear. Are you ready for your first day at university?”


I swallowed a spoonful of my yogurt before smiling back and replying, “Good morning ajumma. Yes I am as ready as I’ll ever be.” I took another bite of my breakfast as Mrs. Jung cleaned the kitchen counters. She was about the leave the room when I suddenly remembered and asked, “Ah, by the way, where is umma?”


 “Mrs. Kim went with your appa to the hotel this morning. There was an important appointment that couldn’t be ignored. Your father instructed the driver to take you to school this morning.”


I stayed quiet for a while, thoughtfully chewing on a piece of cantaloupe. I don’t like showing off to others that I am the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kim, because I don’t like to be treated differently. I don’t want my status to earn me fake friends who would just use me for my money and position. That’s why I went to the United States and asked my parents to not expose my pictures to the media for promotions. Even now, while almost everyone knows that the Kim’s have a daughter, only a handful of people know that I in particular am the heir of KIM PALACE hotels. 


“ Hana-shi , Hana-shi !!” Mrs. Jung’s voice brought my mind back to the kitchen and the breakfast still in front of me.


“Ah, sorry ajumma. I should get going or else I’ll be late for my first day” I smiled, ignoring the strange look she was giving me and quickly ate the rest of my meal. I checked my watch before placing the now empty bowls in the sink and washed my hands. “Take care,” I bowed to Mrs. Jung, reclaimed my bag from the table, and headed outside, slipping on my favorite brown boots, to meet the driver Mr. Go who was waiting for me with the car.


 “Good morning, Miss Kim,” He said as he bowed.

 “Hello Mr. Go, how are you this morning? And I told you to call me Hana, not Miss Kim.” He nodded and smiled but didn’t say another word as he opened the door for me to get in.


When I arrived at the school building, I stepped out of the car and sighed before turning to Mr. Go. “Mr. Go, please don’t come to fetch me after school today. I have something to attend to and won’t be done until late.”


“Of course Miss Kim, please call the house if you are in need of a ride.” He bowed before getting back into the driver seat.


After he drove off and was out of sight, I placed my headphones in my ears and my iPod to listen to music as I walked around. It was still early, so I had decided to explore the huge college before going to the administrations building. 


I walked across the parking lot marveling at the pillars of the school building, and as I was walking someone bumped into me. I was knocked off balance and was leaning forward toward the concrete, but luckily gained my balance just in time.



Author’s POV:


Since it was the first day of school, the boys had decided to come early and get a head start finding the buildings that their classes would be held in. Daesung came in the same car with Seunghyun driving. Seungri was driving with Jiyong, and Taeyang came in his car with his girlfriend, Park Eun Hee. 

They all met in the parking lot and greeted each other with hugs and the inevitable light teasing. 


They were talking and laughing while Seunghyun stood to the side smoking a cigarette. After a few minutes of conversing, Jiyong and Eun Hee decided to go find their class first because the Fashion Design department was far from the parking lot.


Eun Hee was walking, but still facing Taeyang so she could say goodbye, so she didn’t see that someone was behind her.


 “Yah, Eun Hee, watch out!  You’re going to –” 

Before he could even finish his sentence, Eun Hee had bumped into a girl. Luckily though, the girl didn’t fall. 


Eun Hee turned to face the person, and immediately went down into a ninety degree bow. “Omo, I am really, really sorry,” Her face went bright pink as she continuously bowed and made apologetic remarks as Hana stood still trying to wrap her head around the situation and why this girl was apologizing so fervently.


“It’s not a problem at all,” She smiled and bowed when she realized that this must be the person that she bumped into. “Excuse me, I am going to join my class, have a nice day.” She flashed another smile before turning on her heel, leaving Eun Hee open mouthed and at a lose for words.


Jiyong laughed out loud and slung a casual arm around Eun Hee’s shoulders. “Next time Eun Hee, don’t be so preoccupied by Taeyang, or else you might actually kill someone.” 


Taeyang gave Jiyong a disapproving glare, and went in to rescue his girlfriend from his grasp; however Eun Hee was too focused on Seungri who began talking to her to notice her boyfriend’s actions.


“Noona, have you seen that girl before? I think she’s a newcomer. I usually can recognize every girl’s face.” 


Eun Hee rolled her eyes at Seungri’s mention to his playboy ways and replied, “No, I’ve never seen her before. Maybe you’re right, or maybe we didn’t notice her before.”


“No,” Seungri shook his head; his face was scrunched in deep concentration. “I would’ve remembered a pretty face like that.”


 “Seungri-ah, your mother runs the university, so I assume that it’ll be easy for you to find out who she is.” Eun Hee said while laughing at his expression.


“She was beautiful.” Daesung commented out loud, and everybody nodded in agreement.




Hana’s POV:


Before joining my class, I walked to the principal’s office. The principal, Mrs. Lee, was a beautiful woman, and when I slowly stepped into her office, she asked me the sit in one of the red padded chairs in front of her desk.


“Good morning Miss Kim. So you are the new student from the United States.” It wasn’t a question, just a comment she verified as she scanned though some official looking files.


“Yes, I am.” I spoke clearly, trying to sound as professional as possible.


“I was surprised when I reviewed your grades. You are an exceptionally intelligent young lady. It’s an honor to have you here attending our school.” 


 “Thank you,” I said while trying to hide my embarrassed expression.


“Your name and personal information reminded me of someone,” Mrs. Lee glanced back at the files and began tapped her pen against the desk to match her thinking. “Kim Hana, Kim Hana. Aren’t you the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Kim of Kim Palace Hotels?” Her eyes snapped up from their position on the files and back to my own.


“Oh, umm, yes I am.” I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck and felt my cheeks go pink. I haven’t even attended my first class and I’ve already been discovered.


“Oh my goodness, your mother is one of my close friends. But then, why didn’t she tell me that you came back from the States? And especially that you applied for this university?” 


“It was on my own request. I want to live like any other college student, and not be treated and seen like a spoiled little girl.” I had returned my hand back to my lap, but my eyes were still finding it difficult to remain in contact with Mrs. Lee’s.


Unexpectedly, Mrs. Lee gave a light chuckle and stood up from her seat. “My son should really take a lesson from you. He enjoys being in the magazines and flaunting his money about campus. Don’t worry Miss Kim; here you will be treated like any other student. You can go join your first class now. It will be staring soon.” She had made her way over to the door and opened it, her hand giving her a gesture to leave.”


I stood from my own seat and bowed before walking to the door. “Thank you Mrs. Lee, have a wonderful day.”


“And you as well,” 


After I was safely outside of the administrations building, I took a deep breath and walked off in the direction of my fist class. Obstacle one, passed.






Hello everyone !

This is my first time writing a story .

I want to thank @Whenfangirlsattack00 for her help :) 

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744 streak #1
Chapter 14: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I really like how this story goes! Thank you!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #2
Chapter 13: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things were going smoothly until that call. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #3
Chapter 12: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, we do crazy things when we are drunk! But in the ending, I believe everyone would feel like they are in heaven! 🥰😉

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #4
Chapter 11: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, I am sure she will forgive him soon. 😉👌

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #5
Chapter 10: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Hmm, the ending was quite interesting. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #6
Chapter 9: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, it's never easy to talk about bullying is never easy *sighs*

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #7
Chapter 8: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things are getting quite interesting! 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #8
Chapter 7: 😏👌 😏👌😏

It's always good when the friendship gets stronger ^^ Loved it!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #9
Chapter 6: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Aw! Who wouldn't blush with these guys around? Cute!

😏👌 😏👌😏
744 streak #10
Chapter 5: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I loved the chapter! Things are getting interesting!

😏👌 😏👌😏