Why didn’t you notice my love?

Why didn’t you notice my love?


Chapter 2: Please don’t hate me

10 years old...

Seungyeon’s POV

Seungyoon and I had promised Donghae to play together at the playground. We arrived there before him and finally decided to wait.

“Unnie, I see a merry-go-round over there. Let’s play it together,” Seungyoon grabbed my left hand and dragged me along.

“But Seungyoon, we’ve promised Donghae Oppa to wait for him first,” I reminded her.

“I know that but...,” she pouted her cute lips. This was just her old trick every time she asked for something, especially from me and Donghae Oppa.

“Okay, okay. We’ll play it together. You really know how to influence me, right?” I smiled and softly rubbed her head.

“Love you, Unnie,” she said and kissed my right cheek.

We both rode the merry-go-round and spun it together. Seungyoon enjoyed herself as her smile didn’t fade away from her face. 

 ‘I’m happy as long as you’re happy, Seungyoon-ah. I hate to see your tears.’

“Unnie, this is so fun,” Seungyoon shouted.

“Yes, you’re right but I think we better spin it slow down a bit. It’s moving too fast,” I said. My head felt dizzy and it might be dangerous to us.

“No, I won’t,” she refused. She spun it again but a little bit faster than before.

Suddenly both of us lost our balances. I noticed that Seungyoon was going to falling down. I quickly grabbed her hand and held her in my arms. We both rolled on the ground.  I tried hard to stop ourselves and I finally could make it. Seungyoon was still in my arms and she was lying on top of me. I quickly woke up and cupped her face.

“Seungyoon, are you okay?” I asked, worried if she got a serious injury. She nodded her head while crying loud. I hurriedly checked her body and I saw a bruise on her knee.

‘Thank God. Luckily it isn’t serious.’

“Seungyoon-ah, please stop crying. Don’t worry, I’m here with you,” I tried to calm her and blew her bruise.

“Seungyoon, Seungyeon, what’s going on? OMG. Seungyoon, you’re hurt,” Donghae suddenly appeared from nowhere.

“We just play that but suddenly we...” I couldn’t finish my sentence as Donghae cut off my words.

“What? I’ve already told you two to wait for me first. Look now. Seungyeon, as a sister, you should take good care of your sister,” Donghae was really angry.

“I’m really sorry, Donghae Oppa but thank God she wasn’t injured badly,” I apologised.

“Yeah, you’re right but she was injured after all. Never mind, I’ll carry her home,” he lifted Seungyoon’s body up and walked away, leaving me behind. As they were disappeared from my sight, I could feel my tears were flowing down my cheeks.

“I’m sorry Seungyoon. This is my fault. I shouldn’t let you playing it just now and I promise this won’t happen again,” I wiped my tears.

I slowly stood up but then I realised that I had twisted my ankle.

‘Oh, this is bad. It’s so hurt.’

I looked around me but I see no one to ask for. I bit my bottom lip to endure the pain for every step I took. As I arrived at my home, I saw Donghae was carefully treating Seungyoon’s knee.

‘It’d be nice if Donghae Oppa could treat me like that too. I notice since we met two years ago, he’s always concern about Seungyoon more than me. I know he likes her and I admit that they look so cute together.’

“Seungyeon, you’re finally back. Why do you take a long time? Don’t worry I’m not mad at you anymore. By the way, are you alright?” Donghae suddenly asked but his eyes were still on Seungyoon’s knee.

“I... I’m fine. I... I promised that I...I’ll protect Seungyoon better in the future. Thanks,” I weakly said, trying to endure the pain on my ankle.

“Hmmm,” he hummed and nodded his head. Seungyoon was still sobbing.

“I... I’ll go to... to my room first,” I excused and walked slowly to my room, didn’t want to obviously show my pain.

I lied on my bed after finish putting the medication oil on my ankle. I could still feel its pain but this was normal to me. I took out my diary which I put under my pillow.

27th  February 1998

Dear diary,

I feel guilty to my twin sister. I shouldn’t let her play the merry-go-round. She got hurt because of me. Please forgive me, Seungyoon and I promised to protect you better in the future.

Donghae Oppa was really angry to me today when he saw Seungyoon got injured. I’m scared if he hates me and won’t become my friend anymore. But I feel so relieve when he said that he didn’t mad at me anymore and I’m also a bit happier because Donghae Oppa didn’t forget to ask my condition even he didn’t treat me like Seungyoon. It’s just an enough to me. At least he still thinks of me, I guess. I really want to tell him that I like him since the first time we met but I also don’t want to destroy our friendship. Even I know that he has feeling on Seungyoon but I wouldn’t mind as long as he still appears in my eyes. 

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JennyL #1
update soon
Letterofspring #2
POOR hammie... donghae how cud you didnt notice her love..??
Chapter 5: I really pity hammie in this fanfic... Do update soon... Its AWESHUM!
Catalina390 #4
OMG!! wheN will you update it!! lOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH!!! i WANT TO CRY AGAIN HUHUHU<br />
Please update it faaaaaaaaaaaaaaast!
iamkyunashippers #6
so pity with Seungyeon, how can Donghae didn't notice that??!!
NOOOOO </3<br />
Unrequited love :(<br />
Donghae is so blind, gosh :P<br />
Update soon!!
Finally, an update! ^_^ <br />
I really like this story a lot :D It's heartbreaking though :( <br />
But really realllyyy good. Please update soon!<br />