I Love You.

My Fairy Tale

    Waking up in the morning with Kris sleeping next to him. Kris was in his boxer and tank. Sehun wakes up and walks to the door. He opens it to see no one was home or probably still sleeping. Sehun goes back to wake up Kris. Sehun wipe his eyes and tiredlessly say, " Kris wake up. Kris...". He continues and shrug him on the shoulder. Kris just moan and didn't wak. Sehun thought of something then he grabs a pillow ans hits him, "YAH. Wake UP lazy ". Kris finally wakes up from his slumber. Kris turns his body around and Sehun stops hitting him. Kris, "Jeez. I'll wake up already. Calm down, it's not like your parents think we just have ". Sehun shush and put his hand on Kris's mouth, "Shhhh... Be quiet. I think I heard something". Sehun went to go check if it was his parents. Sehun went to go check and see's there was no one. Sehun, "whew. Close call. C'mon lets go", he said it quietly. He gets dressed up and Kris quickly gets into his clothes. They both sneak out of the house then went to the bus stop. 

    At the bus stop, Sehun and Kris waits for the bus to come. Sehun shaking waiting for the bus to come. While Kris jsut standing next to hmi calmly. Sehun still shaking and muttering, "Where is that bus? Where is that bus". Kris looks at him and holds him by the shoulder. Kris calmly talks to him, "Sehun. Calm down, it's not like we did anything wrong. It just a a sleepover".  Sehun then stops shaking and gloomingly said, "Oh Okay. Kris". The bus came and Kris went in then say goodbye. Sehun left to his house. He went into his art studio and sits down to see his unfinished project. Sehun still gloomly, "Will  he understand. What I meant. Can people understand someones dep thougts and feelings". He wnoders and happiness came back to his face agian. Later in the afternoon, Sehun begin writing stuff in his dairy, which is secret to everyone. Sehun puts what he feels and how he found Kris. Also describe how he looks like and how great he was, etc. he closes the dairy and puts it in a safe place. He hears a knock on his door. Sehun's umma, "Sehun dear. Are you alright? You been awfully silent. Just come dear". She was feeling worried and concern about him. Sehun's umma left the door and it was silent.

    Few minutes pass by, Sehun finally walks out of his bedroom looking all silent. Sehun's umma looks him from the kitchen. Sehun's umma, "Sweetie, are you alright you seem.... I don't know. Silent and quiet". Sehun pick his head up and looks at her. Sehun, "Nothings wrong, eomeoni". Sehun's umma, "Good. Where are you off too next", she say it plainly. Sehun, "Oh. Going to meet someone special". Sehun's umma, "Well, at least it's someone you know". She smiles and went back to finish cooking. Sehun heads out the door. Outside, everything seems to be normal as usual. Sehun heads towards to the bus stop. He looks into his phone to see the phone number that Kris put. It was Kris's number on his phone. He eagerly tries to text him but could not do it. The bus comes and Sehun turns it off. He gets on to see Lay and Chen. Sehun sits on the left side of the bus. Lay and Chen sitted on the right side of the bus. Lay stands and grabs a handle. He gets across to the other side. He sits down next to him.  He looks at him calmly and reach his arm towards him slowly. Sehun shrug away from him. Lay stops and puts his hand down. Lay calmly says, "Oh, I'm sorry for the what happen yesterday. And I'm  sorry that made you feel uncomfortable". Sehun pout and looks away. Lay laughs softly, "Your tough aren't you". He laughs again. Sehun pout angrily and did not look at him. 

    A couple minutes pass by. Lay, "If you won't talk then I'll give you something". The bus stops and as everyone was going out. Lay ans Sehun stand up. Sehun looked the other way but Lay quickly grabs him buy the arm. Chen was already out side. Lay twist him around and grabs him by the waist then hugs him. Lay, "Mian hayeo". Sehun struggle s and gets out from his grasp. Sehun slaps him. Sehun gets out leaving Lay a mark. Lay indistinctly, "At least it was some sort of touch to the face". He smiles and gets off the bus. They went seperate ways. While walking to Kris's place, Sehun stops by to buy some grocerices. Sehun getting out, "Bye bye". He waves goodbye. He walks to Kris's apartment and knocks on the door. Sehun happily says, "Kris, are you home". Xiumin walks to the door to open it.Sehun happily but it was not Kris. Sehun, "Oh it's just you. Umm... Xiumin right". Xiumin nodded. "Xiumin do you know where Kris has gone to". Xiuman, "No. Don't know where he went". He sound like he was a bit tired. Xiumin scratches his head, "Will come in if you want to wait for him". Xiumin walk to his bedroom to his right. Before he enter, Xiumin, "My bedroom is the right and his is to the right". The restroom was in the middle. Sehun left the stuff on the kitchen counter. He then goes to Kris's bedroom. Sehun looks around and sits on Kris's bed. Sehun quietly thanks to him self, "Oppa... Where did you go". He goes out and looks around the apartment. Sehun, "Looks like it needs a bit more cleaning". He was so bored that he clean the entire apartment. Hours pass by, Sehun, "Whew. Finish. Time to go take a shower". He goes into the shower.

    After a good 10 minute shower, he gets out and luckily Kris has an extra towel. He wraps it around him. He walks to the bedroom and looks to see if any clothes fits him. Sehun ponders to see if any would look good on him. He finally gets dress and looks in the mirror. He walks out to the kitchen and cook something up from what he bought. It was 7:00 p.m., Kris came and saw Sehun napping on the couch. He saw him wearing his white shirt, which was sort of big on him. He smiles and carries him to his bedroom. He lays him down softly and cover him with a blanket. Kris, "Why did you come here? I guess you came on your own", he giggled silently. Sehun moans then Kris went out to see that everything was clean and organize. He smirks then went to sleep with Sehun. The next morning, Suho came and knock on the door. Xiumin wakes tiredlessly and slowly walks to the door to open it. Xiumin opens it, "Yah! Calm...". Xiumin looks and wipes his eyes. Suho waves a hello at him. Suho, "Excuse me. I'm a new neighbor next door. Umm.. Do you live here?". Xiumin paused for a second and nodded. Xiumin, "Oh... Come on in and sit over here". Suho comes in and sits down. Xiumin quickly showers and gets dress. Suho waits and see's him come out nicely. Xiumin, "So, umm... how's your day going". He looked like he was almost out of breath.  Suho innocently says, "Good. How about yours?"/ Xiumin takes a glass of water and drinks it half way. Xiumin, "Good too". Suho, "Umm... Could you help me carry somestuff to my apartment". Xiumin puts the cup down, "Yeah Sure". He scratches his head and laughs. He goes out to help Suho with some packages. Kris wakes up and looks at the clock. He shrugs Sehun and he just moans then groan. Kris gets up and walks to the bathroom to take a piss. At the door, Xiumin waves goodbye to Suho. Xiumin closes the door. Xiumin, "Wow. He was cute". Kris washes his hands and dries them. He comes out of the bathroom to look at Xiumin. Xiumin happily thinks to himself. He bumps into Kris lightly. Kris gives him that look. Xiumin, "Oh my gosh. Kris I saw this one guy. And he was like jsut so undescribable". Kris bluffs and shoves him to the side softly. Kris went to look at outside.

   He looks outside for a couple of minutes then goes back in. He see's Sehun walking and wiping his eyes. Sehun, "Krisus. Oppa, where were you. I miss you so much". Kris closes the door and walks towards him. He hugs him and smiles. Sehun moans on his shoulder. Kris, "C'mon lets go brush our teeth". He takes his hand to go the bathroom. In the bathroom, they both take a shower together then get dried. Both brush their teeth while Kris in his boxers and Sehun in the big shirt. They stare at the mirror and smile and play around. After that, they get dress and head out to have a date. Sehun dress so feminime in Kris's clothes. Sehun worriedly, "Oppa. I need to wear something different". Kris turns around, "Okay then, lets head off to the clothes store first". They went to a clothes store and Sehun trying out the clothes. He gets out, "Hey, how does it look". He was wear a sky blue shirt with a pair jeans. Kris, "Hmm... Lets hurry". Sehun, "Okay. This then". Kris buys it for him. They head out to a restuant that almost seem expensive. Sehun, "Oppa, this seems like an expensive restuant". Kris, "Don't worry. I have a pass for it. We can have free food". Sehun says nothing then both went in. Inside, they sit somewhere special. It was in top of the roof. it was decorated nicely. Sehun looked in awed and amazment. He walks around and looks at the beautiful roses then smells them. He turns to looked at Kris and waves at him. Kris walks towards him, "Do you like it", he said it calmly. Sehun just nod. Kris seat him to sit down. They sat down then Kris snaps his fingers. Service comes to take the order. While Kris orders, Sehun looks around and Kris finishes. He looks at Sehun then he turns around. Kris, "Our order will come shortly". Sehun looks at him happily, "Oppa. How did you do this". Kris, "It's something called, Luck". Sehun smiles at him then the food came. Sehun, "Wow". The food was set on the table.

     Kris order a lot but not too much. Sehun starts first but looks at Kris. He puts down the fork. Sehun, "Our you gonna eat, Kris". Kris, "You go first". Sehun starts off slowly because he doesn't want to eat like a slob. He then slowly starts his way. After eating, Sehun drink a glass of water. Kris looks at him. Sehun puts boht his hand on his stomach, "I'm feel good". Kris smirks, "Glad you like it". Sehun looks at him, "Kris I want to... to... to... kiss you". Kris just laughs, "You don't have to ask". He stands up and lends him a hand. Sehun grabs his hand then suddenly grabs him by the waist. From a distance, paparazzi takes photo's of them both. Sehun stares at him with no emotoins. Kris, "I love you, Sehun". Sehun just could not saw anything. One tear drop then the left eye starts to tear also. Kris, "Why are you crying?", he ask calmly and softly. Sehun sniffles, "It's tears of joy and you made my heart feel so warm". Kris put his right hand on his face and the left on his arm. Sehun put his left hand on his hand. They let go then Kris move his head towards him. Sehun closes his eyes and Kris wrap his arms around him. Kris kisses him. And the paparazzi takes pictures of them kissing.




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Chapter 2: Really really touchy touchy my heart...
Chapter 1: update please..