One Picture

My Fairy Tale

     There Sehun was taking photos of the large pond in a beautiful bright sunny day. After that he settles down on a fairly smooth bench table. Kris then comes just in the right time for Sehun to take a snapshot.


    Hours before it happen. Sehun wakes up and went to the bathroom to a take a shower. At the kitchen, his mother making breakfast and father reading the news papers. And Tao still sleeping in bed like a bear hibernating.

Their umma, "Tao!! Wake up lazy bone. *sighs* Honey go wake him up".

Their dad closes the the paper and walks to Tao's room. When he got their, he shouts, "TAO. Wake up. It's almost time for breakfast". Tao muffles and throws a pillow on the ground. His dad leaves and Tao wakes up from his tiredness. He walks to the bathroom while scratching his .

Tao knocks on the door, "Sehun. Hurry up. *yawns* Sehun hurry the f up".

In the bathroom, Sehun is fixing his hair and said, "Okay. I'll be out in a sec".

Tao, "Abeoji!! Sehun is taking so long".

Their father was reading the news paper, "Sehun come out of there".

In the bathroom, Sehun, "Alright abeoji".

He then comes out and bumps into Tao. 

Tao, "About time you got out... what were you doing in there. ing".

Their umma turns around to yell at Tao, "Tao! No using foul language in this house".

Tao, "Aigoo... I know umma".

Sehun then finally walks out of the bathroom and bumps into Tao. Tao catches him with his hands.

Sehun looks at him and said, "Sorry, Hyung".

Tao pushes him off to the side.

Tao, "Finally".

Sehun then walks to his bedroom and get dress.

Sehun's umma, "Boys hurry up. Your breakfast is getting cold".

Tao is brushung is teeth and his hair a bit wet. Sehun finding a shirt to wear.

Sehun's abeoji, "Guys hurry up right now".

They both soon got out and went to the table.

Sehun's umma, "Sehun... Why are dress so nice today? Are you going somewhere".

Sehun smiling with his cheeks raised then he answers, "Umma... I'm going to Baekhyun's birthday party".

Sehun's Umma, "Oh that's nice. But Tao has to take you".

Tao looks at his mom, "Umma!! Why me?"

She looks at him sternly, "Because you are always lazy".

Tao, "Abeoji!!".

Sehun's appa, "Listen to your mother son".

Tao became frustrated and have no choice but to do it. 

    Their mom & dad left to work at 9:00 a.m. Tao was waiting for Sehun but Sehun was looking for a gift for Baekhyun.

Tao frustratingly waited, "Sehun, Hurry it's gonna start in any hour".

Sehun in his bedroom, "Wait... Ah Find it".

Sehun gets out and then take Tao's hand and rush out to the car.

Tao, "Oi... My hands not a mannequin okay".

Sehun excitingly can't wait, "Lets just hurry".

Tao then drove to Baekhyun's party at the park. It was 10:58, Baekhyun and them was about to start the games. Tao dorve his car and drop off Sehun then Tao went some where in park. Sehun rushingly went to the site were Baekhyun's party is.

Sehun gasping for breath, "WAIT! I'm almost there".

Once he reaches there, he was almost out of breath.

Kai looked at him, "Sehun! Your just in time for the games we are going to play".

Kai hands him a bottle of water.

Kai, "Here".

Sehun takes the bottle of water and opens it. He drank it half way and felt all better. Tao park not to far away and went to the party. Tao sat on the bench and looking bored. Sehun, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Luhan, D.O., and Kai playing pin the tail on the horse then hide n' seek and so many other games. They were so finally tired that they decide to open the presents. Baekhyun looked at all the presents and tries to choose one.

Baekhyun, "Hmmm... I'll go with Chanyeol's first then Kai's then the rest".

     After the presents were open, Baekhyun decide to slice the cake.

Luhan, "Okay, birthday boy gets to cut".

Baekhyun goes to cut the cake with Chanyeol.

They both then cut it and everybody, "Happy Birthday Baekhyun!!".

Chanyeol put a little frosting on his finger and tap it on Baekhyun. Chanyeol laughs at him and Baekhyun did it back at him.

D.O, "C'mon guys your wastng food".

Baekhyun then his frosted cover nose. And Chanyeol his frosted cheeks.

Kai, "Really guys. Get a room you two".  

They all laugh and had fun. Tao was like almost having fun but Luhan came up to him shyly. Luhan hands out a tiny gift box.

Luhan, "He... Her... here".  He looked like he was almost out of breath.

Tao looks at him with a blank face.

Tao, "Gomawo".

Luhan then leaves with a bright smile.

Kai, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and D.O were like, "Oooohhhhh".

D.O, "Somebody likes someone".

Luhan, "Oh shut up you guys".

Kai, "Luhan likes Tao. Luhan likes Tao...".

Sehun, "Guys quit it".

After the birthday party, everybody left home. Sehun was asleep in the car and Tao driving. Tao looks at the time, it was 4:00. When they got there, Tao opens his side of the door then closes it and walk to the other side. He then taps Sehun on the cheeks.

Tao, "Waking up sleepy head we're home".

Sehun moan and graon but Tao have to carry him to the house. Tao got there and opens the door.

    Tao looks around and their parents were not home. He thinks that they are working late again. Tao settles Sehun on his bed then takes off his clothes to put his jammies on.

Tao, "Ugh... jeez. This looks so wrong. Looks like I'm stripping him".

He did not like it at all because they were brothers. Tao went to sleep in his panda underwear. Their parents came home at 11 and they were so tired. They went into the master bedroom and sleep. The next day, everyone in the house were tired as koalas. Sehun woke up so early like at 5:00 in the morning. Sehun moaned and he then sits on his bed with his puppy pj's. He looks around tiredlessly then walk to the bathroom to take a shower. He then dries himself and wraps a towel around his waist. He went to go change into this: 


     He got his socks ready, camera ready, and wallet ready. He then immediately went outside to wait for the bus to come. The bus came and he got on. Two people came rushing in, it was cool boy Lay and Handsome Chen. They went to the back seat.  Sehun was sitting somewhere in the middle next to the window. On the next stop, a quiet handsom man about in his early twenties came into the bus. He walk to Sehun and hang on to the handle above. Sehun looked at him and Kris looked at him.

Sehun mind, "He dress so finely but I have a feeling that he is a bad boy".

All a sudden Sehun's camera cap fell off and he tries to get but Kirs got on his knees to get it for him. Kris stands up and grab on the handle. He pulls out his hand to give it to him without any words.

Sehun, "Gomawo", he said it with soft tone.  

The bus stops at the park. Sehun, Kris, Lay and Chen got off then went seperate ways.  Sehun enters the park and goes to the big pond. He starts taking pictures of it then around the park. He goes to a cafe to buy a bottle of water and something to snack on. He then went to a bench to sit down. Sehun ate all the munchies and then drinks the water. He throws away the plastic munchy bag and settles the water bottle next to him. Kris comes along the pond just looking at the water and skiping rocks. Sehun looks at him and quickly takes a picture. Kris then turns away without recognizing Sehun. Sehun stand up and follows him. Kris walks away into the crowd. Sehun then looks for him but couldn't find him.

    Somewhere at a market place, Sehun settles down on a table.

Sehun's umma see's him and yells, "Sehun, dear".

Sehun turn his head to look at his mom.

Sehun, "Umma". Sehun's umma, "Come here".

He then walks to his moms floral shop.

Sehun's mom, "What brings you here?"

Sehun, "Oh just looking around".

Sehun's umma, "Oh dear settle down here and wait. I'll bring some honey tea".

Sehun, "Ye umma".

While he was sitting down, Kris comes into the floral shop. Sehun looks at him with blank emotions. Kris looks at him and turns around to ring the bell. Sehun was kind of reaching his hand out but his mom came to give him his homey tea.

Sehun's umma, "Oh how are you doing Kris".

Kris, "Doing great", he said it in a almost quiet voice.

Sehun's umma laughed. She looks at her son.

Sehun's umma, "Oh Kris this is my son Sehun. Sehun, this is Kris. He is my number one customer".

Kris turns around to face him. Sehun take his left hand to shake his hand.

Sehun, "Nice to meet you". He stutters.

Kris looks at him and Sehun looks at him eye to eye. They seem almost as if they were about to become something even more than just aquaintances. Thus, starts the beginning of there first met.




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Chapter 2: Really really touchy touchy my heart...
Chapter 1: update please..