
My Fairy Tale

     While Kris hugging Sehun, Sehun hearts to begin to feel this pain that can't be describe. Kris, "Sehun is it. Well, I feel your heart. It looks like your in pain but out of tears of joy". He said it softly. They look at each other and Kris wipe Sehun's tears. Kris, "I want you to know that you are more than this". Sehun sniffles and wipe his own tears. He stops crying and looks a Kris with firmness. Sehun, "I wonder if you can be in my fairy tale". He looks down at his feet. Kris gets on his knees and smiles. He see's something around his neck. He then stands up and looks at his neck. Sehun steps back a little bit. Sehun, "What are you looking at, Kris?", he answer so shyly. Kris use his fingers to pull out the necklace. He looks at it then at Sehun. Kris, "So you made it into a necklace". Sehun nodded calmly. Kris, "It's time we get to know each other". He gets on his knees and grabs his right hand to only kiss it. Sehun became so red that he had no reaction. Sehun, "take me home please". He fiants and Kris catches him.

    Kris knocks on his apartment and his friend Xiumin opens the door. Kris breathlessly tells Xiumin, "Xiumin... help me here". Xiumin looks at him and Sehun. Xiumin, "Who's this?" Kris almost out of breath, "Explain later. Just f-ing help me". Xiumin, "Okay. Jeez". Xiumin helps Kris with Sehun to lay him in Kris's bedroom. Kris and Xiumin lay Sehun on the bed. Xiumin, "So what are you going do to him". Kris looks at him, "Take care of him of course. Now go back to what you were doing". Xiumin leaves his bedroom. Kris goes to grab a bowel with a wet towel in it. He comes back then and puts it on his head. Kris holds his hands with his two hands. Kris, "Sehun". He put his head close to his chest. "What do you mean by can you be in my fairy tale?". He then moves his head to his nose and touches it with his nose. Sometime later, Sehun wakes up from the faintness. Sehun moan and groan then looks around. He notice that he is not in his house but the room seems to be very fairly clean. Sehun, "Where am I?", he then gets up to goes look around. He opens the door to only see Kris and Xiumin talking. Xiumin, "What are you going to do about it when his parents found out". Kris, "Look here. I'm going to solve it, okay". Sehun, "Hey what's the talking about". They both looked at him. Kris, "Oh you're awake". Sehun, "Yeah. But where am I". Kris, "Your in my apartment. Oh, and this is my best friend Xiumin. Xiumin this is Sehun, my going to be boyfriend". Xiumin, "Hi". Sehun, "Hello. Guys got anything to eat. I'm hungry". Kris, "Oh I'll fixed up supper. SO wait". He then goes to the kitchen.

    After an hour pass by, Kris holds a bowel of bibimbap and a plate of kimbap. He serves it on the table. Kris, "Here... eat". Xiumin, "Yum. I'll go first". Xiumin breaks the chopsticks and about to eat. Kris, "Wait Xiumin... Let Sehun take a bite first". Xiumin puts down the chopstick, "Oh come on". Kris, "Just do it". Xiumin, "Fine. I'll let you "boyfriend" eat first". Kris, "Okay. You try". Sehun breaks the chopsticks and prepares to eat. Sehun first dips the kimbap. Kris, "Now you could eat Xiumin". Xiumin, "Alright". He eats properly in front of Sehun because he does want to look bad. Sehun swallows and drinks the water, Kris, "How is it". Sehun, "Yeah it's good. And you are the best". Sehun smiles at hmi and Kris blushes then looks away. Sehun with ethusiasm, "Oh someone's blushing". He laughs. Kris, "Really Sehun". Sehun keeps on laughing and Kris just went to go .

    After hours past, it was 11:30 a.m. and Sehun still in Kris's apartment. Sehun comes into Kris's bedroom quietly. Sehun silently speaks, "Kris... Kris... KRIS!". Kris turns around when he was just sitting on his bed thinking to himself. Kris, "What is it Sehun?" Sehun walks in and sat next to Kris. Sehun, "So when are you going to take me home". Kris turn his head to look at him. Kris, "Whenver. You could go right now". Sehun, "But I don't know where to go". Kris, "Alright I'll help you.". He takes his hand and walks to the door. While at the door, Sehun puts on his shoes and Kris waits for him outside. Kris eagerly waited, "C'mon Sehun". Back inside Sehun forgot to get the necklace. He went to go quickly grab it. When he got back to the door he opens it and looks back to see Xiumin sleep like a puppy. He waves goodbye. Sehun and Kris are out of the apartment. They both walk down the stairs. At the bottom, they were holding hands and walking to the bus stop near them. Lay and Chen walks pass by them. They look back to look at  Sehun's . Lay, "He got a nice ". Chen, "Totally tap that". They both were as silent as ghost, but Sehun heard them. Sehun looks at Kris, "Kris... The erts are looking at me". Kris, "Don't worry just ignore them". They continue walking to the bus stop. Chen, "Woah!! I like that of yours". Kris angrily, "Okay that's it". Then Kris beats them up.

    Kris fixes his shirt and walks away. Lay and Chen stands up then walk away. Sehun, "Thank you. Kris". Kris grabs his hand and brashly got to the bus stop. Sehun, "Ow... Stop that. It hurts". Kris looks at him with awe, "Sorry Sehun". At the bus stop, they waited for the bus. Sehun quietly looks down and talks to Kris, "Kris. You say you hold secrets". Kris, "I do but not going to tell you yet". He thinks, Xiumin, "When are you going to tell him that you are born from royalty". Kris, "I'm not going to tell him that yet". Xiumin, "It's better to tell them early then late". Kris, "I know that". Sehun waving his hand at Kris, "Kris are you there or are you frozen". Kris snaps out of the day dream and the bus comes. Sehun, 'Come lets go". Kris, "Oh. Okay". They enter the bus then left. In the bus, they both sat next to each other at the end of the bus. While sitting down, Kris was looking out the window and holding Sehun's hand. Sehun fell asleep on his shoulder.

    At Sehun's place, Kris wakes up Sehun and both walk out the door. Kris and Sehun quietly walk to the house. Sehun rings the door bell. Tao opens the door looking tiredlessly, Tao, "Oh It's just you two. Come in". Kris and Sehun walk in. Sehun, "This is inside my house Do you like? Oh and this my hyung, Tao". Tao walks to the sofa and falls asleep. Kris looks then back. Sehun, "Yeah he's a bit a lazy and always tired. Come. Let me show you my art studio". Sehun takes his hand to let him see his art studio. Sehun opens the door, "This is my art room. Where I mostly am and busy painting". He leads him to sit down and Sehun sits down on the comfy chair. An awkard silent occurs, Kris looks around and see's all the amazing art he has done. Kris, "So what do you usually piant". Sehun, "Well, I take pictures in my camera then download them in my laptop. Finally, I paint what I just taken". Kris , "Cool... Not bad actually". Sehun, "Yeah". He scratches his head. Kris stands up to look at the picture with a person standing next to the tree. Kris walks up to it and turns his head towards Sehun, "What's this picture called?" Sehun, "It's called My Fairy Tale". Kris, "Nice". He thinks that this might be a picture of him but the back ground change.

    Kris looks at all his art but there was one that was unfinish. Kris takes out a year old or two picture out. Kris holds it, "What's this one called". Sehun turns to looked at him, "Oh that one. It's called The Angel". Kris puts down the dusty picture then coughs. Kris then stops coughing, "It's only sketch. Why isn't it finish" Sehun, "It's a long story". Kris, "How about you make me your angel". Sehun mouth open a little and emotionless. Kris, "Well, would you". Sehun had no reaction to that at all. 

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Chapter 2: Really really touchy touchy my heart...
Chapter 1: update please..