The Pendant

My Fairy Tale

    Sehun holding his cup of tea while looking at Kris. Sehun's umma, "Well, Sehun. Are going to say anything". Sehun stutterly and hesitantly, "Oh. My name is Sehun. And yours". Kris turns around without an answer and then grabs the flower. Sehun looks at him as he leaves the shop. Sehun's umma, "Oh honey. Drink your tea while it's still warm". Sehun, "Oh my bad". He slowly drinks it. Sehun's umma, "I'll be back after lunch okay". Sehun stands up and put the cup on the counter. Sehun, "I'll be leaving umma". Sehun's umma, "Okay see dear". Sehun departs from the shop. He walks back to the park. When he got there, it was 1:00 p.m. Sehun decides to leave early. At the stop to his house, he see's Kris walking the opposite side of him. The bus leaves and he disappear into thin air. Sehun, "I hope I see you again. But are you the one". He said it indistinctly. He turns around to walk the other way to his house. In his art studio, which is just a large empty room next to Tao's. He begin doenloading the photos into his laptop. When it was finish, Sehun begin to paint the wilderness with a beautiful atomsphere. He looks at it for a few seconds and then leaves.

     The next day, Sehun decides to go to his secret spot because he never got a chance to take a photo of it. Sehun gets ready to go without waking anyone. He already brush his teeth and taken a shower. And dress like this .

The place was not very far away from where he lives from. He goes to the spot and see's Kris standing next to tree near the cliff. He suddenly takes a picture without the flash. The wind blew in and the petals of the tree flew into the air. Sehun begin to take another picture. Kris then turns around to only see Sehun holding up his camera. He walks slowly to him. Sehun steps back a little. Kris walked closer and closer. Sehun hesitantly said, "Hello". He looks down and the camer pointed down. Kris walks pass by him without a word. But suddenly Kris said, "Meet me at the park this afternoon". He then finally leaves. Sehun turns to him and the wind blew in again. Sehun walking home without any words coming out of his mouth. Tao see's him emotionless while holding the camera. He walks and bumps into Tao. Tao, "Hey. Knuckle head. What happen to you?" Sehun responds, "I saw someone. He was handsome". Tao was like, "Ooookaay". He shake his head side to side and laughs softly. Sehun then went into his studio to download the 2 photos into the laptop. He decides to pick the on without the petals. And paint it but change the background with bright stars and full moon. When he finished, Sehun, "I'll called this "My Fairy Tale". He then looks at the clock and it was 11:34. He gets ready and changes into new clothes.

    Tao got out of his jammies and change into this . Tao takes Sehun to the park and goes with him. When they got there, they both saw Luhan looking into the pond. Sehun yells, "Luhan!!", he then waves. Luhan looks back and see's them. He waves back at them. Sehun grabs his hand, "C'mon hyung lets go". The run to Luhan and stops to where he is. Sehun, "Hi Luhan". Luhan looks behind him then back. Sehun turns back then face Luhan. Sehun, "Do you like my brother?", he asked quietly. Luhan, "Yes I do like him". Sehun tapped on his shoulder, "I'll leave you 2 alone". Sehun leaves. Luhan, "Sehun!!". He groaned. Luhan turns towards Tao, "Well what do you want to do". Tao turns his head to Luhan. Sehun went strolling around to find Kris but couldn't. He was tiredless and all of a sudden he saw Kris next to a giant tree 3 feet away from the pond. His back was facing Sehun then he stands up from the bench. Sehun walks to him slowly. Sehun, "Kris... Is it". Kris turns around to face him. Kris, "Yes it is". Sehun looked at him and Kris takes his hand and put something in it. Kris closes his hand and blow on his hand. It made Sehun feel all tinglily. Kris, "Keep it. It will bring you luck". Sehun thought to himself if he was a really bad boy at all. Right now, Sehun only sense and felt something in Kris's heart and soul. Kris, "We will meet again. And soon enough you will know me". He said it in a smooth low voice.

    Sehun saw him leave. Sehun went back to only see Tao flirting with Luhan. Luhan giggling and Tao tickling Luhan. Sehun, "Hyung". Tao stops and looks at him. Tao, "Why the long face?" Luhan, "Did something bad happen?" Sehun answer softly, "No... Not at all. I saw my prince". Tao, "You and your fairy tales". Sehun, "Lets go home". Tao, "Alright then. Luhan want to come too". Luhan nodded excitely. Tao tap his forehead with his finger. Tao, "You only need to nod once". He smiles and take his hand. Sehun thought if Kris can make him the happiest person. Sehun crosses his hands over his heart. When they got home, Sehun open his hand to only see a pendant of a dragon.

They all went to sleep but Sehun made the pendant into a necklace. Sehun finally went to bed. At Kris's apartment, he opens the balcony door to look at the bright fulll moon. The color of the moon was blue. Kris made a wish on it. He wishes that he will marry Sehun and know each other very will. 

    The next day, Sehun and Kris met again at the park. Sehun, "How come you are filled with mysteries?" Kris, "I'm no mystery, but someone who holdds secrets". Sehun, "What are you going to tell me". Kris , "I going to tell you that I will be your gaurdian". Sehun say nothing and walks up to him. He put his hand on his chest. Sehun, "I feel your heart beating but I feel is this kindness deep within". Kris then pulls him in to only hug him. Kris, " I find the one who will change me". Sehun was stun that he was about to cry. Kris, "We barely know each other, but I feel that I we can be more". And now forming a link between their hearts aand soul. Sehun's mind, "I fell for you at first sight but can you be my prince".



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Chapter 2: Really really touchy touchy my heart...
Chapter 1: update please..