Chapter 6

A Thousand Years

One fine day in the fall…

This house was still quiet and peaceful. Another day had passed and this was the third week Kelly stayed here with Infinite member. She was hidden and safe. She might be lucky because each of the members really protected her, even if she wasn’t outside the house. The managers also had not known yet about her. She would hide inside the wardrobe if they came and got out when they left. She still ate livers and drank blood, and Sunggyu was the only one who knew about this.

It was still quiet, until someone knocked at the door and it surely made Sunggyu awakened from his deep slumber. He walked like a zombie to open the door. It needed 5 minutes to unlock the door by himself.

A guy with fox-fur-coat stood up in front of him. He held something in his hands, it was like a bag. At first Sunggyu seemed unfamiliar with the guy, but then he remembered Kelly had told him about the flock that looking for her. One thought that passed through his mind that time, he must be one of them. The flock.

“Although I didn’t know what are you picturing me in your mind, but I know you have that kind of thoughts.” He said suspiciously. Sunggyu coughed lowly, “Who are you?” he acted like nothing happened.

“I’m not The Chucks,”

Sunggyu raised his eyebrow in confusion, “I don’t know what you mean, just say right away…”

“I’m Seungho, Kelly’s brother…” he introduced himself.

Sunggyu chuckled as Seungho knew he was mocking himself with that laugh. “Who’s Kelly? We don’t have a dog named Kelly, for your information. Maybe you got wrong address, sir. Good morning, have a nice day…” Sunggyu closed the door, but a foot blockaded the door.

“I told you, I’m Kelly’s brother…” Seungho made his voice higher.

“Yeah, I clearly heard it, sir. But I don’t have a dog named—“

“What’s going on here?” Kelly appeared behind Sunggyu, she was deadly curious of the noise came from the front. She only saw Sunggyu and someone in front of him.

“Kelly, go in!” Sunggyu whispered to Kelly. But Kelly wouldn’t listen.

“I know you are talking to Kelly. Let me in, please…” Seungho asked him once again.

“Oppa??” Kelly suddenly ran and hugged him tight. It was the tightest hug ever. “Kelly, are you alright? What is up with this guy, he wouldn’t let me in…” Seungho glared to Sunggyu purposely. Kelly giggled watching them quarreling like 5 years old boys. Sunggyu could only watch them hugging each other and Kelly brought him inside his house. Somehow he felt a little bit jealous with that guy who claimed as Kelly’s brother. He got hugged by Kelly and it really messed up Sunggyu’s feeling.

“Sunggyu Oppa, it’s Seungho, my oldest brother.” Kelly introduced her brother to Sunggyu who was currently standing up in the kitchen. He was struggling with coffee machine and the stuffs. He wasn’t interested with Kelly’s brother after all, so he ended up with Americano in the kitchen.

“Oppa, that’s Sunggyu Oppa. He took care of me. He bought me livers and blood and—“

Seungho put his palm up to stop Kelly, “He knows that you are—“

“Immortal, yeah, of course I know. We are so close,” this time Sunggyu cut Seungho’s words. He walked while bringing a cup of Americano with his right hand and served it to Seungho who sat next to Kelly.

“Kelly, I told you to not tell this to anybody.” Seungho seemed in fury.

Sunggyu chuckled, “It’s ok. I’m the only one who know about this. The rest of the boys don’t know…” Sunggyu explained.

“So, you know everything, huh?” Seungho asked.

“You mean about that flock, who looks for her and you brought her here to keep her safe? Or about she eats livers and drinks blood?” Sunggyu laughed. “I know really…” he added. Kelly giggled while patted her brother’s back to calm him down. She knew really, her brother and Sunggyu were in a bad atmosphere.

“Since you know everything, I can rely her on you then.” Finally Seungho could handle his emotion towards Kim Sunggyu. Sunggyu nodded, “You can obviously trust me.”

“Ah, I can’t stay any longer. Anyway, Kelly, mom gave you this…” Seungho handed a big bag to Kelly.

“What’s this?” she asked.

“Stock of livers and blood... Make sure you won’t his blood even though his blood smells good and tasty.” Seungho took a peek to Sunggyu, tried to scare him. But Sunggyu didn’t even get scared by his words anyhow.

“Whoa, thanks oppa… take care of the family for me, please…” Kelly requested. Seungho nodded, “Of course. I will take care of them behalf you.” Seungho pecked Kelly’s cheek for goodbye kiss. Sunggyu threw his face as he saw Kelly was kissed by his brother. Ok, even though Seungho was just ‘her brother’, he felt totally jealous.

“Sunggyu, I trust you. Protect her no matter what…” Seungho patted Sunggyu’s back. Sunggyu just smiled and didn’t say anything. He whispered so Kelly wouldn’t here.

Sunggyu accompanied them to the front door while Kelly was already in the front to open the door. Seungho restrained Sunggyu for a moment, he whispered to Sunggyu’s ear. “She would be hard to control if she gets mad.” Seungho said.

“I’ll try to handle it,” Sunggyu replied. Seungho nodded as he walked to the front door. Kelly hugged him once again and in a blink of eyes, he disappeared. Sunggyu blinked many times as his unbelievable. Kelly looked at him and chuckled, “He can run as fast as thunder.” She said with a joke tone but seemed to be serious. “Let’s have early breakfast since he brought your favorite…” Sunggyu asked her to follow him to the kitchen.

Sunggyu was just about to serve the liver on a plate when someone came in without knocking the door. As Sunggyu knew who was coming, he quickly grabbed Kelly’s wrist and tried to hide her behind his back. But it was too late because the manager already stood up and saw everything. Sunggyu and Kelly stoned in their very first position, they could do nothing. The manager already knew, he was standing still with a furious sight he ever had.

“Sunggyu, would you mind explaining this?” he sounded like snoring. It’s because he was totally mad at Sunggyu.

“Hyung, hold on a second. I can explain it. Please have a seat…” Sunggyu left Kelly in the kitchen and escorted his manager to the living room.

“Now tell me, who is that girl!?” he had his sound higher than before. Just then, Sungjong opened the door’s room happily without any notice, and just greeted Kelly. “Good morning, Kelly. How was your sleep?” he jumped happily to the kitchen, where Kelly was. Kelly didn’t dare to speak a word to greet Sungjong back. She was just pointed out the living room, letting him know that the manager was already there.

Sungjong stoned. His reaction was exactly the same as Sunggyu and Kelly before. “Hyung? What are you doing here?” Sungjong asked scarily. Anyway, Sungjong wore pink pajamas at that time.

“So, you guys hide her here? In this dorm?” the manager spurted his anger.

“It’s not like that hyung. It’s an urgent situation. We can’t leave her outside our house that time. It’s too complicated. Please understand us, hyung…” Sunggyu said.

 “I don’t want any reasons, she can’t live here.” He stubbornly said. Sunggyu and Sungjong sighed; he knew this would happen one day. But, somehow they would remain Kelly in this house; they had promised to her already. Moreover, there was no other place except this house.

“Hyung, if you worry about… the fans…” Sunggyu stopped. “I can handle, we can handle. Fans will never know about this. Oh, come on hyuung… look at her, she’s pretty right?” Sungjong tried to negotiate with his manager. His manager took a peek of her for a moment and then looked at both of them with many thoughts inside his head. No one could deny Kelly’s pure and innocent heart, her prettiness was hard to refuse though.

“What’s happening here?” Sungyeol was up and dumbfounded all alone.

“Hyung will never agree if Kelly stays here. Right, hyung?” Sungjong said with his horribly sad tone. His manager looked at Sungjong then faced up Sungyeol. Sungyeol came to Kelly and made her sat in the sofa with them. She sat next to Sunggyu.

“Hyung, I swear you, we’re not lying. She’s in a great danger. If she’s not, we won’t allow her to stay. We’re not that greedy against girls.” Sungyeol convinced him once more.

“Oh gosh, what happen with you guys? This is forbidden. I don’t want to know any reasons of her.” The manager pointed at Kelly right away. Sunggyu looked at Kelly miserably. “It’s ok, oppa. It’s no use to quarrel against your manager. I can leave. Seungho Oppa can drag me to another safe place…” Kelly said with low volume. Sunggyu held her hands tight, looked deeply into her eyes. “I will remain you here. Please, stop giving up to this old man…” he replied.

 “Wow, good morning, Hyung. Nice weather, isn’t it?” Woohyun came and hugged his manager super tight. “Stop pretending like you don’t know what happening it is.” he said viciously.

“Don’t be like this, hyung. Of course, I know. We can solve it without getting mad like this. Chillax…” He joked. At the same time, Myungsoo came out of his room with Hoya and Dongwoo. Dongwoo was the last person to wake up. He sat sleepily beside Sungyeol.

“Well, it’s not like I want to interfere your problem, miss. But if you can tell me what your problem is, I can rethink about letting you stay here or not.”

“Ah Hyung, it’s not a matter you can interfere about. We even don’t know the detail yet…” Sunggyu said.

“So, how can I approve her to stay here? Forget it. Pack your luggage right now. I will take you wherever as long as not this place.” He stood up madly. They could barely hear Myungsoo sighed disrespectful. “Hyung is like a devil beneath the hell, the king of devil.” He grumbled and it totally made Sungyeol laughed like forever. “Yeah, Devil Hyung!” he said while laughing so hard.

“Ya, I don’t want to know…” he said.

“If Kelly leaves, I leave.” Sunggyu said and stood up. He went into his room. They didn’t know what he did, until he came out with his luggage.

“Oppa, you don’t have to do this…” Kelly ran to Sunggyu.

“I promised to your brother.”

“You promised? What promise?” Kelly asked anxiously. “It’s nothing. Men to men, woman doesn’t need to know.” He said.

“Well, me too. Don’t expect me to come tonight at the radio show.” Sungjong got up and packed all of his stuffs in the luggage. “Me too.” Myungsoo glared to the manager and followed up Sungjong.

“You don’t want to pack too?” the manager asked to Woohyun, Dongwoo, Hoya, and Sungyeol.

“Uhm, I have schedule at 8 pm, I’ll leave after 8 pm schedule then,” Woohyun thought carefully. He surely didn’t want to leave this place.

“We do. After this,” Hoya murmured unpleasantly. “Just go. Let’s see how you can hold this out.” He banged the front door angrily.

“Ok, so where are we going to do now?” Sungyeol asked.

“It’s up to you. But I will be with her,” Sunggyu said.

“Ok, I mean… I will stay here. I will face up the mad CEO with myself. You go save her, Hyung. Don’t forget to contact.” Sungyeol said. Sunggyu was kind of pissed off at first, but he just sighed a deep breath.

“It’s a good idea…” he finally said.

The door was opened harshly. They could see the manager was coming back. “Ok, I’ll take my words back, you can stay here. But the rules still work.” The manager already stood up at the edge of the door, with cell phone in his hand.

Sunggyu and the others were stoned as they saw the ‘devil manager’ appeared again. Sunggyu didn’t believe, and so did the others. They were also stoned in their place. Myungsoo was just out and also being confused. “What’s now?” he asked dejectedly.

“Are you serious, Hyung?!” Sunggyu asked louder.

“Whoa, Hyung… you’re not joking right?” Sungyeol asked unbelievably. Everyone seemed unbelievable with his words just now. Kelly walked slowly to the manager and suddenly hugged him, “Thanks manager, Oppa. I really thank you so much. Thanks. Thanks.” She almost tore up in the corner of her eyes.

“Ugh… yeah, no… problem, miss…” the manager said unsettled words as he was nervous to the max.

“Whooaa, hyung is very lucky. He got hugged!!!” Sungyeol suddenly hugged Hoya. Woohyun was even worse, he crawled on the floor, cried pitily. Sunggyu could finally inhaled the fresh air, their manager had already agreed to keep her in their dorm and so had the other manager. He should have called the other manager to tell about this matter.

“So, no moving, huh? I packed already,” Sungjong came out with two luggages.

“No, maknae. The manager had agreed. He even got Kelly’s hug just now. too bad you didn’t see…” Hoya said.

“So, prepare yourself to your full schedule today.” He noted something on his iPad. “Hyung, let’s bring Kelly with us. She’s lonely.” Woohyun pouted his lips, showing his aegyo. “That’s too risky for her, yah…” Sunggyu as usual was being too overprotective towards Kelly.

“Well, you should ask her about that…” the manager left, leaving the dumbfounded Sungjong.

“You packed for real?” Dongwoo asked. “Of course!” Sungjong replied unwaveringly.

“I just faked him, you know. Ash, this maknae seriously…” Sunggyu hit his head as he knew how stupid the maknae is. “We did it often, right? Sungjong still couldn’t get it?” Myungsoo exhaled; he was about to laugh. “So, you just pretended to pack your luggages? Ash, what happened seriously…” Sungjong kicked out his luggage in anger. The others laughed deadly hard, and so did Kelly.

“Let’s go!”



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You were randomly featured but I don't see too many people subbing this o-o... I would try to change your first opening sentence to make it actually pull the readers... "Based on Twilight" doesn't seem to be helping xD
dreamweave #2
congrats on random feature! hope you fic gets the attention your effort deserves ^^
Iminthezone #3
Annyeong haseyo~~!!!
new reader here..
i will be reading this because my friend recommend this and she said this fanfic is DAEBAK!!!
i hope u get more subscribers! :)))