나는 당신을 사랑해요.

Devil vs Angel






"Yah, Park Jiyeon. How could you find Mavin new appa? how would I know that man will love my son or not?" he won't believed any other man will loved Mavin more than him.

"Kim Myungsoo could you said it reasonable? I also wants to have my own happiness, I can't stand when other people said my son don't have dad. I just want to find Mavin a dad is that wrong? wasn't you already have your happiness? what did I do is none of your bussiness". Jiyeon already loses all of her patience, Kim Myungsoo such an argument does not say person. She really wanted to know what's in his head.

"Why did you always said I have my happiness? I really understand what you mean. Was that your plan? it's alright if you want to get married, but don't forced Mavin called that man "APPA".

"Kim Myungsoo You..."

"I said you two! didn't you guys felt tired? we're already tired" Opened the door Leejoon with his annoying face looking at Myungsoo and Jiyeon. Followed behind him was Lizzy, Suzy, IU and Eli.

"How could you guys listened to our secretly conversation? That is illegal" Replied Myungsoo just a shrug from Leejoon. "you just told us go outside but didn't said we need make the door completely shut".

"I said you guys, one is not married while the other still single. Even though the both of you have Mavin, why don't you two get married and take care of Mavin? right, yeobo?" Leejoon nodded his head as answering Lizzy question.

"Lizzy said is right, the both of you already waiting for each other for more than 6 years. Don't just because of a little mistake to waste more time".

"Suzy ah, your words are all correct. I got regret why didn't I choose you at the first time" After that words, Leejoon instantly get a punch on his tummy from Lizzy.

"Wasn't Suzy already rejects you at first? How dare you, what's wrong with me? wasn't it because of my beauty so you proposed me? is your body feeling itchy? or wanna sleep outside tonight?"

"I'm wrong yeobo, you're beautiful. I'll not saying it anymore" Leejoon smile widely rubbing Lizzy's back. "Compared you and Suzy, you're the best in my eyes" said as Leejoon give Lizzy a kiss on her cheek.

"huh" Give Leejoon a glance, a smile already shown on Lizzy face. Knowing Lizzy not angry anymore, Leejoon slowly back hugging Lizzy.

"uhm hem, don't forgot what we're come here for" Eli faked clear his throat give a glance at Lizzy and Leejoon, instantly making a serious face to Jiyeon and Myungsoo. "Are there anything misunderstood, it's good to said it out here".

"We don't have anything to said" Jiyeon coldly said while eyes not even looking at Myungsoo.

Eli then looked at Myungsoo "how about you?". "Eighter am I".

"so... which means you two agreed to get married?"

"WHO SAID WE WANT TO GET MARRIED?" Eli speechless after a choral by Jiyeon and Myungsoo. Eli shruged looking at other, showing that he have nothing to said.

"how about this, Jiyeon find for Mavin a papa. Myungsoo find for him a mama, Mavin both called them papa mama. Isn't that really great?"

"SHUT UP".  

"I give up with them" Leejoon showed both his hand up. "who said both of them wasn't husband and wife? their reaction are all the same".

Looking at Myungsoo and Jiyeon angry face sit on the couch, Suzy elbowed Lizzy to stop the fire.

"I think it's time for class" Instantly recieved a scary looks from Jiyeon and Myungsoo. "considered I didn't say anything". said Lizzy head to where Leejoon was sitting.

Excluded the anger Jiyeon and Myungsoo, everyone all turned their head to a person who haven't said a word from the start. Recieved from everyone's look, IU only smile while shook her head. But everyone unionly give her a dead signed, included her husband. IU sighed then slowly walk towards where Jiyeon and Myungsoo was sitting.

Pregnancy women is the first, IU smile when saw Myungsoo moved himself a side for her to sit down. Acted as uncomfortable, IU moves herself a little, Myungsoo then move his self closer than Jiyeon giving more space for IU. Until Myungsoo sat near Jiyeon, IU then stop moving.

As thought her first step nearly success, IU saw a cold eyes from Jiyeon glancing her her. "I'm pregnant, baby will be tired". Said but her hand slowly touches her tummy. Caring for his wife and baby, Eli quickly joined in the middle to protect IU.

The couch already cramped with 3 people, Eli suddenly joined in making the couch getting smaller. Because of the push from Eli, Myungsoo losen his balance causes his body all leaned on Jiyeon.

Jiyeon clenched her teeth, IU and Eli are meant it. Sitting at the corner while Myungsoo's body on top, Eli non-stop pushing. Herself don't have enough streght to push Myungsoo up.

"Lee Ji Eun, Kim Gyeong Jae you two stop" Hearing the shout, both Eli and IU stop acting but still sitting in that position. Jiyeon moved her head based on the couch breathing heavily, She's really tired. Myungsoo body still leaned on her.

After calmed down Jiyeon pushes Myungsoo away her body, but no matter how hard she tried. Myungsoo still rooted like that, and even getting closer.

"Kim Myungsoo" Giving Myungsoo a glance as warning, everyone in the office also looking at Myungsoo. But everyone opened their eyes wide at the moment of Myungsoo action.

Jiyeon raised her two eyebrows when Myungsoo lips suddenly touched her. This pabo, did he really know what he is doing? everyone are still looking.

A minute later, Myungsoo brokes the kiss looking at Jiyeon in his serious face. "Park Jiyeon, married me". At Myungsoo finishing his words, IU and Lizzy groups make a loud WOW sound. They never know Myungsoo has that strong form.

But Jiyeon reaction not like them, pushes Myungsoo away from her body, Jiyeon sit up angry looking at him. "Kim Myungsoo, is that your proposal?" Sawing Myungsoo keep in quiet, she continued "What do you think who am I? a junk? or a reused things? do you think no one want to married with your proposal I'll cries then fall into your embrace, said thanks you to married me?" Jiyeon bitterly smile, she stand looking at Myungsoo. "Kim Myungsoo, Park Jiyeon myself not that cheap can easy to agreed. If no fresh roses, no marriage ring, no romatic place, don't kneel one leg to proposal, don't think I'll agreed to married you". not caring at other's reaction, Jiyeon proudly walking out of the office.

"Jiyeonnie ah, where are you going?" Suzy quickly asked.

"To look for Mavin new appa" After that words, the door completely shut in loud sound.

Myungsoo with a blank face looking at the door, Jiyeon words still stuck in his head. He didn't think she is a junk or reused things, he only wants to married her. Taking good care of Mavin, holding her hands together entire of his life.

"Yah Kim Myungsoo, what are you doing here but not following her?" Leejoon urged. If like him in this case, he might be head over wheel Jiyeon. But that devil don't even give him a try, her heart already giving it to the pabo still sitting in here.

"didn't you hear it? she already rejects me" Myungsoo said as like wishpering, after Jiyeon left. His body was like a no air balloon, can't even do anything.

"You're really a pabo, didn't you hear what she said? roses, ring, a romantic place to proposal. Which means she agreed to married you, pabo". Leejoon shouted. Myungsoo was an idiot man he ever met in his life. Jiyeon said that obviously but he still didn't figure it out. So sad that in Jiyeon eyes only has that pabo.

Myungsoo now understand what Leejoon just saying, his eyes opened in shocked after those words. A smile shown on his face when remember Jiyeon face a while ago. She was angry, she need an officially proposal. A thought instantly appear in his mind, Myungsoo quickly run out of the room chasing after the devil who was angry at him.

The rest in the room watching Myungsoo disappeared, one's look at the other with their hope face. They hoped Kim Myungsoo can opened his heart, saying what's in his heart but not keep for himself. He already loose Jiyeon once, they really don't want the both of them loses this second chance.


Standing at front of school Jiyeon looking back with her angry face. "pabo Kim Myungsoo, not even chase" Glances at the school entrance Jiyeon tighten her fist. She even tried to walk slowly, but until nearly walks out of the gate still haven't seen him. Is he not going to chase after her? Is he that pabo didn't understand what she said?

"Kim Myungsoo, I'll count up to 5. If you're still not going out to see me, I'll seriously find Mavin a new appa" Jiyeon tooked at deep breath before staring to count. Her eyes still looking at the entrance, not even blinking.

"1... 2... 3... 4..." Not shadow of Myungsoo...

"Kim Myungsoo, YOU GO TO DIE...." Jiyeon bitten her lips looking at the school entrance for the last time. He doesn't need her, then why does she need to stayed here for? She already give him a chance for him, for her, and also for Mavin.

But he doesn't think the same as she thought. If that was Myungsoo choice... She only can take Mavin back to America.

"Kim Myungsoo... goodbye..." Jiyeon tears falling down at the moment she called Myungsoo name. This can be the last time she called him...

Turned her head over to the gate, Jiyeon felt like there were a heavy rock stuck on her feets, Its getting heavy and heavier for every steps she move. Hand squezeed place on the left chest, where the pained suddenly appear.

Take a deep breath Jiyeon face up the sky, tried to not letting tears keep falling. Kim Myungsoo, this will be the last time she shed tears for him. Starting from tomorrow, the named Kim Myungsoo never appears in her world... No more looked back, Jiyeon make a smile but worser than cries...

She need to face the realities... and Kim Myungsoo... will be the past...




Jiyeon stopped at the moment her name got be called, her heart beats faster after hearing that voice. Hands tighten even the nails clicking on the palms but Jiyeon feel hurt. Her mind stopped along when she heard her name got shouted out.

Her body stay rooted, she scared at the moment she turn over... Kim Myungsoo face will not appearing in front of her. She scared herself might heard it wrong, thinking of him and thought he was calling her.

'Wake up Park Jiyeon, that pabo will not coming out because of you'. Bitterly smiled Jiyeon told to herself, wipes the tears away as she walking forward.


But haven't walk yet Jiyeon once again people calling her name. Calming the beating heart as Jiyeon turning over, appeared in front of her that was a person holdingg the speaker calling her name.

"Park Jiyeon, STOP THERE FOR ME"

On the second floor of school, Myungsoo shouted out while pointed his finger at Jiyeon. Breathed heavily Myungsoo eyes looking at Jiyeon who also looking at him. From a far distance but he can see her watery eyes. She must be crying alot. Looked at Jiyeon slim body in front of him, Myungsoo felt a guilty that seethed inside him. She got skinnier than when they met a week ago.

"Park Jiyeon! put your hand up If you hear what I said" through the speaker Myunsoo shouted to Jiyeon standing at the ground. Myungsoo smile after Jiyeon raise her hand up.

"Park Jiyeon! Listen to what I said" Myungsoo shouted again. "I'm not intentionally to hurt you, every words I said before was what in my heart. I truely wanted to married you" Sawing Jiyeon silently looking at him, he continued. "I know I'm not a good talker, even my words you might understand in a bad way. I don't see you as a junk either not thinking you're reused things or other else. I see you as a women, I only said that to you... Because you're Park Jiyeon, the only person I wanted to married with".

"Because in a sudden I don't have beautiful roses, I just found this flowers near the big tree when were together in 6 years ago. no expensive ring for you like other man did for their wifes, but this ring I bought for my first month of work. It's really means so much things to me, and the person I wants to give... Is you. I can kneeled down in front of you begging for your agreement, and I think this place is the best place for my proposal to the beautiful I love... Park Jiyeon, I Love You".


Kneeled down one leg, Myungsoo hold the ring and flowers up looking at Jiyeon. "Park Jiyeon... Will You Marry Me? I wanted to hold your hands, take care of you and our child entire of my life".

Jiyeon once again shed tears when listening to what Myungsoo said. cover the mouth to not cry out loud, but it could not control the shakes of her shoulder from cries. Jiyeon walk forwards up front to get the closer looks on the second floor Myungsoo. The moment the both of them could clearly see each other face, four eyes met but no one said a word.

Doesn't know when school teachers and students all surround in crowds, The rest of them were silents waiting for an answer from Jiyeon.

Myungsoo still kneel know showed the ring up in a hopeful face. But only himself know how nervous he was. He scared Jiyeon will reject him, like what she did in the office a while ago.

"Jiyeonnie ah... please give me a chance to protect you" Both his hands hold the ring and flowers tight. His head face down as he really don't know what to do if once again recieves the rejection.

"say yes" "say yes" "say yes" Seeing that scene, everyone surrounding all cheered up for Myungsoo. They looked at Jiyeon hopping she'll "say yes".

The crowds of people suddenly get in quiet unusually, curiousity Myungsoo higher his head. Instantly appearing in his eyes were a pair of eye shine than night stars on the skies, and a beautiful smile shown on Jiyeon face looking at him.

In that moment he doesn't know what to do next, his eyes only saw that beautiful face of her looking at him. That smile of her drived him into happiness, as he scared it will disappear soon. He don't really realised where is reality where are dream.

"If you're still in that position I properly change my mind"


"you said you wants to hold my hands entire of your life, but you're still kneel at there then how can you hold me? want me to climbs up there? or are you gonna jump down?"

Myungsoo smile happiness after getting the jokes, quickly stood up as he tried to run as fast as he can to her. People around also moving a side leaving a space for him easily to run down.

Jiyeon chuckled watching Myungsoo rushing run down to her. After a minute Myungsoo already stand in front of her. Looked at a panting Myungsoo, Jiyeon smile and slowly show her left hand in front of him.

A ring slowly goes on Jiyeon ring finger, and a gentle kiss from Myungsoo after the ring worn on her left hand. Jiyeon smile happiness when looking at Myungsoo.

"Kim Myungsoo, 나는 당신을 사랑해요"

"Park Jiyeon, I love you too"

From the cheers of others, the both Jiyeon and Myungsoo giving each other a deep kiss. Showing how much they loved each other, how much they need each other. broken the kiss, the both of them hugging each other tight as none of them get apart from each other.

Holding hands together Myungsoo and Jiyeon waving back to those people who helped them, who cheers them up... and their best friends.

Myungsoo and Jiyeon smiling looking at each other and slowly walk out to the gate. They'd wasted for 6 years, now they wants to spent time together to offset those time missing each others.

As they walking, they can clearly heard their friends calling them.

"YAH, you two gone who will teach at our school?" "Jiyeon ah, you already signed contract with our school"

"Just wait for us to come back and we'll talk about it later" Ignored those angry and screaming behind, Jiyeon and Myungsoo hold hand together running out of the gate and disappear from others views.




Finally I can closed this fic and focus on the other fics...

Thanks for my subscribers who waiting for me to update and take time to read it.

I'm really happy to see people reading the stories I wrote, even though there were problems with gramma, pronounciations and more...


Enjoy your day...







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trasua #1
Chapter 32: Your story is so good but I think you also miss something. How abiut Naeun? Although I don´t like her in real life in this story I think poor her. Bc Jiyeon is still misunderstand Naeun about what happen in the past. So ít will be greater when you let Jiyeon and Naeun be friend once more time. Naeun doesn´t have false. Just bc of Joon´s plan. That is really a pity. But I like your story
Chapter 32: owhhhh its pretty cool fanfic that I ever read. thanks to author who write this awesome story :)
Myjiyeon #3
Chapter 22: Enjoy your fanfic. Love Myungyeon
Mahrwwella #4
Chapter 32: this was just so cool and romantic. I had so much fun reading this fanfic that I waited for new updates every time! this was my favorite. Thanks for sharing this fanfic with us hope you come with new myungyeon fanfic thats more addicted than this one <33

Love you authornim!!
linhkju #5
Chapter 32: Myung still pabo like the first time tsk~ lucky for him jiyeonie still love hjm and give him a chance :-D myungyeon fighting, want to see real moment of them
Chapter 32: Hahahhahaah Myungsoo still with his stupidity until the end. Finally they got together! It's tiring to see them bickering in the office room. One with ego, the other one with blankness. Sigh..
aina24 #7
Chapter 32: wow~~ so romantic, i really happy they end up together..,. thank u author-nim for write a great +best fanfic, I really2 love it!!!
i hope u write more myungyeon fanfic ..
I will wait for it
Chapter 31: Huh? This story is already complete? You kidding me right?
Chapter 31: So she does know him....I love this story so much!!!! Please UPDATE authornim ^^ some chapters made me ALMOST cry like in kdramas....
Chapter 31: Bwoya!! Myungsoo and Jiyeon, both of them are pabo. Why it take too much time to solve their problem? Myungsoo, don't be a coward. You don't want to lose her for the second time right? Good job Jiyeon! You made Jaekyung went speechless.