Party Time

Devil vs Angel



finally I updated... sorry for the late update...

After a monthly exam, all students will have a day off to prepared for the party to celebrates their hardwork all along. Teacher also has more free spaces to prepared everything without students interupting or blocking the way. And because of that, all students who passes the that exam already at the shopping mall looking for their formal/suit for the party night coming up tomorrow. 
While at Uee house, girls were busy in the kitchen cooking, cleaning and did other stuffs, guys busy washing blankets outside but none of them talking to each other.

Durning lunch lizzy curious about how did Jiyeon got that high mark and making the Principle really angry, instead of answering the question Jiyeon only looking at Myungsoo and give him a sweet smile. Causing people on the table confusing confusing looking at them.

“Uhm hem, i'm full" putted the bowl down Myungsoo quickly run to his room before get punishes by people in the house. But only run to the stair way a voice already came out causing his step has stop.

"Komawo" Myungsoo turned his head over to the voice caming out behind. Jiyeon stop eating looking at Myungsoo give him the beauty smile when sawing people in the table eyeing from her to Myungsoo.

"Komawo... Myungsoo Oppa"

kuk..kuk..kuk... a words just came out receiving many chokes and caughing of people around. Jiyeon smile wide when sawing them suffering because of her jokes. The worsed Lee Joon non-stop caughing when hearing the girl he loved calling other guy oppa instead of him, but couldn't do anything or scolding Myungsoo because of Jiyeon word making him couldn't walks back room normally, Myungsoo steps was like a drunken guy.

After successfully walked to the room Myungsoo leant his back to the door with a nervous face. Just only the two of them know what was happening, as Jiyeon agreed to help him get IU's heart but never thought she'll uses that kind of unclear method, her devil method.

"crazy, I must be crazy to agree with her"

Myungsoo ruffled his hairs walking to the bed, laid on it but mind always thinking of a moment ago, thinking of Jiyeon beautiful smile smiling at him. Thinking of that his heart instantly beats faster not even the heart owner knowing how fast it was beating.

After lunch time Myungsoo didn't appear in front of them but hid in the room with his confusing mind. at the living room the rest sitting on the couch listening to a televition. Because of student free day the rest of them got nothing to do and just know watching dramas or kpop shows. As the rest concentrates watching the shows the femenine smells of perfume spreading around the house goes through their nose, the rest turned over and a beautiful y girl with a curly navy hairs falling down cover the shoulder appear in front of them.

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Their mouth wide open not eve know what to said when Jiyeon smile with them. Not too long ago the person they saw a Park Jiyeon who with a pearl face like a princess but in front of them wasn't a Jiyeon they saw before. with a make-up on she looks like a cold girl with a y body... the real her... devil.

"Ji..jiyeonie ah! where are you going?"

After a minute of watching the beauty of Jiyeon, Leejoon quickly ask before jiyeon walks out the house.


IU, LIzzy and Suzy looking at each other with a blank face. star light?

"STAR LIGHT? where is that?" IU asked, a shopping mall? she guess

"it's a PUB" Lizzy answer for IU's confusion.

"PUB? what is PUB? ... Agh" Lizzy flick Suzy on the forehead "it's club pabo" Suzy 'oh' a sound and rubbing her pity forehead.

"then... when are you gonna be back?" whenever Jiyeon went out without him his heart felt heavy in nervous, but cannot stop her.

"molla... maybe 12am or longer than that" sawing the rest got silents and the sad face of Leejoon making her heart feeling uneasy. "do you all want to go with me?"

Their eyes widen as they thought they hear wrong. Knowing the rest doesn't believe what she said Jiyeon express an unhappy face looking at them. "wae? don't wanna go?"

The 3 girls looking at each other with a confused face. "let's go, didn't we got a party from the school? let's have an experience first in case not making fun in front of people" Lizzy tried hard to explains the serious to the two hope they agree to go. the first time can enter the club she'll never let anyone blocking her way. Saw IU and Suzy kept on silents but unsure lizzy smile in the stomach, they unsure which means their heart also wants to go. know that Lizzy continued " go, we didn't know any dance at all, what if teacher ask us to dance then we just only stand there? what will they said if we don't know how to dance?"

Finally the two agree under Miss Lizzy mouth. Jiyeon smile shooking her head when sawing Lizzy seduced an underage students. And the rest agree heading to STAR LIGHT once without the house owner Uee at home. As they ready to go there's something missing behind, and that will the big mission for them to complete before they going out.

"Myungsoo doesn't want to go" IU walks down with a sad face. she was the fourth person who walking to Myungsoo room and went out with a 'No' answer after Leejoon, Lizzy and Suzy.

"Myungsoo said girls must stay home not haning out at night. really danger if we go out at this time" Jiyeon grind one's teeth after hearing IU's word.

"then... let's go if he doesn't want to go" Leejoon smile inside after knowing Myungsoo not willing to go.

"this pabo..." Jiyeon head to Myungsoo room with an angry face leaving the three sad face of girls and an unhappy face of leejoon behind.


Laid on the bed Myungsoo turned his back to the door because he doesn't want hear anything from them. wanna go out this time? dream on it, he'll never leave his room.

"Yah Kim Myungsoo!" Kicking the bed hard Jiyeon said with an angry voice. such a pabo, never seen a pabo like him.

"Aish... you...:" The last word got eaten away when sawing a beautiful girl in front. Really wants to shouted loud to the girl who decided making IU become a bad girl, but the moment eying the girl in front all of his anger instantly gone and doesn't know why heart thumping faster.

Face turning red when Jiyeon in but his head kept thinking at the smile in the morning. what's wrong with him? as thought control the feeling but the girl just appear all of the against gates inside already gone.

"wae! now you're shouting at me? it's ok if you don't wanna go, but i'm not sure IU will met some flirty guy or not" In the eyes of Myungsoo Jiyeon could easily see the worried or could be said its written on the face of him. knowing his weakness Jiyeon continue to issue a challenge "you know that... a pretty girl like IU many guys wants to be her boy friend, just think in the club a pretty girl appear do you know how many man want to have it? But you don’t need to worried, I’m sure I’ll keep an eye on her after I’m done playing with other people.” Said finished Jiyeon smile looking at the guy who worried but acted normal. Jiyeon said in her head ‘pabo! What you thought in mind already written it out on your face’.

Walks down the stairs Jiyeon smile with the others, but not hurry instead telling them to wait for few minute until upstairs hearing the door open sound as they pretend to go. And with Jiyeon predict, few minute later Myungsoo quickly run down follow them head to STAR LIGHT.



Under the DJ music, there are lots of people on the floor dancing crazy without knowing who they are. Jiyeon group enter the club easily because as a VIP member Jiyeon doesn’t need to show her ID and the rest either.

They chose the 2nd stairs because the first time like IU, suzy, Myungsoo the first floor doesn’t match to them. The moment enter the club Leejoon volunteer to order drinks and snacks as Jiyeon showing the rest where their place.

“WOW! So big…” Suzy widen her eyes when the first time entering the club. Opposite to other, Myungsoo only kept a cold face looking around in case someone coming to their table doing something uncontrollable.

His eyes nonstop looking at IU, a moment she steps the club there were many guys looking at her even they smirk bastardly. Few minute later Leejoon came back with a tray of drinks and a plate of fruits, and the place sit… beside Jiyeon of course.

10 minutes later the rest getting bored by only sit there doing nothing instead of listen to music or watching people dancing on the floor but they can only watch.

“yah! We came here for being a mannequin?” Leejoon asked. The first time he acted as an innocents guy, if not because of Jiyeon he now already on the floor or sitting drinking with other y girls downstairs already. To pursue patiently such a hard job to do, but because of Jiyeon he willing to rejects all the girls and accept jiyeon only.

“Hey! Park Jiyeon" 

Sudden behind a voice caming out making people in the table turning behind looking who was calling. Appear at front a blond long hair girls with a y body. Sawing the person coming Jiyeon smile and waves to the girls as she walking toward Jiyeon table. 

"Long time no see 'little dino'"

The rest widen their eyes when sawing the girl just coming their table already pushes Lizzy on the side sitting next to Jiyeon. "hello! I'm this Devil's friend, HyunA" crossing one leg to the other HyunA introduce herself to people on the table. 

In respects, the rest also introduce them self to the 'free girl' of devil's friend but inside they doesn't like as the first time they saw the thick face like HyunA. Because they never been such places like that everything all strange to them even how people joined together. 

"WOW! hey, handsome guy... let's dance" 

Myungsoo shocked when HyunA suddenly leaned her body on him and even call him handsome. His face getting red when feeling a hand of someone on his back playing around on his body.

"uhm? wae? shy? omo handsome guy you're so cute" 

Jiyeon and the rest tried to hold their laugh when sawing Myungsoo shy face, his body stay rooted didn't move an inch look really funny. Knowing Myungsoo give a begging look Jiyeon quickly pull HyunA hands away from Myungsoo "Myungsoo ah! said your full name for Miss Lady to hear it" slowly take a sip of drink Jiyeon leaned her back on the couch like there aren't her business. 

Listened to what Jiyeon said Myungsoo said his real name and instantly recieving a "" word with from HyunA. 

"Kim Myungsoo? haigh... such a waste" said finished HyunA stand up leaving the rest behind with a confusing face as Jiyeon only smile and drink her fruit. 

"waeyo? what's wrong with that girl? why hearing Myungsoo name and she became like that?" lizzy asked with a confusing face. 

"Kim HyunA! has 3 types of man she don't touch. 'underages don't touch' same parents last name don't touch' and 'bad man don't touch'." Now everyone already know the reason why HyunA swear and walking away, because Myungsoo last name 'Kim'. After HyunA gone the rest continued to drinks but in the table missing a person they never thought of. 

"oh? where's Leejoon?" Suzy asked when Leejoon not around. they just saw him sitting with them before, but why he didn't saw it anymore. since everyone asking Jiyeon just smile because of Suzy question. Of course he must hiding if he doesn't want to livelife. Between Leejoon and HyunA story Jiyeon the person knowing it well but lazy to tell IU and the rest because its non of her business. 

"kaja, let's go to dance" Jiyeon quickly drag 4 people who first time entering herr world. on the floor Lizzy dance with many styles of dances, only Suzy, IU and Myungsoo stand there blocking people's way. Sawing that Jiyeon gave them a glare as she pushes Myungsoo toward IU and she teach Suzy how to dance. 

Because of the annoyance Kim Myungsoo, the group back home nearly 11pm but Aunty Uee hasn't back home yet. After entered the house the rest all back to their room with their tired face. After that night Jiyeon know along the 4 only Lizzy can dance but compare the the people who doesn't know there aren't different. End to the result that the 4 of them doesn't know how to dance and really need a dancer... like her. 

In the morning after morning tea, Jiyeon and Leejoon are the 4 teacher who teaching them some dances, for formal and even clubbing. paired with Jiyeon Leejoon smile nonstop and tried his best in front of the 4 to let them know he was a good dancer. 

After 5 hours of teaching the rest decided head to shopping chosing for their party clothes. Reached the mall Jiyeon doesn't know what to said towards the 4 of them. 

"Wow! this dress so pretty... look this one... so beautiful, and the other one too" Jiyeon breath out when hearing Lizzy announcement. turned to look at Suzy who only stand still didn't move an inch while hands hold the bag at the front tight. 

"Suzy ah, wae?" Suzy looked at Jiyeon with an innocent face "I... I don't know what to chose" Jiyeon turned to the side saw IU with the same face. knowing Jiyeon looking IU awkward smile said with a head down "I... I don't have much money to buy those expensive clothes". 

The moment become silents no one speak a word, Jiyeon looks at each of them with a pity face. They're not lucky to have a rich family or even family to love them. thinking of that Jiyeon heart felt heavy when thinking of the moment she fought with her mother. For a long time her mother hasn't contact her, since she lived at Uee house Jiyeon haven't met her mother once. At that moment she felt like missing her, really wants to see her. 

"If you guys can't make it, there's some sales clothes or the shop ahead might be fits you all" suddenly a staff came out get back Jiyeon's thought. Quickly that staff take back the dress from Lizzy hand with a smirk face.

"don't have money but want to buy clothes here" looked at IU, Lizzy and Suzy upsetting face and sawing the staff despised face looking people making Jiyeon angry as she come to get back the dress from that staff. 

"who said we're not buying" said finished Jiyeon took out the gold card in her purse give to the staff making the staff mouth open in surprise. "ok, go and chose the the perfect one you like. it's the gift from me for passing the test" handed the dress back to Lizzy and helping Suzy, IU chosing their dress. 

The next place was beauty shop, Jiyeon leave the three there as her self must back to find Leejoon and Myungsoo at Men's shop. The moment Jiyeon enter the shop Jiyeon smile at the guy sitting on the chair continue shooking his head whenever the staff shown him the suit. 

Unlike Leejoon, he already chose what he like and did ry them on. But Myungsoo doesn't like any from there and that shop was the third shop they went. 

"Waeyo? not like any?" sitting beside Jiyeon scans around the shop saw there're many good one but why does Myungsoo said he doesn't like any? 

"he's from other planet, the first time enter this earth" Said Leejoon as he watches himself in the mirror after changing another one. 

"don't you like any?" Myungsoo shook his head as answering Jiyeon's question. 

"how come?" Jiyeon stood up signing the staff doesn't need to show her as she looking herself. Saw that Myungsoo follow jiyeon for easy to show. walked around Jiyeon took a shirt place on Myungsoo and take back, show on and take back. continue like that until she chose the right one. 

Time goes quickly and time for the party... 




The three enter the party with many eyes  following them step by steps. three of them was like princess because of their beauty. Only the three coming as Jiyeon need to help myungsoo looking for suits. Male students come to greet them and in the party nonight they're the main view in lots of people.  

"Why Jiyeonnie and Myungsoo not coming yet?" the coward Suzy asked but eyes always on the door waiting for Jiyeon. 

"she'll come soon, i'm so hungry... let's find the place to sit and fill our stomach first" Lizzy said and drags Suzy and IU along. make the stomach full first before thinking of something. 

"Hey! what's up beautiful ladies" The three looks up and saw Leejoon with his perfect suits behind them. 


IU, Lizzy and Suzy turned their head back sawing Leejoon smild wide toward them. They couldn't control their mouth but keep open when the first time saw Leejoon on a manly outfit. Suzy and Lizzy shook their head and blinks their eyes nemerous time to be sure the person at their eye was Leejoon, the player, the naughty guy who always head over heel Jiyeon.

"WOW! Leejoon ssi, you're so handsome" said Finish Suzy instantly her face burning out.

"If I don't see it with my eyes I'll think you will have a surgery" Lizzy nodded her head looking at Lee Joon "not too bad, compare to the normal Lee Joon I like this Lee Joon more"

Listened to what Lizzy said Lee Joon smile happy said I'm sorry, no matter the normal me or I'm here myself aldready booked by Jiyeonnie, and with your comment..." Leejoon leaned his face near Lizzy ears wishpered "I accepted". Said finished Lee Joon looking around the whole hall "Where's Jiyeonnie?"

The red face Lizzy clearing said "not coming yet, she now on the way coming here with Myungsoo".

"BWO?" Everyone in the hall all looking when hearing Leejoon shout. IU, Lizzy and Suzy three of them cover their face in embarrass after sawing people eyes on them. With the connection for staying in the house few months three of them instantly stood up with their foods head to other table but not stupid sitting with Lee Joon to get an attention from people around.


IU, Lizzy, Suzy and Leejoon all turned their head over to the sound and instantly their eyes widen when sawing a couple walking in from the hall door. The hall become silents even could hear breath from people around.

"Jiyeonnie" "Myungsoo"

people not believed in their eye... is that the two from their school? if not because Lizzy and Leejoon they cannot recognises the two walking in the Devil in their school Park Jiyeon and the nerd they always said Kim Myungsoo.


Lee Joon smile quickly froze when the two walking closer, not only him but all people in the hall stay rooted looking at the two. Lee Joon unhappy walking to the front of them point at Myungsoo

"Yah Kim Myungsoo! why you are hold Jiyeonnie hand? ARE YOU TWO DATING"




I have time to update 'Never Thought You Were Mine' but I don't know how to end it... give me some idea if you like... thank you

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trasua #1
Chapter 32: Your story is so good but I think you also miss something. How abiut Naeun? Although I don´t like her in real life in this story I think poor her. Bc Jiyeon is still misunderstand Naeun about what happen in the past. So ít will be greater when you let Jiyeon and Naeun be friend once more time. Naeun doesn´t have false. Just bc of Joon´s plan. That is really a pity. But I like your story
Chapter 32: owhhhh its pretty cool fanfic that I ever read. thanks to author who write this awesome story :)
Myjiyeon #3
Chapter 22: Enjoy your fanfic. Love Myungyeon
Mahrwwella #4
Chapter 32: this was just so cool and romantic. I had so much fun reading this fanfic that I waited for new updates every time! this was my favorite. Thanks for sharing this fanfic with us hope you come with new myungyeon fanfic thats more addicted than this one <33

Love you authornim!!
linhkju #5
Chapter 32: Myung still pabo like the first time tsk~ lucky for him jiyeonie still love hjm and give him a chance :-D myungyeon fighting, want to see real moment of them
Chapter 32: Hahahhahaah Myungsoo still with his stupidity until the end. Finally they got together! It's tiring to see them bickering in the office room. One with ego, the other one with blankness. Sigh..
aina24 #7
Chapter 32: wow~~ so romantic, i really happy they end up together..,. thank u author-nim for write a great +best fanfic, I really2 love it!!!
i hope u write more myungyeon fanfic ..
I will wait for it
Chapter 31: Huh? This story is already complete? You kidding me right?
Chapter 31: So she does know him....I love this story so much!!!! Please UPDATE authornim ^^ some chapters made me ALMOST cry like in kdramas....
Chapter 31: Bwoya!! Myungsoo and Jiyeon, both of them are pabo. Why it take too much time to solve their problem? Myungsoo, don't be a coward. You don't want to lose her for the second time right? Good job Jiyeon! You made Jaekyung went speechless.