Chapter 3


I wake up in the infirmary. My thoughts are dazed and I feel like crap. Why am I even here in the first place? Man, I hate my life. I try to stand up.

     "Ouch!" The jolting pain brings back the memory. That's what happened. A nurse bustles in.

     "Don't try to move." she says. "The ambulance should be here any minute now."

     "Um...I'm fine, really...I don't need an ambulance." I protest.

     "Young lady, you are not okay. You were barely breathing when they brought you here." She replies sternly. Jeesh, relax some.

I try to stand up again, and almost sat up fully when the nurse brings in these string thingies...probably to tie me down. Thankfully the ambulance people decide to arrive then, so I'm spared.

     "Go get the stretcher." A tall man directs one of the whitecoats.

     "I don't need a stretcher, I can walk just fine." I say. The man ignores me, so I start to stand up for the third time. This time I get on my feet and take a step. I literally scream in pain and fall down.

     "So.  Now do you think you need a stretcher?" The doctor looks at me mockingly. I want to punch him so bad. I grit my teeth.

     "Yes" I mutter.

    "Sorry, I didn't hear you."


     "That's better.  Now get on the stretcher." The doctor demands bluntly.

     "Umm," I say quietly. "I can't get up"

Aron's POV

I don't know what made me save the girl. What was it about her that made me so mad to see her bullied like that?

Of course, Ren had to tell the gang.  Thank god they were late at coming to the scene. (Hypocrite Ren. I'm pretty sure I saw him trying to help as well.) JR got pissed at me for "making NU'EST look like a bunch of wonderful heroes." Baekho and Minhyun already started teasing me for that. "Aron.  So proud of you.  You're a true man now!" they would mock childishly.

I see the girl being carried out on a stretcher. She looks mad about being carried, but I can see the pain in her eyes, at the slightest swing. I'm surprised she could still look mad after the beating she took. Actually, I'm  surprised she's even conscious.



MIght not post the next chapter for a while. Having a writers block. Man I hate those.



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kikka6807 #1
Chapter 5: thanx!! :D
joanna_227 #2
This is really cool! Update?