Chapter 1



I don't belong here. I don't need any perfect Korean girls or any gangster boys to tell me that. I know it. My light blonde hair and my eyes tell me the story when I look into the mirror. I'm not supposed to be here. I'm not supposed to be here.  I'm not supposed to be here.

I had to come here from Los Angeles, California. My parents randomly applied me to a school in Korea. For some reason, they wanted me to come here. I mean...WTH?! I had friends there you know. I was part of the 'in' group. I had a freaking boyfriend. But no, I was going to Korea, to a great school and I would have a wonderful experience of learning about a different culture. Yay!!! Three cheers for Lucy!!! Idiots. Leaving L.A wasn't the worst part though. It was coming here and being rejected.

I'm walking to school. It's raining cats and dogs, and the wind was blowing like hell. My umbrella is practically useless, every time I try to put it up, the wind almost sends it flying. As a result I arrive to school soaked to the bone.

     "Ever heard of a car?" Someone shouts out as I walk to my locker. Ignoring them, I continue walking. "Oh wait! She hasn't!  She's a stupid American!" They know exactly what makes me mad. I turn around.

     "Shut the f**ck up! What would you know? I bet you haven't even been out of Korea in your whole life." Students start forming a crowd around us. Came to see the little blond girl get beat up I bet. Wonderful. Now I have the honor of getting beaten up in front of a bunch of people.


God I'm so stupid. How do I get myself into these things?!

     "What did you say?" Lovely, I've made myself another enemy. Oh wait, no, the whole freaking world is my enemy.

     "I meant you were a stupid lowlife who probably has never been out of Korea and takes pleasure in beating up other people." I could see money passing from hand to hand.  Betters, huh. If I wasn't dead before I surely am now.

     "You're dead." What did I just say? Mr. Macho Bully started twords me.

With every step he took, my life seemed farther away. I try to maintain my calm. It didn't work. I press myself against the was too late to run for it now. The bully is about a half of a meter away from me.  I can hear the crowd muttering in the background. I look around. Just as I thought, nobody was in a rush to save me or anything. I was just the stupid American girl. The one who nobody wants to be seen with.

The bully lands his first punch. It knocks the air out of me, and I crash against the lockers.The second punch is worse. I fall to the floor, my upper lip bleeding like hell, and my hand pressed firmly against my cheek. I feel like sh*t. The bully stands over me. He lifts his foot over me, and he brings it onto my stomach. Hard. The pain is unbearable. I scream, I'm pretty sure I broke at least two bones. And just when I thought I was going to pass out...




First chapter of first fanfic done. I feel so accomplished. I hope u people liked it so subscribe and spread happiness.





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kikka6807 #1
Chapter 5: thanx!! :D
joanna_227 #2
This is really cool! Update?