Chapter fourl Dong Bang Shin Ki.

Time To Love.


Chapter four; Dong Bang Shin Ki.
He’s scaring me, scaring me deeply; what does he mean ‘one condition’? It’s tormenting me, screwing me up; badly. What does he want, what is he trying to say, is there something dangerous behind his words, lord help me, please…?
So what happened, why am I here again, right, Jae Joong’s condition; guess what it was. “AHHHH!” Junsu screamed; it was high pitched, ‘god, why does he have to have a dolphin voice?’ I asked in thought, yes, we’re now watching a horror movie, and I’m seated between Junsu and Jae Joong. I want to yell, I want to scream, oh the horror; it’s killing me – deeply. What a movie, gore and disturbing, the horrifying deaths and clues, yes; it was Shutter, Thai version.
OMG, was it me, or is that guy dumb? Seriously I mean, WHY WOULD YOU LOOK UNDER THE BED! But then again, it’s just a movie right…? I was trembling and I guess Jae Joong saw, is he smirking, watching me in fright; being scared and horrified by such movie, how he could set me up, from pouting to this, watching this. I glared at him, knowing that he saw me doing so.
A little while later in the movie, I could now feel the tension in the room, it was growing and growing strong. We were all waiting for the ending, did I say; the pictures of the poor ghost climbing to the bookcase freaked me out – seriously that was creepy!
Let’s just say the movie wasn’t my cup of tea, instead I hated it – truly I did. “That wasn’t even scary!” A voice spoke, yep it was Junsu, his dolphin voice, god his voice is starting to bug me; hearing it so many times, maybe it’s just because I’m not used to hearing it at all – just maybe. “Boo…” I muttered into Junsu’s right ear, sending him off screaming; ‘note to self, don’t go scaring Junsu,’ I thought, seriously his screams are painful to my ear. But then again, it was pretty funny, scaring Junsu like that.
“Ri In, I officially forgive you!” A happy Jae Joong beamed, and here I am standing there, emotionless in front of him and I had only one thing to say, one reply. “Jae Joong, I officially am now mad at you.” With that being said I made my way to my room, where only I’m allowed to enter so freely, where my personal space is kept close to me.
It’s a battlefield I tell you. Here I am, seated across from Jae Joong, glaring at him; it’s now war I tell you. The mountain of food, I guess who ever made dinner decided to go Italian style, spaghetti. Boy oh boy, it’s a mountain top I tell you, it was huge but for some reason, everyone besides me and Jae Joong has a mountain full of spaghetti, well that’s until you turn to Changmin; seeing his plate of food, I swear my eyes almost popped out of my face, heading straight to the ground, instead of a plate, it looked like as if it’s a truck load, enough to fest on for weeks!
Back to me and Jae Joong, I sense that there’s a competition on our food, yep; I’m right the fastest eater, you’re on. We did race, I have to say his fast but the best part was the food was delicious! As if you were to be on a cloud, drifting away slowly into happiness; into a bliss full of joy – I was in heaven. Nevertheless, you have to know that you can just never be in a heavenly feeling for long…
“Ri In – ah, please stop racing with Jae Hyung; we know his going to win if only you knew what he did to ---“ “STOP EATTING THERE’S SPICE NEAR THERE!!” Junsu’s and Yunho’s warnings were too late, I ate the more and more stuffing myself up; only to feel my tongue burn – terribly or so I thought.
Here I am sitting in the lounge, wide spreading grin across my face; yes that’s right, I have won. They were staring at me with wide eyes well besides Changmin who was still stuffing himself up with food. The mood had turned not because Jae Joong oppa was mad at me, yes oppa. We had made up and doing so he owes me a life time worth of free food when I can’t be bothered buying or cooking - indeed I’m happy.
“Ri In – ah, do you really not know who we are?” Junsu questioned me – seriously but all I could do was reply with a simple no. As they heave out a sad sigh I think it’s about time they tell me who they are. This time it was Yoochun’s turn to speak up, “we’re Dong Bang Shin Ki also known as To Ho Shin Ki and Rising Suns of the east.” Although he said that, I don’t really think it was retrieved into my brain wave signals. 
Dong Bang Shin Ki… looks like I have some researching to do when you guys leave… or later at night...
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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Kookiebunny12_ #3
visiting old stories!
please update sooon <3
seems interesting
this is a really cute story! pls update more ^^
zeeyzaa #8
only 4 chapters? :((