Chapter two; Kim Junsu

Time To Love.


Chapter two; Kim Junsu.
The flight was long, to think of it, it was also quite. It was as if my neighbor was hiding something, seated so still and didn’t move an inch; until told. It wasn’t like I was curious, wait, rewind. Scratch that, I am curious. But how am I meant to know what’s under all those disguising wear, what would his eye’s tell about him, what are his features, is he handsome? All these thoughts, it wouldn’t leave me alone, washing though my brain waves, my brain cells, who is he and what is he trying to hide from?
“Luggage, oh luggage, where are you… I said where are you, you stupid luggage!” I muttered under my breath; I’ve been searching, yes searching for my luggage. Yet I can’t even find it, but seriously, who would want to take a pale pink and white checkered luggage, white a puffy white tied on bow; yes tied on. To think of it, who would even want to take it, it’s a girls luggage for god’s sake. I needed my luggage it held my clothing, my belongings… Just like that, from the corner of my eye I saw a luggage; it was the exact same as mine, but for some reason, somehow; instead of a puffy white tied on bow it was a red ribbon.
Maybe I thought wrong, you can just never know.
The Hilton, what an extraordinary airport hotel name; why am I here, simple. Because I haven’t found an apartment – yet, the check in line was long, so long. It felt like years, millions and millions of years. Everyone was slowly moving forward and sometimes we wouldn’t move and inch, making it longer and longer.
“Next please,” finally, I made it; it’s time to check in, pulling my luggage behind me I walked towards the reception. “Welcome to the Hilton, your room is on the seventh floor, please enjoy your stay.” The receptionist spoke as the paper works for my stay was filled out, done and completed. It’s now time to move towards my new home for the next few days, till I can find an apartment.
As I started to walk away, from the side I could hear a voice, a male; he was arguing with one of the receptionist, for a place to stay? “What do you mean there’s no more room with its own lounge?!” His voice was booming loud, yet it was high pitched… “I’m sorry, but the girl over there, yes her, she took the last one. Can’t you wait till we can arrange you with another?” The receptionist pleaded for mercy, I mean what’s with this, but then again to think about it, the room I got had two beds, different directions…
Why am I here again, why is this stranger in my room? Oh that’s right, being naïve person I am, I allowed him to share this room; with me.
“Excuse me, sir. Excuse me…” I muttered quietly as I tapped the fellow at his ribs, he was tall, too tall for me to tap him on his shoulders; or was it because I couldn’t be bothered tippy toeing to up there to reach, but that didn’t matter; I got his attention, in a seriously appalling way possible – he was pissed, mad, furiously angry. ‘Lord, help me please…’ I prayed in my thought of mind, he was scaring me, big time.
“What do you want?!” He angrily wined, wined like a four year old, wanting a lollipop, his expression was cute, so cute; his voice, his high pitched dolphin voice made it more adorable. I was in trance; my mind wasn’t functioning anymore, he had complete control of me; if he only knew that. “I… w… well… yo… you see…” I studded, what can I say, he was adorably taking my mind in control – away from me. “WHAT?!” Oh my goodness, he yelled at me, and being emotional as I am, my eyes were tearing up; I mean I didn’t do anything and his yelling at me, I was only trying to be nice to him…
“Why did you yell for, I was only trying to be nice, as a human, I was going ask if you wanted to share rooms with me; I did take the last room which looks like a mini apartment, and what happens, I get yelled at…” I whispered softly, yet loud enough for him to hear, and yes, of course, I am crying. Tearing up like a baby, he made me cry and it’s meant to be a new beginning for me, and how do I start? I start it off by crying, I mean, how nice can you get! “What have I done, I’m so sorry, please stop crying… I didn’t mean to yell, it’s just that, I’m stressed and the room I wanted is all out, but here you are offering a place for me to stay… and I yell at you, I’m so sorry…” He’s now apologizing to me, he has a heart and for that, somehow, for some reason I felt happier and glad, my mood has turned a hundred and eighty degrees.
End of Flashback~
Now I’m seated in the lounge as his wondering about, what is he doing, why is he eyeing me every few minutes, is there something he needed to know. It was awkward, nothing but silence, so silence that it was scaring me… “So what’s your name?” I questioned him, only to see him facing me – surprised? “Are you serious, don’t you know who I am?” I questionably remarked me, I mean what does he mean, how am I meant to know him, a stranger for crying out loud. “Yes, I’m positive; I don’t know who you are…” I muttered in reply, it was the voice of annoyance that I showed him, sadly I heard him sigh. Was it in relief or was he sad, that I did not know.
“What’s your name?” He questioned me, I mean didn’t I ask him that earlier? “My name is Ri In, Jang Ri In. nice to meet you, but what’s your name?” I rebutted him, improvising the your at the same time.
“Junsu, Kim Junsu.”
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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Kookiebunny12_ #3
visiting old stories!
please update sooon <3
seems interesting
this is a really cute story! pls update more ^^
zeeyzaa #8
only 4 chapters? :((