Chapter Three; Rewind.

Time To Love.


Chapter three; Rewind.
So here I am, stuck with this Kim Junsu guy, I mean his name is so familiar, as if I heard it somewhere but how come I can’t remember, how come the name didn’t fully click? But then again, why was I so curious, his just a stranger sharing a room with me, wait; rewind. ‘HE’S SHARING A ROOM WITH ME!’ I screamingly thought to myself, I’m a women his a man… this isn’t so good, no not one bit, why didn’t I think of this before?
Why, oh why am I so slow, I should of known this, his a guy for crying or loud. It’s too late now isn’t it, what do I have to do now? Keep my eyes open and move around carefully, but I’m so slow at thinking, would I be faster at reacting?
Fast forward~
Living in this hotel wasn’t bad, not that I wasn’t careful around Junsu, but to the fact that his hardly here. Though the last few days had been quite I really do need to apply for a job, and move out of this place. I couldn’t just live here, and live on the savings I got, because there just isn’t enough to live on, I need to make a living. Though the flyers in newspapers aren’t much of a help, I don’t really know if I’m able to survive now, every thing’s different here, back home, back in Korea life was much easier; why, because I knew my way around, because I knew what I was doing. But now, I’m completely clueless, I need to think of something, come on brain think, think; don’t be slow, but function faster – please.
“Ri In-ah is it okay if I have a few friends over tonight?”
“Ri In…?”
“Ocean to Ri In, can you hear me?”
“Eun Kyang Kyang, Eun Kyang Kyang!”
My ears, my precious ears; why is he yelling at me, I did not know. “Huh,” was my answer to his screeching. “You scared me there!” Junsu wined, as he then pouted, his cute face, his voice; god it was unbearable! “Sorry, guess I spaced out there, but you didn’t have to yell at me…” I sheepishly muttered back to him, playing with my fingers, not looking up to him; I don’t want to fall into another trance. “Oh, I didn’t mean that, but I was wondering if you would mind if I had a few friends over, here, in this hotel room…” It didn’t sound like a question; it was more of a confession, ‘few friends over?’ that ran though my brain waves, over and over again. “When exactly?” I questioned Junsu in return, only to be disturbed by the room bell…
“That’s them, oh and don’t worry Jae Joong hyung; will be preparing food!” Junsu squealed like a school girl, I mean is it even possible, for a guy to be squealing, wait; rewind, Jae Joong hyung? That name, it’s as if I met Junsu all over again, it sounded so familiar, yet why can’t I remember were I’ve heard it from… why?
So here I am, in the lounge, stuck with five guys, did I mention their all good look, absolutely hot? But one of then caught my attention… ‘Is that a male or female?’ I’m straining my eyes now, trying to figure this out, moving closer, inches by inches; yet scared to move up too close. “Ahem, well guys this is Ri In, she was nice enough to share this room with me, unlike some people. And Ri In these guys are Jae Joong, Yunho, Changmin and Yoochun.” Improvising the some people, while pointing to one person at a time, he introduced as all to one another, but I’m still curious, Jae Joong; that’s a guy’s name but why does he look so feminine like?
“Hello…” I muttered to them, I didn’t know why but know they all look familiar, but where have I met them… “Hi, no offence but Ri In why are you staring at Jae Joong hyung and do you mind if I snoop around your kitchen for something to snack on?” I believe that was Changmin that said that, but wasn’t he eating a week’s worth of lollies just then… “I was not starting! I was just wondering, are you really a guy, or are you a female, wait, gay; no that’s too obvious to know, you’re a transual aren’t you?!” I questioned the so called Jae Joong, only to receive an outburst of laughter from the guys. I swear Junsu and I think it was Yunho were on the floor, rolling side to side, as their laughing; I mean why are you laughing, I just framed your friend of being a transual…
“Ri In, Jae Joong here is actually straight, it wasn’t our fault he was born female like!” I believe it was Yoochun that spoke, wiping his tears and then laughing again, everyone was bursting with tears, but Jae Joong was pouting… Oh my, I just framed someone innocent, and it was a guy, a guy I don’t even know; great job Jang Ri In, really, GREAT JOB.
So here I am, trying to make it up to this Jae Joong guy, I mean it wasn’t really my fault, really; he did look like a female after all. His ignoring me, his pouting, sad, like a lost puppy, god, his making me more guilty! If only I can rewind time, and had not said that, if only time was able to rewind itself and I would change it.
“Jae Joong –shii, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you but you look so feminine, that I you know thought you were a female…” I muttered sadly, though I don’t think he forgives me, why, simple. Because I’ve been trying to apologize for the last hour or so, why aren’t you talking to me…? I feel like crying, ‘please talk to me...’ I thought to myself. His silence against me, it was killing me, the guys had stopped laughing, and they were actually watching what’s going on between me and Jae Joong.
“I’ll forgive you but on one condition…”


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Kookiebunny12_ #3
visiting old stories!
please update sooon <3
seems interesting
this is a really cute story! pls update more ^^
zeeyzaa #8
only 4 chapters? :((