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Chocolate + Potato = ?

Kaeun leaned her back against the tree trunk and the woodsy scent of the palm tree filled her nose. She inhaled deeply and smiled, *This feels like a good time to relax from the hooligans. Gosh are they still chasing each other?* she thought and looked around.

The BAP boys were no where in sight. She puffed out her cheeks in annoyance, "Where could they have gone this time?! It's not like there's a vending machine for the Yongguk to buy from." Kaeun muttered and raked her eyes over the park.
Unknowingly, the six BAP Boys crept behind her, just at the back of the tree and got ready to scare her. It was Daehyun's idea surprisingly.
Jongup gave Daehyun a look and motioned him to go first with his eyes. They had planned this scheme all together and are planning to scare her all at once, just to see her reaction. Now it's only just time to see Kaeun's reaction, whether if she's scared, or just plain bored.
Zelo muffled his laughter and started counting down with his fingers. The others counted down as well with him.
*Three. Two. One.* The whole lot of then thought in their mind and the screams of the boys were hilarious.
"BOO!" "YAH!" "KAEUN!" "YOU!" "HEY!" "BAA!"
Kaeun was not started at all, not even one bit. In fact, she could actually hear them whispering, thanks to her awesome hearing. But she decided to play along. With a sly smirk she turned around and adjusted her facial features into a surprised one.
"Eommaya!" She shouted and rolled her eyes, "Nice one guys, I could hear Yongguk being so sure of himself that he will scare the hell out of me." She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at them.
"HYUNG! I TOLD YOU YOU WERE TOO LOUD!" Youngjae shouted on frustration and grabbed fistfuls of his hair.
"What? I wasn't whispering that loud! See? Even the keyword of that sentence is whispering! Which, I did a very good job at!" Yongguk protested and glared at his younger dongsaengs. Who were, at the very least, mad at the eldest hyung.
"Whatever hyung, we know you think you whisper soft when you don't." Daehyun's tone was sarcastic and Jongup burst out laughing.
"This is so ridiculous and such a fail. We should never do this again so we won't embarrass ourselves in front of Kaeunnie anymore." He said while laughing. His laughter was sure contagious as the others followed in suit to laugh.
Kaeun smiled and patted the picnic towel, "Sit down you chickens, all of you have already embarrassed yourselves by playing tag when you are all high school students. Mmmhmm, yup, that sure was embarrassing." She smirked and gave out plastic plates.
The boys muttered words that Kaeun could only catch "Yongguk hyung" and "His fault" through the mumbling everywhere.
Zelo sat next to Kaeun and their thighs touched. She felt a tingling feeling in her chest, *Whats this? It... Feels nice...* she thought and decided whether sit closer to Zelo or stay where she was.
Zelo smiled and everyone started to dig in. "Kaeunnie you should eat more, you're too thin for your own good." He nagged playfully and tapped her nose.
She stared at his hand dumbfounded. *okay I'll just do it.* Kaeun made up her mind and sat closer to Zelo, their legs now touching.
*Cozy.* She thought and leaned against Zelo.
Zelo frozen half-way where he was going to put the sandwich in his mouth. Zelo peered to his right and is surprised to see Kaeun leaning against him. *Am I dreaming?* he thought and he but the insides of his cheeks.
*Ow! Okay not dreaming. This feels really nice.* he thought and continued eating like nothing has happened, but he felt the contented feeling in his heart.
The others chatted among themselves, still making a full out of themselves. They playfully punched each other on the arms and laughed.
Jongup stopped laughing at the face Daehyun made to make the others laughed and decided to check what was Zelo doing.
To his surprise, Kaeun and Zelo were both leaning against each other, still minding their own business, but are as if in their own little bubble. 
*Hmm, something's going on between them. This maknae, I'll confront him today. that we bunk a room when he always finds something to hug at night.* Jongup thought and shot Zelo a look of curiosity.
*This has to be the happiest I've seen him in his short life. Haha, short life.* Jongup laughed at his own joke and started talking to Himchan.
"Kaeunnie, let's do this everyday." Zelo mumbled and he looked to his right seeing Kaeun laughing and talking to his hyungs.
After the picnic, the bond between the six boys and Kaeun became stronger. She now knew their likes and dislikes, and is surprised by how long the list goes on about Yongguk's favorites.
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Chapter 22: Oooooh! Jongup's noticing something going on with our maknae over there!!
Chapter 21: Its going good~~~~~
Chapter 15: Happy Early Birthday author~ And Zelo you freaking cutie~
Chapter 13: omg she blushed~~~~
Chapter 12: zelo is now a man~~~
Chapter 11: Aigoo haha this story is so cute~
Chapter 11: oh ho ho~~~ zelo's been blabbering about kaeun~~~ aww he's so cute!
Chapter 9: Goddamnit girl lol seriously ? Zelo speak CAT ?! You're crazy ..
Rubeen #9
Chapter 7: Updatee!:3