
Chocolate + Potato = ?

(A/N: I've been trying to learn how to sew... so yeah BAHAHAHHAHAHA)

Kaeun propped her head on her hand which rested on her chin. She was bored as hell, looking blankly at the teacher who was rambling about anything and everything about Geography.

*I hate geography.* Kaeun thought and rolled her eyes when the teacher was doing expressive gestures to make the class more 'interested.'

She looked around at the class and only noticed the front row was paying attention who were classified as the nerds in class. The rest... Were either playing or texting their phones under their tables, sleeping behind a book, daydreaming or the best of all, doing nothing but talking. 

While the teacher was there looking.

Yup that's right, students these days are very studious.

Note the sarcasm.

*Thank god this is the last lesson.* She sighed audibly and looked to her right. Zelo was listening intently to the teacher.

She pouted for once and poked his side, trying to get his attention. "Yah." She said softly.

Kaeun huffed and full on poked his side once more, this time getting his full attention, "Yeah?" He asked back, turned halfway towards but his eyes remained looking at the teacher.

"You wanna go out?" She asked.

Glancing at the clock, she wondered if she could skip class, since it only left 5 minutes.

"Mwo?" Zelo asked again, dazed at what she was trying to tell him.

Kaeun gave an exasperated sigh and raised her hand, "Seonsaengnim, is it alright if you let us go already? I mean, the class is left with five minutes and moreover the next day is a week day, can't we just go?""

The others students perked up at her suggestion. Murmurs and hushed talking could be heard.

Another rebellious kid shouted out an agreement and soon others followed suit. Kaeun smirked at this and continued looking at the teacher.

"What is this Kaeun haksaengnim? Are you suggesting that we should leave early?" The teacher asked her while she  raised a plucked and arched brow.

Kaeun nodded and sat back down, the others howling with agreement by now.

The teacher looked around to see his students with excited faces, "Fine then. You may go now." He sighed and caved in.

She cheered and quickly packed her bag, excited to go home. Kaeun grabbed Zelo's water bottle along with hers and pulled him along, "PPalli, I'm so bored and probably Yongguk can suggest something dumb that we can do. As long as it means we can get out of school." 

Zelo laughed and grabbed her wrist instead, "I should be the one leading shouldn't I?" He walked down the corridor while the bell started to ring and everyone practically flew out from their respective classrooms, glad its already the weekend soon.

Kaeun glared at Zelo and ficked his forhead, hard. 

"Shut up, I am good with directions okay." She stuck her tongue out at him childishly. *Even though I do need a GPS when I travel allies. Damn, that for a gangster.*

Zelo chuckled and said, "Suuuure."

Someone patted Kaeun on the back, and when she turned, she couldn't see anybody. 

"Who was that?" Kaeun wondered and looked at Zelo.

He just shrugged and looked forward. But she did not miss the mischievous look in his eyes.

Kaeun huffed and looked around once more. When she thought it was really nobody, a tap on her shoulder proved her wrong.

"Now who the hell is that?! I'm gonna make them P A Y." She spat out each letter at the word 'pay' and looked around sharply.

Zelo had been holding his laugh the whole way and finally could not stand it anymore, "BAHAHAHAHA KAEUN HERE IS REALLY A BABO! HAHA!"

"Yah! How dare you say that?!" She glared at Zelo and he just laughed harder.

"It's Jongup hyung the whole way. C'mon out hyung, she's mad. Face your own WRATH!" Zelo laughed harder as they reached out of the main door of the school building.

Finally Jongup appeared behind a trashcan just beside the main door and had this weird frightened look on his face, "Kaeunnie... You're not going to kill me right?"

Kaeun looked at him hard and long for a good five seconds and grinned, "Damn right I am!" And she smacked the back of his head two times.

"Oww Eun, that hurts." Jongup pouted and rubbed his head, *Aish this girl chincha, has a metal grip.* He thought mentally made a note to never do the same joke again.

"New nickname? I prefer Eunnie, sounds cuter like you." Zelo smiled genuinely and pinched Kaeun's cheek.

Kaeun gaped at Zelo for a moment, *Oh my gosh, did he just flirt with me?!* She stared at his face for a few more moments and decided to shake her head to forget the thought.

The rest of the BAP boys were at the far end corner of the school, next the giant school gate.

Himchan waved brightly and decided to ran forward to hug Kaeun, "MY BABY I MISS YOU!!" He hugged her tightly in a big bear hug.

Kaeun felt the impact and all of the air in her lungs whooshed out of her in waves, "C-can't b-b-breathe!" She said, stuttering.

"Ah! Mianhae mianhae." Himchan pulled back and ruffled her hair while pulling wrist.

"Waddup little one." Yongguk said in his deep voice.

Kaeun laughed and high-fived him, "Wassup big one." She said back and pulled his ear.

Yongguk glared at her and turned away, rubbing the sore spot where the impact of his ear is the most.

Daehyun came forward and slung an arm on her shoulders while Youngjae pinched her nose, "You guys are too mean to me." Kaeun pouted and easily threw Daehyun's arm away.

*Don't think I'm just a little girl, I can fight back.* Kaeun thought and smirked while she smacked the back of his head.

Daehyun glared at her as well but let the matter go.

"Let's go for a picnic!" Himchan suggested all of a sudden when all of them turned around a corner.

"You're driving?" Kaeun asked Yongguk.

"Yup." He said popping the 'p', "Parents allowed me after they knew Zelo was going to a friend's house." 

She looked and Zelo while he smiled at her and looped their arms, "Let's just go already! We can stop by your house and bring your clothes to change at our house." 

The others nodded and pulled her inside the car before she could open to protest. She was squished in between Zelo and Jongup. And let me tell you, it's most probably not the best place to sit in between two guys who take MAJOR space... In the car.

"Ugh, move a bit you two giants." Kaeun pushed them both to either sides of her.

*But I like sitting next to you...* Zelo thought and he felt a weird tugging feeling in his heart while he pouted. He found Jongup looking at him suspiciously but let it go.

"C'mon, we're almost there anyway." And he sat back closer to her, the tugging feeling in his heart stopped almost immediately.

She ignored him and got engrossed into a conversation between Youngjae and Daehyun about which bibimbap was better, either Seoul or Busan which was... A weird topic to start off in the car.

Zelo laughed softly and stared at her thinking, *Why am I feeling this way again?*

Jongup glanced at Zelo once more, *Something's changing about the maknae... I just don't know what. But I know there's something about him.* He raised a brow and turned to look and Himchan doing weird gestures.


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Chapter 22: Oooooh! Jongup's noticing something going on with our maknae over there!!
Chapter 21: Its going good~~~~~
Chapter 15: Happy Early Birthday author~ And Zelo you freaking cutie~
Chapter 13: omg she blushed~~~~
Chapter 12: zelo is now a man~~~
Chapter 11: Aigoo haha this story is so cute~
Chapter 11: oh ho ho~~~ zelo's been blabbering about kaeun~~~ aww he's so cute!
Chapter 9: Goddamnit girl lol seriously ? Zelo speak CAT ?! You're crazy ..
Rubeen #9
Chapter 7: Updatee!:3