Everyone Want You To Be Happy

No One And Only You
-[ Hyoyeon ]- We already back to our rooms. I still can't avoid myself from crying. The story about Yoona and Jungmin can make me cry until it's become a flood. I'm really hoping that Yoona will be happy after this and I hope she still will continue her dream to become a great dancer. She is really talented. I'll always appreciate the love that Eunhyuk oppa give to me after this. I don't want to regret in the future like Yoona said. -[ Yuri ]- I sat on the couch in my room. What happened to Yoona , my friend make me sad as well. But today I'm very happy because at last she'll be happy again and can forgetting Jungmin slowly. I felt very sad when I remember back how kind Yoona and Jungmin towards me. Because of them , I and Kyujong oppa being a couple and dare to express our feeling to each other. I'll always make you happy after this , Yoona. I really love my friends and hope you'll be happy until forever. -[ Eunhyuk ]- We all saw Yoona just now at the beach. She make me felt very touched. Her words that she said to Jungmin really touched. Her love to Jungmin must be really big. I hope my relationship with Hyoyeon will always become smooth without any challenges. I also hope that Donghae will confess to Yoona and Yoona will be happy with him. I know Donghae like Yoona for a long time and this time I pray that they will be together. -[ Kyujong ]- Jungmin-ah , you're so lucky that you have a really nice , kind , adorable and beautiful girlfriend like Yoona. I'm jealous with you but I also feeling lucky to have Yuri with me. I also wondered why you must leave before me , I miss my friend so much. Only two of us leave before Youngsaeng , Hyungjoon and Hyunjoong involved in an accident. But now only leave me alone. I really hoping you'll be happy and also Yoona. I hope she'll be happy. -[ Donghae ]- Yoona know can start to forgetting Jungmin slowly. Actually I don't want her to forget Jungmin but what can I do ? I should be happy because she want to come back to the right path but why I always thinking that she shouldn't forget about Jungmin. Jungmin , I hope you'll be happy and calm. I promise you I'll take care of Yoona and will not hurting him. I'll make her mine if you allow me because as you know , I really love her. I hope she will be happy.
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Buffalohighschool18 #1
Chapter 24: Where did jung min 😭 go
Buffalohighschool18 #2
Chapter 23: Oh snap
Buffalohighschool18 #3
Chapter 22: Wow I'm shocked
Chapter 44: i really love this story ~~~
really enjoying story ^^ ~~~
yulyoonhyoseo #5
Chapter 43: wahhhh the ending is so great! but wait i'm just confused about Yoona and Yesung's relationship..are they blood related since you said Yesung is Yoona's Cousin so why did Yesung fell in love to Yoona and confess his feelings it's kinda b'coz they're Cousins anyways this story is sooo good just improve more your english grammar^^ author-nim hwaiting!!! YoonHae FTW!!!
IlyKaliesya #6
Chapter 38: Love this (:
salinaiena89 #7
Chapter 39: I don't know what to say but I enjoyed reading your story :-) fighting
Chapter 43: This is the best ending I ever read! I have read some endings before but they just okay. No story compares to this one! No One and Only You can make the best ending ever! It is the only story that has made me cried at the ending.