Survival instinct

Matchmaking sensation

In Krystal's head

The car! The car is still moving in high speed...

What to do? Seriously! Amber, please wake up!

Calm down. Inhale. Exhale. Focus.

Do not panic.

I organised in order what I must do to survive this emergency situation in my head. Being all calm and cold headed made me think with lucidity. First I must prevent any accident whatsoever concerning the moving engine. In that case, stopping the car was put in the priority.

I grabbed the steer with brutality. Thanks to the emptiness of the road, I managed to keep us in the right track. I glanced back to verify whether there was any vehicle behind us. None was in sight. With that, I lift without any drop of doubt the hand break. I was hoping that it would be enough to stop with no drama.

But then again...

The tyres were causing a loud friction on the road for a good twenty meters...

It did not stop immediatly.

There was only a few meters separating us from a straight dead-end, obliging me to turn the steer to the left direction so that we were moving on a continuing road. It was a matter of life and death. Not to mention that I began to wish that the car, Audi R8, is well preserved. I do not want it to be damaged in any kind of form. I might start to love whatever Amber loves...

At my grand relief, we stopped. The vehicle ceased to move anymore....Phew.


Hey, it's still not to the right time to be overjoyed. I had to call Sooyoung. It was Amber's order before she collapsed before me. Amber must come out of this car alive! It was all my fault she out. She won't die no. No. I let a tear escape from thinking of the worst scenario.

Darn... All I know about Sooyoung is that she's Amber's cousin... How am I supposed to call her?


OH! Through Amber's phone. I wiped the track of my tears.

I pushed Amber's torso so that she her entire back was laying onto the seat, giving me more space. I desperately looked for her mobile phone as I was groping her pants. I was all over her... God, it was an emergency! I managed to feel aroused at the thought of me being all over her body. Seriously, it was similar with her in her sleep but fully clothed...

At the touch of her right pocket of her pants, I sensed an object that was likely to be her phone. I entered my whole hand to get a grasp of it. The feel of keyboards and a screen was definitly a good sign. I pulled back my right hand, certain of my action.

Yes, it was her phone. So I pushed the main button to activate it.

At the view of the device's wallpaper, there was an obvious lock indiquating the need to enter a password to have the phone's access. WHAT? Was it reaaly that necessary to put a password on?


What to do? I tried to type down whatever word that had great chance to be Amber's phone password.

How about....

Suzy. Error.

Fine let's try something else...I typed down my own name...

Krystal. Major error.

WHAT? HOW DARING OF HER!? I'm not her password....

Then... is it maybe







Love. Error.

Sooyoung. Error.


Oh I haven't tried this one yet...

Jung. I typed that down expecting an error icon to appear on the screen.









Access accepted.


I... didn't know how to react to this. My family's name was her password. Should I be happy?


Kay, back to business. I scrolled down the contacts Amber had saved until I came accross Sooyoung's. I pressed the call button instantaneously. In the other end a voice came out after a couple of beep.

"Hello, what the heck Amber. I'm kinda busy." The background sound coming from the speaker was upbeat enough for me to assume that she's in a club.


"H-hello, it's Krystal." I was slightly intimidated by her strict voice.


"Ohh... that... mmm do I know you? You must be Amber's friend."


"Please, Sooyoung unnie, help me... Amber is.."


"What what happened?!" She must've gone to a quieter place because I could hear her sharply.


I took a heavy breath. "I unporpusely gave her some nuts..."


"Oh no..." Sooyoung muttered; she understood the consequences of Amber consumming anything related to nuts. "She's unconsious already?"




"Calm down! Where are you now?"


"Somewhere near a French bakery called Chose promise chose due." So grateful that I picked french classes.


"Thank god it's a food place... I know where it is. In the mean time, follow my instruction precisely. You have to find a syringe with an allergy stabilisator inside in the back of the driver seat. All of her car is equiped of those. No worries. Then you must inject the serum through her thigh whichever thigh you decide. After that you have to do a CPR like procedure... in short, keep her respiration going at any cost! I'll be there in a few!"

Beep beep beep.



I felt a relief through the seat fabric, it came from the inside of the seat's pocket. I rested my head onto Amber's shoulder to extend my arm in order to get a better grip onto the object I sensed. It was a thin rectangle box. Then I sat up straight to open it and see whether the syringue was there. With my long nails I separated the upper part of it.

Yes there's this syringe with a tube as thick as a finger. It sent me chills all over my body because the needle was indeed unporpotionally long. I took it with precaution as I starred at the end of the thin pointy neddle.

I NEVER SIGN UP FOR THIS. I'm no doctor I'm telling you. Keeping hamsters alive is impossible for me; I shortened all of my pet lifespam because they, with no exception, die young.

I collected the rare drop of courage left in me to point the syringe onto Amber. But then I realised that her pants fabric was getting in the way. I unbottuned her jeans and pushed it to the middle of her thigh... Fortunately we were located in a hardly frequented street, almost. Seriously, the few people outside of the car was giving me this look as if I took advantage of Amber... 

It's already 10 pm and I inserted the edge of the neddle without looking closely at it. I hate doing this, it's too mind breaking. Then I pushed the other extremity in order for the transparant liquid to enter Amber's vein.

So then what did Sooyoung say I must do afterwards.......


Oh damn, the CPR thingy. Without a doubt I would look 100% ar. First undressing her and now kissing her.....

WHY? oh why....


Urgh, I first verify whether she was still breathing. The air coming out of her nose was poorly weak. Right then, I pinched her nose and put my mouth onto hers to exhale the air from my lungs. I blew out with a lot of force. Perhaps, her narrowed respiration track would be opened widely.





She started coughing.


Her eyes were opened




I starred at her being recovered from her faint.


"Starring much, trippin girl." She blurted out after she fully got a grip of her respiration. Out of reflex she noticed her undone pants. Revealing her grey and white milky thighs. "What the hell... Did we?"


"NO GOD NO. Don't get a full of yourself." I yelled in response.


"Sorry, for fainting because of you." She sticks out her tongue with all her heart to the point that her eyes were almost shut at the expression.


"Tch, how rude of you. YOU'RE WELCOME. I saved your life."


"But not my dignity. You freakin stripped me." She giggled making fun of me.


Not so long afterwards, a tall slihouette knocked lighty the car. It was Sooyoung indeed. She opened the driver's door to check on Amber who was trying to lift her pants up.


"Oww, did I miss something?" Sooyoung asked with a smirk of misunderstanding. At the sight of Amber doing what people assume was an after- act.


"NOO." We both yelled.


"Yah, there was actually no need to pull down my pants." Amber said weakly. She must used up all her energy to yell.


"How do I know? They were getting in the way of the neddle." I defended myself while gesturing my hands.


"Krystal, the syringe had a long neddle for a reason. It can penetrate a fabric so that the rescue wouldn't be delayed. It's okay you didn't know that." Sooyoung explained with gentle. "The important thing is that Amber's safe."


"Yeah..." I said as I saw Amber grinning at my answer. "Well, no I'd rather have her unconscious until I get home." I made a silly face.


"It's funny though. When Krystal called me. I knew from the start that this girl was the one Amber always talks....abou..." Sooyoung suddenly stopped talking as she covered . "Never mind. Tehee."


Soo unnie had a great instinct to came there by a cab. She must've been aware that Amber was not in the state to drive safely. She ordered Amber and I to sit in the back seat while she installed herself in the driver place. "Krystal, I'll drive you home first."

"Okay unnie."


On the way home, Amber whispered me something. "So.. you called Sooyoung with my phone right?"


"Obviously, Amber." I rolled my eyes at the idiotic question.


"You found out the password... " Amber said hesitantly. She was nervous... her hands were sweating because she kept wiping it away on her pants.


"Yeah." I smiled.


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Having a writer's block....Kryber is trying to kill me with their cuteness


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Chapter 20: i did a double take seeing this get updated in 2022. holy. glad youre back! hope youve been well, author.
amhar03 #2
Chapter 20: OMG you're back?! Please take your time and enjoy your comeback here
21 streak #3
Chapter 20: Wait! You really updated? Thank you so much for continuing this!
nancylau0301 #4
Chapter 19: Right. Author has decided to stop updating this story long time ago. Such a shame thou. It's such a good story . After updating so many chapters decided to discontinue it! Such a pity and wasting time too.
amhar03 #5
Chapter 19: hey there author, i know it might be useless to ask this since this story has been 5 year since the last update. But i really like the flow of this story and how their interaction in this story.. are you going to stop updating this for good? i don't mind if it take a long for you to update but please continue this story if it's possible..
Come on author please update :'(
This is the first kryber fanfic that I've read and still waiting for the next chap since long time :'(( I really like this story
i-grec #7
Chapter 19: I try hard to update in the least predictable way so it'll take time hahaha ^^ I'll keep updating! no worries
Chapter 19: please keep updating.... i like this story.... ^^
Bluebrain #9
i like this story,,,hope u'll update soon..
27camz #10
Chapter 18: I hope you update soon!!! This is great!!