Audi R8

Matchmaking sensation

In Krystal's head

I calmed down because of her.


The silence dominance upon the atmosphere surrounding us, both, was a comfortable quitness. I wouldn't able to explain the reasons why I thought about it that way but I can assure myself that I wouldn't mind or trade it to another kind of situation. We were alone together if I may admit it. She was concentrating on the road with an expression that said otherwise. I could feel her mind branching into thousands of thoughts. Yet, I still wasn't capable of reading her, entirely.

My hand in hers, still and pleasant, demanded more contact... I couldn't understand myself, to be honest. There was this infinite war happening inside of me; one side wanted to let go of my pride in order to follow my heart and the other devoted to what I call my dignity, vowed to never let go of my self esteem no matter what.

Though, there was something bothering me. The night had fallen and I was taken somewhere by this pathetic idiot. It was until I decided to shatter the silence into pieces.

"Where are you taking me? I'm still in my P.E clothes for god sake." I pointed out as I turned my gaze onto her. Amber did not respond immediatly but she was trying to think of an answer that would probably shut me up for good. I know, I was not a girl who accept things as they are without my own consent. I was probably born and raised this way. Arguing and debating with my sister is my breakfast.


"Somewhere no one wouldn't mind seeing you in those clothes." She finally answered. Amber was good at this game of talking without actually revealing what I wanted to know. , she found my frustration funny because she was smirking afterwards.


I put my hand away from hers, out of irritation. I looked away. Needless to say that I would rather see the road than her grinning face. I felt so pathetic...

Why did I put myself in this situation in the first place?


"Trippin girl, good things happen to those who wait." Amber was asking me to extend my patience. She must be aware that my patience was on the verge of breaking down.


"Correction, nothing happen to those who only sit back and wait." I muttered, loud enough fo her to hear me clearly.


"Good point. But I'm struggling right now."She emphasised her breath on the word struggling.


I frowned, thinking of her previous words. "Struggling for what?" I wasn't capable to go on without actually asking her to explain what she meant.


"Struggling to destroy that ice wall of yours." She poked my cheek with the right amount of delicateness. I wasn't shocked nor expecting it. It felt heavenly... My stomach tickled me somehow. What the heck? "Haha, you're pretty unpredictable." she continued. Me? unpredictable? Hohoho she has no idea that she was the unpredictable one! 

"Why don't you look at the mirror?" I was attempting to make her realise her own behavior.


"Do you want us to crash?" she smiled upon my idiocy... I supposed. Fine, my sarcasm never worked on Amber. All my insult or argument too actually.

We arrived at some place guarded by a security post. The gates were as high as two floor building. That was my most accurate estimation... judging by the poor sight I was given at night. Simply put, it was a huge gate. Amber seemed driving with ease knowing she was inside her domain, the place she's very familiar of.

I was looking at the obscur garden ahead of me. In between the plants and trees, organised at their finest, I contemplated a manor well lightened; The lamps and the amount of it, was accurately in balance and beautiful. I had been inside Amber's appartment before but I had the feeling that this manor was also hers. There was Amber's vibe ommitted from the walls of this very building.


"Is this..." I began to say.


"Yup my family's manor. Not as big as yours if I may say." She breathed out as she got out of her car. Her hands found their way inside her pocket, out of habit. She made the effort to open my door. No, I was not touched... 


"You've got a bigger garden actually." I retorded, loving the tall cactus located next to the right wing of the house. I was in awe, secretly in awe. It wasn't a boring landscape to see, unlike my own garden that screams roses everywhere; not to mention the white-house-like shape that I began to be tired of. On the other hand, Amber's manor was a challenging architecture. I loved the transparency of it.


"Then let's call ourselves even. I got to see your house and you got to see mine." She offered her right hand for me to shake. I starred at her offering before I refused it, gently. I pretended to be dense, in a way that I seemed not understanding the geste she did. When actually I did get it.


 I flipped at her doubtful expression so I asked her things that I would never ask at a situation given."So you live in two place? You've got an appartment and a cozy manor."


She regained her smiling face that showed her genuity in existing. "Oh.. yeah I forgot to mention that. Half of that appartment belongs to Sooyoung, my cousin. The other half is totally mine. I always sleep there when I have school because it's nearer. Yeah, pretty practical right?"


I rolled my eyes. "Well. No wonder why your personnality is so frog-like. You hop from a place to another one as you please."


She raised her eyebrows from curiosity... perhaps. "I thought I was only an idiot. What other names you have on your mind right now?"


I took a enormous deep breath before answering her. "Hmm... Despicable. Annoying. Unpredictable brat. Deceitful. Manipulative. Atrocious. Disgusting." In one breath, only one, I managed to say all of this.


"Fair enough." She seemed pleased of my insult brainstorm while crossing her arms.


I shoot her a glare that she will never forget. "If we're going to stand here until morning... I'm going home." I expected an answer, an understandable one, indeed.


"WAIT. I have something to show you." Her calm facade was destroyed by my words of condition.


"WHAT? I'm calling my driver right now. NOW." I dialed M. Puff without a hint of hesitation.


"There is no need. I'll drive you home I promise." She put my phone away from my ear.


"It better be good." I said to her as I pointed my index finger.


"You won't be disappointed... I hope." Her hands on my shoulder, she lead me inside her huge house. Her heavy breath tickled the back of my neck, sending me chills all over my body. I could sense her gaze on me. And... I'm afraid that I cannot trust myself in behaving logically. I might be under her control due to... Amber being just herself and no one else.


We went down a twisted stairs after passing by the cozy living room. As I predicted, she had maids standing in a particular spot of her house in every radius of ten meters. Not that I was impressed of the amount of maids that she had nor the collosal fortune she will be herited to but the way Amber kept being welcoming to those workers without any condition. She was obviously one of a kind. I, myself, let out my anger to my maids even though I wasn't mad at them. I am a rich brat. While Amber is a generous rich idiot.

I grinned at myself for having the absolute freedom to think whatever I wanted to think.


I could call her a pathetic idiot in my mind or imagine her at her weakest situation.... like her being or something.








. I couldn't help it.


"Krys? Krys?" She tapped my cheek lightly. I felt my soul being reglued to my body again. I was being absent-mindedly fantasizing about Am..ber. I couldn't look at her in the eyes out of embarrassment. I was ashamed of myself...

Like I said, I was really ashamed of my own self.


I starred at the ground not willing to see her. 

"Yah tripping girl. It's no fun at all seeing you randomly defeated." She said, almost screaming. She made me turn around, pushing lightly my waist in a circular direction while I was keen on keeping my head down, fixating my eyes upon the floor. Then she put a feather like pressure on the bottom of my chin to lift it, softly.

Right then I force my entire being to hold myself from kissing her.

That's it. My mind was getting out of control. Her eyes trying to dig my soul from my eyes was making me hard to breathe. I did not exhale the air in my lungs at all... I mean was it really hard to get a grip from the situation? Our face were too close to break them apart...

It's getting way out of hand.

It felt like an invisible magnet pulling my lips closer to hers.


But then...

Suzy's. Her lips are Suzy's.


I prevented her from kissing me with a finger. "Don't get a full of yourself. Player." I said, without any sign of regret or desire... I hope it is.


"Right. You are quite intriguing. But you might not know that Suzy and I..."


"Stop talking would you? I'm getting impatient of what you've been trying to show me. I wanna go home." I looked around searching for anything interesting enough to distract myself from the heart racing scene we had just gone through.


"This way. Trippin girl." She laughed, only god knows why.


She lead me to another set of stairs downwards. "So... Krystal aka trippin girl, welcome to my garage!" The room she was showing me was pretty spacious and vast enough to park a couple of cars in a leisure way.


"That's it?!" I retorded very harshly.


"Trippin girl, you didn't get it, do you? What I want to show you is the car over there. Audi R8."




"Look closer. Isn't she beautiful, y and elegant?"

It is very beautiful actually.



"Well what am I supposed to say about that?" I asked back.


"Audi R8 is my one and only favorite car. She's so you." She whispered. I gulped hardly at the whispering she was making. She once called me an Audi R8. And I guessed that she just realised what she just said to me. " No I mean... you're not that... Oh god, I'm talking non-sense forget about it."

Pretend to be an idiot.

Don't believe in her sweet talk.

Don't be touched.

She's comparing you to a car!


"So, you're comparing me with a car. Are you?" I glared at her as I suppressed my overflowing feelings.


"It seems that whatever I do to you is wrong all the time." she scratched her head while smirking deviously and charmingly. I found myself daydreaming about her for a half of second before regaining my so-called 'angry' state.


"Sweet talk doesn't work on me, player."


"Oh so what works on you?"


"It's a secret." It's you. Being with you works better than every sweet talk I've heard from my previous boyfriends.


"Fine. I give up. Let's get you home kiddo." She patted my head while I pouted for being called a kiddo.



Here we were... inside her Audi R8, sitting next to each other in the front seats. Of course, she was the one driving and I was the one throwing glances at her wonderfully structured profile. All this time we were still wearing our previous outfit from the carwash. How odd. She managed to make me feel beautiful and wanted with the most hideous clothes I've ever accepted to wear, the P.E. uniform.

The road was quiet at certain places. The later it got the more people living in the shadow came to life. Those night party people, the amateur drug dealer, the teen prankster and those street artist either dancers or graffiti maker, made their way out to the face of the city.

Suddenly, our stomach growled audibly in the same time. We shared a look that said everything... We were hungry. Very hungry.


"Sorry, we should've eaten in my house. I was having so, that I forgot." She paused. "Let me make it up to you."


"Enough outing. Player. I wanna go home right now." I ordered her somehow.


"Who said I was going to ask you out? What a prideful girl."


"You were going. I can assure that! Don't lie to me."


"Tch, I'm your senior. Rule #1 Seniors are always right. Rule #2 If a senior is wrong, look at rule #1 again."


"What the heck. It's not fair. Your using your status!" I hit my own knee from the emotion. She was giggling like an utter idiot.


"Kiddo, don't talk to your senior that way." She shook her shoulder to indiquate her victory in making me argumentless.


I was not compeletly defeated though. "Well i guess I'm not gonna share the only cereal bar I brought."


"Whu-what? You've got food?!" Her eyes brightened and got wider. She was obviously interested in whatever food was near her.


I opened the wrapping with slow motion. I made sure she was witnessing the torture of her lifetime. The snack in my hand, I approched it to , close enough for her to think I was going to feed her but far enough to pull it back from her reach rapidly; of course, I didn't let her bite it. I'm evil, I'm telling you. I was giving her fake hopes and high yet empty expectations.


"YAH?! Trippin girl." She complained as she was galncing at me.


"Ah ah ah~" I shook my head as if I was prohibiting a kid from eating his favourite candy.


And yet... she managed to steal a bite from it. I guessed she was pretty hungry and determined to win the snack over my power.

She shallowed it with pride and victorious look. Few seconds later somehow... she breathed panickly. She muttered something about pain and allergies. I couldn't get a gist of what she's muttering until finally, she collected enough breath to say something.


"Krys... is there...nuts in the cereal gave I'm allergic to nuts..... My... I...can't.... breath...." She rested her whole head on the steer of her car. "Sooyoung... call.... soo..." She lost it. Her eyes went shut. Amber was completely inert afterwards.


The car! The car is still moving in high speed...













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Having a writer's block....Kryber is trying to kill me with their cuteness


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Chapter 20: i did a double take seeing this get updated in 2022. holy. glad youre back! hope youve been well, author.
amhar03 #2
Chapter 20: OMG you're back?! Please take your time and enjoy your comeback here
21 streak #3
Chapter 20: Wait! You really updated? Thank you so much for continuing this!
nancylau0301 #4
Chapter 19: Right. Author has decided to stop updating this story long time ago. Such a shame thou. It's such a good story . After updating so many chapters decided to discontinue it! Such a pity and wasting time too.
amhar03 #5
Chapter 19: hey there author, i know it might be useless to ask this since this story has been 5 year since the last update. But i really like the flow of this story and how their interaction in this story.. are you going to stop updating this for good? i don't mind if it take a long for you to update but please continue this story if it's possible..
Come on author please update :'(
This is the first kryber fanfic that I've read and still waiting for the next chap since long time :'(( I really like this story
i-grec #7
Chapter 19: I try hard to update in the least predictable way so it'll take time hahaha ^^ I'll keep updating! no worries
Chapter 19: please keep updating.... i like this story.... ^^
Bluebrain #9
i like this story,,,hope u'll update soon..
27camz #10
Chapter 18: I hope you update soon!!! This is great!!