The beginning

Matchmaking sensation

In Krystal's head

Krystal Jung Soojung.

I wrote my name entirely onto the examen paper. It was unfortunately the only thing I could answer correctly. I couldn't even recall the date of that day. Trigonometry is such a pain... The paper I returned was as holy as a nun; too untouched for a piece of examen paper. I breathed out terribly.

Believe me I studied like hell last night.

I had a terrible day. I promised dad that I would succeed the trigonometry test but failure was all I think about. I didn't want to be this brainless rich girl. I wished to change that image and reputation. People had always underestimated me when it comes to science subject. I was great at social and language stuff but I didn't feel complete.

I stepped my right foot onto the stairs. Miscalculating the distance that separated the next lower step, I lost my balance. All the books I hold had already landed on the lower floor with loud noise that was hard to ignore. I felt powerless during the fall. I might break a bone or two, for the worst case.

A hand. A warm hand came to the rescue.

It grabbed my wrist with reassuring power. My fall stopped as my whole body flipped by his pull. Only then my eyes landed to the face of my rescuer.

A handsome face if I had to admit.

"Are your legs that weak?" It was a husky voice, but a girl's one. She pulled me up too easily, in order for me to stand straight. But our face were only two centimeters away. From a certain angle, people would think we kissed. And my assumption were true.

"Oh my god. Amber Liu changed side! She's dating this girl."

"Who's that girl?"

"You know the heir of Jung's company."

"No wonder why. They're definitely together."

"It's going to be big. I'm telling you!"

"They're kissing right?"


Managing to hear other students talking about us. We pulled away brutally. That day we didn't know what was going to happen to us. And the severity of it.

"Come." The girl told me. She dragged me rapidly out of people sight, in the empty gym nearby. "What's your name again?"

"Jung Soojung aka Krystal." I replied with a flat tone.

"Krystal, if my life in high school is ruined because of the spreading rumor I will try kicking you out of this school."

"Do you really think it's my fault?"

"If you didn't fall nothing would happen."

"If you didn't rescue me then..."

"You're going to embarrass yourself as a freshman." cut the girl.

"..........." I was as defendless as speechless.

"From now on, don't ever cross your path with me, ever again."

"Ye-yes, unnie?"

"It's better that you don't know my name."

"Okay...." I retreated still facing her.

Little did I know, I stepped on a handball ball. "Careful!"

My foot rolled the ball as I lost my leg's stability. I spontaneously grabbed the other girl's tie during my fall. She joined me as her entire body landed on me. It was an awkward position... Her hands supporting her weight were thankfully there at the right moment, if not we would've kissed, literally. Her face was more breathtaking close up. I can feel her quick breath onto my lips... I was tempted actually. Realizing the flow of my own thoughts I closed my eyes to forget those thoughts away.


*Click* "Guys, I got them on action!" Said the one with the camera.... Oh no. This is going to be bad.

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Having a writer's block....Kryber is trying to kill me with their cuteness


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Chapter 20: i did a double take seeing this get updated in 2022. holy. glad youre back! hope youve been well, author.
amhar03 #2
Chapter 20: OMG you're back?! Please take your time and enjoy your comeback here
12 streak #3
Chapter 20: Wait! You really updated? Thank you so much for continuing this!
nancylau0301 #4
Chapter 19: Right. Author has decided to stop updating this story long time ago. Such a shame thou. It's such a good story . After updating so many chapters decided to discontinue it! Such a pity and wasting time too.
amhar03 #5
Chapter 19: hey there author, i know it might be useless to ask this since this story has been 5 year since the last update. But i really like the flow of this story and how their interaction in this story.. are you going to stop updating this for good? i don't mind if it take a long for you to update but please continue this story if it's possible..
Come on author please update :'(
This is the first kryber fanfic that I've read and still waiting for the next chap since long time :'(( I really like this story
i-grec #7
Chapter 19: I try hard to update in the least predictable way so it'll take time hahaha ^^ I'll keep updating! no worries
Chapter 19: please keep updating.... i like this story.... ^^
Bluebrain #9
i like this story,,,hope u'll update soon..
27camz #10
Chapter 18: I hope you update soon!!! This is great!!