Team work?

Matchmaking sensation

In Krystal's head

Sadly, the bell rang to indiquate the first ever car wash hour. Thus obliging me to work. Work with that face idiot. Shall I bail from duty? I do want to but I have always hated people who do so. Fine. Let's get to work. Gosh, even before I got there, I felt my pride fading away due to my vulnerability in Amber's presence.

I collected all my things in lazy way hoping for my work hours to be done before I arrived. Since my general mood went down drastically these past weeks, Luna had kept her enthusiasm by herself when she hang around with me. In a certain meaning, she was trying to cheer me up by reducing her annoyance behavior. I somehow appreciated her effort but she caused me trouble with that car wash idea. Besides, I had made no efforts in finding a way to cheer myself up. No matter what I do, I always ended up bumping or coming accross things that push my mood to the edge.

"Krys?" Luna was looking at me with a pleading-asking-for-forgiveness-look. She tilted her head to maximize the puppy dog effect. No need to utter any word to tell that I was still mad at Luna for giving me hard time after she suggested that fund-raising activity, the car-wash.

"Thanks to you I am going to waste my time cleaning other's vehicles." I responded sarcastically without looking at her.

"Wait... so you start off today? already?" her eyes went bigger after she understood my point.

"How do I tell you in a more obvious way...? Let's see." I starred at a far point, frowning alot to show my dismayed mood. "Yes."

"Exactly. Which is why you should be happy." Luna said with a clear and confident tone.

"No. No. Amber does not make me happy at all. I repeat, at all." I shook my head while I crossed my arms tightly.

"Krystal, I actually didn't mention Amber at all. At all." She grinned at me with pride or I may say victorious. Meanwhile I just realised that I have been digging my own grave because I said too much already; about me being upset with Amber. "You should know that Amber is totally not serious with Suzy. I can tell."

"Really?" My respond was too enthusiastic. I didn't think what I said so I hurriedly cover my mouth to prevent myself from saying things which will cause the fall of Krystal's dignity. I resolved, after calming down, to correct my own words. Though Luna indeed heard me well. "I mean... it's irrelevant." I hoped  really  and irrelevant sounded the same to Luna. Please, I pleaded for  the deafness of Luna's ear to be on my side.

"Yes, you are right. It's irrelevant." Her eyebrows went up a knotch. I knew this look... She pretended that she believed me.

"You don't believe me..."

"I do Krystal." She responded with a deep serious face with no smile plastered on her face. She's faking it.

"I don't buy your acting skill, Luna!"

"Neither do I." With that, we shared an evil glance at each other. No one was able to outsmart the other apparently... "Hey, peace?"

"Yeah. So see you soon?"

"Of course Krystal. Goodluck carwashing your heart!" She said while running away from me.

I swear she shall not be safe from my anger. That optimistic furball....


From afar I noticed Victoria unnie waving at me in the parking lot reserved for the freakin carwash thingy; that word has been repeated so many times that I might want to ban the combination of word 'car' and 'wash'. For the time being, I had to bear for a while the new system. Anyway, Victoria was undeniably prepared and ready. She was dressed to suit the work which involves lots and lots of water and foam. I stood there looking at my own clothes... It would be such a waste to wear this outfit for the washing duty, wouldn't it?

"Krystal, just in time." Victoria said, smiling genuinely at me.

"Victoria unnie! Hey, so.. I need to get changed. Don't worry I'll be there in a few."

"First Amber now the freshman..." muttered Victoria in an audible voice.

"Sorry. I'll make it quick." I promised her.

I was running rapidly. Nothing seemed to be in my way. The nearest restroom was not totally near. There was a quite big distance separating both place. Obviously, I had to run. At some point I looked back at Victoria doing the cores by herself. I, then, sped up my pace. It wouldn't be fair if I intentionally slow down in order to get the least work. I would despise people who do that to me. Suddenly...

I bumped, pretty harsly, at someone a bit taller than me. Judging by our fall we were very shocked and surprised by the accident. She tried to check any wound that might be on her knees or elsewhere. Her face was then revealed to me. It was Suzy's.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked me. "Wait... you're Jung right?"

I stood up after dusting my uniform. "Yes. I'm Jung Krystal."

"Oh good. I am not mistaken. I'm Suzy. If you don't know me yet."

"Suzy unnie.please let me help you get up."

"No thanks. I'm good." She stood up by herself determined not to let me help her.

"Sorry. but I gotta go... I'm in hurry."

"Krystal? Amber is mine." Suzy told me with a plastic smile.

I had no time to argue. So I decided to bow and go quickly to the restroom. It took me a whole minute to understand what Suzy had just said. Somehow I felt terrible and angry. And why was I feeling that way? For the 29445937434th time I reminded myself that I couldn't care less about Amber's life but deep down, though I would deny it, my heart whispered otherwise.

I gotta stop being the depressed girl even though I've been given a dozen of reason to be.



"Victoria unnie." I called out after wearing my P.E uniform.

"Finally. We're complete." She told me while getting more enthusiastic in rubbing the front of a red car with a washing foam. Complete she said. So... Amber must be around here too. I might not realised it but I was unconsiously looking for Amber. 

"Looking for me?" She whispered in my right ear. Startled as I was, I turned my head to my right. Amber was standing just behind me as if she was about to lean her chin on my shoulder. Her face, this close, made me impossible to think straight. I was afraid that whatever come out of my mouth would be nothing but a combination of stutter. "Are you?" she asked again.

"Why would I bother?" I coldly answered. Perhaps too coldly. I put a distance between us as I tried to get a sponge. I was sort of imitating what Victoria was doing. I picked the recipient of water and foam that Victoria prepared for me.

"You should, perhaps, wet the car first." Amber pointed out after she saw what I was doing.

"I knew that." I lied. This is my first time. 

"Then let me give you a hand." she sprayed the car I was in charge of with the water line she was holding. "Idiot in denial." she murmured.

"I heard that!" I roughly wiped the surface of the vehicle with more force or emotion to be exact. "What an ."

"You cannot not hurting my feelings, can you?" Amber was smirking too deviously that I was starting to expect a prank coming from her. Out of nowhere I felt a cold liquid drenching my left side, making my skin taste the coldness of the autumn water. I sighed realising what Amber just did.

"You think you're going to get away.' I threatened her.

"Is that a warning?" She sprayed more water on me.

"YAH, I'm no car."

"Audi R8." She talked back. I had no idea which car is that. So I wasn't able to take it as either an insult or a compliment. Not knowing what she meant, I still felt my heart throbbing at her presence. It made me sick around my stomach. The kind of nausea I was addicted to.

"You're so not professional." I changed the topic. Why was I? I wasn't even holding a conversation with her.

"You two. Quit being lovey dovey and get back to work." Victoria unnie ordered us.

"Lovey dovey?! What?" Amber and I reacted.

"See?" Victoria unnie confirmed.

The atmosphere had gone quiet and serious. Every each of us work hard on our own. I tighened my ponytail that started to fall off. From my side vision, Amber was somehow watching me. In a certain way, I was glad. No. Just no. It's not right to feel that way. I corrected myself.

Amber with her wet short hair that she adjusted everytime it got on her front.... She pulled it all back letting her charismatic face be shown. Her slim yet rigid silouhette was accentuated by her drenched shirt on her skin. Her humid lips were paler than before. The sweat running amazingly on her neck was unexpectedly a detail that I would dislike on anybody but Amber. In short, I fell for her appearance trap.


I shook my head hardly as if there was a monkey resting on my head. Try to guess who's that monkey anyway. I meant who else it might be? The person whose initial is A.L. I breathed heavily.

Later on, I heard a thud.

A loud one.

"Ouch." I realised it was Victoria unnie on the ground as she hold her ankle.

"Victoria unnie?" I approched her instinctively. "Are you okay?"

"Vick." Amber bent down to see the condition of Victoria's ankle in a gentle way. I watched them as I got myself ready to take the first aid kit in the infirmary.

"Guys, it's fine." Victoria claimed beneath the pain she must've been feeling.

"No, it's not. It's swollen." Amber pointed out with a worried expression. "I'll take you home Victoria." I silently agreed on that one. Victoria unnie should rest to heal.

"Amber you don't have to bother."

"No, I'm doing it for my own sense of responsibility. I need to help you out." Amber supported Victoria for her transition from sitting down to standing up straight. "Oh trippin' girl take her stuff and yours too. You're coming with us."

"Wait so... who's gonna finish the wash?" I doubted Amber spontanity.

"You'll see."

"Why...I'm confuse." I responded before she dragged me to her car as she supported Victoria's walk.


Victoria was given a ride home by Amber. From the window I could see her laying on her bed with a peaceful sleepy face. Amber was making sure that her friend was resting comfortably, in order to heal in no time. While I had no idea why I was asked to be at that place; inside Amber's car.

"It didn't take long did it?" Amber asked after sitting in the driver's seat.


"Good." She started the engine.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"You'll see."

"That's it. I'm getting out. Stop the car." No, I was not a toy to be played around. So I grabbed my stuff preparing myself to go out of the car.

"Krystal what's wrong?" Amber bluntly asked. She was unexpectedly calm... or a good actress.

"You idiot! The whole you'll see thingy. I'm sick of it."

Out of the blue... I swear It was out of nowhere.

She took my hand in a snap of second. Then she began carressing the back of my hand with her thumb. My lungs regained its normal breathing frequency. I stopped frowning as I was starting to relax my tensed face. Our eyes met...

What spell did she used on me?



How has it been people? ^^

Long time no update. I was quite busy unfortunately...

Anyway I'm gonna update often from now on. Yes, it's almost vacation!

Love, i-grec 14/12/12


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Having a writer's block....Kryber is trying to kill me with their cuteness


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Chapter 20: i did a double take seeing this get updated in 2022. holy. glad youre back! hope youve been well, author.
amhar03 #2
Chapter 20: OMG you're back?! Please take your time and enjoy your comeback here
21 streak #3
Chapter 20: Wait! You really updated? Thank you so much for continuing this!
nancylau0301 #4
Chapter 19: Right. Author has decided to stop updating this story long time ago. Such a shame thou. It's such a good story . After updating so many chapters decided to discontinue it! Such a pity and wasting time too.
amhar03 #5
Chapter 19: hey there author, i know it might be useless to ask this since this story has been 5 year since the last update. But i really like the flow of this story and how their interaction in this story.. are you going to stop updating this for good? i don't mind if it take a long for you to update but please continue this story if it's possible..
Come on author please update :'(
This is the first kryber fanfic that I've read and still waiting for the next chap since long time :'(( I really like this story
i-grec #7
Chapter 19: I try hard to update in the least predictable way so it'll take time hahaha ^^ I'll keep updating! no worries
Chapter 19: please keep updating.... i like this story.... ^^
Bluebrain #9
i like this story,,,hope u'll update soon..
27camz #10
Chapter 18: I hope you update soon!!! This is great!!