Falling for a Gumiho? (Soojin)

1,000 Days

My eyes opened slowly as the sunlight coming through my window made its way to my face. I peered around my room wondering if yesterday was all just a dream. Yawning, I sat up and walked over to my desk to check my laptop history. All of the Gumiho sites were still there in my history, proving to me that yesterday really did happen. I felt a shiver go up my spine. "Soojin!" I heard coming from behind me, making my back shiver again in surprise. Seunghyun. I turned around and smiled at my little brother.

"Goodmorning, Seungri." I said, calling him by his childhood nickname. 

Seungri's face went sour. "I told you to stop calling me that. I'm not a kid anymore."

I smiled and walked over to Seungri, tousling up his hair. "You may be a man now but you'll always be my little brother, Seungri, to me."

"Stop that!" he said, brushing my hands away. 


"Because I'm a man now, not your little Seungri." he told me. I frowned and he sighed, giving up like he always did. "Just don't call me that in public."

"Yay!" I squealed, wrapping my arms tightly around my brother. He struggled and pushed me away at first, but then gave in yet again and wrapped his arms around me too. 

After out embrace, Seungri spoke with sad eyes. "So are you feeling better? I was so busy yesterday that I couldn't visit you during the day. Daesung was too. And when we got home you were asleep."

"I'm okay. I really am." I told him truthfully. "I don't know what happened yesterday, but I'm okay now." Of course I knew what happened yesterday. I was spooked by a Gumiho who was now my friend somehow and living in my house secretly.

"That's good." Seungri smiled. 

"Yeah..." I sighed, smiling back weakly. "But I think today I need a day off."

Seungri's eyes turned serious. "What? But I thought you said you were okay?"

"I am, I swear I am. I just need a personal day."

Seungri thought for a minute. "Alright. Fine. It's Friday anyway. I don't want whatever happened yesterday to happen again. Please be careful, okay?"

"Alright. I will." I promised, reaching out and hugging my beloved little brother again. 

When we parted Seungri told me breakfast was on the dining room table and then that he had to hurry off the the museum. "And I have to go to an art auction as well so I'll be home extra late today."

I nodded and watched him off. The moment I heard his car drive down the street, I ran to my bookcase to check on my friend. "What are you doing?" I heard suddenly. This time it was Daesung. 

"Just looking at some books." I told him. "I'm taking the day off and thought I'd study a little bit about the history of some of our art pieces."

Daesung nodded. "Alright, well I just wanted to check up on you. Take care."

I smiled and nodded back, then waited until I heard his care drive off as well before I ran back to the bookcase. I scanned the shelves for the book that hid the control which opened the passageway and pressed the code buttons. As soon as the door passageway opened, I saw that my friend was already waiting for me. "Hyesun!" he smiled. But his smile faded quickly. "I mean Soojin... Good morning."

"Goodmorning." I said, motioning my arms for him to come out of the safe room. "Who's Hyesun?"

Jiyong's eyes showed sadness. "She is just a girl I used to know. You look so much like her that I just said her name without thinking."

"It's okay..." was all I could say. "Did you... by chance, did you love this girl? Is she the woman you loved in the past?" I had to ask. It did seem that way by how he reacted and even by the way he said her name. I could also see it in his eyes.

"Yes." he admitted. "I did. But this witch cursed me and so I had to watch as Hyesun fell in love with another man, married him and had his children."

Suddenly his eyes turned bright red and he looked at my chest with a pained expression. With one swift movement, I was on the floor and my Gumiho friend was on top of me. He his lips and revealed his sharp fox-like teeth. "What are you doing?!" I panicked.

"You said you would love me forever Hyesun. That there would be no other but me..." he huffed. "You lied! And so I am going to rip open your chest to see if you still have a heart! Because you stole mine and never gave it back! I will be stealing your heart as you stole mine!"

I screamed at this. "Jiyong! I'm not Hyesun! I'm Soojin, see?! Soojin! I'm your friend! I'm trying to help you!" 

Jiyong's eyes softened now. "What?" his human side managed to say. And so I continued.

"Do you remember? I know your human side is in there somewhere! Jiyong, if you kill and and take my heart, you will never become human! Remember?! I want to help you! I want to help you become human!"

To this Jiyong's red eyes faded back to the chocolate-y brown color they once were. "I'm sorry." he said, moving away from my body. "I am so sorry. I cannot believe I did this again." 

His eyes were even more pained. "It's okay. I stopped you." 

"No. No. It is not okay. I should stay away from you." he said, his hands covering his face. 

I reached out and moved Jiyong's hands from his face. His eyes widened in surprise. "No, you don't. You don't need to do that. I'm going to help you control yourself so you can become human. Okay?"

Tears began to form in the Gumiho's eyes. "Thank you, sweet, sweet girl. Sweet, sweet, Soojin."

I don't know what came over me but I felt my eyes begging to let a few tears fall and so I let them escape. It was something about this Gumiho crying that made me feel emotional as well. I reached over to the Gumiho sitting on the floor a foot away from me and hugged him. I could feel him tense and then suddenly loosen up. He lay his head against my shoulder. "This beautiful heart..." he said softly. "I never want to hurt it. And so I will try harder not to let my Gumiho instincts take over me. I must become human. I must."

Then my Gumiho friend slowly lifted his head and closed his eyes, inching his face to mine. "I thought you were going to control your instincts!" I panicked.

Jiyong chuckled. "I was not going to hurt you, silly girl." he told me. He then placed his lips gently against my cheek and backed away slowly. "I was going to kiss you."

I felt my face redden and heat up. "A-a-alright." I stuttered, getting up. "Well just to make sure you don't lose control, we better get you something to eat. Breakfast is in the diningroom."

Jiyong followed me closely to the diningroom where we ate. Luckily Seungri had made sausages and bacon, which would hopefully keep Jiyong satisfied. After we ate, Jiyong and I showered, then headed out to Choi Seunghyun's drama shooting. As we got inside the car I could see Jiyong's eyes widen in fear and as I drove, he held onto his knees tightly. Once out of the car, Jiyong sighed in relief. "What's wrong?" I asked as we walked over to the drama shooting site. 

"One of those scary machines almost hit me yesterday." he told me. I rubbed his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile, telling him that the car was nothing to be scared of. 

When we got to the site, the bodyguard let us in without question and Jiyong led me right to Choi Seunghyun's trailer. He knocked on it gently and then a familiar, manly voice asked who was disturbing him. "It's me. Kwon Jiyong." the Gumiho shouted to the door.

The door flung open and there in front of us was the Choi Seunghyun himself. "Ah! Kwon Jiyong, my new friend! I'm glad you came!" he exclaimed with arms wide open to show welcoming. He then looked at me. "Who's this pretty girl?"

"My girl." Kwon Jiyong said firmly. I looked over at him questioningly. "Her name is Soojin. She's a fan of yours."

Seunghyun held out his hand and shook mine. "Wow, nice to meet you Soojin. Jiyong is a lucky man. You're beautiful." 

"T-th-thank you." I blushed. "I'm not really his girl though. We're friends... who live together." 

"Ah, I see. Well I still say he's a lucky man." Seunghyun smiled. I could feel my heart melting. "So do you want to be an extra in this drama too?"

I shook my head. "I'd love to, but I think just meeting you is enough. I'd like to watch you guys though... for a bit. If that's okay."

"Of course it is," Seunghyun smiled. He then told Jiyong to change at the back of his trailer. While Jiyong changed, Seunghyun made small talk with me, asking me my age, occupation, which is my favorite drama of his and such. The small talk didn't last long though, as Jiyong had changed rather fast. Once Jiyong came out in his costume, Seunghyun went in the back to change as well. Being left alone for a few minutes, I stared at Jiyong's clothes. He was wearing an authentic looking royal blue, silk robe over a white cotton robe. His sandals of bamboo also looked authentic. They probably were. Jiyong was ancient after all. But despite that, he looked rather handsome. He had nice, lightly tanned complexion and a good looking face, but those royal looking clothes really made him look all the more handsome. He looked like a prince or some sort of high official. The only thing that stood out was his pink hair. 

As if reading my mind, Seunghyun came back out in his costume and handed Jiyong a black wig and helped him to put it on and adjust it. "Now let's go. The shooting will begin soon."

Jiyong nodded and followed that handsome man, and I followed Jiyong. Sitting quietly, I watched as women caked make-up on their faces while Choi Seunghyun taught Jiyong about the scene he was in, and watched as they acted out the scenes. Long before I had even realized it, hours flew by and the scene was over. "You did great in the scene. You're good with a sword." Seunghyun told the Gumiho.

"Thank you. I practiced a lot when I was a boy." he told him.

"It shows." Seunghyun smiled. 

"You are also really good at fighting." Jiyong continued. "And I can see why you are at the top. I think maybe I should call you that. TOP." He then enunciated each letter: "T.O.P."

My eyes widened. "How'd you know that word? It's English."

"Television. I learn fast, remember?" Jiyong smirked. "Is that not what you said?"

"Right. That's true." I blushed, feeling stupid. He was a fast learner and I did tell him that already as well.

"Sooooooo..." Jiyong smiled widely. "I let you meet your idol, so can we go eat now? I really want some meat!"

I smiled and nodded. "Of course. Thank you so much Jiyong. I really appreciate it."

Jiyong's smile widened even more and he walked to my side, grabbing my hand. "I am going to go eat with my girl now, but I will see you again!"

"Of course." TOP said, smiling and waving goodbye. I waved back as we walked away and then inched closer to Jiyong.

"Why do you keep calling me your girl in front of him?" I whispered.

"Because it's fun to see you blush." Jiyong told me simply.

"I'm not blushing!" I panicked. I wasn't. I could hear TOP laughing just a few yards away from us, which was what made me start to blush.

Jiyong laughed also."You are lucky that is all I did. You are lucky that I did not kiss you in front of him. I thought about it, you know? I thought about doing this to make him jealous that I am living with such a beautiful girl. I wanted to make him jealous because truthfully, I'm jealous of him. He is cool, handsome and you as well as many other woman love him."

"You have no need to be jealous." I told him. "You are special in your own way, like how he is special in his own way."

Jiyong stopped walking and looked into my eyes. "Do you really mean that?"

"Yes. I do. Now do you wanna eat?" 

Jiyong laughed and nodded. We then walked over to my car and I drove Jiyong to the nearest restaurant. The smell of grilled meats and warm noodles filled the air even from outside the building. I could tell my friend enjoyed the smell just as much as I did. He inhaled deeply once we got inside the restaurant, as we waited for our food and then again when we got our food. It was actually quite amusing to see. Jiyong's nose was just mere millimeters from his bowl of soup, inhaling the sent of noodles and vegetables. I watched in amusement as the Gumiho smelled his food and then ate it slowly, savoring the taste. "So good!" he exclaimed. I couldn't help but giggle. 

After we ate, I decided that I would take Jiyong shopping for more clothes. Jiyong fought it a bit, insisting that he was fine with the few outfits that TOP had given him, but then gave in because I was not taking no for an answer. Besides, he needed more casual clothes. And so I drove Jiyong off to the mall. "We only have a few hours." I told him as we entered the large building. "I have to get home before my brother and cousin do, or they'll have a fit. They're way too protective over me." 

"I understand." Jiyong smiled. "I would do the same for my sister, mother or any other woman in my life, and not to mention, who wouldn't worry about a girl as beautiful as yourself."

"Oh. Yeah?" I said simply, not quite knowing what to say to that. I then pointed to a store and told him that there were nice clothes there and so he shrugged and let me lead him inside. Indeed, there were plenty of nice clothes. And so I grabbed several jackets, sweaters, shorts, pants and shoes, handing them to the dressing room clerk for Jiyong to try on. 

"Really? Do I have to try all this on?" my Gumiho friend whined. 

"Yes, of course. This is payback for telling my favorite idol that I was your girlfriend!"

Jiyong's pout turned into an angered frown. "Right."

He then walked into the dressing room trying on dozens of outfits, letting me see each one on him before he changed into yet another. His final outfit was a pair of red skinny jeans, a grey long-sleeved shirt, and a  black jacket. They looked good and so I asked the store clerk to bring him socks, shoes and gloves to go with it. Once the outfit was complete, I told Jiyong to wait for me as I walked over to a nerby water fountain. I wet my hands and then walked back over to Jiyong. "Bend down." I ordered. Without question, but a clearly curious look in his eyes, Jiyong did as told. I took my wet hands and placed them on Jiyong's relatively straight, long, pink hair and messed around his hair a bit until it was slightly wavy. "There, perfect."

Jiyong walked back to his dressing room, sat down on the stool and looked in the mirror, then back at me. "Do I look good to you?" he asked. I felt my face turn hot. Yes, I thought. But I wouldn't dare say it. He smirked at my flustered face and placed his hand under his cheek, his elbow resting on his knee. "So I do, don't I? Do I look better than Choi Seunghyun?" 

"Shush you!" I exclaimed. "You look fine. Let's go home now. My brother and cousin should be home in just a short while."

Jiyong didn't protest and so we went the the register where I paid for his clothes, and then we went home. As the car reached the mansion, I noticed a familiar car in the parking lot. It wasn't Daesung or Seungri. Slowly, I got out of my car and opened the trunk for Jiyong to get his new clothing. As we walked to the door, I saw the owner of the familiar car. It was my ex. Dong Youngbae, known by many as Taeyang, waiting for me at my front door. "Soojin!" he called out, smiling. 

"Youngbae... what are you doing here?" I asked, panicked. 

"I was in the neighborhood and thought I would stop by." he answered. "I see you're as beautiful as ever."

"Th-thank you." I stuttered. Then I hesitated a moment. "Well, I'd invite you inside, but Daesung and Seungri aren't home right now."

Taeyang frowned. "Pushing me away already? But I just got here... and besides, I'm not here for them. I'm here for you."

My eyes widened. "Why?" 

"Because..." he began. "I've been thinking about you a lot lately... and when I heard that you passed out, I was so worried. I've been waiting out here for three hours just wanting to see you and know that you're okay."

"Oh." I said simply. "Well I'm okay. Thanks for the concern."

Taeyang made his way over to me and held my face in his hands, making me blush. Looking into my eyes he spoke. "I'm glad."

He then let go of my face and hugged me, making millions of our memories flash before my mind. "W-w-what are you doing?"

He sighed. "Listen, Soojin... I want you back. I know you went through a tough time when your parents died, but it's been a while since then and I was hoping that we could get back together now."

I pushed my ex away, somewhat unwillingly but mostly firmly. "I can't get back with you, Youngbae. You know that."

"Why not?" he asked me, confused and with a pained look in his face. But he knew why. He was a nice guy and really loving, but he was also cocky. He gave himself the nickname Taeyang because he thought of himself as 'the sun' itself. The light of day; the giant star that the world revolves around. As I was about to answer with these words though, someone else did for me.

"Because she is my girlfriend now." I heard Jiyong say from behind us. 

"Who's the kid with the weird colored hair?" Taeyang snickered, clearly amused that anyone on this earth would have bright pink hair like Jiyong's.

"Her boyfriend." Jiyong repeated. "And I wish you would get away from my girlfriend right now."

Taeyang's eyebrows twitched. He clenched his teeth as he spoke. "Bro, you can relax. Seriously. I can understand boundaries and respect for a taken woman, but you're just being controlling. She may be your girl now, but she's my ex and still my friend, so step off."

Panicking, I turned to see if Jiyong's eyes would change color. They had just a slight glint of red. I grabbed the Gumiho's hand in hopes of calming him down and looked back at my ex. "I'm sorry. I really am. But I've moved on. I appreciate that you still care about me though. Come back anytime and we can catch up. And maybe I can introduce you guys properly. I promise he'll behave himself if there ever is a next time. He really is a nice guy, just like you. You guys could be good friends."

"I don't think so. Not if we are love rivals." Jiyong said angrily.

"Chill, bro. It's fine. You can have her. But just know if you hurt her, I'm coming for you." my ex said, angered also. Then the anger in his face died down and he held out his hand. "But I don't want any problems. So... we cool, bro?"

Jiyong nodded hesitantly and stared at Youngbae's hand, then held his hand out also. His eyes widened in surprise as my ex took his hand and shook it up and down. After that, Yougbae left and Jiyong asked me why Taeyang had shaken his hand. "It's a kind gesture one does when they meet someone new." I told him. "But what's with this 'my girlfriend, my girlfriend' act?"

"What?" Jiyong frowned. "You do not like it?"

"I don't know." I sighed. "Don't change the subject. I just want to know why you keep saying that."

Jiyong sighed and looked into my eyes. "Because I do want you. You look like my beloved Hyesun only even more beautiful. And you are so genuinely kind-hearted and forgiving. No one has ever treated me as you do. But I like it and though we do not know each other very much and have only just met, I really do want you to be my woman. Will you be my woman?"

I was speechless. I couldn't help but stare at this Gumiho with my mouth dropped open. Jiyong's eyes became lonely black holes. "I'm sorry." I managed to say. "I think we should get to know each other better before we give ourselves the status of a couple."

Jiyong's eyes suddenly lit up again and he smiled. "This is fine for me."


I smiled at the Gumiho and then walked over to the mansion's door to unlock it. As I reached for my keys in my pocket, I felt Jiyong's hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back around to face him and then into his chest. He then lifted my chin up and inched his face close to mine, slowly placing his lips over mine. I could feel a small spark between our lips and my heart began to move fast. My mind went blank and my body froze in place. All I could feel was his body against mine and his soft lips pressed against mine. I hadn't even noticed I'd dropped my house keys. 

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JiYong_JaGi #1
Chapter 5: I love your story. It's nice. Beautiful and amazing story~ awww~ and jiyong is such a loyal and loving guy~ I really hope SooJin can love jiyong deeply without hurting him and hope there's no third annoying people to ruin jiyong and his love.. Please update soon~ ^^
Yuna_Nuna #2
Chapter 5: Uggh this is soo good. I just read these chaps. for the second time! Please update soon!
amama13 #3
Chapter 4: Oooh! Interesting! Taeyang's characther was very unecpected. Love how you grasp the readers with your storyline.:)
amama13 #4
Such an amazing story. I cant wait to find out what happens next :) I wonder what us taeyang's role in the story...
Chapter 3: This chapter's cute <3 I really like the concept of this story, btw.
NOTE: Taeyang will be added within the next few chapters! Maybe the 4th or 5th!!! ^^;
Chapter 2: please update soon :) I like your story =))