The first day (Jiyong)

1,000 Days

I have no idea how this happened. I simply woke up and I was human again. Only, I wasn't really human. I could tell. I had a sudden thirst for human blood. Was I a vampire? No. I was a Gumiho. I seemed to have forgotten that fact over the past 700 years I'd spent becoming a wild animal. I had almost forgotten I was ever human as well. I was uncertain whether I should be happy or not that I was back to my former form, prior to becoming a fox. Was it really 1,000 years that passed already? 

Sighing, I stared at my bare legs and then at my dirt covered hands. I shivered at the sight of my human body that I hadn't seen in 1,000 years, but also at a breeze that passed right through me. It was then that I realized I was completely . AISH! I leaned on a tree to support my two wobbly legs I had to get used to using again and stood up. With my arms spread out at my sides, I balanced myself and tried to walk on two legs for the first time in a millennium. I felt like a small child just learning to walk. After only one step, I fell flat on my . OUCH! That would leave a bruise later. Despite the pain on my backside, I got back up and began to walk again. I almost fell several more times but I stopped myself each time and pretty soon, I was getting the hang of it. It felt so good to be able to walk on two feet again. So good that I began to run through the forest like a madman, screaming and hollering in joy. Woohoo!!! I had not felt so happy and free in such a long time. I was actually grateful to be back to my old self now. Somewhat my old self anyway. 

After a bit of running, I jumped into a nearby river and washed off all the dirt on my body, then sat on a rock, letting my body dry off. It was such an odd feeling being . I wasn't used to being so hairless anymore. I needed clothing. Luckily, I had kept the clothes I was wearing just before I was turned into a fox. I dragged them away with me after they fell off of my new small and furry body. They were in a basket woven by my beloved Hyesun, buried under a tree I had marked with a carving of a fox's face done with my sharp nails.

Unable to handle being for much longer, I went in search of the tree with my fox carving. Once found, I dug frantically until my sharp, fox-like nails dug into something hard. It was a semi-large rock. My basket of clothes was just under this rock and so I picked it up and threw it behind me. Hyesun's basket was covered in dirt but I could see parts of it. I felt my lips curl into a smile and I dug just a bit more before I pulled out the basket.

I ripped the top off swiftly, revealing my clothes. A blue and white robe with sandals made of bamboo. I picked up my robe admiring it before putting it on. Now fully clothed, I decided to walk out of the forest. As I reached the edge of the forest, I stood still, peering through the trees. For the first time in a long time I saw light. I saw buildings. I saw people. The sight almost made my legs collapse on me. This world was not my own. Not anymore. It was almost like stepping onto another planet. Most buildings stood taller than trees now, and the clothing people were wore were much too different from my own. I would definitely stand out. Should I go out? I couldn't decide. Maybe it was not the best idea. People would know something was off about me. I could not go out. I should not go out. But the moment I saw a young woman in tight bottoms and a top revealing her chest and stomach, my feet moved without my permission.

I was now in the new world. And I was now creeping behind an unaware woman in revealing clothing that was oblivious of the hungry Gumiho behind her. At least I thought she was unaware. Suddenly the woman turned back around. "You lost?" she asked, with slight annoyance. 

I stood in shock. I almost could not manage to speak. "Y-yes. I have no idea where I am. I am not from here."

"Ah. Okay. You could have just asked instead of following me around. That just makes you seem like a creep." she told me. "Where are you trying to go?"

I don't know. Luckily, before I said anything, she continued on. "Would you happen to be a part of that drama shooting? It's just two blocks away from here."

"Drama...?" What is a drama?

"What? Aren't you? You're dressed just like the other actors."

"Oh. Right. Yes. I am." But what is a drama? "I am just a bit hungry is all. I cannot think straight."

"Why are you talking like that?" she asked me. 


"So formally. You don't need to act outside the drama, you know that, right?"

"Yes... I do. I know that. I am just practicing... for the 'Daruma.'" 

"Daruma?" she laughed. "Okay, it looks like you're too hungry to even speak right either. Come with me. I'll take you out to lunch. My treat."

I blushed and nodded. She was actually somewhat sweet for a girl I was about to eat. She took me to a market place and bought me a strange, circular box with the image of ramen at the top. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just waited for her and did what she did. 

As we ate, I could see her staring at me. I did not understand why. Answering my thoughts, she spoke. "So... I've been meaning to ask. What's with the pink hair?"

My eyes widened. "Pink... hair?"

"Yes. Your hair is pink. How do you not know your own hair color?" 

I shrugged and she pulled out a round thing from her bag and opened it, revealing two shiny walls that showed me my reflection. My hair was pink. A light but bright pink! How did this happen? How did I not notice this before? "Oh, right." I laughed nervously. "I forgot about that. I dyed it, you know? I dyed it like clothing are dyed different colors. I did it last night when I was drunk off of soju. I am such a fool, I suppose."

The woman laughed again. "Wow, soju does make even the best of us do some crazy things."

"Yeah." I said simply, before down on some noodles. 

After we were done eating, the woman led me to the 'daruma' shooting. "Maybe I'll see you around?" she said, smiling and winked at me with a wave as she took off. 

"What's your name?" a strong looking man in a black shirt now asked me. 

"Dong Shinwoo." I lied.

The man looked at a piece of paper on a black board. "Your name's not on here. Are you an extra?"

I nodded and the man let me into the site of the 'daruma' shooting. Extra? Extra what? Whatever it was, I had to act as if I was one and so I walked around the area as if I belonged, and after bit of walking and pretending I was a one of these people working on the 'daruma,' I walked into a small, empty building with wheels. It was some kind of odd machine that resembled a house from the inside. There I found metal polls carrying clothing of this century. There were dozens of outfits. They were so different from the clothing I was used to but were strangely fascinating.

I picked up a black and red striped top and held it up to my body. It looked like it could fit me and so I thought I would try it on, but before I could even dare to, I heard someone walk in behind me. "Who are you?" a serious but admiringly handsome looking guy asked. 

"Shin Dongwoo." I said, nervously, mixing up the fake name I had given to the other man who let me in the premises. 

"Shin... Dongwoo?" the man repeated in a questioning tone.

"Yes." I said, bowing. 

"What are you doing here in my trailer, Shin Dongwoo?" he now asked me.

"I don't know... I just wandered in here without realizing it and I could not help but admire your clothing."

The man smiled. "Ah, my clothing? They are pretty cool looking, right?"

"Y-yes." I stuttered, backing away and placing the striped top back where it belonged. "Anyway, I am sorry for coming in here. It will not happen again."

"Wait." he told me as I was about to walk towards the door. "Do you like that shirt?"

I looked down at my feet, intimidated by the man's serious face and eyes. "Well..."

"You can have it." 

I looked up at his face in shock. "What?"

"You can have it." he repeated. "I don't need it. These clothes are just extras for me to choose from. I've already chosen what clothes I want from there."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. Take whatever you like. It won't be worn otherwise. Besides, I'm feeling generous today. You a fan of mine?"

 "Fan?" I repeated.

Now he raised his eyebrows and scoffed. "You aren't? Do you know who I am?"

I shook my head. "I am sorry."

Now his eyes widened in surprise. "You don't know who I am? Is that even possible? I'm everywhere. On commercials, the radio, newspapers, dramas..."

"I am not from here." I said honestly. "I do not know anything about those things."

"Even dramas?"

I shook my head again. "No."

"Do you live under a rock?"

"Something like that." I grimaced. I did live in a cave among other places as a fox.

"Then why are you here at this drama shooting site?" he asked me. 

"I don't know. I just ended up here. I am sorry... again."

"Okay, you know what? I'm going to do you a favor today. My clothes... take whatever you like." he said, as he walked over to a bag, ruffling through it. He pulled out a square with the image of his face on it. It was an extremely accurate drawing. "Also, take this."

"What is it?" I asked, grabbing the square and inspecting it. 

"It's my CD. It's autographed too, so it's very special. I hope you'll enjoy my music. And please, do watch TV or read the newspaper from time to time. It'll keep you updated with the current things. Like about me." he said, laughing a bit. "It still amazes me that there's a person in Korea who doesn't know who Choi Seunghyun is."

So that was his name. "Thank you so much." I bowed again. "Sorry for this trouble."

"It's nothing." Choi Seunghyun smiled. "You're just lucky I'm a nice guy. And I can tell you seem like a cool guy too. Come talk to me anytime, Shin Dongwoo. It's nice to have someone treat me as a person and not as an idol. A person other than another idol. Someone who doesn't need to live my kind of lifestyle to treat me as if I was one of them."

"It is not Shin Dongwoo. My name is Kwon Jiyong. I am sorry to have lied to you. I just take strong precautions. I also want to thank you for talking to me like I am one of you. I have been an outcast for quite some time. Thank you for your kindness."

Choi Seunghyun laughed a bit. "No problem."

After this awkward meeting, Choi Seunghyun helped me pick out a few of his extra belongings, let me change clothing and then put the rest of the clothes in a big, black bag for me. He then asked me if I was going to stay for the rest of the shooting of the drama. I told him I had to go back home. Wherever that was. "Are you coming tomorrow? We need all the extras we can get."

"What do I have to do?" I asked him.

"Just stand in the background of a fight scene." he told me.

"Fight scene?" Scene? What was that? And what was a drama? I still had no idea. I guess I would find out tomorrow. "Okay. I will be there. I will be going now."

Choi Seunghyun held up his hand, palm facing to himself and held his pinky and ring finger down with his thumb, leaving his middle and index fingers up but with a bit of space between them. "Peace."

Awkwardly, I attempted to copy Choi Seunghyun's hand figure and repeated his 'peace' before walking off. "See you tomorrow."

What to do now? I was back to where I had begun. All I could do was wonder and hope for the best and so that is what I did. I walked around, trying to get used to the new scenery and this new world. As I did so, people in machines on four wheels passed by me as quick as lightening, which was terrifying. I needed to find a place where I could stay, safe from these machines worked by people whom seemed not to care for a person trying to walk around. 

I ran into the nearest building I could after almost being hit by one of these machines. In the building, people were dressed sophisticatedly and stood near the entrance. They told me I could not go inside unless I purchased a 'ticket,' and so I went into the small merchant area that was located next to the people who would not allow me entry. I had no money, but I was allowed to look around in this small area of the building. I wondered what was in the rest of the building. I had not asked. As I wondered this, I heard a female voice, sparking my hunger for blood once again. As a reflex, I found my head lifting up to see a familiar face through the glass wall . Hyesun. I dropped my bag of clothing and my woven basket and stared. The woman seemed to notice and turned to face me, with a scared look in her eyes.

Were my eyes deceiving me? They had to be. Hyesun was dead. She had been for centuries. I knew this. I was there watching her as she took her last breaths as a happily married woman with children and grandchildren. But who was this woman who resembled the love of my life? I had to find out, but before I could even move, she was gone. All that remained in her place was a scent. The light scent of cherry blossoms that I could smell even through the glass thanks to my strong, Gumiho nose.

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JiYong_JaGi #1
Chapter 5: I love your story. It's nice. Beautiful and amazing story~ awww~ and jiyong is such a loyal and loving guy~ I really hope SooJin can love jiyong deeply without hurting him and hope there's no third annoying people to ruin jiyong and his love.. Please update soon~ ^^
Yuna_Nuna #2
Chapter 5: Uggh this is soo good. I just read these chaps. for the second time! Please update soon!
amama13 #3
Chapter 4: Oooh! Interesting! Taeyang's characther was very unecpected. Love how you grasp the readers with your storyline.:)
amama13 #4
Such an amazing story. I cant wait to find out what happens next :) I wonder what us taeyang's role in the story...
Chapter 3: This chapter's cute <3 I really like the concept of this story, btw.
NOTE: Taeyang will be added within the next few chapters! Maybe the 4th or 5th!!! ^^;
Chapter 2: please update soon :) I like your story =))