I'll Be There


Just a story I thought of about a year ago, and finally am writing... it's a little mature for the first three chapters, but just those chapters, and I promise, it won't be too, too bad! And I promise it will have an actual story! ^^ And I won't rate the entire story as mature because it will not be focused on mature things.

The title "I'll Be There" is of course, a 2PM song... I like writing stories with song title names, especially when it's a story of the group for the song! But of course, this story has nothing to do with the song. ^^

Please read the Forward to learn about the storyline! ^^


What happens when two people who dislike each other have a one night stand? And it turns into a two night stand and three? This is the story for Taecyeon and Helena. Even though they dislike each other, they are attracted to each other and enjoy being at each other's side in bed. It's all fun and games until one day, Helena realizes she is pregnant. With the baby of the man she dislikes. What will happen after this? We shall see~ :)


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Chapter 3: Jezusssss!! Updateee soon! Pleaseee! I'm loving this!
Chapter 1: OOOMMfGGGG!!! First chap!! Just too much!!
OMO OMOooo!!! Just the storyline! Is amazing!!! Pleaseee add some !! LOOOOOL heheheh
I'm soo subscribing