Near Death Experience (Soojin)

1,000 Days

Yawning, I made my way back to work after my hour long break. I walked up the steps slowly, taking my time before I had to stand around and do virtually nothing for the next few hours. Don't get me wrong, I loved my job. I was a tour guide at an art museum that was once owned by my parents. What could be cooler than that? Probably anything, that is if I wasn't so into art. But I was. I was always into art. Ever since I was a child. I myself, was an art student back in college. Unfortunately, my parents never supported me. "Why waste time and money on getting a degree that will most likely get you nowhere, when you can work at your parents' successful art museum where you have a future." That's what mom always said. Dad didn't care one way or the other. He didn't care much about anything at all. All that was on his mind was him making money. This is what I believe killed my parents one year ago.

In the first semester of my Sophomore year of college, my parents went to France for an art auction. On their way back to their hotel after the auction, they got into a car accident that took their lives. After that, I dropped out of college. I had to grow up and take care of my parents' museum. I wasn't alone though, my little brother Seunghyun was also here. He was one year younger than me, but acted several more years older. Because of this, Seunghyun was the one to take over the museum, while I was just helping run it. He was only 21, but he was doing so well. I'd always been envious of that. It should be me in his place. Not that I minded. It was just embarrassing to say that I worked under my younger brother.

I sighed before walking inside the museum. "Hello, Daesung." I said to my older cousin who worked at the front desk. He greeted me with a smile.

Lost in my thoughts about life and my brother, it took me a second to notice the man with pink hair staring at me through the glass window of the museum's souvenir store. All I saw was a big pink, black and red blur. I continued to walk but then paused, walking backwards and looked into the glass window. My body turned as well. There in front of me was a man looking through me with an intense stare. It was almost a glare. I could feel shivers go up my spine. He's just a visitor, he's just a visitor. Calm down. I held onto my cup of coffee tightly and walked off.

Sitting on a bench in the 3-D art section of the museum, I sipped my coffee quietly. I couldn't help but think about that man in the glass window. He looked angry. If looks cold kill, I'd probably be dead. But why? What did I do to this guy? Maybe it was all in my head. I don't know. But I needed to keep my mind off of it, so I looked at the art all around me. For some reason, the art looked scarier. In each 3-D art piece, I could see a pair of angry eyes. My head became clouded and I got dizzy. Next thing I knew I was alone in the dark, laying on the floor. 

What happened? I rubbed my head and picked up my cellphone that was under the bench next to me. Flipping it open, I saw that I had 21 missed calls all between Seunghyun and Daesung. I even had a few texts from Seunghyun. Where are you? Are you alright? Please call me when you get this message. If you don't reply by tomorrow afternoon, I'm calling the police.

He must really be freaking out. What time was it anyway? I looked at the clock on my phone. 5:37 a.m. Crap! No wonder my brother and cousin were so worried! I began a text to Seunghyun telling him I was alright and as I hit the send button, I heard Daesung calling out my name. I turned to find him panting at the room's entrance. "Soojin! Are you alright? We've been looking everywhere for you since your shift ended at 9 last night."

"I'm alright." I told him. "I guess I just wasn't feeling well and fell asleep. I should go home."

"Alright, I'll take you." Daesung told me as he helped me stand up.  "Are you dehydrated? Do you want some water?" 

"No, I'm alright." I repeated. This was a lie. My head was throbbing, my body was aching and my vision was a bit blurry but I didn't want him to worry. When I got home, I would rest.

After about 15 minutes, we reached the mansion and Daesung left me at the door. "I have to go prepare to open the museum, but I'll be back later to check up on you."

"Okay." I nodded before he walked off. 

As soon as I got inside, I dropped my purse on the floor and walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge to find a water bottle. I reached out and grabbed it, opening the top roughly. As I took a big gulp, I heard a strange noise. I turned my gaze in the direction of dining room and screamed, dropping my bottle of water. There he was. The guy with the pink hair. He was sitting on my dining room table, staring at me as he bit his thumb. "W-what do you want from me?" I panicked. He slid off the table, stood up and walked over to me, inspecting me. "What is it?"

"Who are you?" he asked in a cold tone.

I took a step back. "Why?"

He walked closer to me."Answer me."

"L-l-lee Soojin." I stuttered. 

"I see... I knew you weren't her." he muttered so low that it was just barely audible to me.

I backed away a bit more until my body was against the fridge. In less than a second, he was only inches away from me, with his hand against the fridge door, next to my face. I screamed again, making him angry. He covered my mouth with his free hand. "Shhh," he said. I couldn't help but scream even more now, trying to break away from him. It was no use. He was much stronger than I was.  His head was now pressed against my chest. I could feel his breathing through my clothes. "I want your heart." 

The man ed the top of my shirt and pulled down the left half of my shirt just below my collarbone. He smirked and dug his nail into my skin. He was carving a line into my chest. "Please!" I cried. "Please don't do this!"

He stopped. I could feel blood dripping lightly down my chest. Trembling, I looked into his eyes. They were filled with slight sympathy now. "Damn. I cannot do this. I am so sorry, Lee Soojin. I do not know what came over me." 

Just like that, he let go of me and my shaking legs failed me, letting my body fall to the ground. "I don't understand... why... why did you do this?"

He sighed. "It is something you could never understand."


"I am hungry..."


"For your heart." he clarified.

My eyes widened. "You were g-going to eat my h-h-heart? You're a cannibal?"

"No. Not a cannibal." he told me. "Something far worse than that. I am a monster... I think I deserve to die. But I can't."

Suddenly, I felt less scared. I was starting to feel sympathy for this guy. I could tell he was just as scared as I was. I could see it in his eyes. His facial expression. The tone of his voice. "No, you don't deserve to die." I don't know why I said that.

"Yes, yes I do." he insisted. His eyes began to turn red. I gasped. 

"Y-you..." I pointed with a shaky hand, "What's wrong with your eyes?"

"I told you. I am a monster. A Gumiho. A lonely fox that has lived for one millennium, watching as all his loved ones lived happily without him and then die."

I gulped. "I thought... Gumihos were just a legend?" 

"I can assure you that they are not, otherwise I would not be here right now." he said, his eyes now the color of blood. "That damn witch ruined my life."

"A witch?" I repeated questioningly.

"Yes." he sighed, the red in his eyes fading slowly. "A witch. A witch cursed me." 


"Because she fell in love with me but I loved somebody else. Witches are quite cruel. At least in my time... do you have witches here?" Suddenly his eyes widened. "Do you know anyone that can break my curse?"

"No, I don't." I told him. "I'm so sorry."

"Damn." he muttered. 

"Maybe I can help you though." I said suddenly. "I can research about Gumihos and maybe I can find a way to help you."

"You would do that?" he asked me. "After I tried to eat you?"

"Yes. I mean, you did stop, so I guess that means you're safe. I just hope I don't get a scar on my chest."

The pink-haired Gumiho then pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it against my chest, wiping off the blood. "Soojin!" I heard a scream. I looked over to see Daesung. 

"Daesung, this isn't what it looks like!" I said, pushing the Gumiho away from me. 

"Oh?" he asked in a tone that was clearly sarcastic. "All I did was drive half-way to the museum for your brother to call me, telling me he has already taken care of the opening, so I come back here to find you like this?"

"No, really. Please believe me. I just cut myself by accident and he was cleaning it for me." I said, pointing to the bloody scratch on my chest. 

"Woah, how did you cut yourself there?! Are you okay?!" my cousin asked me.

"Yes, I'm okay. I don't know how this happened, really. Just be glad that my friend was here. I could have really been hurt." 

Daesung nodded and walked up to the Gumiho. "I'm Daesung. And you are?" 

"Kwon Jiyong." he answered.

"Nice to meet you. Thank you for looking out for my cousin. I'm sorry for misunderstanding. You can go now."

Kwon Jiyong glared at Daesung. "I am not going anywhere. She is supposed to help me with researching something today."

"She is too hurt and weak to help you today." Daesung insisted.

"Do you not have work now? I will take care of her. She can help me later."

Daesung sighed. "Alright. But you better not harm my cousin. She has no parents here, so her brother and I look over her. I will be keeping my eye on you."

"Okay." Kwon Jiyong said unshaken by my cousin's threat. He bowed. Daesung gave a slight bow in return and walked off to his room to get freshened up before heading back to the museum. 


SIDENOTE: I am so sorry to my readers, but because of school it is so hard to write often! But I will try my best! Please forgive me! ^^;

PS: Please comment on any improvements I can make or how you like it? I did try my best but I also had a headache writing this! >_<

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JiYong_JaGi #1
Chapter 5: I love your story. It's nice. Beautiful and amazing story~ awww~ and jiyong is such a loyal and loving guy~ I really hope SooJin can love jiyong deeply without hurting him and hope there's no third annoying people to ruin jiyong and his love.. Please update soon~ ^^
Yuna_Nuna #2
Chapter 5: Uggh this is soo good. I just read these chaps. for the second time! Please update soon!
amama13 #3
Chapter 4: Oooh! Interesting! Taeyang's characther was very unecpected. Love how you grasp the readers with your storyline.:)
amama13 #4
Such an amazing story. I cant wait to find out what happens next :) I wonder what us taeyang's role in the story...
Chapter 3: This chapter's cute <3 I really like the concept of this story, btw.
NOTE: Taeyang will be added within the next few chapters! Maybe the 4th or 5th!!! ^^;
Chapter 2: please update soon :) I like your story =))