hana and jae


“Hey , pretend to sleep” you whispered ad she complied.

You closed your eyes and heard the door open and the voices of the same men 

“Another one…damn! She won’t shut up!! “they put the screaming tied up girl down and left, You and the young girl sat up.

“What the F%$#^!!!“

this one looked a bit older, definitely an unnie, she had a stream  of mascara running down her eyes and was wearing heals and a short black tight dress, she looked like she had just come back from partying.

She spilled a stream of curse words even you hadn’t heard before she then stopped , put her head down, and began crying

“Are you okay?” you heard the younger girl say. The older girl shot her gaze up at the little girl and glared at her “DO I F^&%ING!  LOOK OKAY TO YOU!!!!! I JUST GOT  KIDNAPPED BY THESE TWO GROSS LOOKING MEN WHILE I WAS PASSED OUT ! I shouldn’t have drank that much yesterday damn!!

She stopped screaming when she realized she was scaring both of you. “Sorry I know this isn’t your fault, you too are victims here too right?” you both nodded. 

“Hi I’m  27 years old, name is  Lee Hyun Jae but  I hate formalities so just call me Jae and I was clubbing at hongdae last night , drank too much and  passed out infront of the club, next thing I know I’m being dragged by these two creepy gross middle aged men and now I’m here.”

You looked at the younger girl not knowing what to say jae… unnie got frustrated

“WHAt about you two !! I introduced myself now do the same aish!” The younger girl began first, “Myname is Kim hana but hana’s ok , I’m twelve..and”

at the mention of her age you saw jae unnies same surprised reaction as yours but hana continued,

“I was waiting for my parents to finish shopping so I decided to go back to the car and there was no one in the parking lot but out of nowhere the two gross men grabbed me from behind and then… placed some funny smelling thing on my nose… and then I woke up…here she began to cry again, you and jae unnie looked pitifully at her.

“What about you?” Jae unnie pointed in your direction with her chin.

“ I’m __________ and I’m __ years old, I was going to meet my boyfriend last night but I felt someone following me and I began to walk faster, they didn’t stop chasing me so I started running and then I reached a dead end and tried to call my boyfriend but got knocked out and then …well here I am.”

You looked down trying hard to not start crying.

BANG ! the three of you shot your glances up at the door that had just been flung opened and there stood a small and round middle aged man smiling the most disgusting smile you’ve ever seen in your life it sent shivers down your spine.

“Hello darlings~

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Chapter 4: like this story~~ ^-^
Pretty good story ^-^
I always like suspense and kidnapping :P
peachoons #3
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