The ert nd 119



Hello darlings,

 he said in as sing song voice.

“disgusting” you heard jae unnie quietly say next to you.

“Well that isn’t nice now is it?, he walked closer to jae and grabbed her face , and watched as he examined it, “not bad”

he moved on to hana and did the same then to you. He was disgustingly close and you could feel his fingers digging harshly on your cheeks, he let you go.

“ It seems I made a pretty good catch for my first day.”

“Why the hell did you kidnap us!”you heard jae unnie say in a tough voice but you could tell she was scared.

“ I did not kidnap you,”he said “ I caught you, like a predator catches its pray..kinda like hunting” 

Jae, unnie gave him the most disgusted look ever.

“Yes, I caught you… he pointed to hana, there’s the cute little deer”, he then pointed to jae unnie , “my alluring fox, and you my dear”, he pointed at you “are my graceful gazelle” you had the sudden urge to throw up.

You finally found the courage to speak up“What are you going to do with us?”

he gave you another creepy smile,

“well first  I’m going to ‘test you out’ and then keep the one that is best suited for my..taste…and the other two I’ll probably just sell to some house or something.” The three of you all looked at each other in disgust

“You are Disgusting!!! This one’s only TWELVE!!!” jae unnie said exactly what you had been thinking,

he  slapped jae,and you and hana gasped in surprise

“How dare my little fox raise her voice at me ? I might just make you the first person I ‘test out’ “

jae unnies cheek was red and  she looked shocked , the man finally left.

“Are you okay”hana worriedly asked jae unnie.

“Yes I’m fine but we need to figure out how the hell to get out before that ert tries anything”

you all nodded in unison, you looked around but the only opening beside the door, was a barred window that showed the floor pf the street.

“So were in some sort of basement,” you looked at at the watch hana was wearing, it was 3am now and you were supposed to meet up with him at 8pm

” so we’ve been here for 6 hours”

they both looked thoughtful “Does anyone have some sort of cell phone on you?”jae asked”I got mine taken away from the two creepers last night “

you remembered calling him last night before everything happened “I Dropped mine when I got attacked you said”

…”excuse me” Hana interrupted “I think I have one“

you and jae unnie looked at her with hopeful eyes “You do!!”

“yeah they didn’t bother searching me last night those idiots probably thought I was too young to own a cell phone …pabo’s”

“well, where is it?”

”its in my back pocket, but I cant take it out.

” You sighed in disappointment “no problem” jae unnie said”just stay still.”

’You watched as jae unnnie poked her nose at hanas trying to push out the phone, even in this situation you couldn’t help giggling.

“Stop unnie it tickles”hana said trying not to laugh

“Got it!” jae said as the phone fell on the floor with a thud. You and hana watched as jae dialed 119 with her nose on the touch screen.

“one one nine what is your emergency?” you barely hear the lady say on the phone

jae quietly spoke on the phone “yes we are currently being kept kidnapped in some y guys basement, there are two other girls with me!”

….”alright miss are any of you injured? And do you have any slight idea of where you might be?”

“none of us are badly injured and I don’t know the exact address but were in hongdae near the park with the big water fountain”

“alright miss please stay calm our police are on the way.” 

Jae made a face at her last sentence “Stay calm my we’re all about to get by some psycho how the hell do we stay calm!”

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Chapter 4: like this story~~ ^-^
Pretty good story ^-^
I always like suspense and kidnapping :P
peachoons #3
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