waking up


You fell to the ground feeling a sharp pain in your stomach gasping for air you doubled over on the ground , you then heard a loud thud and everything began dimming and then…nothing.

Your eyes fluttered open and you stared at a plain grey wall.

Where am I .damn! you winced as you felt a throbbing ache on your head , you were about to touch your head where the pain was coming from but found yourself unable to.

‘My hands , why can’t I move them,’ you noticed  a harshly rough feeling on your wrists your hands were tightly tied behind you and you realized what had just happened.

‘Am I? kidnapped?!!! WHAT! What the hell is wrong with people!! I thought that crap only happened in movies!! What the hell does anyone want with me!! what did I ever do to anyone to be like this!!”

You began panicking, OH Crap! I’m really KIDNAPPED arn’t I what the hell do I do now!?’

You tried to remember every single movie and drama that you’ve ever watched with someone getting kidnapped ‘what did those people do in this situation? How did they survive?’ Usually some badass hero came in and saved them ,or the person kidnapped outsmarted the guy then kicked some bad guy !

…so yeah you were basically screwed. You Weren’t genius enough to outsmart anyone, and you hated anything athletic because you at it so that was out. As for the handsome hero …

Your boyfriend, He was handsome  and had the kind heart to be a hero but realistically enough there was no way he would ever be able to beat up anyone, And what if there was more than one, you weren’t sure but the person that punched your gut and the person who hit your head might have been two completely different people.

Your boyfriend… Your tears came again , ‘what if you never see him again? What if you die today? Or worse are kept here a lifetime having to live trapped.

You heard footsteps break the heavy silence and the metal door creek open, you decided to pretend you were still sleeping, you weren’t sure what they were planning to do to you once you woke up so decided not to take the chance…yet.

You slightly opened your eyes and saw Two creepy looking men come in carrying a really young looking unconscious girl in.

You watched as they tied her hands in the same fashion yours were tied. “ How many more does this guy want!” one of them complained to the other,“What the hell does he even want with them?”

the other one looked annoyed “Does it matter we do what were told, get paid and keep our mouths shut!, whatever happens after were paid is none of our business”

the other one nodded in agreement and both left.

You opened your eyes once they were gone and struggled to sit up you felt like crap, everything hurt but you didn’t make any noise .

“hey…heeeeey” you said in a harsh whisper.

The girl slowly opened her eyes she shot up immediately and frantically looked around

She started freaking out trying uselessly to rip the rope apart that was constraining her hands, to no avail. 

“Whats  happening?” She turned to look at you with tears in her eyes. That’s when you noticed how young she really looked.

“I have no idea…..hey how old are you?”

she looked really scared

“Why the hell does that matter right now!!! Whats happening  am I kidnapped  who are you!!!”

“SHHHHH!! you loudly hushed her, I don’t know either I just woke up like this too, I think its best we don’t make too much noise and I’m just another captive like you I guess…”

she didn’t say anything and you could see she was trying to process everything that had just happened, “Twelve” she said  “what?”  “I’m twelve” she repeated, your eyes widened,

What the hell was going on!! What the hell is wrong in this world to have a young girl like her…and me kidnapped!!”  

Your thoughts were interrupted by footsteps again…


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Chapter 4: like this story~~ ^-^
Pretty good story ^-^
I always like suspense and kidnapping :P
peachoons #3
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