Epilogue--- PG 15.

Christmas Confirmation--- Completed.



Epilogue: Mrs. Yan’s birthday, NOT.




“We’ve only been dating for three weeks!” Hebe clarified with a pursed lip.


Aaron stared at her from head to toe, “So? It’s not like I’m proposing, yet.”




“Oh come on, please, just accompany me to my mom’s birthday party~”


“No!” Hebe immediately protested as soon as she stood up from the sofa while swinging her two arms, making a cross sign in the process. “I’m just going to ruin it so please, stop pestering me with this question!”


Aaron dropped by at Hebe’s house. Obviously, to ask--- scratch that, FORCE her to go with him. “You’re lying. That’s not the real reason why you’re objecting to my request.” He raised one of his eyebrows while staring at her. “Why?”


“Because,” She swallowed to allow herself to spit out the words inside. “I don’t have a dress for tonight.”


“Pfft.” Aaron stood up from where he was, “Hebe, you got loads of extremely elegant clothes upstairs.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Are you trying to avoid any close contacts that you might have with me?” Aaron expression turned gloomy as he stared at a different direction.


“Of course not! That’s not what I meant!” She hissed at him for being an idiot. She wasn’t trying to avoid him! She just didn’t want to make things more complicated between his mom and her especially seeing that Mrs. Yan isn’t going to give in that easily to their request. “Aaron, you know that’s not it.”


“Then what is it.” His voice was steady with determination visible in his tone. “Hebe, why?”


“You know your mom HATES me to extent of frying me into toasted bread.” There, she said it. “Besides, your mom said something to me when she purposely waited for me outside of our school.”


Aaron’s ears perked as he turned to look at her while taking a sit again. “What? She was spying on you?”


“More like stalking me.” She blew her bangs upward. “Damn it, she gave me this stare like she could eat me up.”


Aaron then placed his arm onto her shoulder for her to lean on. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Hebe shot him a look, “What? You think I should have told you?”


“You should have.” He patted her shoulder lightly. “I could have done something.” He laid his head beside hers, “Did she say something, about us?”


Hebe nodded slowly while heaving a sigh. “She told me that she’s going to make you go onto blind dates since you’re still SINGLE.”


“Single? Who said I was still single? I’m pretty much taken.”


She scoffed while rolling her eyes at him. “To her, you still are.” Her tone was filled with bitterness as Aaron chuckled at her cute expression. “What?” She countered seeing him grinning at her.


“My, it seems that my girl is feeling quite jealous.” He beamed at his adorable ‘solidified’ girlfriend. “That’s cute.” He laughed a bit more since she was quite hilarious.


“I am not!” She once again protested with his statement. “Why would I? I don’t care if you go to any blind dates.”




“This is a free country Aaron. You’re entitled to your own decisions and opinions.” She turned away making her back face him.


“Ha, I doubt that.” He closed his eyes, still grinning. “Your sentence isn’t that believable.”


“Whatever!” Hebe stomped off from the living room leaving Aaron sitting there, grinning like a fool. “Go home!” She yelled while walking up the stairs.


“Where are you going?” He continuously laughed as he carefully stood up, made his way towards the stairs. Seeing her climbing it with her footsteps angrily, “I’m just kidding, come down.” He pouted even if she couldn’t manage to see his expression.


“No.” She said determinedly even without glancing at her shoulder to see his shadow. “I’m going to take a nap now. Please go home.”

“Why?” He questioned, a pout still plastered on his face. “I’m tired from debating so I want to rest for a bit.” She tried to finish up the conversation since she was truly feeling sleepy at the moment. With him around, she probably wouldn’t have a proper nap.


“You tend to sleep when I’m around.”


“That’s because you’re annoying at some point where I just want to kiss your mouth to shut you up.”


“Really, you dream to shut me up by making out with me?” He gave out a mischievous grin while she sighed in annoyance. He was really a pain in the today. First, he was insisting that she should tag along with him tonight to his mother’s birthday celebration and second, here he was, trying to be a total ert again.






“At least, I’m not a maniac. At least, I just want to sleep.”


“Only sleep? Literally?”


“LITERALLY!” She rolled her eyes for the nth time. Gosh, why was he so damn irritating?! All she wanted was a peaceful nap. That’s all! Is it too much to ask for?


“That’s boring. Shouldn’t you at least do something before you fly off to dreamland?”


“Well, that depends.” She wiggled her tongue while thinking a better answer to give him and end all this nonsense!


“I agree then. Sleeping IS good for our body.”


“It’s good too if you wake up in the morning, cuddling in somebody’s embrace.”


“That sounded healthier!”


“I know. So, will you please head out---“ He beat her up to it as he swiftly ran up the stairs to stand next to her. She was about to say something instead she closed glaring at the man who was smiling foolishly.


“I managed to climb the stairs faster than usual.” He said with a smile while Hebe all could give was a cold shoulder. But that wasn’t going to work, she thought. Instead,


 “What the hell are you doing?” She glared with greeted teeth across her face. Really, was he testing her patience?


“I’m doing what you told me to. I’ll take a nap in your room since you mentioned that sleeping is healthy.” He blinked his eyes innocently, acting dumb. Was he trying to make Hebe feel stupid? Oh boy, she knew what he was up to.


“What, no, wait--- I said, go home. I’m the one whose going to sleep, NOT YOU.” She deliberately exclaimed the last part as she tried pushing him away. “Go now.” Nice try pal, but that won’t work with her.


“No. It’s risky to drive while feeling drowsy.” He said in a matter-of-fact while pretending to feel weak and down. Hebe wanted to smack him in the head for being a nuisance, “Oh really? So now you’re not feeling well?”


Aaron didn’t respond, simply nodded and gave her his adorable puppy look that could make a girl give in immediately. But Hebe wasn’t one of them. “Stop that stupid sloppy look. You totally look like a wet dog.” She hissed as she crossed her arms, still glaring towards the person beside her.


“I don’t look cute?” He pouted while making childish tantrum. “I’m cute! I’m feeling sick right now so FRAGRANT HUNK will take its leave!”


“And now you call yourself that?” She raised one of her eyebrows. Boy was he out of his mind.


“Yeah,” Suddenly, his voice changed and he stopped acting like a child. Now, he wasn’t a nuisance now. He was--- trying to attract her with his manly moves.


“Uh,” She then felt awkward that both were in a close proximity. Phew, since when the air started in?


Hebe blew upwards to make her bangs fly away. Wow, this was really not what she expected an atmosphere would be. ‘I mean, look at this! Aaron is staring at me with a lustful look.’ She murmured.


“Let’s go.” His voice was steady as he swiftly grab onto her wrist to drag her towards her room which was the door to the right.


“Aaron, why don’t you go up and rest? I’ll go down to the kitchen to get something to eat instead.”


“Ha, you think I’m going to fall for that?” He grinned evilly as he maintained his grasp around her arm. “Taking a nap alone wouldn’t be so fun now, would it?”


In a split second, Aaron managed to carry Hebe from the ground and off to his shoulders with the help of his well-built arms to carry her weight. Now, her head was on his back while her waist to bottom was right in front of him. She was evidently trapped within his grasp.


“Aaron, put me down!”


Aaron ran towards her room with her safely clutched and pinned against his body. He kicked the door since it was slightly open and could see some light reflection from inside. It then revealed a clean and organized room filled with stuff animals. “This is your room?” He tried to hold his laughter while staring intently at her pile of dolls.


She threw punches at his back while answering back. “At least my room reminds me of my childhood!”


“I know. That’s why I’m feeling way more attracted to you now…”


“What did you say?”


“What? I said you’re getting ier.”




“Thank you.”


“Put me down now!”


“You said so.” J


“Aaron!” He plopped her down onto the soft white sheets of her bed and joined her with a mischievous grin. “Ready?” He winked at her who made her gulp and stutter from sprouting the words inside of her that refused to come out seeing the close proximity between her lips and his. “Wha--- are you going to do?” She blinked twice to see if her eyes were playing with her.


Both were now alone. No one was at home. Hebe’s mom went to buy some food and wouldn’t be back early. She stared down from his small but delegate hazelnut eyes down towards his mouth which was looking so hot--- so kissable.


Hebe was pinned down and obviously, Aaron was on top of her, not giving her a chance to get away. “Mom is going to come home soon!”


“I don’t care. Besides, your mom would be glad if we did something out of the ORDINARY.”



“I’m sorry Aaron! I didn’t mean to,” She bit her lower lip while staring at Aaron, who had a first-aid bandage wrapped around his nose. She felt very guilty for hitting him with her elbow. “Ah bu, I’m sorry.”


“You could have at least been gentle back there.” He sighed as he swiftly made a turn to the right. He was driving a car with a broken nose. How cool is that? “I was just teasing you.”


Hebe growled at him while closing her eyes. “I just thought you’d really do that and, it was still your fault!”


“Hey, I’m the one who’s been hurt here.” He clarified, giving her a cold glance. “It’s not my fault.”


“It is!” She protested, giving him a pout. “I did that out of reflex. At least, it was out my control. But you,”


He went to a complete halt as he turned his upper body in her direction. “What about me?” He gave her a flat look.


Okay, an argument wasn’t an option. Besides, he’s the one who has a bruise on his nose. The least she could was be apologetic and make him feel better---- make herself feel better. “Oh Aaron,” She reached out one of her hand slowly to caress his cheeks. “I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to. I was just panicking.” He let out a heartily laugh, “It’s fine. I’m not blaming you.” He leaned in, captured with his. Compassion, sweetness and softness entangled as both moved to rhythm. He deepened the kiss as his tongue coaxed, exploring her. She fought back at first, felt hesitant that she wouldn’t know what to do but gave in when she felt him teasing her. He grabbed a hold of the back of her neck, bringing her closer to him.


Her two arms rose as it climbed on to his shoulder for support. She felt she was melting with his touch. Desires and pleasure sprang inside her mind. She was about to lose control. “Aaron,” She moaned as he moved on from towards the nape of her neck. He the energy in her as went dry. He bit her lightly that made her gasp. He looked up to see her face finding the fact that she was staring at him as well. “You look beautiful.” He gave her a peck in the lips, “You’ve always been.”


She felt she was the happiest woman alive. She gave him a smile that blown him away. “I love you, Aaron.” Now she was the one who took the initiative to deepen the kiss. He felt astonished that the girl he loved and adored was a woman with strength and determination. That was then he realized that he couldn’t forget her.


This was the day where he’d become a man. This was the day where he’d become accountable beside himself. He had her and that was the only thing that matters.


Hebe was in a daze while deepening the kiss. She wanted to be the only person Aaron would come to love. She hoped that she was different from the other people he had met or came to like. She really hoped that she was the one for him. Snapping from her thoughts, she pressed her two palms against his chest with the remaining energy she had. He stared at her with a puzzled look, “What’s wrong?”


She felt like kicking herself. “Aren’t we supposed to be at your mom’s birthday party?” Stupid. How could they forget?


She got too engrossed with what they were doing that she hardly remembered what the hell they were doing inside the car, halfway to their destination. She took her hands and covered her face. “Now your mom will really hate me.” She pouted again while making small noises.


It also struck him that he forgot an important event of her mom’s. He laughed, took her hands away from her delicate face. “Look at me.” He instructed while she shook her head. “I’m embarrassed now!” She murmured with a yelp.



“Why? We did something ORDINARY.”


“Aaron, if your mom finds that I was the reason you--- we aren’t attending, she’s going to loathe me more, believe me when I say she is literally going to fry me.”


“You don’t have to worry.” He reassured her. “What the hell? How can I not be worried? We’re late and I bet they already started!”


“You don’t have to be. Besides, we’re no longer going to attend her birthday.” That statement made Hebe look at him with a crazy look. “What? Are you crazy? She’s going to be mad!”


“Then you prefer to go there in this kind of state?” He pointed to his tuxedo that was a while ago neat and clean and suddenly turned crumpled and messy. His tie was placed beneath his coat a while ago and now it was missing. “And look at your dress. I can’t believe I made you wear that.” He sighed as he eyed her from head to toe. “The dress is too revealing.” He grumbled.


“You were the one who bought this. I just simply wore it like you instructed me to do.” She defended as she grinned at herself. “This dress was fancy and y a while ago but now it looks like trash.” She pointed out that her dress looked deformed and wasn’t anymore pressed. They both look like they were just in a middle of hide and seek.


“I think you still look y.” He gave her a lopsided grin as he kissed her forehead then her nose and stopped at to stare at her for a second. “You’re all mine.”


She giggled, “So are you suggesting that we forget about birthday party?” She rubbed her nose with his and made a piggy sound. “I’ll forgive you for taking me away this time from your mom.”


He took off his coat and ed the first three of his inner clothing. “Consider it done.”


She suddenly hugged him as a relieved sigh escaped from , “I’m glad I met you.” She stared at his features and felt overwhelmed to be the girl beneath him right now. “By the way, your hair is still okay. I still haven’t messed it up.”


He huskily replied as he lower his head to a rough kiss. “Any second it would be a tousled mess.”





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d0rkii #1
I love your story !!! You're a great writer!!!