Heart Thrumping

Christmas Confirmation--- Completed.


Chapter 3
Finale: Part Two ( Heartbeat )
Chapter Four (Finale): Heartbeat
Aaron drove as fast as he can towards reaching Hebe's house. He tried adjusting his rearview mirror and his wiper since the heavy snow was blocking his view from outside of the car which was the road. "Damn it." He sighed as he changed its gear and let his car ran from a distance of 80 to 100 kph. Gosh, his car was like--- on fire.
Even though he knew he had to slow down due to safety precautions... But right now, that instant didn't matter if he was putting his life at stake. He was more concerned to meet up with his goal--- meet up with her. Currently, she was the only one occupying his entire thoughts. He felt as if she was the only remaining purpose why he was still there, driving. "It's me... I'm the one for her." He whispered with determination but a sour tone appeared out of nowhere. 
He couldn't understand why he doubted himself. He knew it was him but, why was he having second thoughts? He heard her all right. That time, back at a month ago, he heard her say it. He swore his heart leaped when she mentioned his name.  
Leaning against the wall, Hebe and her friends were inside the classroom, gossiping and doing their usual routine. At first, he didn't mean to linger and listen to their conversation and be the eavesdropper. It was an accident. Believe me, he sighed. A soon as he recognized her voice, he felt bad for staying there and not minding his own business. So being the good guy, he was about to go on his way.
He gave up and was about to leave the place when--- something made him froze involuntary. The feeling was so strong that all his senses shut off and wanted to exhaust all his emotions.
When she said it in a soothing tone, good gosh! It blew him right away. All his self-control flew out of the window as he stood aimlessly beside the wall, waiting for her next response.
Because the way she explained it; elaborated it was just--- right.
A brief flashback would refresh his memories. 
** Flashback **
"Hebe, do you like anyone?" Carmen tapped her fingers playfully as she stared at Hebe, who was at first, playing with her fingers as well. But as soon she heard her friend's voice echoing, "What?" Hebe said, looking up.
"I said, do you like any particular guy?" She repeated.
"Why ask?" Hebe giggled. And with that kind of response, "You just did not blush right in front of me!" Carmen then shook her vigorously when Hebe still giggled continuously. "Okay Ms. Hebe. Let's hear it!" Her friend clapped her feet off while jumping in the air. "Come on now!" 
"Well... I do like- really like someone." Hebe slowly admitted while looking at the ground. "I really like this guy. He is just so--- amazing." Carmen could help but beamed at her friend who was blushing madly as a tomato. She was completely--- reddish. "Who? Do I know him?" She waited eagerly for her Hebe to speak up. Hebe, who was too shy to tell her everything, "Um, well, you do know him. Since," Hebe stopped as she bit her lower lip and made the attempt to shot her head up to see Carmen's reaction. Excitement was written all over her friend's face. She was really enjoying the conversation they were both having. "Since?"
"Since that guy is no other than, Aaron Yan; my lovable inspiration."
** End of Flashback **
With that, it was enough to bring back the determination and desires he's been feeling. Reminiscing that day every moment he was feeling doubtful, it would never fail to put a silly grin across his face with a strong aura lingering inside him. 
Hebe had already admitted that she likes him. So why feel uncertainty when he already heard it loud and clear? Yes. His expectations recently grew up until he knew what he wanted. Who was it again? Um, Oh! Hebe.
There was nothing more he wanted. And now, he was ready to take the lead and steal her heart, once again. But he knew, he had badly hurt her. All those horrible words he had said to her, good gosh! He could only possibly turn back the time; he would have already done that. He knew she was really offended of what he had to say. But he didn't mean to. He said all those mean things to her since he was pretty much in a state of jealousy.
Jealousy? Correct. He admitted it, only to himself of course. He wouldn't directly tell her that he was mad at her for a while for being too close with that bastard, Mike. And by the way, what was so good about him in the first place? Sure, he had the looks too. He was popular with the girls as well for having such a smooth skin and had a killer smile that could make instantly a woman go in a state of insanity.
But that didn't impress him. For some reasons, he didn't like him, literally. Usually, fellow guys don't praise a dude or vice versa. That would just be so--- gay. And being a was not on his list. He sure knew that Mike was okay. But he told himself that he was better off with Hebe. Even though he didn't have any right to be saying all these things but, he had to especially when he found out as well that Mike tried asking her. But that night, he clearly saw Hebe sitting alone in the table with a glass of juice. Weird, he thought they were both together?
He saw on that very day that Mike had grab the opportunity and attempted to ask Hebe for the dance. Why? Because on that very day as well, he wanted to approach her and confess to her that she was the one he wanted to go with and nobody else; she was the only exception. But heck, what the hell happened? 
Shortly after, he arrived at the Tian's residence. He lowered his side-window to see if someone was at home. While staring intently at the house, snows inevitably slowly went inside of his car and came crushing down onto his lap. But a good thing is that he was wearing thick jeans or else, he'd be shivering by now. ", she's not here. And, snow just fell on ME." Gesturing towards his pants, he heaved a sigh and rolled his eyes afterwards.
He then closed his window and drove off once again while using his free hand in shoving off the snow particles while his other hand was busy onto steering the wheel. 'Crap. What was I thinking just a while ago?' He then remembered that he had been thinking of something important before stopping right in front of Hebe's house. 
But what was it again? Okay, he was talking about Mike, the lame who tried asking Hebe to the Christmas eve ball and~ Aha! That's where he left off!
He figured it out right after he recalled that Hebe went to the dance, alone. He clearly couldn't point to why. Unanswered questions twirled around his head once again. His thoughts were now, once again completely pre-occupied by the things that just happened recently about himself, Hebe and Mike. But what really ticked him off is why, couldn't he find out the whole lot reason why Hebe, the woman of his dreams, was all by herself. Was it possible that both had a little misunderstanding? Or, did they both have a time conflict or a sudden change of plans? Or because she didn't want to go with Mike but instead, something then struck him and made him realize what he had been missing.
** Flashback **
"I thought you went with Mike tonight."
Hebe couldn't see his expression and only adjusted her body frame. She was trying to listen and respond to him at the same time. "No, I wasn't."
"You weren't?" She felt as if he was trying to be sarcastic, but shrug the thought off. "I'm not, really."
"You sure? That's not what I saw last week though." 
"We're just friends~"
"Really? Funny, I can't see it like that." It seemed the atmosphere started getting tighter every second they were holding each other’s arm. She didn’t know why, but she felt that she should step away from him that very instant. "Let me go!" 
"You think you can get away just like that?" He said in a mono tone as Hebe tried getting off. "Let me go!" She repeated. 
"Hebe." He said, trying as hard as he could to keep his cool.
"Aaron, let me go this instant!"
“Lower your voice down.” He hissed at her but she wouldn’t budge at his call. “I said, let me damn go!”
"Don't tell me what to do. If you're scared right now, I'm angrier!" 
"If you aren't going out with Mike, then why you both did talked so sweetly at your locker that day?”
No, he saw them, her and Mike. "No! You've misunderstood." 
"I thought so too." 
"Aaron, I didn't agree- to... Go with Mike because," 
"Thank you for the dance. Goodnight," 
** End of Flashback **
Aaron Yan, how stupid of you to jump to a conclusion that doesn't have a straight and a true hypothesis about the situation? Of course! No wonder she went alone. Duh, she wanted to be with him. Yes him, Aaron Yan! And not with Mike! You imbecile! 
She clearly explained everything; but what the hell did he do--- nothing! He shut her up by throwing mean stuff at her that definitely hurt her feelings badly. And all the while, he thought that HE was the one who should be really angry and thought his way of insulting her fully was a right thing to do on his part to kill his pride, guilt and jealousy. He even threw a tantrum at Hebe even though he really was in the position to do that!
And now, he finally knew that he was clearly overboard. For all the things he had done, he had to do something to make it up to her... Fast.
Well Aaron, you are one hell of a genius. Impressive, I salute you from head to toe, jackass.
Hebe had come over to the location of the party where Mr. & Mrs. Tian were at. Though it was sort of a costume party for the youngsters, but she decided to head there wearing a simple dress with a little jewelry to match it up. Not too y or anything. Semi-casual would be the best word to describe her outfit for that very night. 
She reluctantly walked inside the auditorium. Passing through the dance floor where everyone was shaking their head off. She bumped onto a few people in the process. Some of them were a bit drunk and some were just plainly wild and kept on jumping all around which was making Hebe a little bit dizzy just by staring at someone whose full of energy for seconds. She clearly didn't enjoy things like this. She prefer a more soft and ballad music surrounding the entire hall where she could practically close her eyes and won't be scared to be in someone's arm.
A frown was yet again brought across her face remembering what had happened to her while dancing with him. The music was perfect. It jived with the tempo and the emotion just came on flowing endlessly feeling each other's presence. The aura of that scenery at that time was really romantic. If only, he never tried breaking that beautiful moment. If only, he wasn't being too judgmental. If only he'd given her a chance to explain the issue between her and Mike. After all, her and Mike wasn't an item, mind you.
And that was the only reason she had come up when recalling Aaron's behavior on that night. He was like a rabid beast; slashing each person he sees with anger written all over his face. That was the kind of emotion she had felt when he suddenly turned into a different person. As if, she danced off with some stranger who offered his hand and led her to fall in love!
Before she could hardly think more, the sight of her mother came to view as she hollered out. "Mom!" She raised her hand in the air to grab her attention.
Soon afterwards, her mom felt someone staring at her and came to check who it was. It was the least person her mom expected to see on that very night. "Hebe, what are you doing here?" she rolled her eyes mentally, "No duh. I came here since I was getting bored at home." She denied the fact that she was feeling lovesick because of him and decided to clear her mind off. "But honey, why didn't you wear your costume? Weren't you going to suit up into a cute little bunny?" 
"Uh, I forgot! It totally slipped off my mind." She lied. "But so, uh, has the party started yet?" She deliberately changed the topic since she didn't want to discuss about to why she didn't suit up into her cute bunny costume. 
"Oh, it's starting soon dear." Mrs. Tian smiled as she patted Hebe's shoulders. "I'm going to go over to some of my pals so, have a great time and have fun while you’re at it." Hebe's mother then skipped off to where a couple of old women were, probably in the same age group, giggling and enjoying the night. "Pals?" Hebe almost choked when she heard her mom said something teen-ish. "You are really something mom." She let out a 'tsk' and shook her head.
After being there for a while, Hebe felt drying up and decided to head to the drinking station to get some juice. Yes, she was a juice lover. She wasn't fond of alcohols like Martini or red wine etc. Drinking with an alcohol content, even if it's just 1% made her sick. 
She then grabs a cup and came over towards the table where the bowl, full of fresh nutrients of different variety of fruits laid at. "Yum!" She beamed at she took a handful scoop and poured it right into the cup. She attempted to take a sip and savor the everlasting taste of fruit when a sudden black-out occurred switching off the entire lights. Literally, the room went dark and everybody was panicking. She heard some of them yelled 'EXIT!' and could hear their footstep getting closer since they where people trying to find out where the fire exits were.
But Hebe stood still and gripped onto the cup she tried sniffing just a while ago. She knew she should not panic or else, she wouldn't have the right mind to think before doing something. Calming her nerves down was the best and safest way right now. But her mom and dad suddenly came to the picture, and because of that, a sudden feeling of worry grew inside of her which led her to shout for their names. "Ma, pa!" She yelled as hard as she could to be able for them to hear her.
"Boys and girls please don't panic. It seems you didn't know what had just happened. If you've listened closely, not one parent shouted since they knew this was coming. Ha-ha," A voice came into view and surrounded the entire auditorium as it echoed through the walls. "Well then, allow me to tell you this kind of setting. You see here, Oh wait! No one can see me right now." The speaker laughed and the parents could be heard as they joined in.
'That wasn't even funny.' She whispered under her breath as she started tapping her fingers onto her cup. 
"So, this is what's happening right now. This is a game, to be exact. All of you can't see a thing right? Well, you have to make a wish right now and say it softly now!”
“A wish?” Hebe thought. What's the use of doing this nonsense anyways? It's not like it's bound to happen. "Come on now! Remember, your wishes are going to come true."
"What do you think I am, a nine year old? Sheesh." Hebe scoffed as she ran her fingers through her hair; out of irritation. This was completely hopeless. Why did she even bother coming here?
Oh well, wishing doing crappy things won’t hurt, would it? Sighs, "I--- the only thing I want is... Him." 
Hebe could hear other's wishes as well like, "I want to be with you." or "I've always loved you." etc. Wow, this year was really filled with love. It seems that every wanted to have this year was happiness for their lives. To have the joy they once never felt. She even heard a wish confirmation behind her, "I want solidity if she really likes me." and "Before twelve, I must have you. If not, my efforts would completely be useless." Some people continued on with their messages on what they wanted to achieve.
"Okay now, everybody finished wishing out aloud? Well then, even though it's dark now, but I hope all of you close your eyes and turn around for five turns. And after that, the next person you're next is the person you're bound to be. Could be a coincidence, could be a joke, could be a disaster or could be a mystery. Either ways, it's still fate. So you, youngsters, you have to believe in yourself!" 
What kind of game was that? "Don't worry; you'd be given the chance to see the person you're next to for two seconds and after that, it becomes dark again. With this, it gives you the chance to run away or do something... If you all get what I mean."
With his last statement, everyone then started cheering and wooing loudly and clapping. Ha! You all believe that?
"Okay, starting---"
Hebe sighed. "Here goes nothing,"
"Start turning now!”
‘Oh boy.’ 
While turning, Hebe yawned to herself. "This is pointless and I'm feeling dizzy again." 
“And five! Go!”
As Hebe went to a complete stop, she felt somebody behind her grab her hand and hold onto it tightly. 'Oh great, a stranger! No way! I'm running away." Hebe screamed inside her head as she bit her lower lip.
"Stop! Okay, see your partner now! Shutting out in one... Two!" Bang! The lights turned off only giving them one real second to see the figures of the person they have grabbed onto. Others squealed in delight when they recognized the faces, and others, hugged their partner right immediately...
And some, like Hebe, literally stood still and had a blank expression across their faces. 
She then realized that, she had just been kissed. Yeah, a rough one though. Not in the dramas where it's only a smack or a light one. But this is a bit too much. 
She had the strength to push the man away if she wanted to. But the thing is her senses shut off when she finally got a hold of the person right in front of her. The man who crushed his lips against her fragile and soft one made her feel ecstatic for some reasons. She was left speechless and remained in that position for the time being. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't even lift her arm up and smack his head off for just kissing her without her permission. But for that one time, she had let him. Only he, to have the privilege to kiss her and make her feel that she was someone worth it. "Hebe," The guy spoke right next to her ear softly as it sent shivers running through her entire body. And with that, she froze with the sudden realization that hit her.
"I'm sorry, but I couldn't restrain myself." Aaron sighed and pressed his forehead against hers even though Hebe couldn't see his expression, but she knew he felt bad for what he just did.
Aaron gulped, "I--- I'm sorry for everything Hebe. I really am, believe me. I hope you'd give me a chance to prove to you that I'm a good man." He stated as Hebe felt both of his hand on her waist, squeezing her a little bit. "I'm sorry for acting impulsively. But I--- love you. I always had. To be honest, I was more likely to be the first one who was infatuated." She felt the gap closing between both of their bodies as it felt they just collided and was united for the longest time. "Hebe, I wished that you'd be my Christmas confirmation for this year, if it's--- alright with you?" He said with reluctance audibly present within his sentence as she heard him sniff. "Please?"
Hebe swore her heart had already jumped off her ribcage. This jerk, he said all those stuff to her but still, she ended up forgiving him because she damn well knew that she still loved him. He was an exceptional guy for her. To be able to get swoon her off that fast, he was definitely one lucky bastard. "Aaron," Hebe didn't even felt her tears overflowing due to the sudden turn of events. She sniffed and tried not to stutter while letting her heart out. "Oh my Aaron, I... I've always had loved you too. I missed you so much and I really need you. But---" 
“Hebe?” Aaron asked feeling puzzled why she sudden paused. “You--- why did you have to break my heart so badly? On what terms did you have to spout hurtful things at me, huh?”
“I’m sorry. I was stupid. I said those things to you without even thinking. I was a complete jerk for hurting you. Hebe, I’m really sorry.” He still tried to put himself together. He couldn’t bare himself to break down right in front of her. This was a crucial time and everything would change if he did something stupid again.
“The nerve you got… I can’t believe your guts,” 
“I’m really sorry. I beg you to give me a chance to make it up to you. I can’t forgive myself if I let you off again. I’d die Hebe. You hear me? I’d lose the spirit to live on without you.”
“Then why did you~” Aaron immediately cut her off. “I said it because I was in a state of jealousy, okay?! I’m sorry for everything Hebe. But you got to believe me. When I walked away from you that night, it was torture for me. You are the only reason why I gather up the strength and came all over here just to tell you that--- I can live without you~”
“Oh, so you say you can live without me? Well go ahead! Go!”
“Will you please let me finish?” He kissed her to shut her up as her eyes widen in shock. “Hebe, I chose NOT TO live my life without you.” He sighed, “You hear me?”
Hebe could only nod. “But---“ She tried not to stutter, “You’ve already blew all those chances away now.”
“What? Wait Hebe, I!” Hebe managed to place her finger on his lips even she couldn’t see a thing. “But I’m one of those people who’d be willing to give out a gazillion chances to the person who wants to be with me.”
“Hebe,” She heard him sniff a bit loudly which made her heart flutter even more. “I am so damn head over heels for you. Do you know that?”
He heard her laugh heartily, “Before, I didn’t had a clue. But right now, I’m sure you are.” Her arms rose on it’s own to search for his angelic face. "Where are you? I want to get a hold of you.”
Aaron then sighed as his hand grabbed hers that were looking for his figure. "Don't. I won't be able to hold my tears if you do." She could hear his soft cries as he tried his best to cover it. But Hebe didn't listen and continued searching for him until she found it.
She grab a hold onto it and tried to examine it while feeling his soft rosy cheeks while Aaron’s arm were still gripping onto her arm strongly while Hebe slowly caressed it. "But I don't want you to cry right before me." She said, more of a whisper as she tried wiping off his tears from his cheeks, "But if you must, I should be the only one to witness your vulnerable state." She stammered as her tears simultaneously slid down onto her dress.
Then, the lights just then bringing a bright atmosphere inside of the hall. Everybody was feeling the moment that everyone had prepared for them. Especially for the ones who wanted to reach the word 'LOVE'.
Hebe stared intently at Aaron, still cupping his face onto her shaking fingers. Aaron felt her nervousness and just gave out a weak smile at her. "I love you." He whispered.
She smiled back as she inched forward to grab the chance to kiss him on his lips. "I know you do." She said between kisses as Aaron responded as he tried savoring the feeling that he had been keeping for a long time. At last, he had let out his desires with her knowing. 
"Um, Hebe," Aaron muttered as he broke the kiss to look at her blooming face and saw joy sprouting out, sincerely.
"I love you more." Hebe hummed as she was still closing her eyes. Somehow, she was still in a daze and wouldn’t want to wake up.
Aaron laughed at her response and tried his best to shrug it off, "What time is it?"
"Ha?" Hebe opened her eyes; perplexed. "Why are you asking that kind of silly question?" She laughed softly at him as he pinched her nose, "Just tell me what time is it." Aaron simply stated. Hebe didn't know what he was up to but followed to his instructions. She took her other hand off his face and checked her silver automatic wrist watch, "It's 12:02 A.M." 
He then thought all his efforts were worth it. Knowing it was passed midnight, he couldn't help but give out a dorky grin as he stared at her, "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas to you too and--- about that confirmation thingy," Hebe waved her index finger in the air using her free hand which was used to check the time a while ago. "What was that all about?"
Aaron grinned at her cute ‘solidified’ girlfriend, “You want to know?”
“Kind of.”
"Well, if you must know, I wanted to be with you before the clock twelve. Though not exactly midnight but at least, I did get what I wished for and we both deserved for." 
She giggled at his cute statement. And with that, he earned a smack onto his cheeks. "So, I'm like a confirmation to you right? Like uh, you like me and I like you and you completely feel that you're the happiest guy alive." She poked him playfully as Aaron smiled widely at her. "You could say that."
And with that, both enjoyed the sensational moment for a little while before deciding to sneak out from their parents who saw the whole scenario. There wasn't a problem between Hebe's parents. On the contrary, Mrs. Tian literally enjoyed watching them both haggling each other. "Oh darling, why didn't you do that to me when you asked me out?" She turned to his husband; Mr. Tian who pointed at himself and gave out a look was just like, 'what did I do now?' 
"I can't believe Hebe felt that kind of romance while I didn't!" Mrs. Tian stomped off, leaving Mr. Tian yelling out for her, "Lao Po, don't feel bad! Don't worry; if we ever get the chance to live another fifty years, it could happen!"
But on the other side, Mr. Yan gave out a satisfied grin while watching the couple walk out from the auditorium, hand in hand. "I have to say, Aaron has really grown up now." he poked Mrs. Yan by the arm. "Both of them are really in love, that's for sure." He chuckled as it seems Aaron got the straight-forward trait from him, “Don’t you think so?”
"Hmmp." She raised her one of her eyebrow and folded her arms, "I don't like her." Mrs. Yan stated as her husband turned to look at her, "You always say that when you hear Aaron going out with some girl."
"No! This is--- different! I saw them right before my eyes and I can't believe she was too vulgar! Did you see how she held onto our son? Goodness, no etiquettes at all!" 
“You’re exaggerating.” Mr. Yan pointed out. “I am not! I just think she has ulterior motives when she said she loved Aaron. I can’t believe her! She had the courage to do that right in front of us. And I know that she knows that we were completely aware of the scene. She did it on purpose.” Mrs. Yan concluded angrily.
“Hey, if you’re ought to blame her, blame your son as well.” He defended. “And why would I punish Bubu? He did nothing wrong. You heard Aaron say that she was the reason why he behaved like that! You see? Aaron has been hypnotized by that clingy little girl!”
"Oh come on now, she's a nice girl. Let it go." Mr. Yan grabbed her wife’s arm who was heating up just by talking about Hebe and Aaron.
“Okay. As long as Aaron would stop seeing her, then I’ll stop this tantrum.”
“Um, you know, Aaron initiated the kiss first, mind you.” Mr. Yan reminded her as she widened in astonishment.
Mrs. Yan then glared at him and smack his shoulder, "Wait a minute, which side are you on?!"
Aaron's dad didn't know what to respond but instead, "Okay, we're going home now! Goodnight now and have a blessed Christmas to everybody!”
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d0rkii #1
I love your story !!! You're a great writer!!!