Sudden Determination

Christmas Confirmation--- Completed.


Chapter 2
Chapter Two: Sudden Determination
She had been pacing back and forth inside her room. At this time, she was still feeling perplexed of what had happened to her on that night with him.
Yes, it's been almost a week since the incident with Aaron had occurred but still, she felt something inside. How he held her, touched her, cared for her and worried for her almost every minute. It made her heart skip a beat just thinking alone his name. Was he really that influential? He’s smart, kind, sweet and not to mention--- H.O.T. Gosh, was she starting to become a total ert? She shook the thought of admiring him even more. She knew she really liked him, a lot. But in this case, she thought that completely falling into his spell maybe could have been a mistake after all. She sighed as she stood still, taking a deep breath and closed her eyes in the process. She needed to put her facts up straight. She was going crazy for just one guy. Wow, was she really that desperate? Recalling what he did to her made her feel even more depressed. The manner of his tone and how he snapped at her made her heart shutter. Why did he suddenly turn into a nightmare that night? Wasn't he originally calm and an out-going guy?
In just a minute, his personality changed into a complete stranger. Hebe doesn't even know if he was still the Aaron she once had fell for. To think that kind of behavior right in front of her. Hello, is that you Aaron Yan? 
Or was it his other half who appeared when everything started chaotic?
'All of a sudden, what happened?' It hurt for Hebe to admit that the way he had acted that night was vicious, but she could not conclude him as a heartless person. She felt he acted that way for a reason. But what was it? She couldn't pinpoint to what problem had aroused his madness. Was it because of Mike? Surely, he mentioned his name in a rusty tone. Could it be him? Now that she reminisce the incident, she had caught Aaron being sarcastic with her! At least, he did once.
Oh gosh. Why is everything filled with Aaron in it? Is he the main purpose why she’s feeling so confused right now? 'Damn it. I can't think straight anymore,' I'd take that as a yes.
Before she could continue with her deep thoughts, a knock on the door rang in her ears as she suddenly became startled of it. "Uh, yes?"
"Sweetheart, open the door. Its mom," 
Hebe's body automatically became active and brought herself in front of her door and opened it widely, "Yes mom!" She said in a high-pitched tone as Mrs. Tian raised an eyebrow and stared down at her daughter who was acting weird. "Darling, are you on drugs?"
With that quick statement, "Hell no! Ma, how can you- presume something like that?!" Hebe's eyes popped right out while went hanging. But her mother could only laugh at her reaction.
"Chill Hebe, I was just kidding." Mrs. Tian retorted.
Wow, adults do know how to make pranks? That's a first. I always thought they were so strict she thought. 'Guess my mom is the one who is high right now.'
Staring at her mom in a fancy dress with a four inched high-heel made her go crazy. Why, in the world would her mom try to dress something like that? Oh come on! It’s not like it’s the 70's. Hello, if anyone has forgotten, it’s the 21st century right now for Pete’s sake!
"Why are you staring at me like that? Do I look like a ghost?" Mrs. Tian crossed her arms as Hebe quickly denied. "Of course not. I was just wondering why you’re wearing a crappy outfit right now."
Mrs. Tian rolled her eyes and ignored her daughter’s statement. "Am I overly dress for the party?"
"Of course you're not- What party?"
Hearing her daughter respond something like that, "Hebe, are you going senile? Goodness. Are you already that old?" Mrs. Tian giggled as Hebe pouted and sat on her bed, sulking.
"Alright now, it seems you've forgotten our itinerary little miss genius. It’s tonight." Her mother grabbed the door knob. "So go get dress now." 
"Wait, mom!" She shot her head up right immediately as her mother stopped from closing the door behind her. 
"Yes, what is it?" Mrs. Tian tilted her head, waiting for Hebe to answer.
"I- I won't go this year. I'll get bored. Besides, I'm already seventeen. That stuff are for kids~"
"Ha, so you think me and your dad looks like a bunch of toddlers. Is that what you're trying to imply young lady?"
"Mom," Hebe shook her head, "That's not it. I'm just not feeling well for a party. I think staying at home would be a whole lot better."
"Ma, do I need to wear a bow tie?"
"Yes, you have to dear."
"What about the mask?"
"Oh, especially that!"
"What?!" Aaron whined as he rolled his eyes at his costume right on top of his bed cover. Did his mother have the intention of making him a clown tonight? "I'm not going there!"
"Bubu now, you have to! Didn't you love attending it when you were still a little boy?" Mrs. Yan yelled from downstairs as Aaron retorted with a scoff. "Mom, I was like seven when I said I was enjoying that stupid party."
"Oh, Bubu. Please attend it with us." 
"I don't want to! Besides, I got some matters to finish." He said as he made his way in front of his door, "And stop calling me with that childish name!" He added with a slamming tone followed afterwards.
'Mom, you're driving me nuts.' He sighed as let one of his hand ran through is dripping hair. There was no way he was attending that yet again boring event.
"All we have to do is that, dance, talk, eat and wait for the clock to strike at twelve then cheer!" He clapped his hand in a sarcastic way, "Then yippee, Merry Christmas! Oh please, give me a break." He threw his hand in the air as he slid onto one of his vintage jacket and turned to a mirror. 'Should I head out now?' He adjusted his shirt well as he brushed off some dust. He felt his face turning red. What the heck? He was a guy for crying out loud!
A sudden rage rushed through his veins as he slammed his fist against the wall. What now? What has gotten into you Aaron Yan? He thought. No. It wasn't him. But HER. She was the reason why he was feeling this way. He thought she had liked him, but what did she do? She blew him away!
"I thought it was me." He said with gritted teeth across his face. He felt his fist harden due to his inner strength. Was he really that furious? 
He thought he was going with Rainie on that very night, the Christmas Eve Ball. But he knew he couldn't lie to himself much longer. He knew deep down that he was just deceiving Rainie from the very beginning. He had tried to like her. Damn, he knew he did everything but, every time he thought about having someone to cherish,
Hebe was the only one who was popping intensely inside his head. How could she be so contagious? What did she do to make him feel so attracted to her? They weren't really that close but that night, the close proximity between them closed the gap. It felt as if, they've known each other for a long time. He felt there was a relaxing aura that she possessed so naturally which ached him to get to know her even more.
When he finally felt her soft fingers against his palm, it sent shivers towards his spine. Damn it, he hated stuff like in the dramas where you find someone, get to know them and fall in love. In short--- pure lovey-dovey crap.
But that night, was then he realized that, he wanted confirmation and solidity on that very night.
He blew his chance almost a week ago. He walked away like there was no damaged made. He couldn't think of a way to forgive himself if things don't go right this time.
As of this night, on the 24th of December, he had to confirm it, that he, Aaron Yan himself was head over heels with her, Miss Hebe Tian. And on this very night, before the clock strikes twelve midnight, she would be his Christmas gift. 
In other words, 
A Christmas Confirmation to himself. That he, has learnt the essence and art of falling in love. He didn't know where the determination was coming, but he knew he wanted her this instant. All things were set; she was clearly the only one who was missing the picture.    
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d0rkii #1
I love your story !!! You're a great writer!!!