Chapter 30

Only That Person

The doctor came out of the room Seungyeon was in.

"What's wrong with her?" Onew asked.
"We have to run more tests, please wait out here." The doctor told Onew.
"Don't tell me to wait. How many tests do you need to run? She's suffering in there for goodness sakes!!" Onew yelled at the doctor.

The doctor pushed Onew off and went back into the door.

Onew slumped to the floor. What do I do?

Wonhyuk, his wife, Onew's parents, and Seungyeon's mother stood in front of everyone and saw Onew's interactions with the doctor.

"What's wrong?" Minhyuk, and Minhwan rushed past everyone to Onew.
"I don't know. She was holding her stomach and threw up in the car. She then started turning pale and sweating. The doctor's still don't know what's wrong." Onew cried panicking.

Minhwan tried to clam Onew down, as Minhyuk stared at the door.

Slowly the elder's who were watching the scene slowly began to open up to the thought of Onew and Seungyeon dating.

After a while the doctor finally came out to tell what was wrong with Seungyeon.

"What is wrong with her? She is okay isn't she?" Onew rushed to the doctor right away.

"She is suffering from the inflammation of the caecum. She is not in a danger right now but she can be if her appendix bursts.. that might lead into inflammation of the peritoneum or peptic ulcer it can be very dangerous." the doctor explained.
"Then what can we do?" Onew asked in panic.
"She just needs to have a surgery then she should be fine, but she needs it fast before this gets worse."
"Then just do it, do it fast!!" Onew yelled.

The doctor looked at the rest of the people behind Onew.
"Are you all her family? Will you give a permission to do a surgery?"

Her mother was ready to say yes but Yunho's father grabbed her hand.
"What is the point to take her to the surgery, she is going to die soon anyway. This way we wouldn't even have to kill her ourselves but she would die naturally, and all we would have to do is kill that Nang boy. If we don't let her go to the surgery, think about it.. you wouldn't have to kill your own daughter this way." he muttered to her.
Seungyeon's mother hesitated a little bit but Minhwan who had been standing close to them heard his uncle.

"Don't listen to him umma!" Minhwan exclaimed then turned to the doctor. "Seungyeon will have the surgery.. you should go quickly. Right umma?"

His mother stood there still thinking but then finally nodded.
"This might take a few hours.. just wait here."
The doctor smiled a little then went back to Seungyeon to prepare her for the surgery.

After the doctor had left Minhwan turned back to Yunho's father furiously.
"Uncle, how can you still say something like that? After what you did to us, what your son did to us. Even though we all knew you betrayed our family and tried to replace our father using your dirty ways, we still let you be a part of our family and didn't chase you away. Didn't you learn anything, you are still the same even though your daughter is now dead because your son killed her, all because you started your dirty plans! Doesn't Seungyeon mean anything to you, she is your brother's daughter!!... I really used to respect you when I was younger but now I've lost all my respect towards you.. you are really too much.. uncle...."

"You little.." Yunho's father got ready to hit Minhwan but Minhyuk blocked him and held him from his wrist.
"Don't you dare hit my brother."

Minhwan glanced at Minhyuk then turned to his mother.
"Umma.. please listen to me, That guy Onew.. I also used to doubt him in the beginning.. but I have seen what kind of person he is. And there really isn't anyone else who would protect Seungyeon as he does.. he cares about her a lot, just look at him now." he pointed at Onew who was walking around restlessly.
"The time when we were kidnapped Onew was the first one to come and save us.. because Seungyeon was there. He risked his life, because of a Dae even though he himself is a Nang. Not every guy in this world would risk their life even if it was their girlfriend. But Onew he did. " Minhwan continued saying everything that had been in his heart the past few days. He had finally accepted Onew for Seungyeon completely.

"And when Onew and Seungyeon were together yesterday.. I have never seen Seungyeon look so happy." Minhyuk added.

Their mother looked at both her sons and glanced at Onew.
"He seems like a good boy.. but even though I know this... what can I do. It has been already decided. And besides it's the law.."

"You can do a lot umma.. you can try to talk to the others. I'm sure they will believe you better than us young ones. We still have 4 days.. all they did was love each other.. they shouldn't be killed just because they loved.. even if it's the law... and who told us we can't change the laws.." Minhyuk said.

Their mother let out a small sigh then slowly started walking towards Onew who was still walking restlessly.

"Your name was.. Onew wasn't it? That's what my boys call you." she said.
Onew turned to look at her surprised.
"Ye. People call me Onew.. but my full name is Lee Jinki. You are Seungyeon's mother?" Onew asked bowing to her.

She nodded and smiled to Onew slightly.
"You really seem to care about my daughter. Actually I wished Seungyeon to marry someone like you, who would protect her well.. but unfortunately Seungyeon found a Nang."

Onew just stared at her and listened.
Suddenly Seungyeon's mother placed her hand on Onew's shoulder and patted it gently.
"I don't know what will happen but thank you for taking so good care of my daughter. Try to calm down... i'm sure Seungyeon will be fine soon after the surgery."

Like that she walked back to the other Dae's. Everyone stared at her surprised or suspicious after her friendly actions with Onew.

“Jinki.” Hyukjin, Onew’s father walked closer to him with serious face. “I guess I already told you so many times about Nang and Dae relationship when you were little. I hope you understand why I told you about that.”

Onew looked down but then he stared straight at his father with strong eyes. “Yes, appa. You told me not to repeat the past and prevent it from happening nowadays.”
“But now you’re dating a Dae.” said Hyukjin.
“Yes, I’m dating a Dae. But I know we won’t repeat what happened in the past. No, I’m sure of it. Seungyeon is a nice and kind girl I ever met. Please trust us.” Onew still staring straight at his father.
“Are you sure about it? What if it’s wrong, Jinki?” Hyukjin tested Onew.
“Then, I will give up and let the family do their way.” Onew meant he was ready to be executed by the family.

Hyukjin straed at his son for a while before he suddenly smiled warmly. He walked forward and hugged Onew.
“Aish, my son already grown up. I didn’t realize it.” said Hyukjin.

Onew just blinking his eyes confused and the rest were staring at Hyukjin confused.
“Hyukjin, what are you saying?” said Wonhyuk from behind him.
“Hyung, just let this young couple free.” said Hyukjin to him.
“What?!” Everyone almost shout in the same time. The other patients, visitors, nurses, and doctors were glaring at them.

“What do you mean?” Wonhyuk confused with his brother’s sudden act.
“You already see Onew’s care for her, the younger supports, and now you just heard what he said right? I also trust my son won’t let the past thing happen again.” said Hyukjin calmly.
“But…………”Wonhyuk hesitating. He wanted to release Onew and Seungyeon, but the law……

“Hyung, have you ever see Onew doing something bad? Did he ever disappoint you?” asked Hyukjin.
“No….” Wonhyuk knew Onew is a nice, cheerful, and bright boy. He never makes Wonhyuk angry.
“Trust him, hyung. Let’s give them a chance like what the young genereation did.” Hyukjin stared at Jonghyun and the young boys.

Wonhyuk looked at them one by one. The young generation’s stare to him was so sure and begged for the couple to be released. Wonhyuk let out a sigh and looked at Hyukjin again.
“I’ll try to talk to the other again.” Finally Wonhyuk seemed agree.

The young generation was gasping and shocked by Wonhyuk’s word, but they were happy about it too. Onew stared at his uncle, not believing what he just heard. The Dae were looking at the Nang family confused and they seemed wanted to do the same for Seungyeon.

“Uncle, look at the Nang. They will talk about this again with the other. Why can’t we do the same?” Sunye talked to Yoseob’s father because now he’s the one who lead the Dae family for a moment until they decide the head master.
“Uncle, let’s do a re-vote.” said Minhyuk.

Yoseob’s father glanced at Wonhyuk and Hyukjin. He cared for Seungyeon, his lovely niece, but……
“Let’s talk about this problem once again with all the family. We also will do the same.” said Wonhyuk.
“Alright.” Yoseob’s father let out a sigh. He looked at Sunye, Minhyuk, and Minhwan. “But you should help me to convice the whole family.”

Sunye, Minhyuk, and Minhwan smiled brightly when he said that. “Sure, uncle.” said Sunye.
“I’m sure the other hyung andnoona will help us too.” said Minhyuk.
“Because they actually help us too.” Minhwan added.

In the middle of this situation, Onew just stared at his and Seungyeon’s family unbelieving. Then, Jonghyun and IU walked to him. Jonghyun patted his shoulder gently and made him turned his attention to Jonghyun.
“It’s good, right. You and Seungyeon maybe will be given a chance.” Jonghyun smiled to him.
“I hope the law will change because of this. Wow, there won’t be any border between Nang and Dae then.” said IU.
Onew almost teared up. He blinked his eyes, forcing the tears not to fall down and smiled. “Thank you.” Then Onew looked at everyone, he bowed down. “Thank you, everyone.”

Seungyeon, get well soon and wake up. You will be happy hearing this. We will have a chance. The legend maybe starts to work.

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Chapter 61: cute..
hamster and dubu >///<
faced so many challenges but their love are strong together
KpopDoubleA #2
Chapter 13: This is really good you should update it please
Tomaslincoon #3
Update soon
still waiting fo the update..... the story is very interesting...
long time but I still waiting for ur update XD
please update soon^^~~
I clicked on ur tralier on youtube and i was like AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
I read ur fanfic and it's very interesting ^^
PLZ update soon :)
JongU_Couple24 #8
update soon~!!!!!!
Eliano #9
Pls update soon.
EIPAHnee #10
where is the update???? desperately need one... ;-p<br />
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hope to hear from u soon...<br />
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