chapter 2

Only That Person

Chapter 2

All I wanted was to just see him today but it turned out to be so much better.. Seungyeon thought happily as she opened the door to the house.

She tried to sneak in her room without anyone noticing but her cousin Yuri caught her. "Unnie.. where were you all day?" she asked.
"Just hanging out with my friends." Seungyeon said.
"Ahh.. come to the living room we are watching a movie." Yuri said dragging Seungyeon with her.

Seungyeon sat on the couch beside her. Her brothers and all her cousins had gathered together to watch the movie.
"Did you buy a new hat?" Sunye asked when she saw the blue hat on Seungyeon's head. Seungyeon took it off right away and nodded.

Seungyeon looked at all the people in the room. Would they really want me dead if they found out about me seeing Onew?

She looked at her twin brothers Minhyuk and Minhwan. I'm sure those two will be on my side, i'm their only sister anyway...
She then turned to look at her two cousins who were brothers, Yesung and Yoseob.. They are way too kind to kill anyone...

Then she looked at the three siblings Kyujong, Jiyoon and Hara. There's no way Kyujong wants me to die, i'm his favorite dongsaeng... and Jiyoon she is a tough girl but no she wouldn't kill me or would she.. then Hara well she is unpredictable.

And Sunye is like a sister to me, she wouldn't kill me.. Seungyeon thought looking at her.
She turned to look at the two siblings Yunho and Yuri. Aishh.. Yunho and Yuri.... they might really want me to die if I got caught... she frowned as Yuri and Yunho were the ones most strict about traditions.

Lastly she looked at her cousins Geun Suk, Hyun Bin and Jeong Hoon. They might be hard too.. aish.. and then theres all the uncles and aunts and whoever.. this is just our family what about all the other Dae's out there? Because i'm part of the head family they suppose I show some kind of example but if they find out about me being with a Nang they will surely kill me or will they?
Seungyeon couldn't concentrate on the movie at all just thought about the situation and the possible concequences.

But I really want to get to know Onew more.. and possibly start dating him.. gahh... whatever.. I just don't tell anyone and it would be fine.
Seungyeon started smiling widely again as she thought about Onew and the day spent with him.

"So Seungyeon, you had a nice date with your boyfriend today?" Yesung when he noticed her smile.
"Huh? I don't have a boyfriend." Seungyeon said and stopped smiling.

"Aigoo.. our Seungyeon. You're dating? It's not a Nang is it?" Kyujong smiled mischieviously teasing her too. "Ahh.. mianhe. I trust you, I know you wouldn't date a Nang.. i'm just teasing."

Seungyeon played with her fingers and bit her lip nervously. "I'm not dating anyone." she said.

"I don't understand some girls at my school.. they keep saying that some Nang guys are so handsome and they want to date them. But Nang guys they aren't that special...." Yuri snorted. "Right Seungyeon?" Yuri nudged her.

"Ahh.. I don't know." Seungyeon shrugged. "I'm going to my room this movie is kinda boring.." she said as she wanted to get away and not hear them talk.


Around 3 am Jonghyun came home.

"Jonghyun!!! Guess what!!" Onew ran to the door.
"You're still up?" Jonghyun asked.
"I was too excited. Guess what. I think I'm in love." Onew spun in a circle then landed on the couch.
Jonghyun stared at his friend. "Are you drunk?"
"Maybe. Maybe not. But..." Onew sighed. "I'm in love."
"Now I'm against this. Go to bed." Jonghyun lead Onew to his room.

Onew went to his bed and laid down. He stared at the ceiling and sighed again. "Why did she have to be a Dae?"

Jonghyun went to his room. He took his shirt off and was about to change his clothes when his phone rang.

"Umm... Hello." A female voice came from the line. "Is this Jonghyun's phone?"
"Yeah, who's this?" Jonghyun said.
"This is I- I- IU." IU said.
"Hey!! Long time no talk." Jonghyun greeted IU.
"My brother Seungho and I are in town and well... he... kinda got drunk. Can we stay at you're place?" IU asked.
"Sure. I'll pick you up. Where are you?" Jonghyun asked.
"Downtown by the old Slurpee parlor, but we have a car." IU said.
"I'll run there." Jonghyun said then quickly ran there.

Jonghyun ran over to the parlor in an hour. IU was standing outside of the car while Seungho was knocked out in the backseat.

"Hey." Jonghyun greeted IU.
"Um... Hi. Uhh you forgot something." IU blushed as she pointed to a shirtless Jonghyun.
"What?" Jonghyun looked down. "Sorry I was in the middle of changing."
"Sorry. Thanks for letting us stay." Jonghyun opened the door as IU got in the car.

During the ride IU stared at Jonghyun.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Jonghyun glanced at IU.
"No. Just. You changed a lot." IU smiled.
"That's good or bad?" Jonghyun asked.
"Good." IU said.

Jonghyun turned his attention back to the road.

"How's everyone?" IU asked. "You're the only one who actually replied back to my letters and emails while we were in America."
"Well GD, TOP, Taeyang, Cl, Minzy, and Bom are, like always, managing the clubs and music. Mika and Karam are still random as ever. Kikwang hooked up with Hyuna, while Doojoon hooked with Seohyun. I think they are a weird couple, but hey what can I do. Oh and Key, Minho and Taemin recently got a major promotion from the head master." Jonghyun said the last part solemnly.
"What about Onew?" IU asked.
"He's weird as ever. You should have seen him 5 minutes before you call me." IU giggled hearing about her cousin.
"What about you?" IU said.

Jonghyun suddenly stopped the car.

"We're here." Jonghyun silently got out of the car and carried Seungho to the guest bedroom.

Jonghyun placed Seungho on the bed. Then turned to IU who was following behind.

"Sleep in the room next to his." Jonghyun turned to leave.
"You're still mad at me." IU frowned as she passed Jonghyun.
"How can I not be." Jonghyun whispered.
IU stopped in her tracks. "I didn't have a choice."
"You did. You chose to leave me to go to America." Jonghyun said.
"Father made me. I didn't want to leave." IU said tears spilling from her eyes. "He wants Seungho and I to continue the Nang family tradition. I didn't have a say."

IU walked out of Seungho's room to her own room. Jonghyun closed his eyes. He hating feeling weaker then IU. He hated the fact that IU had more power in the Nang family then he did. He opened his eyes and walked into IU's room.

Jonghyun saw IU crying on her bad. He laid beside IU.

"Mianhe. I didn't mean it. I just- I'm sorry. IU forgive me." Jonghyun hugged her.

IU turned to face Jonghyun. She sniffled trying to stop crying. She put her arms around Jonghyun returning the hug. IU cuddled with Jonghyun's chest. Jonghyun leaned his chin on her head.

"IU. I missed you." Jonghyun cupped IU's chin and stared into her eyes.
"Me too." IU pecked Jonghyun's lips.

Jonghyun turned the peak into a passionate kiss.

After a while he pulled away. He got off the bed and pulled the covers over IU.

"Sleep. It's almost dawn." Jonghyun smiled.
"I love you. Good night." IU said then went to sleep.

Jonghyun was heading towards his room, but stopped at Onew's room. He peak inside to find Onew sleeping with a smile on his face.

"You got your love issues with Seungyeon, the Dae family daughter. I've got mine with IU, the Nang family daughter. What do we do?" Jonghyun whispered.

Jonghyun cringed at the thought of the major promotion his friends had received. The promotion of being able to court IU.

"Why did I have to be born to the family of the lowest rank in this family?" Jonghyun whispered as he walked back to his room.



Onew woke up slowly, still feeling sleepy. His phone was laid on the table next to his bed. He smiled when he remember about yesterday. He grabbed his phone and texting message for her.




From : Dubu

Good morning! ^^

How’s your sleep?




He sent the message to Seungyeon. Yup, he and Seungyeon didn’t save their real name on each other contact number. Seungyeon saved Onew’s name with Dubu on her phone. Not long after Onew sent the message. A text message came in his phone.




From : Hamster

It was nice hehe…..

And good morning to you too ^^




Onew smiled again while reading Seungyeon’s message. Hamster, it’s a cute name for her.

“Onew hyung? Are you awake?”Dongho, Onew’s brother peeked his head into Onew’s room.

“Oh, Dongho. What’s wrong?”Onew hid his phone immediately.

“Nothing. I just wanna say IU and Seungho have come.”said Dongho.

“Really? Okay, I’ll come out.”Onew nodded his head.


Dongho closed the door again, leaving his hyung alone. Onew walked to the bathroom to take a quick bath and change his clothes. He slipped his phone in his pocket and went out. In the dining room, he saw IU and Jonghyun were enjoying their breakfast with Dongho.


“IU, when did you come back?”Onew smiled and walked closer to IU.

“I came yesterday night. You already asleep so I think I can see you tomorrow.”she stood and hugged her cousin gently.

“Well, welcome back.”Onew hugged her back. Jonghyun saw it and felt a little jealous because Oenw can hug her without uneasy feeling.


Onew released the hug and took a seat beside Jonghyun. He took his own plate and started to eat his breakfast.

“How’s America?”asked Onew. Jonghyun was winching a little when Onew asked about America.

“Uh……….so-so.”IU smiled awkwardly.

“Hmm….I see. Oh, you came with Seungho, right? Where’s he?”again, Onew asked innocently. He didn’t know about Jonghyun and IU relationship.

“He’s……..still sleeping.”answered IU short. She glanced at Jonghyun who pretended not hearing their conversation.

“Oh. You must be tired. Oh hey, you know about Roo? The puppy Jonghyun picked? It-”

“Hyung, eat your food first. It’s gross you know. Talking with mouth full with foods.”Dongho interrupted Onew.


Onew just pouting and decided to eat his breakfast in quiet. When Onew didn’t notice it, IU and Jonghyun keep stealing glance at each other secretly.


Seungho soon came into the kitchen.

"IU Honey tea please." Seungho held his head. "When did we get here?"
"Very early this morning. Around 4am." IU gave her twin brother his tea.
"Thanks." Seungho sipped his tea. "Did you drive without a license?"
"No. Jonghyun-oppa ran all the way from here to where you fell asleep to drive your car here. You should thank him." IU said.
"Sorry about that. Thank you for last night." Seungho bowed.
"No worries. We're all like family." Jonghyun said, implying that statement in more then one way.
"Yeah. We all got each other's back." Onew smiled and flashed his teeth that was covered in toast crumbs.
"Hyung!!" Dongho scolded again. "Don't show people the food in your mouth."

Onew made a puppy dog face.


"I'm taking IU and Seungho to the headmaster now. Bye." Jonghyun closed the front door.

Onew looked at his phone.


From : Hamster
I don't know what to wear.
I'm going to hang out with my friends today,
but can't decide what to wear.
Is this good?


Onew nearly drooled when he saw the picture.


From : Dubu
You look pretty.
You should wear that.


From : Hamster
Okay. Thanks. ^^
I'll text you soon. >^o^<


"Hyung. Who are you texting?" Dongho asked Onew who was still drooling.
"Jonghyun." Onew lied then went to his room.


"Are you going somewhere again?" Sunye asked walking in Seungyeon's room.

"Yeah..i'm going to meet my friends today." Seungyeon said brushing her hair.
"Same friends as yesterday?" Sunye asked sitting down on her bed.
"Uhh.. no.. different friends." Seungyeon said. Sunye pouted slightly at Seungyeon. "You are always going somewhere thesedays.. never play with me anymore or go anywhere with me...did you forget me totally?"

Seungyeon sat beside Sunye and hugged her. "Mianhe.. of course I didn't forget you silly.. i'm just busy thesedays...anyway..How do I look?" Seungyeon asked turning to Sunye.

"Hmm... don't you have any other pants? It's okay otherwise but change those shorts." Sunye frowned.
"Why what is wrong with them?" Seungyeon pouted.
"I just don't like the color thats all.." Sunye said.

"Oh.. but he said it looked nice.. so I'll wear them.." Seungyeon mumbled silently to herself.

Sunye's eyes widened when she heard the word "he". "Seungyeon..he? Who are you talking about? You do have a boyfriend don't you?! Wahhh.. I only thought it was Yesung oppa's imagination but it's true? Isn't it? Is he handsome?"

Seungyeon quickly grabbed her bag from the chair and opened the door. "I'm a little bit busy now, I don't have time to chat with you!" she said and walked out.
Sunye ran after her. "You must tell me later Seungyeon!!"

Seungyeon sighed when she came outside. She knew it was really hard to keep things hidden from Sunye and this was the first time Seungyeon kept something hidden from her, they had told everything to each other before.

Seungyeon kicked the ground slightly. Aish... I can't let Sunye find out anything. I hate to keep things hidden from her but there's no other choice..


Seungyeon met with her friends Eun Chae and Younha in front of the movie theatre.
"Long time no see Seungyeon!!!" Eun Chae exclaimed hugging her.
"I know I missed you both!" Seungyeon said hugging her friends tightly.

"You seem happier than usual, did something good happen?" Younha asked looking at Seungyeon's bright smiling face.

"Hmmm.... yeah something did happen but it's a secret!" Seungyeon giggled.
"Yah! Tell us, you hyperactive happyface!" Eun Chae punched her lightly.
"I woooooon't!!!" Seungyeon said. "Let's go inside and watch the movie now!"

Younha and Eun Chae were about to die from curiosity but followed her.


Seungyeon once again couldn't concentrate on the movie so she decided to text Onew again.

From: Hamster

I'm at the movies with my friends now.
I want to see a movie with you too someday. ^^


Seungyeon smiled as she waited to get a reply from him.

From: Dubu

Sure let's go together someday!
But why are you texting with me now, not watching the movie?


From: Hamster

You are much more interesting than the movie! hehe ^.~


"Yah! What are you grinning at Seungyeon? Who are you texting with?" Eun Chae whispered to her.
Seungyeon put her phone away and smiled. "With a sweet secret of mine.."

"What? Who is that? Tell us right now? It's obviously a guy... you are acting like that it must be!!" Younha exclaimed making the people behind her angry by making so much noise.

"You shouldn't yell like that here, people are trying to watch the movie." Seungyeon scolded her ignoring all Younha's questions.
"Tell us.. please Seungyeon who is he?" Younha begged quietly.

"I told you already... my sweet secret." Seungyeon smiled. She knew it would be safe to tell about Onew to her friends but she didn't want to tell them just yet.

 Jonghyun walked IU and Seungho to the main Nang household.

"Jonghyun come in." The headmaster said when he saw Jonghyun by the door bidding his farewells to the twins.
"Headmaster." Jonghyun bowed then walked inside the house.
"Appa!!" IU ran to hug the headmaster.
"How's my baby?" The headmaster hugged IU.
"Is that my baby boy Yoo Seungho? My you've grown handsome. Give Umma a hug." The headmaster's wife came running in to hug Seungho.

Jonghyun watched the family reunion. He smiled. [If only my parents would still hug me like that. They only think of climbing up the famiy status now.]

"Jonghyun follow me." The headmaster said after the reunion.
"Yes sir." Jonghyun followed.
"Fighting!!" IU pumped her fist as Jongyun pasted her.
"IU do you like Jonghyun?" Her umma asked noticing her fist pumping.

IU blushed upon hearing her mother's words.

"She only talks about Jonghyun everyday, so I'm assuming so." Seungho added making IU blush more.
"Everyday? I think my baby has a crush." Her umma teased.
"Stop it. Okay I like him. Now please stop teasing me." IU bit her lips to try to grinning.
"Aigo, so cute." Her umma said as she went back to her duties.
"Seungho!!" His appa called from upstairs.
"Coming!!" Seungho said then turned to his sister. "You know you're going to have to tell them about Jonghyun otherwise you're going to end up marrying someone else."
"I know." IU said looking at Seungho, the only person who really knew about IU and Jonghyun.

Seungho walked into the headmaster's room to find Jonghyun sitting on a chair in front of the headmaster's desk.
"Sit." The headmaster said from behind his desk. "I have some business with the two of you."

Seungho sat down and look at Jonghyun. Jonghyun shrugged. They both turned their attention to the headmaster.

"Seungho, both you and IU are almost of marrying age, so I thought that I'd set the both of you up with some people. You're both 17 now you can get to know your fiancees then marry in a year." The headmaster spoke.
"What?" Seungho said. "That's so fast. We-"
"Shh. I'm not finished." The headmaster said. "For you I decided that you'd marry Shida Mirai, from the Japanese busness firm. You and Mirai got along so well last year, so we've decided that you two shall be married."
"Mirai." Seungho said her name not bothered by the fact of marriage since they were going out.
"As for IU," The headmaster said making Jonghyun cringe. "Key, Minho, or Taemin. I haven't decided which is why I brought you two here. You two know about IU more then me."
"Um does it have to be from the three?" Seungho questioned.
"Yes, why? Do you know anyone else?" The headmaster asked.
"Jonghyun." Seungho said firmly.
"Don't be ridiculous. He's a family friend." The headmaster said much to Jonghyun's disappointment.
"Why not? He's perfect and IU gets along with Jonghyun better then those three." Seungho said.
"No. I selected those three for a reason." The headmaster said. "Pick from those three!!"
"No one." Seungho left the room.
"Sorry for my son's behavior. Jonghyun, who do you suggest?" THe headmaster looked at Jonghyun.
"I'm sorry. I cannot answer that." Jonghyun left the room.

Jonghyun walked out of the house in deep thought.

"Jong-" IU said as Jonghyun passed her and walked out the door.
"He's mad." Seungho said from behind IU.
"Why?" IU asked.
"Appa wants us to marry. Appa suggested Mirai for me. As for you appa suggested Key, Minho, or Taemin." Seungho said. "I suggested Jonghyun but appa was flat out against it. He's probably thinking of what to do. IU you should talk to appa or you'll end up marrying someone else."

Seungho left IU staring at the door which Jonghyun just walked out of.

"Appa!!!!!" IU shouted and stomped up to the headmaster's room.


the second chapter is up ^^
and I want to say again, please visit KRPfanfics if you're interested to join an play RP
we won't bite kekeke^^
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Chapter 61: cute..
hamster and dubu >///<
faced so many challenges but their love are strong together
KpopDoubleA #2
Chapter 13: This is really good you should update it please
Tomaslincoon #3
Update soon
still waiting fo the update..... the story is very interesting...
long time but I still waiting for ur update XD
please update soon^^~~
I clicked on ur tralier on youtube and i was like AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
I read ur fanfic and it's very interesting ^^
PLZ update soon :)
JongU_Couple24 #8
update soon~!!!!!!
Eliano #9
Pls update soon.
EIPAHnee #10
where is the update???? desperately need one... ;-p<br />
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hope to hear from u soon...<br />
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