Christmas: counting down the days

the squirrel and the bunny
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"Guys!" Yeri sing-songs as she strolls into the bullpen with out-stretched arms. "It's Monday!"

Sooyoung leans back in her seat and wrinkles a brow, watching her spin in her spot. "Your excitement is making my hangover worse." She points to her sunglasses.

"That sounds like a you problem."

Joohyun peers up at her when she walks past her desk. "Why are you so happy, Yerim-ah?"

"Because," Yeri says with a grin, hands on her hips and annonuces to the whole room, "Yesterday was Sunday."

"Wow," Sooyoung drawls sarcastically, spinning around in her chair. "That's a golden nugget of great wisdom there, Cap. Unfortunately, I don't have a pen right now to write it down."

"Yeah, because you don't do any paperwork to even own one," Yeri deadpans with a glare.

Suddenly, they hear footsteps rushing down the hall and Seulgi comes into the bullpen, panting out, "I didn't miss it did I? Seungwan's not here yet?"

Joohyun shakes her head. "She's always late, Seul." Joohyun looks around and sees a bunch of other officers entering the bullpen. A beat passes and she sighs, rolling her eyes in realisation. "I can't believe the entire building comes here every Monday morning just to steal food."

"Momo's coming today too," Sooyoung says.

"It's not stealing if Seungwan brings them for us," Yeri points out. 

"She's very much single," Sooyoung suddenly says and pushes forward a bit on her chair, lifting her sunglasses to give Joohyun a knowing look. "So she can't eat all the treats she makes by herself. Who knows how long that status will last..?"

"Not very long I don't think," Seulgi says casually, thinking about how much she has to hear about the Pink Bunny whenever Seungwan starts getting that dream-like glaze over her eyes. Seulgi blows a raspberry with her lips at the thought and stands in front of the hallway, eyes fixed on the other end, waiting for Seungwan's arrival. 

"Wait, what?" 

Yeri her head and asks, "No way Seungwan's getting with someone. She has no game!"

Seulgi's eyes enlarge and her neck tightens. Oops, she wasn't supposed to say that.

"...Does Seungwan like someone?" Joohyun asks, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Uh... No?" Seulgi nervously utters, praying Seungwan will just walk through the door and save her already. Where's the vigilante--or hero as people have been calling her recently--when you need her? "How is she always late?" She literally could just glide down her building and do a bit of roof hopping to get here in like two minutes, Seulgi thinks.

"Christmas is on Friday, there's probably a lot of traffic," Sooyoung suggests.

"Speaking of, do you know if she's going to Canada to celebrate with her family?" Yeri asks.

"No, she doesn't usually do that," Seulgi says and squeezes her eyes shut because yet again, she wasn't supposed to say that.

Sooyoung tilts her head slowly to avoid hurting her head from her hangover. "Huh, why not?"

Finally, the doors down the hall open and in comes Seungwan, with her work bag over her shoulder and holding several other big plastic bags in her fists. "Yay!" Seulgi exclaims and runs towards her, grabbing a handful to help her hold and peeking inside one of them. "Eh? Krispy Kreme?"

Seungwan sighs as she walks into the bullpen. "Sorry I'm late, there was a line at the store."

"Huh?" Joohyun utters as she goes up to approach her.

"Wait, what?" Sooyoung pulls up her sunglasses to the top of her head, setting them on her head and blinking angrily against the lights.

"You didn't bake?" Yeri pouts as they all help take the boxes out of the bags and place them on the table.

Seungwan shakes her head and turns to Seulgi with a pointed look. "My family came over yesterday."

"From Canada?!" Seulgi exclaims.

"No, from Africa," Sooyoung deadpans.

Seulgi and Seungwan both ignore her, staring at each other for a beat before Seungwan nods firmly and Seulgi says, "But..."

"I know," Seungwan replies, knowing they'll both talk about it later in the break room. She goes to open all the boxes, welcoming the rest of the staff to eat.



She's going to poop herself, Seulgi thinks as she sits in the passenger seat beside Seungwan. They're parked in the lot of a hotel building as they have been for the past ten minutes. 

"Are you ready?" Seulgi asks her when Seungwan stops rubbing her palms up and down her jeans. 

"Are you?" Seungwan replies with wide eyes and jingles her car keys in her hands. "We can go do another lap around the block if you're not?"

"We did six already," Seulgi points out with a huff.

Seungwan purses her lips and leans the back of her head against the window, bringing a knee to bend in her seat as she faces Seulgi. "Thanks for agreeing to come, I know it's a lot."

Seulgi sighs and shakes her head. "It's okay, you know I'll do anything for you. And I'm doing this because you'd do the same." She unbuckles her seatbelt. "Come on, I don't want to piss off your family for making them wait."

Seungwan's parents had insisted on bringing Seulgi along; but really, Seungwan thinks it's only because a dinner with just her parents and her sister would be too awkward and uncomfortable to bare otherwise. 

"I think I need to pee," Seungwan says twenty seconds after they're in the elevator.

"You think or you know?"

Seungwan shakes her head. "I know. I think..."

"Can't you pee when we get there?"

Seungwan whips her head frantically. "I don't know. Maybe I should get out and go down to the lobby bathrooms..."

Seulgi sighs and turns to her. "We're already going up, Wannie. There's only--" she checks the number going up "--thirty two more floors so--"

Without another thought, Seungwan jumps around Seulgi to the elevator panel and presses all the buttons.

"Dude!" Seulgi blanches. 

The elevator ride is extended only by a few minutes and Seungwan has to be pulled through the doors when it comes to the top level. 

"Damn," Seulgi says, looking around. "I haven't been here in a long time."

"Me either," Seungwan replies under her breath. 

"It looks exactly the same."

"Hey, Mark!" Seungwan and Seulgi greets a butler who appears before them with a grin.

Ho does a ninety-degree bow and says, "Welcome back, Mistress Son and Ms Kang."

Seulgi and Seungwan share a frown.

"Dinner will be served in five minutes," he announces, straightening back up. "Shall I prepare your usual drinks?"

Seungwan sighs. Some things never change. 

Sensing her hesitance, Seulgi steps up and replies, "Yes, thank you, Mark. Um, do you mind if it's just a bit stronger though?"

Mark nods. "Of course. Is there a particular amount you'd like to be added?"

"Double the alcohol concentration," Seungwan pipes in dryly. "Are they already waiting in the dining room?"

Mark nods again. "Yes, ma'am."

Seungwan dips her chin and starts walking. "Thanks Mark, it's good to see you."

They're two steps past him before he turns and speaks up quietly, "It's not."

"Huh?" Seungwan utters as they both spin back on their heels to face him.

"I was hoping the next time I'd see you would be under better circumstances. With a smile that reaches your eyes and maybe lights up your face the way it used to," he admits and brings a gloved hand to place on Seungwan's shoulder. "I'm sorry you have to see them again." He then looks at Seulgi and squeezes her arm with the same glove. "And I'm sorry they've forced you here as well."

Seungwan swallows thickly and doesn't hesitate to hug him, feeling Seulgi do the same not a second later.

"We missed you, Mark," Seulgi says in his ear. 

Seungwan nods in agreement against his chest and he whispers back, "I missed you too...Seulgi, Seungwan."

Quickly, they break apart when they hear the sounds of heels clacking. "Mark? Is Seungwan--Oh, you're here." Seungwan's sister rounds the corner, wearing a fancy black dress that stops at her knees. She has something clearly worth more than either of the detectives' salaries around her neck and dangling her ears. 

"Uh, did we miss the dress code?" Seulgi whispers to Seungwan who looks down at their casual work clothes they didn't change out of after work, before Seulgi is splitting into a polite smile at the woman stopping right in front of them. "Hey, Seunghee. How's it going?"

The woman rolls her eyes affectionately and pulls Seulgi in for a hug. Seungwan slowly leans her head forward to lock eyes with Seulgi and share a confused expression with her. "Long time no see, Seulgi." She pulls back and looks to Seungwan. "Wannie."

"Seunghee," she says back blankly.

"You guys are late," she tells them, spinning on her heel. "Dad's gonna be pissed."

"Isn't he always?" Seungwan sighs as they follow her, sending a wave to Mark who disappears and goes in the other direction when they round the corner. 

Seunghee ignores that comment and chucks a look over her shoulder to Seulgi. "At least they'll be happy to see you, Seul. I've always told you that you're their adopted third daughter, you know?"

"What've you been up to since the last time I saw you, Seunghee?" Seulgi asks politely and Seungwan nudges her as if to say 'don't make conversation with the enemy.'

"You mean since the funeral or since that time you gave me a speeding ticket when I was here on a business trip?" Seunghee chuckles and Seungwan quirks a brow at her. Seulgi never told her about that. "I got that thrown out in court by the way."


Seunghee sighs and suddenly turns back around, causing the other two to flinch and stop in their spots. "Relax. Both of you," she says and points her index at them both. "Or they're gonna eat you alive in there."

Seungwan squints her eyes and asks, "Why are you suddenly being so nice, Seunghee?"

Her sister scoffs at the insinuation and crosses her arms. "I've always been nice."

"You pulled quite an array of curse words at me the last time we talked."

"Because you were verbally assaulting our parents, Seungwan. I thought you were insane going off about those accusations."

"They weren't accusations."

Seulgi shifts her gaze to the wall, admiring the paintings she already knows every inch of. Wow, love this plain blob of blue, Seulgi thinks dryly as she brings a hand to the frame, rich people are so weird.

"I know that now," Seunghee says softly and Seungwan blinks back in surprise. "Dad drunkenly admitted it to me a month after you left."

"Why did you still stay with them then? Why did you follow them when they moved back to Canada?"

Seunghee shrugs a shoulder. "Mum wanted me to start overseeing the branch in Toronto. I don't forgive them for what they did but when I asked Mum to kick out those damn board members of those--you know, those ones--she did it without an argument. So I accepted the olive branch and took the position."

Seungwan's mother is the CEO of a Fortune 500 manufacturing conglomerate, while her father is the CFO. Seungwan wants nothing to do with them or their company. She uses all the money she has not from her Detective salary to buy things she needs for her vigilantism. The rest just goes to charity. 

"They..." Seunghee starts with a sympathetic frown. "I'm pretty sure they only went to Toronto because they were hoping you'd eventually come to Canada for a case. They still think you'll one day give in and take over headquarters in Seoul."

Seungwan shakes her head at that and Seulgi flinches, making her finger jolt; she accidentally sticks her nail into the canvas in front of her. "," she says under breath, but thinks to herself: You know what, this little indent I just made looks more interesting than this painting will ever be.

"They're still delusional," Seungwan remarks. 

"Yup," Seunghee grins back and turns around to resume her walking.

Behind her back, Seulgi nudges Seungwan and provides a mischievous smirk when she gestures to the indent in the painting. Seungwan gives her an impressed look and thumbs up. She quickly pulls out her phone, waiting until Seulgi poses, doing a dramatic shocked expression and gesture with her hands before snapping a photo.



"Why is your stomach growling so much?" The Pink Bunny asks her partner after they drop off a box holding some stray cats to the vet. They're sitting on a branch in a tall tree outside the clinic, waiting for someone to collect the box. 

"Sorry, I haven't eaten," Seungwan says, rubbing her stomach. It's one in the morning and the Bunny's should be getting ready to leave but Joohyun whips her head to Seungwan and punches her shoulder. "Ow. What was that for?"

"Why didn't you eat? It's not good to skip your meals, Squirrel," she chides and rubs the spot she just hit.

"I... I just had a little fight with my parents during dinner and I lost my appetite." That's an understatement, she stormed out, totally abandoning Seulgi who decided to stay only because Seunghee gave her a pleading look.

"I see," Joohyun mutters and stands up when she spots a cleaner exiting the clinic. "Get up."

"Huh? Oh, looks like he's bringing them inside," Seungwan says, looking at the man picking up the box on the ground. 

"Let's get some food in you," Joohyun declares and doesn't even let Seungwan give a response before pulling her in by her waist and grappling-hook-ing them away. 

"Ooh," Seungwan smirks and wiggles her brows, snaking her arms around her partner's neck and snuggling into her. "I love it when we do this."

Since all Seungwan's suit really does in terms of movement is climbing and gliding, Joohyun allows the Squirrel to share her grappling hook--only when it's necessary. 

"I still don't understand why you can't get one of your own," Joohyun grumbles as she swings her grappling hook with one hand (imagine Spider-Man). She feels the laughter from Seungwan with her other arm around her partner's waist.

"But then, when will I get the chance to do this?" Seungwan pouts, blinking at her innocently. 

"Ugh, I hate you," Joohyun grumbles and looks away, knowing the other's response.

"And I love you," Seungwan quips back as they land on the footwalk in front of a twenty-four-hour convenience store. Ever since their talk over tteokbokki, her partner's made it an annoying habit to confess her love for Joohyun at least once a day. 

"Come on, lover girl," Joohyun mutters and pushes her forward as she puts away her grappling hook. "Get something to eat."

They enter the door and the guy at the counter looks at them immediately with wide eyes. "Oh my--Uh-Uh..."

"Hey there, want an autograph?" Seungwan grins, leaning an elbow on the counter. Ever since she was made aware of Joohyun knowing about her gloves, she's stopped caring about what she touches. It's so much easier now that she doesn't have to coat her whole hands in the gunk; mostly because it was such an effort to produce it effectively enough so that the forensics experts can't trace her gloves. Thank god that's not a concern anymore.

"You guys are..."

Seungwan does an impressive bow with a palm to her chest and her other hand twirling in the air with a flourish. "The amazing Blue Squirrel and her equally as awesome partner..." Seungwan dramatically gestures to Joohyun who just rolls her eyes at her antics. "The beautiful Pink Bunny."

"Can you hurry up and pick something, rat?" Joohyun says impatiently, watching as the attendant stares with dumb, thoughtless eyes at them.

The guy swallows and stutters out, "C-Can you sign the receipt after?" 

"What makes you think I don't want to keep it?" Seungwan quips. "Taxes are important."

"Oh, uh..."

Joohyun rolls her eyes for the nth time and picks out the first thing she finds, tossing it on the counter. "Here. This is all."

Seungwan narrows her eyes at the bland-looking salad and shakes her head. "No, I want something grossly unhealthy."

Joohyun's eye twitches and she huffs before taking the salad back. "Ooh, can you get the sushi?"

"That's not too healthy for you?" Joohyun snarks but grabs three of the options. "Anything else?"

"Hm, those sausages look nice." Joohyun picks up the box, looking back to her expectantly. "Ooh, and I feel like something sweet."

"ing hell," Joohyun groans. "What do you want?"

Seungwan taps her finger over her bottom lip playfully, pretending to be thinking before she lets out a soft exclaim, "I want you, sweetie. What better sugar is there but your lips?"

"Wow, you're so smooth with that," the attendant comments as he rings up the items in Joohyun's hands. 

"Thanks--" Seungwan glances down at his name tag "--Yeonjun. I'm good, aren't I?"

"Don't encourage her," Joohyun tells him and sets the items on the counter, adding a packet of M&M's as well. "She's gonna give me a headache."

Seungwan nudges her elbow with her own and gives her a pout which Joohyun responds by stepping on her foot. 

"That'll be twenty-six thousand, four hundred won," Yeonjun says with a chuckle, looking up from the till.

Seungwan reaches for her phone but Joohyun's already got hers out and pays with her phone. "I got it," the Bunny says softly.

"Oh, thanks," Seungwan mumbles under her breath and bites her lips to hide her smile.

Joohyun accepts the plastic bag Yeonjun gives her with the food as Seungwan signs the receipt. "Here," Seungwan says and offers her the pen. "You do it too. Our first autograph, Bunny! How exciting."

Joohyun rolls her eyes and Seungwan shifts the paper in front of her. As the Bunny leans over to sign the receipt, she scoffs at the drawing of a squirrel's face on it. "That's your signature? Are you serious?"

Seungwan shrugs. "It's cute. You draw one too."

Despite the groan she lets out, Joohyun draws a bunny face next to the squirrel's and hands the receipt to Yeonjun. 

"Thank you!" Yeonjun cries out, bringing the paper to his chest. "My boyfriend's gonna be so jealous!"

"Oh, you're gay too?" Joohyun blinks. There's not that many queer folk in Seoul and a smaller number that are vocal about it. 

Seungwan raises her brows and slowly turns to her with a side grin. Oh, so she might actually have a chance with the Bunny.

"Yup. Biual," Yeonjun chirps. "He always gets jealous because I talk so much about how pretty you are."

Seungwan whips her head at the guy with a scowl and steps closer to Joohyun. "Okay, he's not the only one. Cool it, dude."

Joohyun pulls Seungwan back before she can do anything. "Let's go, you rat."

"Hey, I'm serious! Stay in your lane, alright?" Seungwan calls out with a bent elbow, pointing at him firmly as she lets her partner drag her out the door.

Yeonjun laughs at that and waves her off, yelling back, "Don't worry, Blue Squirrel." He goes around the counter and pokes his head out, watching as Joohyun takes out her grappling hook and holds onto Seungwan's waist. She struggles a little because the Squirrel's still trying to get out of her grip to possibly battle the guy in a duel for her honour. Joohyun feels her device hook onto the edge of a roof just as Yeonjun continues, "Your girlfriend's yours."

"What?" Joohyun stammers out and she feels Seungwan stop moving in her grip.

"You guys make a cute couple."

Seungwan turns around with a

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ch 24 might take a while because its mostly going to be and I'm still working on that in general. i rlly wanna get this chapter done right, so apologises bc i will be taking my sweet time to perfect it


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 23: More
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 15: Don't touch Bae Joohyun 😡🐷
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 12: Like iy
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 2: Akhhhh cute
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 1: Ohhhhh
jmjslrn #6
Chapter 19: damn it's not even a love square its a ing hexagon lmao
orangebearies #7
Chapter 1: detective bae joohyun and detective son seungwan, very awesome! i’m enjoying reading your stories, i like the way you’re writing the dialogues; the humor you injected, their banters, so fun to read :)))
mklarisse_ #8
Chapter 3: omg wan likes the bunny and joohyun likes real wan 😭 goin complicated i cant believe they still dont feel that they are one person sksksk
mklarisse_ #9
chchcn #10
Chapter 23: I love you both toooo heheheeheh