Window Panes: snow lands on top

the squirrel and the bunny
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enjoy this double update because I'm literally insane :D

yes, the title is a nod to the recent hunger games movie lol


"Is she gonna be okay?" Seungwan hears someone say as she slowly lifts her eyelids, hearing something thumping that gives her a splitting headache.

"I don't know," another voice replies and Seungwan groans, opening her eyes completely to find a bottle of soju right in front of her. 

"I think she's awake guys," a third person says.

Seungwan sits up slowly and looks around her to see Mina, Dahyun and Momo staring at her with concern. She's lying on a cot with the others seated at a table right next to her.

"Hey there, bud," Dahyun gives her a little wave. "How you holding up?"

"What happened?" Seungwan winces, bringing a hand to the side of her head as the thumping grows louder.

"You did a nosedive is what happened," Mina explains dryly. "Did you clip your wings or something? Dahyun was outside taking out the trash when she spotted you gliding down from the top of the police station and you..."

"You just dropped straight down," Dahyun finishes and illustrates her words with her hands, making a little explosion sound with her lips as she makes a gesture to mimic Seungwan plummeting to the ground. "Like poof."

"You should go to a hospital," Momo says.

"You-You didn't call the ambulance, did you? How long was I out?"

Dahyun shakes her head and pats her leg. "Two days. I had some experience patching up guys when I was homeless. I did the best that I could manage but you were bleeding a lot."

"Detective Kang came last night and she said you guys were friends. We didn't really know what to do so we let her down here," Mina explains as Seungwan finally recognises the thumps to be footsteps in the bar, realising she's in the basement. "She gave you stitches. Did they come undone? Should we call her?"

Seungwan shakes her head and winces again when the pain returns tenfold. "Don't bother her, I'll be okay. Thank you guys, for helping me, you really shouldn't have."

"Unnie..." Dahyun starts, opening the bottle of soju and taking a swig of it. "You saved my life. I hear you saved Momo's too."

"This is the least we can do," Momo says and they all nod beside her in fervent agreement.

"Did-Did you guys..." Seungwan starts nervously, making a little gesture to her mask. 

"No, no," Momo answers her quickly. "We didn't look. It's a secret for a reason, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Mina says as she takes a sip of the soju. "There's really no need to know anyway. You're still a hero to us, knowing who you are or not."

"Besides, I doubt we'd recognise your face anyway," Dahyun adds. "You're probably super lowkey, huh?"

Seungwan musters a small smile at that. "You'd be surprised," is all she says. "Oh , did you say I was out for two days? I missed work!"

"Don't worry, Detective Kang said she'd call your workplace," Momo tells her and Seungwan instantly sighs in relief hearing that. "So... Does that mean Seulgi knows who you really are?"

"Yeah," Seungwan softly exhales. 

"Look," Mina starts, clasping her hands together and leaning closer across the table. "You're always welcome here, Squirrel. There's a vent here that leads out to an alleyway right outside the station. If they ever get close to catching you again, feel free to use it. Or, whenever you need it actually."

"Yeah, this could be like your Squirrel-cave or something," Dahyun suggests with a little grin.

"I'll bring a first aid kit, food, water and other supplies down here," Momo adds.

Seungwan gives them a grateful expression and swallows. "Thank you guys. Really, I appreciate all the concern. I don't deserve it and you are all amazing people. But, I don't want to drag you all into my mess."

"Unnie..." Dahyun starts but Seungwan shakes her head.

"No Dahyun-ah. It's too risky. You've only just started getting things together and Momo," she turns her head to the aforementioned woman, "you're so close to having enough savings to quit your job at the club. You both are starting community college soon. You all are roommates now aren't you? With six other young women? I can't risk destroying all your lives. I won't allow it." She gulps and looks down at her gloves, softly saying. "Not again."

"Fine," Mina says, standing up from her seat. "But we're still keeping a med kit down here just in case. It can catch dust for all I care but at least let us do that."

She regards them all with a hesitant eye before she acquiesces. The vigilante waits there in the basement for another hour until the bar closes and she slips away using the vents, giving each of the girls a hug and a kiss on the head.

Seungwan reaches her apartment feeling lost and confused. She started this crusade of hers with one thought in her mind: to bring justice to her grandmother and those who need it on the way. But now, upon realising that she's ruined the lives of not only Joohyun's best friend and her father, but Joohyun herself, her mother and who knows who else was affected by their loss? She feels guilty for feeling guilty. She does not deserve to feel an ounce of regret or self-pity. She did this. She murdered a woman. She sent Joohyun's father into a coma. Sure, she didn't do it on purpose and if she knew it was a possibility of her hurting others, she wouldn't have thrown those damn devices of hers in the first place. But she was reckless back then. She was new to it all and she was so, so angry. All she wanted was to serve justice with her leather fists, not caring to check if somebody was in her path. And now, she'll carry that with her for the rest of her life. 

Seungwan decides then that as soon as she catches her grandmother's murderer, she'll take off her mask and accept Joohyun's wrath. 

Speaking of, she's only just leaving her shower when her doorbell rings and she hears Joohyun's voice outside her door.

"Seungwan? Son Seungwan? Are you in there?" Seungwan looks in the peephole to find Joohyun staring back at her. "Detective Son, I can see your shadow. Open this door right this instant."

Seungwan considers ignoring her and walking away. But then, she realises that's exactly what she did all those months ago in the park. She ignored her surroundings and just left the scene after the gang war settled down. 

"What are you doing here?" She asks quietly, opening the door just a smidge.

Joohyun huffs and pushes it wide open, freezing in her spot when she realises Seungwan's only wearing a towel, hair dripping water over her collar bones and down the curves of her s.

"I-um-I-uh-uh--Sorry, sorry, I-I didn't know you were showering," Joohyun mutters in a rushed voice, willing herself not to stare.

"It's okay, I just finished. What's up, sunbae?" 

Joohyun in a breath and walks through the door, being very conscious not to even graze the younger's very much wet body. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Joohyun asks, turning around as Seungwan shuts her door. "I've been texting you the past couple of days, why haven't you replied?"

Seungwan blinks once at her, only seeing flashes of the Joohyun in her car, yelling at t

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ch 24 might take a while because its mostly going to be and I'm still working on that in general. i rlly wanna get this chapter done right, so apologises bc i will be taking my sweet time to perfect it


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 23: More
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 15: Don't touch Bae Joohyun 😡🐷
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 12: Like iy
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 2: Akhhhh cute
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 1: Ohhhhh
jmjslrn #6
Chapter 19: damn it's not even a love square its a ing hexagon lmao
orangebearies #7
Chapter 1: detective bae joohyun and detective son seungwan, very awesome! i’m enjoying reading your stories, i like the way you’re writing the dialogues; the humor you injected, their banters, so fun to read :)))
mklarisse_ #8
Chapter 3: omg wan likes the bunny and joohyun likes real wan 😭 goin complicated i cant believe they still dont feel that they are one person sksksk
mklarisse_ #9
chchcn #10
Chapter 23: I love you both toooo heheheeheh