Upside: down

the squirrel and the bunny
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"Bunny!" Seungwan cries. She dives across the roof, sliding against the concrete as she stretches out her palm. The world slows in this moment. Joohyun's hand is so close, yet so far. It seems like it's always been that way with the two of them. Her glove only grazes Joohyun's knuckle before descending immediately to the ground.

The Pink Bunny falls from the roof, ten stories up and Seungwan is too late to catch her.


Twenty-one minutes earlier...

Seungwan and Joohyun join the other officers outside as they peer up at the top of the building.

"Please step away from the edge," Sooyoung shouts through a megaphone.

"Oh my god," Seungwan says slowly. There, at the very top of the police station is her sister--Son Seunghee. Far away, Seungwan can't make out her expression but she's sure it looks to be blank--someone's controlling her.

"The entrance to the roof is blocked off," Seulgi says as she tucks her phone into her pocket. "The battering ram is doing nothing, apparently."

"Fire department's out as well," Jackson adds. "Suddenly there's been a ton of fires and cats in trees right now."

"Seems like this is part of a plot," Yeri says. "Calls have been going in like crazy. Every single officer right now is out handling some kind of emergency. I need to send most of our guys to help as well," she sighs and looks guiltily at Seungwan. "I'm sorry, unnie. I can't let everyone stand around here, waiting for your sister to do something. People need help out there."

"No, no it's fine," Seungwan says, waving her off. "I'll handle it."

"I'll help," Joohyun interjects, squeezing Seungwan's hand.

"Alright, you two stay here then," Yeri nods and then goes to give directions to other officers to assist in other emergencies.

Everyone disperses from the scene, as Joohyun follows Seungwan running back inside the station.

"I've always wondered how you suit up," Seungwan mutters as she pulls her mask from the small compartment of her bag.

Joohyun smirks as she watches Seungwan rush to take off her blouse. "I don't," is all she says before she presses a button on her belt and when Seungwan glances up at her, Joohyun's already in her suit.

"What the--"

"Nanotechnology," Joohyun grins. 

Seungwan scoffs and tugs on her gloves. "Are you serious?"

"I'm surprised someone rich like you doesn't also use it," Joohyun says. "Don't tell me you just wear your suit underneath your work clothes all the time. That must feel so tight and uncomfortable."

Seungwan grumbles to herself as she slaps on her mask. "It means I don't need to wear a bra."



Seungwan attaches one of her nuts to the front of the rooftop door and instinctively covers Joohyun with her body as it begins to beep and explode behind her. 

"You know my suit is pretty durable as well," Joohyun says with a blush as she waves away the smoke.

"Yeah, learning a lot about your suit today," Seungwan mumbles and walks through the debris onto the roof.

They see Seunghee frozen at the edge; her toes are bent against the side of the floor and she sways slightly against the wind.

"Unnie," Seungwan yells out, running towards her. "Stop! Get away from the edge, please."

Her sister slowly turns her chin, considering Seungwan with an expressionless face. "Seungwan."

If she does end up jumping, both Seungwan and Joohyun have the capabilities and the equipment to save her, but it doesn't make either of them any more anxious.

As Seungwan slowly approaches her sister at the edge, Joohyun casts her gaze across the roof. She's suspicious. 

Why would Seungwan's parents order her here to do this? They would never let their daughter do something like this. They know nothing would actually happen--that Joohyun and Seungwan would be able to save her even if she did jump. 

"This is a distraction," Joohyun mumbles but Seungwan's too far away to hear her, or maybe she's too focused on her sister and paralysed in fear to understand.

Joohyun's eyes travel up to the satellite dish and she sees Seungwan's mother staring back at her. "Seungwan!" Joohyun calls out to her partner but she hears her scream out and Joohyun tears her eyes away from Taeyeon just as Seunghee leaps over the edge. 

She's unable to get another word in when Seungwan dives off the building, throwing one of her nuts and it extends into a net that catches her sister only meters away from the ground.

With a relieved sigh, Joohyun whips her head back to the satellite dish. Taeyeon is nowhere to be found. 

Using her grappling hook, Joohyun lifts herself up to the top ledge of the roof. She finds a computer connected to the satellite and crouches down, investigating it.

There's a myriad of coding she doesn't understand, going off in speeds she can't begin to keep up with. But, she's certain that whatever this is, it's a part of Taeyeon and Tiffany's evil plan. The fact that they used Seunghee as a decoy means a lot. Whatever this is, Joohyun needs to put a stop to it.

Suddenly, she feels something pressing against the back of her head--a gun.

"Suprised? Funny how radiowaves can get through almost anything. We disabled your little sensors, Bunny," she hears Tiffany say behind her. "Quite a smart invention there. We could've made good use of you."

Joohyun grits her teeth, annoyed at how she didn't notice her lack of signals in her suit's movement-detecting ears. "Like how you used me to manipulate Seungwan?"

Tiffany chuckles and Joohyun wants to just turn around and punch him in the jaw. Jerk.

"Well, you won't be necessary anymore," Tiffany reveals, pushing the gun further into Joohyun's scalp, towards the computer. "In my wife and I's absence, our team continued to develop the microchip and found a way to send it through radio waves. Much more efficient this way, don't you think?"

"Why here, though?" Joohyun asks, trying to stall for time so that Seungwan can make her climb back up to the roof of the station. "Why not use a satellite in space? You'd get more reach then."

"That's the next step," Tiffany chuckles. "Seoul first, then Busan, then all of Korea. South and North. Only after that, will we begin internationally."

"So you really just want to take over the world huh?" Joohyun scoffs. "It's not about revenge or family anymore. You're just plain evil."

"Maybe," Tiffany says and Joohyun feels the slight movement of his gun as he shrugs. "But my family will be by my side so I don't care what you call me."

"Where is your wife?" Joohyun asks, glancing around as much as she can. "I saw her here before."

Tiffany hums and clicks off the safety of the gun. "Taeyeon is having a nice, civil conversation with Seungwan. I know you're trying to stall in hopes of her saving you, but she won't."

Joohyun's back is facing the lower part of the roof and she can make out very distinct conversation back there but with the large satellite dish in the way, Seungwan wouldn't be able to see her.


"What the hell are you doing, Mum?" Seungwan cries. "Why did you make Seunghee do that? Please just stop whatever you're planning. Please."

Taeyeon smiles, a bitter, sad curl of her lip. "I'm sorry, sweetie. This is the only way. You'll understand someday."

"I don't think so," Seungwan shakes her head. Finally, all the emotions bottled up inside her are pouring out. The constant betrayal from her parents and all they've done to ruin her life, ruin other people's lives and hurting Joohyun in the process. She reaches into her belt for one of her devices. She doesn't know which one it is. It could be an anesthetic or one to give a mean electric shock, or even... Something more permanent. It's a Russian roulette if she throws it at her mother. 

She's killed before--unintentionally. Would this count as true, cold-blooded murder? Could she risk placing herself in the same level as Joohyun's father, who killed her grandmother for greed? 

"You will," Taeyeon scoffs. "Whether you like it or not."

"Where's Joohyun?" Seungwan asks, looking around the roof. "What did you do to her?"

Taeyeon purses her lips. There hasn't been a gunshot so-- "Nothing yet."

"Stop whatever you're doing now," Seungwan pleads. "I'll join you in the company. I'll become the heir you've always wanted me to be. Just please don't hurt her and don't continue with whatever nefarious plans you have with the microchip."

"It's too late for that, Seungwan."


"You will join me and you will take over Son Industries. But, we won't stop what we're doing."

Seungwan's bottom lip trembles. She feels like a child again, begging for a piece of candy before her bedtime. "Why?" she asks and her voice cracks.

Taeyeon approaches Seungwan and slowly opens her arms. Seungwan shuts her eyes and hesitantly lets her mother envelop her with a hug. 

"Please, don't do this," Seungwan cries, sniffling in her mother's neck as her hands grip the sides of Taeyeon's blazer. "I miss you."


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ch 24 might take a while because its mostly going to be and I'm still working on that in general. i rlly wanna get this chapter done right, so apologises bc i will be taking my sweet time to perfect it


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 23: More
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Chapter 15: Don't touch Bae Joohyun 😡🐷
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Chapter 2: Akhhhh cute
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Chapter 1: Ohhhhh
jmjslrn #6
Chapter 19: damn it's not even a love square its a ing hexagon lmao
orangebearies #7
Chapter 1: detective bae joohyun and detective son seungwan, very awesome! i’m enjoying reading your stories, i like the way you’re writing the dialogues; the humor you injected, their banters, so fun to read :)))
mklarisse_ #8
Chapter 3: omg wan likes the bunny and joohyun likes real wan 😭 goin complicated i cant believe they still dont feel that they are one person sksksk
mklarisse_ #9
chchcn #10
Chapter 23: I love you both toooo heheheeheh