Bullpen: where no work gets done

the squirrel and the bunny
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"I really like her," Seungwan says, staring at the ceiling with a dream-like film glazing over her eyes.

Seulgi sighs in her spot by the counter, mixing sugar into a cup of coffee as she stares out of the window and breathes in the cool air that is a much-welcome reprieve from Seungwan's endless babbling over the Pink Bunny.

"I know."

"You do?" Seungwan sits up on her spot on the couch and watches as Seulgi joins her on the other end.

"You've been talking about her for the past ten minutes. And that was just about her hair. Her hair. I've made three cups of coffee in that time."

Flashing a guilty smile, Seungwan glances at the other two mugs on the table, seeing the steam dancing over the contents.

"Is Yeri and Sooyoung gonna be mad you haven't brought it to them yet?"

Seulgi waves her off with a wave and replies, "They're too busy with paperwork to notice. And I accidentally made them too hot anyway."

As if to prove her point, Seulgi takes a sip of her own coffee and yelps. She holds out her tongue and fans it with a scrunched-up nose. "Ow!"

Seungwan flashes her an empathic smile at her self-induced burn and briskly returns to her gushing, "She's just so pretty, you know? Like, Victoria's Secret level is beautiful. I think Aphrodite herself carved her out of the purest of clay. She was dipped in a golden pool of glistening Holy Water and warmed in the centre of the sun."

"Wouldn't she die being so close to the sun?"

Seungwan shakes her head firmly at that and replies, "She's too pretty to die. Especially like that. God I just want to scream out her name to the entire world!"

"That kind of defeats the purpose of your secret identity, doesn't it?" She asks and points out, "Also, you don't even know her name. You don't actually know anything about her, Wannie."

Seungwan sighs and looks at her with a pout. "I know you don't like this. My partnership with her."

"It's not that I don't like it," Seulgi says and sets her mug down beside the other two on the table. "I'm glad you have someone watching your back out there. Hopefully, I won't have your blood all over my sink again. But, I'm just worried about you suddenly liking her so much, so quickly, without really knowing anything about her. It's not like you. Detective Son is the brightest cop here and she would've had a detailed profile on the Pink Bunny the moment she heard of her hitting the streets. I just think you should be more careful. Your partner could be an eighteen-year-old kid, for all we know. Or she could be homophobic. Or... Or just a bad person in general."

Seungwan frowns, feeling a surge of protectiveness rush through her veins and a strong urge to defend her partner. "Would a bad person be risking their life to fight crime? And she's not a teenager, Seul. She seems like she has years of experience under her belt. She's very smart and she can fight. You should've seen her! I followed her once on one of her solo patrols and she totally wiped the floor with this group of thugs. I-I think it was Taekwondo? Or maybe Kung Fu... I'm not sure, exactly."

"See!" Seulgi exclaims, leaning closer to her and giving her a gentle push on the shoulder. "You don't even know what martial arts she uses. I think it's a bit rash of you to catch feelings so quickly and wax poetic about a girl you've only just met and barely know anything about."

Seungwan's silent for a moment as she chews her bottom lip in thought. She knows Seulgi is right, but her gut is telling her that she can trust her partner. The Pink Bunny is a good person, she's sure of it. 

A beat passes as they sit in a weighted tableau and Seulgi starts to feel bad about crushing on Seungwan's growing feelings like that. It's been a long time since her friend's gotten so interested in someone. She just wishes it was under better circumstances.

Finally, Seungwan sighs and speaks up, "I'm not the brightest cop here. I think that title deserves to go to Joohyun, don't you think?"

Seulgi presses her lips into a line and groans internally at Seungwan's attempt to divert the conversation but she lets it go and replies, "You can share the spotlight. And, I take it you guys are friends now? You know she doesn't hate you?"

Suddenly, Seungwan bounces up and down in her seated position, gripping her arm excitedly. "She told me she never hated me actually!"

"We all have been telling you that for months."

Seungwan seems like she doesn't hear what Seulgi's just said and continues, "I make her tea and she brings me lunch! Yesterday it was bibimbap, day before was tteokbokki. I keep asking her where she's getting it from to pay her back because from just the smell of it, I know it's gotta be from an expensive place, but she's so secretive about it."

Seulgi rolls her eyes and replies, "It's crazy how you can go from gushing about the Pink Bunny's hair to gushing about what food Joohyun brings you. It'd be so much easier." Half-heartedly, Seulgi adds under her breath, "It'd be so much less complicated if you could just like unnie instead."

Seungwan laughs at that and playfully punches Seulgi's arm. "Joohyun's just a friend. I've been wanting to get close to her for months, you know that."

"Yeah, you've been really enthusiastic about it."

"I just think she's a cool person. Someone I look up to maybe. Amazing with her work. Why did you never tell me she was so smart? She kicked my in chess and poker the other day."

"Joohyun has the worst two traits to go up against," Seulgi reveals and Seungwan stares at her with curious eyes and widened mouth, "Her incredible intelligence and terrifying competitiveness." 

"Oh," Seungwan says as if Seulgi's words just placed a glowing lightbulb above her head. "You know what, that makes sense. She really ran through my wallet in poker and I let her go through with betting in our chess games... I thought she was just super broke."

Seulgi chuckles at that and shakes her head. "Oh, Wannie. You really just wanted to hang out with her, huh?"

Seungwan shrugs and rubs a hand behind her neck. "Yeah. She's fun to spend time with. I'm really glad things worked out between us. I think I've sort of made a friend for life."

"Okay well don't replace me," Seulgi says and jokingly adds, "I'm already a bit jealous Sooyoung's your partner."

Scoffing at that, Seungwan pulls her in by her collar and firmly says, "You could never be replaced, Seulgi." She lets go of her clothes and playfully pokes her cheek. "You're the only one who knows my secret, after all," she says with a bright smile.

Meanwhile, outside in the bullpen, Sooyoung wheels her chair across the floor and sighs behind Joohyun's chair.

She watches the older as she researches something on her computer. 

Sooyoung sighs again, louder this time and narrows her eyes when Joohyun doesn't make a move. The senior detective continues scrolling, highlighting some phrases every now and again. Sooyoung leans over her shoulder to get a better look and sighs genuinely.

"Can you do that back at your desk, Sooyoung?" Joohyun asks, glancing back at her.

"Why are you on a Reddit page?" Sooyoung ignores Joohyun's complaint and leans even closer to read the title

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ch 24 might take a while because its mostly going to be and I'm still working on that in general. i rlly wanna get this chapter done right, so apologises bc i will be taking my sweet time to perfect it


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 23: More
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 15: Don't touch Bae Joohyun 😡🐷
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 12: Like iy
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 2: Akhhhh cute
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 1: Ohhhhh
jmjslrn #6
Chapter 19: damn it's not even a love square its a ing hexagon lmao
orangebearies #7
Chapter 1: detective bae joohyun and detective son seungwan, very awesome! i’m enjoying reading your stories, i like the way you’re writing the dialogues; the humor you injected, their banters, so fun to read :)))
mklarisse_ #8
Chapter 3: omg wan likes the bunny and joohyun likes real wan 😭 goin complicated i cant believe they still dont feel that they are one person sksksk
mklarisse_ #9
chchcn #10
Chapter 23: I love you both toooo heheheeheh