Ch. 8

Lament Heart

Knocks on the waiting room door were heard making everyone in the waiting room turn their heads towards it, Yujin was lazily scrolling through her phone when she heard miyoun voice coming from the now opened door.


“Hi, can I steal Yujin for a bit?” she cheerfully said, and everyone turn to Yujin for few seconds before they all went back to what they were doing, Yujin gets up from the couch and walks up to her.


“Unnie.” Yujin said without any strength, it was the second week of promotions and to say she’s drained would be an understatement. Miyoun wraps her hand around Yujin’s wrist pulling her to an empty waiting room down the hallway. It seems like it became their thing, since they first time met up at the broadcasting station Miyoun have been dragging Yujin to a secluded area.


Getting in the small room Yujin walks to the couch dropping her body on it, it feels too heavy these days. Letting out a breath, she closes her eyes leaning her head back.


“I know this would sounds like am stating the obvious,” Miyoun started, walking up to Yujin, and sits down beside her “but you look really tired right now”.


Yujin huffs in exhaustion.


“It’s like every time I see you,” Miyoun puts a hand on Yujin jaw pulling her to face her and waiting for Yujin to open her eyes and look at her back, when she does Yujin notice how Miyoun eyes are filled with concern “You seem even more tired.”


Yujin looks removes Miyoun hand looking at the white wall in front of her, she utters under her breath “Am fine.”


Silence filled the air; they both knew it was not true, but Yujin could tell that Miyoun did not want to push the topic any further. It was weird, Yujin never felt like she could let her guard down around people but Miyoun just made her open up, it’s not like she did not see her at one of her lowest moments, so Yujin just naturally felt comfortable around her.


“You know,” Miyoun voice echoes in the empty room “If you can’t sleep well in your dorm, you can come over, unnie will take care of you till you can rest that pretty head of yours.” Miyoun says half-flirtishly half-honest while attaching her arm with Yujins, getting closer and putting her head on Yujin’s’ shoulder.


“I’ll think about it” Yujin says back weakly.


“You know am still upset that we didn’t go on that date yet?” Miyeon said pouting.


“I said I’ll think about it, unnie.” Yujin smiled lightly.


“Great, now tell me what’s bothering you?” Miyoun said causally as if she’s asking about the weather and Yujin smile dropped in an instance.




“Oh, come on! It’s obvious these days you look like a dejected puppy with its ears down.” Miyoun giggled playfully probably trying to make the air around them feel light.


Was it really that obvious? Yujin couldn’t help but wonder. A lot of thoughts have been going around in her mind these days. Her passion, career, members especially, Wony-


“Hello.” A hand waved in front of her face “Earth to Yujin.” Miyoun smiled. Yujin huffs again and drops her head back.


“I guess your right.” Yujin says in a mumble, waiting for any kind of response from the older woman but when nothing came back, Yujin opens her eyes once more and looks at Miyoun. Miyoun was staring at her with a blank expression motioning with her hand for her to continue.


Yujin looks straight ahead again avoiding Miyoun eyes, “I don’t know where to begin honestly.”


“I know,” Yujin feels Miyoun shifting in her seat, her eyes not digging holes in her side profile anymore.


 “How about, what are you thinking about the most nowadays?”


Oh god, that was an easy question for Yujin. Everything she thinks about nowadays goes back to Wonyoung, she was annoyed by the younger girl, Wonyoung would latch onto her and act close with her one second and the other she would act cold, especially in front of the cameras and fans, she’d act clueless about the recent events between them, about how Yujin was getting fed up beside her most of the time but who was she to be annoyed? When she doesn’t even have the guts to bring up the topic in first place? She was just a dumb coward-


“Is it Wonyoung-shi?”


Yujin turned to Miyoun in split of a second surprised “How?”


“It’s so obvious and am not speaking about you.” A small smile was now drawn on Miyoun face. Yujin frown in confusion, what does she mean?




“Am talking about Wonyoung-shi! don’t tell me you didn’t notice how she would act whenever am come around, it’s honestly adorable.” Miyeon laughed loudly now. Yujin just got more confused. Wonyoung would never do that. No, she never let anyone see past her act so just from where did Miyoun get that idea? Or was Yujin really the oblivious and didn't notice?


“That not true-”



Knock. Konck. Konck.


“Yujin-shi we’re going live soon.” The manager voice coming through the door said.


Yujin groans shutting her eyes in annoyance, great timing.


Miyeon laughs getting up and pulling Yujin from her arms. “Let’s talk about this later!” she cheerfully says.


They both get out of the room heading to IVE’s waiting room when they saw all the girls standing outside of it getting ready.


“Unnie! Come on! There is no time.” Leeseo said to Yujin as she saw her approaching.


Yujin felt few eyes turn to her and Wonyoung was one of them.


“Am here now.” Yujin responding taking the in-ear from the staff, trying to wear it.


“Am going to go now Yujinnie.” Miyoun voice came from behind her as she was busy with mic and before she even respond back Miyoun pulls her in an intimate hug warping her arms around her neck and whispers in her ear “See.”


Yujin was confused for a second, Miyoun pulls back, arms still around Yujin’s neck.


“Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?” Miyoun flirtatiously says looking directly at Yujin eyes.


Yujin feels a blush forming on her cheeks, why was Miyoun saying this suddenly in front of everyone, the girls and the staff were surrounding them and they were in the middle of a hallway for God’s sake?


“T-thank you.” Yujin managed to spit out.


“I can’t wait to see you on our date.” Miyoun says a bit lower this time but making sure everyone hears them, Yujin notices how the members and some of the staff around her are looking at them now then she notices Miyoun eyes drifting over her shoulder to someone, smirks then look back.




Miyoun leans towards her ear again “Told you.” She says above awhisper then let go of Yujin, turning around leaving the scene.


Yujin took a second before looking back just to see Wonyoung glaring at Miyoun retreating body, seething with hatred.




“You didn’t tell me you have a girlfriend!” Wonyoung states more than ask in anger.


Yujin didn’t ever think she’d be in this situation, alone in the dorm with the younger following her around to the living room shouting at her. IVE finally had a day off after Kitsch promotions and the members all had plans so none of them were at the dorm but to Yujin surprise, Wonyoung was here too.


It was too early for Wonyoung to confront her like this. Yujin steps back facing Wonyoung now.


“I thought you would at least tell me; do I not matter to you?” Wonyoung spat.


Yujin hand travelled to her own hair pulling it back in confusion mixed with frustration.


“Of course that’s not-.”


“I just don’t think it’s right!” Wonyoung adds.


Yujin frowns in confusion “I don’t know what-”


“That Woman! You know exactly who am talking about.” Wonyoung says waving her hand around as if she’s stating the obvious.


Yujin stilled for a second, trying to process.


“Are you talking about Miyoun unnie? She not-”




Yujin huffs again in frustration, Wonyoung was not trying to listen to anything she says. Yujin knows best how younger girl acts when she’s mad, so she decides to leave but a hand grabbed her wrist aggressively.


“Where do you think your going?!” Wonyoung said harshly, her voice rising in anger.


Yujin had it, turning around she said,


“What is to you?”


Hurt flashed Wonyoungs face.


“That’s not fair.”


Yujin moved closer, face to face now.


“And you think you’re being fair?” Yujin retaliates in anger.


Hot tears form in Wonyoung eyes and before Yujin realizes what was happening, lips harshly crash into hers. This kiss is nothing like the ones they shared before. Not soft, not gentle. It’s a bite, greedy and all too real. Yujin is taken aback at first but kisses back forgetting everything surrounding them and how to stop. There’s no stopping, instead she slings her arms around Wonyoungs neck, pressing against her, desperate for more. It carries on and on, she stumbles back along as wonyoung walks her to the couch, both falling on top of it. Wonyoung hardly draws back long enough to give them both time to breathe before she dives back in, and Yujin lets her, lets her on his lower lip, kiss along his jaw, latchs onto her neck...


“,” Yujin mutters, just that one word, but it’s enough to break the spell.


Wonyoung freezes on top of her, pulling back instantly, panting for breath. Yujin opens her eyes, looking at Wonyoung with a questioning gaze, brows gathering.


“Wonyoung, what–”


"A-am sorry." Wonyoung says embarrassed and tries to get away, Yujin holds Wonyoung arms pulling the younger girl back to her.


“Stay, please.” Yujin says pleadingly, something flashed in Wonyoungs eyes before nodding slowly at Yujin.


Yujin smiles in relief, moving her hand to Wonyoung’s head pulling the younger girl to her chest this time, slowly brushing the younger girl hair feeling her relax and sink in on top of her body.


Yujin is not sure what happened, but she is sure now that Wonyoung do have feelings for her to some extent, maybe the younger girl was holding back from her all this time? No, that’s not possible right? Yujin can’t possibly be loved back, she does not even love herself, so who would actually love her back? Yujin sighs, closing her eyes she thinks it doesn’t matter, what matters for now is that Wonyoung is in her arms. Breathing the younger girl in, she tells herself that she can be selfish for as long as this moment exist.






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Am sorry i haven't updated in so long a lot have happened and am getting busy nowadays so please understand if i don't update as constantly as before but I'll try to so please continue to encourage me it helps a lot. :D


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Chapter 8: This is good thank you for the update ❤️❤️ pls keep updating when you want to I would love to see where this story goes
anthea95 #2
Chapter 7: Yay you update!! 🥰❤️
Simba_21 #3
Chapter 7: Keep fighting authornim, take your time ❤️
Winter_rose #4
Chapter 7: Uh oh..
anthea95 #5
Chapter 6: Updateeee
kyronkim #6
kyronkim #7
kyronkim #8
anthea95 #9
still waiting for the update~